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One Hears

22nd July 1955, Page 33
22nd July 1955
Page 33
Page 33, 22nd July 1955 — One Hears
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

Of Road Loan fanciers beginning to feel more hopeful.

That coach proprietors out-purr their engines when the weather is fine and warm.

That buyers might be found ready, willing and able if the Disposal Board put their cards on the table.

That "London Wharves and Docks" is a time saver and, especially for hauliers, time means money. —

That Herbert Terry and Sons, Ltd., must always have that springtime feeling—especially now, in their centenary year.

That some regard the last annual report of the B.T.C. as a sort of bed-time story for those too drowsy to criticize its details. That even in old England few " wonders " last nine days now.

That America seems to be the country in which tomorrow soonest becomes yesterday.

That Edward Joy and Sons, Ltd. (Filtrate oils), claim to have lubricated Stephenson's Rocket.

That those golden eggs of full employment at good wages will become decidedly addled if excessive demands by labour end by killing our opportunities of successful sales in the overseas markets.

That it would be an unpleasant revelation to many people in Britain to see how hard, and for what long hours, many of those in Continental countries are working—mostly at lower wages than prevail here.