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A Forecast, Arranged in Alphabetical Order of the Exhibits, Indicating an Interesting Display of Motor Vehicles, Steam Wagons, Farm and Road Tractors, and other Applications of Power to Farming.
THE gEVENTY-NINTH annual show of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, under the patronage of His Majesty the King, will be opened at Darlington on Tuesday, June 29th, and will remain open until the following Saturday, July 3rd. The choice of Darlington as the site for this year's show is a particularly good one. The chief industry of the town is connected with the extensive l000motive works, but there, are also large iron and steel works, breweries, tanneries, and wool mills. Its prosperity elates from the opening on September 27th, 1825, of the Stockton and Darlington railway, the first passenger line employing a locomotive engine; this engine now stands on a pedestal in the railway station. The population of the town, according to the last census, was 55,631.
Little difficulty in. travelling will be experienced by visitors who contemplate visiting the exhibition, as the town is well served by the railway, although, for those persons who travel from the southern counties, the journey is somewhat tedious.
It will be recalled that, at last year's chow, which was held at Cardiff, many manufacturers were not in a position to display their peace-time products, but •the war has now been over for more than eighteen months, and manufacturers are settling down, belated may be, to their normal sphere of productive activity, and, as a consequence, it is to be expected that most of them will be staging exhibits fairly representative of their manufactures. As has been the case in past years, several new vehicles will be shown and, probably, the most interesting•under this bead, will be the exhibit staged by Peter Brotherhood, Ltd., of Peterborough. There are several newcomers to the show, but, in most cases, they are showing their standard products. There are, however, one or two notable absentees from this year's list of entrants.
As in previous years, we are publishing on the following pages a brief forecast of the various exhibits of outsta.nding interest to our readers, for we know, from past experience, that this has been of considerable use.
We reproduce at the bottom of this page a plan of the implement section of the showground, and, for the guidance of our readers, we have shown in Mack the various stands, where power-driven industrial and agricultural vehicles will be shown. We have not, on this occasion, mapped out a. suggested itinerary for commercial motor visitors on •account of the fact that the stands are somewhat scattered.
In our next week's issue we shall'nublisla, at some considerable length, a fully illustrated report dealing with all the mechanical exhibits of intevest to our readers. A, feature of that issue will be the reproduction of a number of portraits of well-known men in the commercial vehicle and agricultural tractor industries.
The builders of London's buses, the Associated Equipment. Co.. Ltd., of Walthamstow, will stage on Stand No. 144 two examples of their chassis One being fitted with a tipping body aarLi the other a well-constructed char-&-banes body. The construetion of this. chassis is so familiar to our readers that it. will be unnecessary for us to enter into a lengthy description of it. It will he remembered that it has a 45 h.p. Tyler engine, provided with pump water circulation and pressure-fed lubrication. The eaat-aluminium radiator is of the gilled tube type. The gearbox provides four speeds forward and a reverse, and is fitted with ball .bearings throughout. The overhead worm gear gives a. ratio of Si to 1, and the (hive is through castellated nickels
chrome steel shafts. Foot and hand brakes of the usual type operate on independent drums on :the rear wheels, which are of cast-steel construction.
The total stand area Gem:Tied by Agricultural and General Engineers, 1, aggregates 34,500 square feet, and the exhibits which will be on view will total upwards of 250 different articles.
This huge exhibit of the 12 associated concerns of the A.G.E. represents an innovation, and will probably, therefore, be of particular interest to visitors. Stands Nos. 183 and 184 will be composed of a representative selection of machinery of various types, while Stand N. 185 will consist af machinery in motion. Want of space obviously prevents us from dealing in detail with each machine, so we will confine ourselves merely to a summary of the exhibits of each concern. Aveling and Porter, Ltd., will ahow a 10 ton compound steam road roller, a compound steam tractor, a compound steam ploughing enghie, and a compound road locomotive. l3arford and Perkins, Ltd., will show six rollers in all, varying from 14 tons to 14 tons in weight. The heaviest, the K-type, weighs 12 tons empty, and the weight can be varied up to 14 tons by means of water ballast. The engine is a 30-35 h.p. four-cylinder Dorman. The J-type machine, weighing 10 to 12 tone, is substantially the same in construction as the heavier machine. The E.38.-type is used chiefly for tar macadam and asphalted road surfaces. The next exhibit is an E.2-type roller, weighing 6 to 7 tons. The D.4 machine is specially designed to give a large rolling width up to 5 ft. for use on grass or private roads. The last exhibit of the A3-type is a three-wheeled roller weighing 1/ to 14, tone. Blackstone and Co., Ltd., of Sta.mford, will exhibit two oil engines and their well-known caterpillar-type tractor. This machine is provided with a threecylinder engine, which starts on compressed air. At 700 r.p.rn: it develops 25 h.p, A 5 ton steam wagon on rubber tyres, a 31ton No. 5 electric vehicle, also on rubber tyres, a 7 lap. traction engine, a 50 la-p. ploughing engine, a portable steam engine, a 2i ton electric vehicle, a 6 ton trailer, and a .sleeping wagon, will be the chief exhibits of Richard Garrett and Sons, Ltd., of Leizton.
Chas. Burrell. and. Sons, Ltd., of Thetford, will stage a 5 h.p. road locomotive, a 6 h.p. traction engine, an 8 h.p. road locomotive, and a 5 ten 5 h.p. steam tractor.
Apart from these various exhibits, which are distributed over the three stands occupied by the company, various implements of special interest to agricultural users will be staged by L. R. Knapp and Co., Ltd., of ,la..efich.1; E.
H. Rental]. and Co., Ltd., Heybridge; Davey Paxman and Co., Ltd., Colchester; E. R. and F. Turner, Ltd., Ipswich; and F. Howard, Ltd., Bedford; and Clark-e's Crank and Forge Co., Ltd., of Lincoln.
On Stand No. 3 the above company will exhibit packages representing their well-known Max spins, which is widely used by all classes of motor vehicle users, and their Empire brand of vaporizing oil, which is specially refined for use in farm tractors, and for portable and standard oil engines. Various grades of lamp oils will also be shown.
Solid band tyre.s for all types of mefor vehicles will be shown on Stand No. 142 by the Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd. Amongst these will be the Avon special ribbed pattern tyre, which is particularly suitable for fire-engines on account of its non-skidding properties. Avon band tyres for electric indastrial trucks will also be on view ; in fact, on This stand tyres for fitting to every conceivable kind of self-propelled vehicle will be well to the fore.
To examples of Albion vehicles will be seen on Stand No. 317. One is the standard 20 h.p. box van to carry a net load of 30 cwt., the other being a 3-ten 32 h.p. model.
Thee vehicles incorporate the wellknown Albion features, channel pressed steel frame, east-aluminium tubular radiator, and chain drive. The 30-cwt. model to be sheen has been sold to Amos Hinton and Sons, Ltd., of Middlesbrough, through the company's agents, Cawthorn Ltd., Of Neweastle-on-Tyne. The 32 h.p. model is to the order of C. Vaux and Sens, Ltd., of Sunderland.. The lorry is fitted with a plain platform body . with a• slotted-in tailboard. It is provided with a roomy driver's cab.
Two examples of steam wagons made by Atkinson and Co., of Prete:leaned Works, Preston, will be shown on Stand No. 290; one will be a standard fivetanner fitted with an end-tipping body, whilst. the other will be a standard six tanner. A boiler of the Atkinson type is incorporated in their design, and this has a working pressure of 230 lb. per sq. in. A horizontal two,eylinder engine is employed. The lighter wagon of the two is built to the order of the Nelson Bricquetting Co., Ltd., of Glasgow, and is one of a. batch of eight on order for this company. The six-tonner is 3 repeat order from James B. Eraser and Co., Ltd., also of Glaseow,
The Austin Motor Co., Ltd., are newcomers to the Royal, and, as might be eXpected, the company are showing, on Stand No. 204, an example of their world-renowned tractor, as well as a 30cwt. lorry. The-tractor is a four-wheeled machine weighing about 28 cwt. It has a fourcylindered engine of 34 ins, bore and 5 ins, stroke respectively, developing 25 has. at 1,200 r.p.m. The clutch is. of the cone type and has detachable Ferodo segments. Transmission from the clutch is by bevel gearing to the first-motion cress-shaft through the gearbox, and then to a large spur wheel containing the differential gear on the back axle. The 30-cwt. lorry was first described in our pages on February 3rd of this year. The 20 h.p. engine, which is incorporated in its design is generally well known. Its four cylinders are cast en bloc, with detachable head, and have a bore and stroke of 32. ins. by 5 ine, respectively, giving the R.A.C. rating of 24.2 h.p. and-an actual b.h.p. of 35 at 1,500 r.p.m. The clutch and gearbox form one unit with the engine. From the gearbox the drive, is transmitted throtigh a propeller shaft to a worm-driven rear axle, The wheelbase of the chassis is 10 ft. 6 ins-, the track being 5 ft
The Anglo-American. Oils Co., Ltd., will be showing on Stand No. 275 a full range of their various brands of oil and motor spirit, suitable for use in agricultural tractors and other classes of motor vehicles. G. and B. petrol pumps and tank bulk storage systems will be d splayed, as well as cabinets for the storage of oil, etc
William Allchin, Ltd., will be showing, on Stand No. 279, two steam wagons, one being a five-tonner and the other a three-tonner.
They are splendid examples of highclass workmanship and .simplicity of steam-wagon construction, and will do much to further the fine reputation which the Allchin wagon has enjoyed for many years past.
The three-ton model is designed for a speed of 12 m.p.h., and the five-teener for 8 m.p.h. A slower speed is provided in each case, in order to minimize undue strains upon the engine when ascending steep gradients. All the teeth of the speed wheels and pinione are cut from solid blanks to ensure silent running, the power being conveyed from the crankshaft to the countershaft, thence by sub. stantia1 roller chain to the back axle. The patent combination of double .pin drive and pedal brakes overcomes the necessity for keying one hind wheel to the axle, the sleeve holding the drivs Mg pins being permanently and securely keyed to the axle instead. The cylinders axe of the compound type. Stephenson link type motion and reversing gear is adopted. The boiler is of the loco type. A special type of coupling is employed for connecting the trailer to the steam wagon, the automatic action for locking the e pin in position being a unique loath re.
f artle.
James Bartle and Co., Ltd., of Western Ironworks, Lancaster Read, Notting Hill, W. are newcomers to the Royal Show, and, as might be expected, their exhibits an Stand No. 263 will include char-a-bancs body, a class of work for which they have become justly renowned, fitted to a J type Thornycroft chassis. The item of particular interest is the hood, which can he raised and fixed by means of a very ingenious device which the company have recently put on the market. As this is of extreme importance to char-asbancs users generally, we have decided to include a separate description dealing with it, and this will be published in an early issue.
The British Motor Trading Corporation, Ltd., wilt exhibit on Stand No. 311 two Glasgow tractors and three Vulcan 30 cwt. lorries fitted with special agricul
tural bodies. Certain agricultural implements will also be on view.
The Glasgow tractor, it may be recalled, is of the three-wheeled type, in which all the wheels are driven. The engine has four cylinders of 4 ins, bore and 5.1ins, stroke, and it is rated at 25 b.h.p. The lubrication system is of the combined forced speed and splash type. The engine speed is governed. No differential gears are used, but a patented compensating ratchet device in the front, wheel drives gives the required elasticity for turning. Final drive is effected by bevel gears to both the hoot and back axles.
The Vulcan 30 cwt. chassis is fitted with a four-cylinder engine of 90 mm. bore and 130 mm. stroke. The clutch is of the leather cone type, and the final driee is by overtype worm. The gearbox provides four speeds and a reverse.
Burford. •
As might be expected H. G. Burford and Co., Ltd., will he showing on Stand
No. 151 an example of the Cletra,c tractor and a 2 ten lorry. Although the chain construction features of the tractor indet be known to our readers, we would remind them that the poiver unit is a four.cylinder monoblec casting with the cylinders cast in one with the top half of the crankcase. The bore is 3A ins.
and the stroke 51 ins. The drive is taken from the engine through a multiPe-disc e!utch running dry. The differential gear and gearbox are contained in a single casing, the gearing giving one forward speed and a reverse. The tractor '•is steered by the engine power. The engine is steered:through the medium of ran ordinary ' steering wheel, which, however, actually operates the differential gear and thus controls the speed of each track.
Mavcrofts ad., will be showing on Stand No. .308 an example of the Casa 10-18 h.p. tractor, made-by the J. I. Case Threihing Machine Co. The engire is placed ceo.swise in the frame, ;a..d h!.S four cylinders of 31 ins, ewe Sint .bore and stroke respectively. The engine is governed, the governor being enclosed, but capable of access on removal, o: the cover. The single clutch of the.,expending toggle type is used-to connect up the power to the wheel drive or to the belt pulley.
The Crawley Agrimotor Co.'s exhibit on Stand No. 293 will consist of one of their self-contained threesfuerow motor ploughs fitted with belt pulley attachment. This Machine has a 30,h.p. vertical -four-cylinder engine' of heavy deSign, which is capable of driving a fullsizeei threshing machine with elevator, chaffcutter, or baler. The machine is convertible into a three-wheeled tractor for hauling farm implements of all descriptions.
British Petroleum.
The chief exhibits of the British Petroleum Co., Ltd., will be_ samples of " T.V.0." tractor vaporizing oil, "D.P." motor spirit, and various grades of lamp oil, together with exhibiti depicting the methods of storing. packing, and distributing these various lubricants. These will be shown on Siena No ea
Of the 13 exhibits on the Clayton Wagons, Ltd„'Stand No. 187, five are of direct interest to readers of this journal. They are as follow i—Two 5-ton !steam wagons, one with a hand-tipping body, the other with a stana'arda body ; a 4 n.h.p. compound steam tractor; a 6 n.h.p. compound traction engine; and a? n.h.p. single-cylinder traction engine.
The steamers are of the overtype design., having a lee() .boiler, with the engine secured to a pressed steel seating an the boiler top. The engine is of the two-cylinder compound type, and a noncompounding or double high-pressure connection is fitted which admits highpressure steam to the low-pressure cylinder. Transmission is by spur gearing from the crankshaft to the countershaft and thence by roller chain to the hind axle. Two road speeds are provided. The tipping gear on one of the wagons is extremely simple. The drive is taken from the end of the crankshaft through bevel gears to a pail' of vertical screwed shafts with nuts having journals which swivel in brackets recured_to the moving lacdy‘ The engine of the steam tractor is of the two-cylinder compound type, and the boiler of Belpaire design. Clayton traction engines are made with either single or compound engines in sizes to suit all conditions. They have been specially designed for agricultural purposes.
One of the exhibits which will certainly attracts considerable attention at this year's show will be that staged by Peter Brotherhood, Ltd., of Peterborough, emStand No. 304. We cannot give particulars coricetering the type of machine or its construction in this issue, but in our show report number we hope to deal with it at some length.
We do not know exactly what the exhibits of the Chase Tractors Corporation, •Ltd, of Ontario, Canada, will be, but it is'pretty certain that the 12-25 her. tractor will he shown on their Stand No. 294. This,machine,is fitted with a, fourcylinder Buda engine, with a bore and stroke of 4A ins. by .5L 'ins. It is transversely disposed in the frame.
The Daimler Co., Ltd., have been allotted Stand No. 289, and they will be staging two commercial vehicle. One will be a 25 seater char-I-banes, and the other a 2 to 3 tonnes fitted with an all steel end tipping body. The fourcylinder Daimler engine has a bore and stroke of 95 mm. and 140 mm. respectively, the R.A.C. rating being 22.4 h.p. The standard fabric-lined cone clutch is employed, and.the,gearbox provides four speeds forward and a reverse. Both brakes operate on drums carried in the rear wheels; in each case the internal. expanding principle is employed.
The ebar-•a-barics body will be fitted on a C. 1. type chaims, which has a wheelbase of 11 ft. 6 ins., and the wheels wit be fitted with giant pneumatic tyres.
The various types of trailers made by R. A. Dyson and Co., of 7680, Grafton Street: Liverpool, are well known to many users of commercial-motor vehicles. Their durability in commercial service has proired most satiafactory.
The,concern will be showing on Stand No. 247 five trailers. These will consist of a standard steel-framed trailer an artillery wheels to carry five tons; a standard steel-framed trailer on steel wheels with solid rubber tyres, to carry five tons ; a standard steel-framed trailer with pressed steel disc wheels on rubber tyres to carry three tons; a standard steel-framed trailer with artillery wheels on rubber tyres, to. carry two tons, and a Spencer patent automatic tipping trailer with artillery wheels on rubber tyres to carry 4-5 tons.
Eagle Engineering Co.
OnStand No. 259 the Eagle Engineering Co., Ltd., of Warwick, will be showing various types of trailers. Sidetipping trailers of both three and five ton capacity will be on view.
The tipping gear of these trailers con.mists of two horizontal screws, which propel the body by means of steel arms until it reaches the locating stops. By these means the body is practically in a balancing position before it tips so that no undue strain is set up. Many municipal authorities have large numbers, of Eagle trailers in use, one of the largest users being the Norfolk C.C., who have 26 five-ton trailers in service.
Eagle tipping bodies will be displayed on the Maudslay and Tilling-Stevens stands, fitted to chassis of these makes.
Eagle, Star and British " Dominions.
A very handsome kiosk will form the stand of the above compaay, which is numbered 412. Many hand-painted illustrations of the various departments of insurance will be on view, and representatives of the company will be in attendance in order to give all possible assistance to visitors relating to all classes of motor-vehicle insurance.
Of all the British-made steam wagons, there is little doubt that the Foden is the best known. The, company will be showing on Stand No. 320 a five-ton rulfoev-tyred standard flat platform wage's -and a five-ton rubber-tyred end. tipping wagon. The Foden wagon has a loco-type firetube boiler and overtype engine the final drive being by heavy
roller chain. Internal expanding band brakes operate on large drums in the rear wheels.
Wm, Foster and Co., Ltd., will show on Stand No. 314 a 5 ton steam wagon, a compound steam tractor, a 7 n.h.p. showman's compound road locomotive, a 7 h.p. single-cylinder traction engine, ancha 6 ton trader.
The steam Wagon is, perhaps, of most interest to our readers. The boiler is of the loco amulti-tWbular type, and the firebox 'is of the Belpaire type. The engine cylinders are cast in one piece, their diameters being 4 ins. and 6„3 ins., whilst the stroke is / ins. By means of a stop valve and the converting valve the engine may be run either as a compound or a double high pressure. Stephenson link motion is employed. A. foot brake' of the internal-expanding type is fitted to both of the rear wheels.
The exhibit of J. Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., on Stand No. 112, will cansist of a pair of 16 n.h.p. steam ploughing cable engines, a convertible anti-balance plough, a " Tiger " steam tractor, a two-cylinder motor plough, a 7 n.p.h. compound road locomotive, etc. The " Tiger " steam tractor is the exhibit of most interest. The tractor is provided with a loco-type fire tube boiler, the working pressure being 180 lb. For work on steep gradients the hp. and 1.p. cylinders can both be used as h.p. Transverse springing is fitted to both axles, the springs being of the leaf type, and of ample proportions. The arrange. ment for keeping the driving gear in mesh, to allow for the rear springing, ia of very simple but practical design. The motor 'slough is fitted with a two. cylinder engine with a bore of 41 ins, and a stroke of 5 ins. It is constructed with detachable cylinder heads, and the speed is controlled by a centrifugal governor. The power is transmitted by leather cone elutch, the gearbox giving two speeds forward and a reverse. Both driving wheels are adjustable vertically, so that the frame and engine can be run level under all conditions. The machine will cut two furrows, adjustable from 81 ins. to 10 ins, wide, up to 6 ins. deep.
The merits of the various accessories marketed by Fastnut, Ltd., need no endorsement by us.
A wide display -of washers, spanners, wrenches, and other similar accessories will be shown on Stand No. 212, and a visit to this stand will be well repaid.
Three four-wheeled Garner agricultural tractors, manufactured by the Wm. Galloway Co., of Waterloo, Iowa, U.S.A., will be staged on Stand No. 305 by H. Garner, Ltd., of Birmingham. One of the three machines on view will be driving a threshing box. The Garner tractor is fitted with a four-cylinder engine of 28 h.p.. The engine, gearbox, and axle case are built together, so that all the driving mechanism is totally enclosed. The gearbox provides three speeds forward and reverse, and the final transmission is by worm and wheel of amp e dimensions. The belt pulley is driven through the
gearbox. The chassis is three point suspended, and the front axleis sprung. The fourth exhibit on the Garner stand will be a model 15 lorry chassis. This is fitted with a four-cylinder engine, three-speed gearbox, and double reduction rear axle.
An example of a two-ton electric truck suitable for employment in factory, dock, warehouse, or railway will be shown on Stand No. 137, which is occupied by W. Goodyear and Sons, Ltd., of Dudley:The Greenbat vehicle, as it is called, is made by the famous engineering concern of Greenwood and Batley, Ltd., of Leeds. The motor is of the enclosed series-wound type arranged for series-parallel control. The differential, gear worm drive trans
mission shaft and universal coupling are of Siemens-Martin steel and are casehardened. The front axle is a solid steel forging. The battery is supplied by the Chloride Co., of Manchester, and is of the well-known Ironclad-Exide type.
. The well-known concern of J. and E. Hall, Ltd., of Dartford, will be showing on Stand No. 310 two examples of their manufacture, one being a 3 ton chaindriven lorry, the other being an overhauled and re-conditioned ex-W.D. Hanford lorry. The former will be fitted with a general service body with detachable sides and tailboard, leaving, when the latter are removed, an open p'etform body, whilst the: latter will be fitted with a cage body, similar to those employed , by market gardeners.
The engine of the Haliford chassis is a four-cylinder, the bore and stroke being respectively 110 mm. by 140 mit. It develops 32 h.p. at 1,000 r.p.m. Pump lubrication is employed. The water for cooling purposes is circulated by a centrifugal pump. The gearbox provides four speeds forward and a reverse. The engine power is transmitted by a friction clutch to a change speed gear through the medium of a flexible coupling, then through a differential countershaft, and thence by chains to sprockets in the rear wheels. The clutch is of the internal cone type. Two brakes are provided,
The International Harvester Co., of Great Britain, Ltd., will exhibit three lorries, two of these being 1 tonners, one a chassis only, and the other fitted with a slatted box body, and a 2 tonner equipped with an ordinary lorry platform body.
The engine of thee lorries is a fourQrlinder one with a bore and stroke of 4 his. by 5 ins. respectively. The lubrication is by splash, and cooling in the case of the smaller model is by pump, and in the case of the 2 tonner on the thermo-syphonie principle. The clutch is of the multiple-disc type, and the gearbox provides three speeds forward and a reverse. Final drive is by internal gears in the back wheels. The stand is No. 196.
The new 5 ton Karrier chassis will be available for public inspection for the first time on Stand No. 315, which is occupied by Karrier Motors, Ltd. In our next week's issue we intend publishing a fully illustrated description of this new model, and we will therefore confine ourselves at present to a brief outline of its characteristics.
It is fitted with a four-cylinder engine of the company's own design and build, with a bore and stroke of 5 ans. and 6 ins., respectively. The engine governor has now been dispenied with. Three-point suspension is adopted for the engine, the front being slung at one point from an arched cross member. A new frame of solid construction is incorporated, with heavy fide members, which are 8 ins. in depth at their deepest part. The gearbox provides four speeds forward and a reverse, and a double reduction rear axle of the ordinary type is -used. The rear axle stampings are of the banjo type, and are bored throughout their erffire length. Greasers have been eliminated as far as possible and replaced by direct feed.
Messrs. Noyes, Stockwell and Co., Ltd., the sole conceesionnaires for the G.O. tractor, will show on Stand No. 309. • This tractor is fitted with a 14-28 h.p. Waukesha tractor-type four-cylinder engine of 41 ins, bore and 51 ins. stroke. The cooling water circulation is by pump. The chain-speed gearing consists of a fibre-faced friction wheel of large diameter, driven by the crankshaft., and running between two heavy, large' diameter steel discs. This is the only tractor of whieh we know incorporating a friction gear.
An exceedingly representative collection of vehicles manufactured by Leyland Motors, Ltd., will be 'shown on Stand No. 295. Six machines in all will be on view, as follow :--A 2-ton 30-32 h.p. worm-driven chassis with a sided body. This vehicle is the fifth of an order for 57 similar machines for the Co-operative Wholesale Society, Ltd., of Manchester.
The second vehicle is a 4-ton 36-40 h.p. chassis with bevel double reduction gear. This vehicle is one of an order for 50 front Carter, Paterson and Co., Ltd:
The third exhibit will be a 33-seater single-deck bus, which is on order for the Edinburgh. Corporation. It is of the rear entrance type, having a separate smoking compartment at the back. The chassis to which this body is fitted is a 4-tanner with a 36-40 h.p. engine and worm-driven axle._ This Corporation has' about NO Leyland machines in use and on order.;
A 28-seater char-bancs will comprise the fourth exhibit. This is being built to the order of Messrs. Brookes, of Rhvl, and is part of an order for 12 similar machines in hand for this company. The chassis employed is of the worm-driven 4-ton type.
The two remaining exhibits Will be a standard 500-gallon fire-engine for the Darlington Corporation, which is fitted with a 48-60 h.p. engine and ReesRoturbo pump, and a 5-ton steam wagon similar to the machine included in our composite illustration reproduced on this page.
Chas. Macintosh and Co., Ltd., will be represented on Stand No. 301, and the company will be showing a full range of
solid band tyres of types suitable for light commercial Vehicles and steam wagons and tractors. They are also showing a pair of tyres which were removed from a Filiden steam wagon, the property of Messrs. Sutton and Sons, haulage contractors, of Manchester, which have run well over 20,000 miles in two years. The wagon in question has been constantly drawing a trailer, thus making a gross load for the wagon of from 8 to 10 tons. A complete range of Macintosh N.A.P. tyres which are suitable for Unlit commercial vehicles ranging from the Ford chassis up to the 30-40 cwt. machine will also be shown.
The most attractive feature of Stand No. 319, which is occupied by J. and H. McLaren, Ltd., of Leeds, will be the new patent double windlass motor-driven ploughing tackle. This consists of a pair of travelling windlasses worked by petrol or paraffin internal combustion engines carrying a winding drum and steel rope for hauling the implement backward and forward over the land. The company claim several advantages for this class of tackle over the, direct-traction system of ploughing A full description of this new McLarenoutfit will be found on our "Patents" page this week.
Messrs. McLaren have arranged to have a set of this tackle at work in a field adjoining the showyard at Darlington, where, no doubt, it will receive much attention..
Other exhibits on this stand will inelude steam ploughing and traction engines, as well as a specimen of the company's 5-ton compound steam tractor. An example of the five-furrow anti-balanced steam plough will also be on view.
Mann. '
IS is the intention of Mann's Patent Stearn Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd., to exhibit on Stand No. 297 six machines in all, these being a 5-ton and a 3-ton steam wagon, a steam tipping cart, a ems I patching rof er, an agricaltural tractor, and a read tractor. The.:e are all standard machines in every respect, and are all provided with compound horizontal engines fitted on top of loontotive pattern boilers.
After the Show the agricultural tractor will be delivered to Mr. P. J. Neate, Lee Brockhurst, near Shrewsbury. the 5 ton steam wagon to Messrs. kobert Stephenson, of Beverley, and the 3-ton steam wagon to the Bradford Dyers Association, Ltd., Bradford. The latter machine is one of seven which the company have on order for this concern.
The fire protection arrangements as the Show, as in former years, are in the . „hands of Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., and they will show, on Stand No. 434, a large assortment of fire protection, water supply, spraying and pumping appliances, hydrants, hose, hand pumps, extineteurs, etc. A self-propelled machine is represented by one of their well-known Hatfield petrol motor fire engines, the one to be shown being one of two such engines recently completed for Johannesburg, South Africa.
This engine is driven by a fourcylinder 65 b.h.p. engine, and the pump, which is a new design of the Hatfield reciprocati»g pump, is. capable of delivering 350 gallons of water per minute. A 35-ft. extension ladder is carried forward, and a special set of gallows is also provided, on which, four scaling ladders are accommodated.
Marshall. •
The five-ton' chtpound steam tractor will be the chief exhibit of interest to our readers on the stand of Messrs. Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd., of Gainsborough which is No. 237.
The boiler of this tractor is suitable for a working pressure of 200 lb. per Srl. in., and its nrolsox incorporates the Marshall p,atent cambered crown plate. With this system the usual stays and stay bolts are dispensed with. Corrugations spring from each centre of the firebox, and intersect on the centre of the crown. The diameters of the engine cylindep are 4.1 ins, high pressure, and 8 ins. low pressure, and they arc arranged side by side on the compound principle, the stroke being 9 ins. The valve mechanism is of the radial-gear type. The tractor has a three-shaft transmission.
Other exhibits on this company's sthnd will be a 16 b.h.p. portable oil engine of a new design, a 10 ton compound steam road roller and .scarifier, a 6 h.p. and a 7 h.p. single cylinder steam traction engine, a 6 h.p. compound cylinder steam traction engine, and four threshing machines.
Amongst the various agricultural ex hibits on the stand of Martin's Cultivator Co., Ltd., No. 185, the two tractors will be of most interest to our readers. One of these is a four-wheeled machine of the ordinary type, whi!st the other is a self-contained tractor and plough of the endless chaih-track type. The foirner machine is fitted with a four-cylinder engine of 4i ins, bore and 54. ins. stroke. The steering of the centrally pivoted front axle is by chain. The gearing gives two speeds forward and a reverse.
The engine incorporated in this chaintrack machine is similar to that employed in the four-wheeled model. The Jilting. of the plough is carried out by means of a friction clutch of the V-grooved type worked_ from the engine. The speed of the engine is governed so that • the machine will not exceed 3 m.p.h., and only one speed forward and a reverse are provided. A single lever controls the engine clutch and also the two dog clutches to the track drives by which the vehicle is turned.
'Maudslay. '
The Maudslay Motor Co., Ltd. will show two exhibits on Stand No. 303, one being a 3 ton chassis fitted with a horizontal screw end-tipping body and a 5 ton chassis fitted with a. platform body with high open sides.
The engine of these vehicles is of the company's standard design with overhead valves. The dimensions for the 3 .ton
type are ins. -bore by 5 ins. streke, giving an R.A.C. rating of 32.2 h.p., and
• for the 5 ton type 5 ins, bore by 5 ins. stroke giving an R.A,C. rating of 45 h.p. The clutch is of the metal cone type lined with Ferodo. The gearbox is of the sliding-gear type, and provides four speeds and a reverse.
The final drive .on the 3 tonner is by worm and worm wheel and on -the 5 tonner by double reduction gear, the first reduction being by a pair of bevels and the secondby spur wheels. Motrac.
Moline tractors will be shown on Stand No. 316 by Motrac Engineering, Ltd., Three tractors in all will be shown, one being fitted with a 3 fm.row plough, the second with a double-disc harrow, and the third with a mower.
The :engine is designed with its four cylinders and the top half of the crankcase cast en bloc. The valves are of the overhead type. The engine bore is 3i ins, and stroke 5 ins. The engine, clutch, and differential gearing form one unit. The final drive is by spur wheels, which mesh with internal toothed rings bolted_ to the two wheels. internal-expanding bnakes operate on each aide of the differential, and are so constructed that when turning at narrow headla.nds one Wheel can be locked whilst the other drives. The gearing provides one speed forward and a reverse.
For ploughing, one wheel runs in the furrow, and the land wheel is raised to keep the tractor level. Electric lighting is provided on this tractor. The Moline tractor, together with its implement, forms a very useful and handy one-man outfit.
North British.
The chief exhibits of interest to our readers on Stand No. 1.36, which is uccup.ed by the North British Rubber Co., Ltd., will Be the various sizes of Clincher tyres for petrol lorries, steam wagons, and traction engines. The company is, of course, staging a good selection of its extensive manufactures, including rubber, vulcanite, and celluloid goods.
The Overtime Farm Tractor Co. will be showing a 1920 model two-speed Overtime farm tractor, and an automatic self-lift plough model A four'furrow, convertible to three-furrow, on Stand No. 258.
The engine of this tractor is of the two-cylinder side-by-side type, with overbetd. eaives. A clutch of the contracting-band type is situated in a
large flywheel, and the power is conveyed to a two-speed and reverse gearbox of the ordinary sliding-gear type. The differential, whieh is driven by spur gearing, is enclosed within an extension of the gearbox casting. The present price of the tractor is'l4,39, and for the self-lift plough Ransomes, Sims and jefferies Ransomek, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., will have two stands in the showgrourels, Nos. 1.86 and 411. On the former they will show a 6 n.h.p. compound traction engine, a 7 n.h.p. engine of the same type, a compound steam tractor, a threefurrow, self-contained motor plough, and ether agricultural machinery, whilst on the latter stand two petrol-driven motor mowers and other implements will be Oh view.
The company are also ehowing. on Stand No. 315, which is herd by their agents Pollen and Crisp, Ltd., of Whalley Range, Manchester, a. 3i ton electric vehicle. The drive on this machine is of the company's standard two motor type, connected by double reduction helical gearing and roller chains to the back wheels. The battery equipment is of the Ironclad Exide type, size 111178, with a capacity of 258 ampere hours. The controller is standard, providing three speeds
forward, one regenerative, and one reverse. On this vehicle the latest type of totally-enclosed cab is employed. This is capable of accoriimodating three parsons. The company are the pioneers of the petrol motor lawn mower, and from the time that. these were introduced they have been extremely pop metal
Alon previoes occasions, Prices Co., Ltd., exhibit will be found in the machinery-in-motion section, On their stand No. 202 they will exhibit lubricants for all purposes, steam, gas, and oil engines, and agricultural machinery of all types, and especially oi's and greases for the lubrication of tractors, the requirements of which have received special attention at the hands of the company. Cleaning oil for agricultural implements will also be shown.
Robey. •
One of the principal features on the stand of Robey and Co., Ltd., No. 288, will be a 5 ton steam wagon with rubber tyres. This wagon has been entirely redesigned, and is claimed by the makers to be the lightest overtype wagon on the market.
The boiler is of the locomotive type of somewhat novel construction, and no stays are used. Ordinary gas cokecan he used as fuel. Both the front and back axle weights come well within the limit allowed by law, the front axle weight of the standard wagon with platform body being under 3 tone 7 cwt., and the back axle 7 tone 12 cwt. The position of the driver is such that his view of the road, both at the front and the sides, is unimpeded.
• Amongst the other exhibits on view will be a 10 ton compound roller, and one of the company's latest design of 6 h.p. portable engines.
Ruston and Hornsby.
A most comprehensive range. of exhibits will be found an Stand No. .192 which is occupied by Rusten and Horneby, Ltd. They will compriaD a 7 h.p. single-cylinder traotion engine, a 7 h.p. compound traction engine, a five-ton compound steam tractor, and a 10 h.p. compound road roller, and a 7 'hp. single-cylinder portable steam engine, these being the chief exhibits of interest to our readers. The first two and the last of these exhibits will be shown in motion.
The boiler of the 5 ton compound steam tractor is of the loco-multitubular type, and constructed of_Slemens Martin mild steel. The engine cylinders have a diameter of 8 ins., and the piston stroke is 10 ins.
The company will also show their new self-lift two or three-furrow tractor plough.
Saunderson, The Saundersen Tractor and Implement Co., Ltd., are showing on Stand No. 2013, and amongst other exhibits will be two Saunderson Universal Model G tractors, one in motion and the other stationary, and a number of ploughs of various types.
The two-cylinder engine has a bore of 5,1 ins, and a stroke of 8 ins. The clutch is a leather lined cone, and the drive is transmitted to the gearbox by a first reduction of plain spur wheels. Time gearbox provides three_ speeds forward and a reverse. The final transmission is by spurs to a sturdy bevel differential gear on the rear axle. A winding drum and cable are provided, whilst the machine is also fitted with spring drawbar.
Sterns, Ltd., on Stand No. 2302 are making a special feature at the Show of an -actual tractor gearbox, which they are running by means of an Americo oil engine, with a view to demonstrating the suitability of Ambroleum for tractors. The company will also be showing a full range or samples of every description of lubricant used on agricultural machines, such as their Sterntrac oil Tor tractors and oil for oil engines, gas engines, Diesel engines, steam engines; in fact, grades of oil to suit petrol, paraffin or steamdriven engines, whether stationary or otherwise.
Two of the well-known Sentinel steam wagons will be shown on Stand No. 302 by the Sentinel Wagon Works, Ltd., of Shrewsbury. One will be a 5 tonner with an end-tipping body and the other a 6 termer.
The vertical boiler carried before the front axle is of the water-tube type, and is fitted with a superheater. The 6 tonner is what is known as an undertype, inasmuch as the engine is carried below. The boiler on these wagons can satisfactorily burn coke.
Various brands of Shell motor spirit will be shown on Stand No. 1 by the Shell Marketing Co., Ltd. " Chown " „smotor spirit is the ecarunercial brand of Shell, and the proprietors claim that it is as supreme in its class as Shell aviation and Shell motor spirit have proved themselves to be in each of their respective. classes. Examples of these three brands will be on view, as well as "Swan"
spirit for gas generating plants. •
The only representative of the ball bearing industry at the Show will be the Skefko Ball Bearing Co., Ltd., of Luton: Skefko ball bearings, and more espeei• ally the double-row self-aligning type of hearing, have proved remarkably successful on motor lorries. They are fitted as standard on many well-knowneritisn makes of vehicles, including the Leyland. They have also given good service on tractors, the Saundersen, G.O., Fordson, and Pick being amongst those on whieh S.K. bearings are fitted. These exhibits will be shown on Stand No. 76.
• Stewart. .
Melchior, Armstrong and Dessau (London), Ltd., will exhibit on Stand NO. 280 an examnle of the 15 cwt. Stewart lorry. This model is provided with a four-cylinder monobloc Le ltoi engine with a bore arid stroke of 31 ins. and 41 ins. respectively. It develops 25 h.p., and has three-point suspension. A combination of forced feed and splash is employed for lubrice.tion. The thermo-syphonie system of water circulation is employed for cooling. The engine clutch and gearbox are arranged on the unit system. The cbitch is of the dryOtte multiple-disc type. Three speeds and a reverse are provided by the gearbox. The rear axle is of the internal. gear type,
A chain-driven steam tractor, a 5 ton steam wagon on rubber tyres, and a 5 ton standard trailer on iron wheels will be shown on Stand No. 312 by W. Tasker and Sons. Ltd.
The "Little Giant" tractor is fitted with a compound engine of the usual construction.
The drive on the steam wagon is by single chain, the differential gear being incorporated within the main chain; wheel. The brakes are of the contracting band type, and work on large diameter drums on the rear wheels. The gearing is arranged to give two speeds.
A 2i-ton gear-driven chassis, fitted with a. side-tipping body, and a four-ton petrol-eleetria chassis, fitted with an endtipping'body, will comprise the exhibits of -Tilling-Stevens, Ltd.., on Stand No.
291. The 2i4on chassis is fitted with a 25-30 h.p. four-cylinder engine, with a bore and stroke of 105 mm. and 125 mm. respectively. The gearbox provides fear speeds forward and a reverse, and gives direct drive on top speed. The isody fitted on this model is steel-lined, and can be tipped from either side. It is made by the Eagle Engineering Co:, Ltd., of Warwick, who are also showing examples of their manufactures in the showground. The four-tow model is fitted with a 40 h.p. four-cylinder engine with a bore of q ins, and a stroke of 5-1 ins. The engine is directly coupled to a shunt-wound interpoled dynamo capable of developing an output of 30 kw. at about 1,200 revolutions per minute, which is connected to a series reversible interpoled motor, which is designedato absorb the full output of the generator. The motor drives the back axle‘thaough the medium of a .cardan
shaft and worm gearing. The Eagle Engineering, Co., Ltd., are also responsible for the manufacture of the body fitted on this model.
Tuke and Bell.
Amongst the exhibits on the stand of Tuke and Bell, Ltd., No. 371, will be a Constable either side tipping trailer built to carry five tons. It is capable of
Seing discharged by one man in 90 seconds. In the operation of tipping the body traverses across the undercarriage on anti-friction wheels to either side, as may be desired, and, 'when it has travelled to the extreme aide, it diecharges by gravity:. A tipping angle of 50 degrees is obtained. Bothathe sides open automatically, and elose and lock themselves when the body resumes its normal position. Constable tipping trailers are made in all sizes, from 1 tonto 6 tons capacity.
A comprehensive zange of engineers' sundries and supplies will be shown by W. H. Willcox and Co., Ltd., on Stand No. 167. Injectors, pumas, water lifters, lubricating oils of all descriptions, leather belting, packings and jointings, lubricators engine fittings and boiler mountings, gauge glasses, drilling machines, and -R., host of other accessories suitable for agricultural and other purposes will be staged.
Two 30 cwt. vehicles will be shown by the Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co. (1906), Ltd. on Stand No. 306. One of these will Ltd., an estate tipping wagon and the other a dairyman's genera purpose lorry fitted with a sliding crane.
The Vulcan chassis is fitted with a four-cylinder engine! of 90 mm. bore by 130 minal stroke. The gearbox provides four speede.forward and a reverse, mid the final drive is by pvertype worm.
The hand craneon the second vehicle is a particularly novel ssature. It not only lifts gooda on end off, "but' on account of its sliding movement enables goods to be placed in any desired position in the body. The crane runs on an overhead rail which extends beyond the length of the body so as to enable goods to be raised or lowered cleir of the lorry.
A trio of exhibits will be shown by Walker Bros. (Wigan), Ltd., on Stand No. 322. The first exhibit will be a 3 ton chassis fitted with a 30-seater char a-banes1 body. This model has a 40 h.p. Dormau engine„ a four-speed gearbox, and a worm-driven axle.
The second exhibit will be a K-type sbort-wheelbase chassis. This vehle're is of a type:which has been designedi for
use in restricted areas. Its turning radius is 18 ft. The chassis is fitted with a Dorman subsidy-type engine, and the gearbox gives four speeds and a reverse. This, model will I3e fitted with ,a:single telescopic tipping gear.
The last vehicle willbe a 4 ton tipping wagon. This is designed on the, lines of the company's subsidy model, well known to our readers, with the addition of the Pagefield engine-operated and mechanically controlled tipping gear.
A show of the size of the Royal requires considerable preparation for the erection of 'the. large number of stands, and this year, as on previous occasions, John Unite, Ltd., who are the Canvas contractors to the Royal Agricultural Society of England, are carrying out this work. A noticeable feature of this year's ,Show will be some of the, signs, the majority of which have been rsanufactured by this concern. The. Company -will exhibit on Stand No. 143. Wallis.
Six Wallis &radon will be shown in ail by the Ancona Motor Co., Ltd., on Stand N6. 210, These tractors, as may he known, are eow made by Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., of Lincoln and Grantham.Five of these machines will be shown caniplete with various agricultural imp!ements, while-15 the rernainine machine will be a tractor exhibit on its' own.
The construction of the engine is somewhat unusual, as the cylinders are epara t e sleeves, which are pressed into the main casting forming the top half of the crankcase and the water jackets. The teansiniesion is of the selective eliding type, giving two forward speeds
and a reverse. The differential is contained in a casing, to which are bolted the two intermediate gears, and the final drive is by email spur pinions to two large seer wheels situated at the inner ends of the driving shafts.
The only exhibit of interest to our readers on Stand No. 262, which is occupied by W. Weeks and Son, Ltd., is the Weeks Dungey "New Simplex" agricultural tractor. The engine develops 30 h.p., and its four cylinders are cast en bloc. A governor is provided, and this is enclosed in the engine itself. Three-point suspension is adopted, a trunnion bearing being provided at the ,
front end. The dutch consists of a steel disc located between two wirewoven asbestos rings, and is completely, enclosed. The gearbox gives three speeds forward and a reverse. The drive
taken from the gearbox through a leather disc flexible coupling to the final drive shaft. Final drive is by spur pinions and internally toothed rings baited to the rear wheels.
The well-known Yorkshire wagon manufactured by the Yorkshire Commercial Motor Co will be represented by two examples, one being a patent vacuum gully emptier, which is mounted on a 5-6 ton ehaesis fitted with rubber tyres, and a 5-6 ton wagon fitted with a mechanically-operated end-tipping body. Both of these vehicles are fitted with a three-speed gear giving 3, 6, and 8 m.p.h. The former vehicle is built to the order of the Gateshead Corporation, and the latter to the Leeds Fireclay Co., Ltd. The stand is No. 31.3.
W. and G.
Three vehicles will be shown on Stand No. 318, which is occupied by W. and G. Du Cros, Ltd. These will comprise a two-ton tipping wagon, a 25-seater char-fl-basses, and a 30-cwt, chassis.
The two-loaner has a fourecylindered 25 h.p. engine, with a bore and stroke of 3i ins. and 5g. ins: respectively. Lubrication is on the forced-feed system, and cooling is on the thermo-eyphonie principle. A high-tension magneto is fitted for ignition, and a Zenith carburetter is fitted as standard, The clutch is of the CODO type, and the gearbox provides three speeds forward and a reverse, with direct drive on top speed. The rear axle is worm-driven.
The mechanism for tipping the body is hand-operated through bevels from either side of the chassis. The body is of galvanized sheet steel, its dimensions being 9 ft. lung, 5 ft. wide, and 1 ft. 9 ins. high.
The engine used in the 30-cwt. chassis is identical with that used in the larger model. In several other respects this model is similar to the two-tonner, but it is generally of lighter construction throughout. The gearbox on this model .provides four speeds forward and a reverse.
The lighter model is governed to 1,700 r.p.m., giving a maximum speed of 22 m.p.h., whilst the engine on the heavier model is governed to a maximum speed of 1,450 r.p.m. The 30-cwt. chassis is fitted with a general-purpose lorry body withhinged sides and a cab over the driver's seat.