THE 77TH ROYAL SHOW: A Forecast.
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Effects of War Begin to be Seen, but Agrimotor and Traction Exhibits Save the Situation in the Implement Yard.
. The seventy-seventh annual show of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, under the patronage oi his Majesty the King, and with the Duke of Richmond and Gordon, K.G., as Regident for the year, will be opened at the Showyard, Withington, Manchester, on Tuesday next, the 27th inst. The Show will remain open until the following Saturday, the 1st July, inclusive. Prices of admission to the Showyard (no re-admission without payment) Will be 5s. on the opening day, 2s. 6d. on the Wednesday and Thursday, and is. each on the Friday and Saturday. A season ticket costs 10s.6d: Means of Access to the Showyard.
Frequent, services of tramway-cars will be run from Piccadilly, Manchester (routes 22 and 45), and from Albert Square (routes 41 and 42). The fares vary from 1.}d. to 2d. for tlit whole journey. The railway facilities are also good, is the following stations are near the Showyard Alexandra,Park (Great Central) is close to the main entrance; • Chorlton-eum-Hardy (Midland and Cheshire) is.about a mile from the main entrance Withington (Midland Railway) is about half-a-mileth'om the Burton Road entrance. Visitors Who desire to go to the Slow by taxicab may care to know that the following are the distances and fares, respectively, from th6 principal stations: Central, 31 miles and 3s. 3d. ; Exchange (Liverpool 'yoking office), anilines and 3s. 9d. Exchange (Yorkshire booking office): 4 miles and 4s. ; London, Road, 3/ miles and 3s. 9d. The waiting charge is 4;',3'; per hour, with a, charge of 2d. per package carried outside. As regards refreshments and catering, it is satis-?, factory to note SIM Letheby and Christopher, Ltd., will again be responsible. for the principal catering lnd refreshments. This company enjoys a deservedlyhigh reputation for doing things well. Visitors who drive to the Show, by motorcar or motorcycle, can store their machines in the garage in the Showyard. Theicharkes will be 2s. 6d. °for each p-rivate car, Is. 9d. for each motorcycle with sidecar, and Is, for each Tuotorck'cle ; the charge for oidinary bicycles will be pd. each. Tickets for the admission of motorcars may be Obtained in advance of the opening of the Show, on application tOMr. Thomas McRow, the Secretary of the Society, by addressing him at the Showyard, Manchester.
Local Accommodation.
Visitors who have any difficulty in obtaining hotel accommodation in Manchesteranapeare to know that
a list of houses and apartments to be let is in the hands of the official agent, Mr. Laban Spencer, 84, Mosley Street; Manchester.
Stewards of Implements and Finance.
The Stewards of the Implement Section are : Colonel F. S. W. Cornwallis, the Hon. J. E. Cross, and Mr. 11. M. Greaves. The Stewards of Finance are : Mr. Charles R. W. Adeane, Mr. Thomas L. Ai'eling, and Mr. B,ichar4on Carr.
A Visit Worth Paying.
Our references to the customary general arrangements are made in order to satisfy intending visitors that a day of combined recreation a,nd instruction will be at their disposal if they can spare the time to go to Withington. The flower show at each annual
show of the B. A.S.E. is always. an unrivalled display, whilst the stock and poultry exhibits, to say
nothing of the display in the home-ring, are always most attractive. The paradeof heavy horses this year should be as interesting as the prices for them promise to be high. i There s a separate charge of one shilling for admission to the flower show, and a varying scale of charges for admission to the enclosures and stands which bound the horse-ring.
The Show will open each day at 8 a.m. and close at 8 p.m., and the Band of his Majesty's Coldstream Guards (by permission of Colonel J. A. G. RichardsonDruimnond-Hay), 'under the direction of Captain J. Mackenzie-Rogan, M.V.0.1 Mts. Dec., lion. R.A.M., will play a selection of music each day, between 2 p.m.
and 4 and between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. It only remains to remind members of the Society that they are entitled, provided their subscriptions haveloeen duly paid, to free admission to the Showyard each day, to the unreserved portions of the Horse-ring stand, provided there is room, and to the flower show, on presentation of' members' badges. The same facilities are offered to members of the Royal Lancashire Agricultural Society. There is also a members' pavilion in the centre of the Showyard, which offers accommodation and facilities ; admission to this pavilion is by member's badge only (R.A.S.E.).
Books of tickets of admission to the Showyard, containing ten half-crown tickets, or 25 one-shilling tickets, may be obtained, on or before Tuesday next, at a cost of 21 per book, onAdirect application to Mr. McRow. No books of tickets will be sold after the 26th inst.,.but season tickets may be obtained at any time during the Show from Messrs. Forsyth Brothers, Ltd., 126 and 128, Dea,nsgate, Manchester. These season tickets only give free admission to the Showyard, and do not confer any other advantages.
We find that the Show, so far as the contents of the implement yard are concerned, is not to be enlivened this year by the use, of any machinery in motion. Fuel and oil are thus to be conserved, apart from the fact that the number and variety of exhibits Which can be spared for such a purpose are strictly limited by Governmental order. There will be no petrol lorries, and no steam lorries ; the exhibits of traction engines and road rollers are -to be cut down to a minimum ; many exhibitors, who have previously been able to make stout displays of the heavier types of road engines, will have to be content with showing portable engines and threshing machines, or to fill up their space with auxiliary non-mechanical vans and wagons, ,of types which are usually hauled behind such engine's'. We refer, on one of our later pages, to exhibitors in -the traction-engine and allied categories, and to certain other makers, who are either not exhibiting
this year or who find themselves in a position only to have representatives at their stands. The lastnamed list will be found to include not a few wellknown names. Finally, we have something to say about the limited number of accessory and " supply" stands.
We now proceed to our brief forecast. Technieal and descriptive details are curtailed, in order that we may not trespass upon the spheres of our next week's issue.