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Creditors ask 4 fairness in liquidation laws

22nd July 2004, Page 26
22nd July 2004
Page 26
Page 26, 22nd July 2004 — Creditors ask 4 fairness in liquidation laws
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I READ with interest your article regarding ASK 4 Transport going into liquidation (CMS July), Unfortunately we at Hampson Haulage are one of the creditors; our debts total almost £29.000. For a small haulier this hefty sum has proved very difficult to take.

Despite many attempts to obtain money we only succeeded in retrieving £1 1,000 of £40.000 originally owed.What a pity directors of a company seem to be able to go into voluntary liquida tion and then start up again on the same day under a different name, seemingly with little or no recourse to those owed vast amounts of money.

If only the law allowed directors' own assets, including property, to be seized and sold to cover monies when those directors have no intention of paying the debts owing. Paul Hampson Hampson Haulage Via e-mail