The Wheels of Industry.
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" The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Proposals and Purchases by Local Authorities.
Loughborough .Town Council is purchasing a battery-equipped twOtonner, at a cost of .2600.
The Weston-super-Mare U.D.C. has voted 2200 for the purchase of a motor lawn-mower and roller.
The Conway Town Council has decided to purchase a steam motor wagon for use in connection with its gas works.
The Bradford Corporation is purchasing two battery-equipped vehicles from the Jowett Motor Mannfamturing Co.; Ltd,
The Steel Barrel Co., Ltd., of Uxbridge, has been instructed by the Tramways Department of the Sheffield Corporation to instal two new petrol-storage plants, the inclusive price being 2463.
The Highways and Sewage Coin; rnittee of the Burnley Town Council is about to purchase One or more motor wagons, for the purpose of conveying loads to and from its Altham sewage works.
Walsall Town Council hae been recommended to enter into a contract with the Birmingham Metal and Munitions Co., Ltd., for the daily transport of workpeopie between the town and the company's works ; for this purpose the Council is asked to purchase three additional single-deck motorbuses, at a total cost of 23186 18s. 6d., and to enter into the following contracts for same :—(1) Daimler Co., Ltd., for chassis (including tires, etc.), 2764 2s. per chassis ; (2) C. Dodson, single-deck bodies, Walsall type, 2243 17s. 5d. each ; (3) C. A. Vandervell and Co., Ltd,, lighting set:, 254 6s. 9d. per vehicle. The Council is also recommended to enter into a further contract with the Daintier Co., Ltd., for an additional chassis (including tires, etc.), at 2764 28., and to eancel the contract with W. A. Stevens, Ltd., for the supply of three motorbuses which that company is unable to deliver owing to its compulsory output of munitions. C.V. Committee of S.M.M.T.
We are pleased to note the reelection of Mr. Frank .Churehill,
-tanager of the, motor department of J. and E. Hall, Ltd., or Dartford and London, to the responsible office of chairman of the Commercial Vehicle Committee of the So ciety of Motor Manufacturers. Mr. Churchill's re-election (by ballot, according.. to the rules of the society) . is testimony to the appreciation which exists in the industry of his effective if quiet and unostentatious efforts in the eause of commercial motoring as a whole, and particularly in the interests of the manufacturing side A Recent Registration.
Tritractor Motor Co., Ltd: (22000) with its office at 310, Newtownards Road, Belfast, to acquire rights and plant from William .Mul, holland, of Cuba Street, Belfast.
Business in Scotland.
We learn from Mr. C. H. Wertheimer that he has been appointed managing director of. Wertie's Motors, Ltd., of 7-8, Queensferry Street, Edinburgh, the registration of which company was reported in our issue of the 8th inst. Mr. Wertheimer will be located at 44, SauchiehaIl Street, Glasgow. He was preViously sales manager of the Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd. of Edinburgh, and we understami that there is a mutual working arrangement between the two companies for the handling of leading makes of both private and commercial vehicles.
The Highland and Agricultural Society.
The directors of the Highland and Agricultural Society decided, at their meeting in the society's hall, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh,. on the "r'th inst., to take all posSible steps to encourage the introduction of those forms of oil and steam power which are best suited for the requirements of Scottish farmers. The directors have yet to receive a full report from a comtnittee which is charged with the preparation of a statement of the more important conditions to be fulfilled by such motor implements.
On page 320 of our last issue, "purchased at the low figure of 8s. per acre " should have read " previously rented at the low figure of 8s. per acre." Gazette.
Mr F. Rowley ,.of B4-36, Gresham Street, London, E.C., has been appointed liquichter in the voluntary liquidation of the Defoe Motor Haulage Co., Ltd.
Members of the Renard Commer-.qal Motor Co., Ltd., will meet at Victoria Street -S.W.' on the 11th July, at 11 -am., to consider the liquidator's report.
• New Lists. .
Readers may be interested to know that the North British llibber Co., Ltd. of Castle Mills, Edinburgh, has issued a revised price list for band tires, covering all sections, and that the AnzacMotor Co. Ltd., of 78-82, Brompton Road, S.W., has issued a new hociklet con
corning. G.M. C. trucks, covering models for loads of from one ton to five tons.
Hovis Motor Fleet.
Mr. J. Browne-Martin, chairman of the Hovis-Bread Flour Co., Ltd., in the course of his speech to the shareholders at the company's recent annual meeting, stated that it had been necessary considerably to increase the fleet of commercial motors and that everybody agreed that the fleet was not only very serviceable, but of an excellent appearance, and a constant advertisement.
Catalogues Received.
The catalogue of Selden commercial vehicles just to hand from .Gaston, Williams and Wigmore, Ltd., of Kingsway, is a. fine example of an up-to-date utility publication. It contains, bound in a neatly designed cover, all the information appertaining to Selden models likely to be of use to a possible purchaser, including a general description and also a detailed specification of eitCh model, of which there are five. The 25-cwt. and 2-ton models of these chassis are now available with final drive either by internal gears or worm and wheel. The 31-tonner is built with worm and wheel drive only.
New Motor-mail Contracts..
The surveyor for the NorthEastern District, G.P.O., Leeds, is issuing forms of tender for a contract to cover the conveyance of mails between Ripon railway station; Rip-on post office, and Ripon camp.
Petrol Census.
If any readers of this journal were unable, owing to shortness of notice to obtain "Form 4" from a post office, and to make the requested return, on or before Tuesday last, and to post it in, the envelope that was provided, they will do well to communicate at once direct with the Secretary of the Petrol Control Committee, Mr. H. W. Cole, 29, Abingdon Street, Westminster, S.W. Although general publicity was given in the daily Press to these requirements, the Petrol Control Committee happened to issue its notice at such a time that we were unable to refer to it between the date of issue and the specified date for making the return. We are sure that, if any of our readers have not made the necessary return, and if they explain the reason, the Petrol Committee will act reasonably.
It is important that no return should overstate the quantities that are actually required.
. Rotax Canteen Opened.
On the occasion of the official opening; of the Y. M. CA. canteen at the ivorks of the ltotax Motor Co., Willesden Junction, which took place on Wednesday of last week, interesting speeches weredelivered by Maj.-General Sir Francis Lloyd, K.C.B., C.V.O., D.S.O. who opened the canteen, and Mr. A. K. Yapp, who is national secretary of the Y.M.C.A.,
relating to the progress of the war and the importance of the munition workers' part in the great conflict. Mr. E. Aron, a director of the company, was in the chair. After the speeches had been concluded, the canteen was declared open. We subsequently inspected the canteen, which is very spacious and neatly fitted up.
We took the opportunity of having a look round the works of the company, which have been considerably enlarged since the removal of part of its excellentplant from Great Eastern Street. The works are extensively engaged. in the production of various war essentials, and much new machinery has been installed. Out of close upon 600 employees which are at. work at the present time, the majority are women war-workers.
C.M.U.A. 1916 Inspection and Examinations.
We hope in an early issue to make space to deal with the results of the C.M.LT.A. written and oral examinations for drivers. Pressure on our space, in connection with the Royal Show, may prevent our doing this next week.
Chassis from the Docks.
At the Guildhall (Summons Court), before MT. Alderman Domeny, two men, named Hughes and Watley, in the service of Whiting and Co., Ltd., Easton Road, were summoned for " fraudulently, using certain motor numbers.
Police-constable Pratt stated that on 30th May, about 7 o'clock in the evening, he saw two new motor chassis, one being trailed by the other, in the City. The registration plates at front and rear did not correspond. Witness stopped defendants, and was told that the numbers were given to them to fetch the chassis from the docks with. Witness had seen these numbers on cars the previous day, he stated, and therefore Went to Messrs. Whiting's to make inquiries. It transpired that the drivers, were given registration plates, and, instead of taking those that corresponded, they got them mixed : that accounted for the numbers front and back being different.
Mr. Monckton (Clerk) asked why the firm did not use their trade numbers, which could be duplicated indefinitely.
A representative from the firm explained that one reason was their insurance policies only covered seven cars at a time, and another that tars bearing trade registration marks could not tow others.
", Pratt said chassis were not cars, and could not bear registration marks other than trade numbers.
, For the firm, it was stated that a number of Republic trucks from America were awaiting removal, and the Port of London Authority were pressing to have them removed from the docks at so many hours notice.
The Alderman said, of course it was perfectly clear that there was no fraudulent intent with regard to the use of these numbers, and the summonses would be dismissed ; but he felt bound to say that he thought there was some defect in the firm's system which required a little alteration. Dismissed.
Mentions in Despatches for the A.S.C., Sir Douglas Haig's list of Service distinctions includes the following A.S.C., M.T., officers, as being " mentioned in despatches" amongst others :— Aylmer, Capt. (temp. Maj.) R. M.; Blunt, Maj. G. C. 0.; Chapman, Lt. (temp. Capt.) M. T.; Clarke, Temp. Lieut, It. B.; Crawford, Capt. (temp. Maj.) H. A. B. ; Crawley, Maj. ; Orawley-Boevey, Maj. C. A.; Da,rtnell, Maj. (temp. Lt.-Col.) G. B.; Du Oros, Temp. Hon. Capt. W. B.; Haramersley, Capt. (temp. Maj.) H. St. 0.; Hartshorn, Temp. Maj. A. H. (Qr.-Mr. and Hon. Lt., R.A.M.C., T.F.); Hoare, Temp. Capt. H. N.; Hopwood, Temp. Lt, A. F. B.; Howell, Temp. Lt.-Col. G. L. H.; Ince, Temp. Lt. E. H. P. B. ; Janson, Temp. Maj. S.; Knox, Temp. Capt. F. Pe; Kuhne, Temp. Maj. C. H.; Maitland, Temp. See.-Lt. A. 0.; Morrison, Capt. (temp. Maj.) S. W.; Niblett, Temp. Maj. H.; Peach, Sec.-Lt. (temp. Capt.) L. T. (Spec. Res.); Prendergast, Sec.-Lt. (temp. Capt.) H. W. (Spec. Res.) ; Robinson, Temp. Capt. H. (temp. Lt. , W. Rid. Divl. Sup. (iol.); Rountree, Lt. (temp. Capt.) A. N.; Soames, Temp. Capt. J. 0. L.; Sturt, Temp. Capt. M. A. S.; Tapp, Lt. (temp. Capt.) H. A.; Tudor, Capt. (temp. Maj.) C. L. St. J. ; Turner, Sec.-Lt. (temp. Lt.) W. H. A. (Adjt.); Warren-Lairibert,
Temp. Capt. A. ; Weeks, Temp. Lt, T. D.; Wright, Capt. (temp. -Maj.) G.T. We regret that We have not space to give the full list.
Mr. E. W. Petter on After-war , Conditions.
The annual meeting of the shareholders of Petters, Ltd., of Yeovil, was held at Yeovil on the 14th inst. Mr. E. W. Petter, the chairman, made some interesting references to the restoration of the country's wealth at-the termination of the war. He thought this was principally to he done by increasing the number •of skilled workers in the country. Some 11 million people, who were unorganized and to in large extent unskilled before the war, were now the principal recipients of immense sums, and it would be necessary to improve their education and training hereafter, in order to secure improvement in our producing capacity. The recovery of the country from the financial eonsequences. of the war, in his opinion, will be dependent anon the following conditions : Firstly, there must be no limitation of production, whether it he caused by the operation of Trade Union Regulations, by controlling the number of apprentices entering skilled trades, or by any other circumstances ; secondly, there must be no idle hours due to strikes or stoppages. of • work through labour dispute; thirdly, the only way to ensure the first two i of these s to provide such economic conditions in this country and by mutual agreements with other countries as s.halI ensure an unlimited outlet for the productions of the people, so that the workers of all classes•may be properly housed, fed and clothed, and freed from anxiety as to the continuity of their empleymeast ; fourthly, means must be devised to ensure that the workers receive a fair share of the fruits of their labours, and enjoy the products of o civilization, to the prgressof which they are the largest contributors.