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"The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as CS carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier,
The Overstocked Market.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer is, in a large measure, responsible for the general falling off in orders for motor vehicles of all kinds, for the combined output from British works, the restricted importations from abroad, and the repaired and overhauled ex-Service vehicles, all put together, have not yet swamped the market. The Budget has, for a time, damped business enterprise, labour difficulties have had a discouraging effect, and the excessive cost of all raw materials has prevented expansion and development. Until a better tone prevails it is not to be wondered at that capital is sitting quiet, and retaining its reserves. The effect on some of the factories is already apparent. W. and G. Du Cros have made the first active move, and have closed down the commercial vehicle section of their works at Acton, involving the dismissal of 200 men, who had been earning about £1,000 a week. After the Armistice production was hampered through shortage of material, and the moulders' strike again put manufacture so far in the rear that the top of the market had gone before matters were anywhere near right. The management has a hundred chassis completed, and only when these have been disposed of will resumption be considered.
Midland Transport Workers.
A settlement regarding wages effecting a large number of transport" workers throughout a wide area, was reached one day last week at a meeting of the North Midland Area Joint Industrial Council for Road Transport, held at Nottingham, under the presidency of kir. H. A. Bennett. The matter had been under discussion practically since the formation of the Council, of which this was the eighth meeting.
The schedule of standard minimum rates, involving great variety of detail, was approved, and arrangements were made for its circulation. Rates of pay for garage hands were also agreed upon. The Council had had under consideration the question of the granting of annual holidays to employees in the transport industry, and after a further lengthy discussion the matter was left over to be dealt with in September. A report as to the allocation of dietrice% was also received, and objections from various associations were considered, the several matters involved being referred. to a sub-committee, which it was understood, will report at an early date.
Derbyshire and Char-a-Bancs Parties.
Probably in no part of England has the touring of char-k-banes parties increased to a greater extent of late than in Derbyshire, the English Switzerland, with its unrivalled picturesqueness. The contiguity of the chief Lancashire and Cheshire towns has resulted in an enormous exploitation of the traffic, whilst in connection with Manchester trips, a popular feature is now being 018 afforded by a direct run through Peakland as far as Nottingham. Evidence of the change of conditions , involved is afforded by the desire which is being shown by local authorities to cater for the entertainment of visitors, one of the most notable being the fact that, in view of the large influx of visitors to the town by motor chars-a.banes, the Buxton Borough Council has now purchased the well-known Midland Hotel and extensive grounds by Ash-wood Dale and the River Wye, in order that parties may be catered for.
A Prague Exhibition.
The Czecho-Slovak Automobile Club are holding their 12th International Automobile Exhibition at the PaLeis de l' Industrie from July 18th to 25th. The exhibits will comprise motor lorries, tractors, motor ploughs, motor accessories, and appliances employed in the manufacture and use of motor vehicles. All particulars and general rules and application forms may be obtained from the Secretariat, Ceskoslovensky Klub, Automobilistue a Prague 1., Obecni dum.
The World's Best Roads.
The City Engineer of Perth (Australia), who has returned to his duties after visiting Wellington (New Zealand), Newport News (Virginia), New York:Halifax, Brussels, Antwerp, London, and many of the larger provincial cities of England and Scotland, declares, in a report to the Municipal Council, that New York undoubtedly takes pride of place in the world to-day as leader of the very latest and best types of pavements for motor vehicular traffic.
Lorry Production in Canada.
Interesting statements concerning the production of lorries in Canada are contained in a report compiled by His Majesty's Trade Commissioners at Toronto and Winnipeg, and published recently at the price of 1s. 6d. net. In this report it is pointed out that the production ef lorries in 191ft was considerable, but, as in England, the difficulty of obtaining necessary supplies of raw material was an adverse factor.
The outstanding development of the industry was the number of United States concerns which investigated this market with a view to making and assembling lorries in 'Canada,. One American manufacturer examined the field early in the year, and before the end of the year bad commenced the construction of an assembling works in an Ontario town, which State is, incident
ally,practically, the centre of the commercial vehicle trade in Canada. The tendency is to increase the number of parts a.cutally manufactured in Canada, and numerous manufacturers of component parts are establishing assembling or manufacturing works near Ontario. Approximately 10,000 lorries were registered in Ontario in 1919.
• The L.G.O. Co. are organizing a series of ohae-e-bancs tones to places of interest within easy reach of the Metropolis.
Roadside Petrol Delivery.
A large number of representatives of technical and other journals was enter-. tained on Wednesday IAA by the AngloAmerican Oil Co., Ltd., when a demonetration of the Gilbert and Barker bulk storage and supply system for petrol and oil was given. In this system petrol is stored in cylindrical electrically welded steel tanks situated -underground and embedded in concrete. From these tanks the spirit is drawn by a hand-operated pump, which can be set to draw off the =act quantity of spirit required. . In the kerbside type of delivery pump one gallon i5 drawn up with eeery 'full movement of the piston, and five gallons oan be pumped into a tank in 60 seconds. A larger size draws five gallons at a time, and 20 gallons can he pumped into the petrol • tank of a. vehicle in 80
seconds. Thirty of these installations are in operation in London and in the North.
The piety was afterwards entertamed to lunch at the Crystal Palace. and was afforded an opportunity • of witnessing, in a private cinema attached to the Anglo-American Oil exhibit, a film entitled "The Story of Oil."
A Fine Accessories Catalogue.
It is, interesting to contemplate the vast extent and variety of the accessories, parts, fittings, materials, tools, and sundries which can be gathered together in one -store, and described and illustrated in one catalogue. Brown Bros., Ltd., of London and Edinburgh, with branches in other cities, have built up a stupendous business, which involves carrying a constant stock valued at a cost price of 2200,000, and justifying a quarto catalogue which runs to 550 pages, apart from a many-paged index. The catalrque for 1920, a copy of which now lies be-ore us, compels our admiration for its completeness, its thoroughness, its skilful arrangement and its clarity. The goat of printing such a book is very great, and to overcome the difficulty a miniature, made by the photo. offset litho process, has been prepared, and will be sent free to any commercial vehicle user on request, and on mention of The Commercial Motor. A postcard to the company at Great Eastern Street, London, E.G., is all that is necessary.
Allied Motor Manufacturers Association.
In the course of the Congress of Aesociations of motor vehicle manufacturers, which has just been held at Antwerp, at which French, Italian, Belgian and British concerns were represented, a permanent bureau was constituted under the presidency of Baron Petit, a Belgian
manufacturer. It was decided henceforth to allow the, adhesion of associations of neutral countries, on application being made by the bodies concerned. It was also resolved to make further representations to the various Governments represented, with a view to the introduction of a uniform 15 percent. tax per car in all the countries interested.
Ransomee Report. .
The directors' report and balance sheet for the 15 mouths ending March 31st last show a balance of profit of £46,676, to which has to be added the balance brought forward from the accounts for the year 1918 of £4-1,436. The preference dividend absorbs £13,750, audit is proposed to appropriate £15,650 to reserve account. A dividend of 6 per cent. per annum proposed on the ordinaFy shares will absorb £22,359, leaving the sum of £36,353, which will be carried to the next accounts. The previous ordinary dividend was at the rate of 8 per cent. per ainenn, the profit Tor the year 1918 having totalled £117,780.
Motor Taxation.
The efforts of the Motor Legislation Committee (to which the heavy vehicle interests are not a party) are being concentrated upon amendments to the Finance Bill to secure the substitution for the proposed scheme of motor vehicle taxation an all round flat duty of 41d. per gallon on petrol. The ground for ihe amendments is that they will provide more equitable basis of taxation, the duty on petrol being a tax proportionate to road user. It has been pointed out that if the petrol tax be retained it must be raised to about is. 21-cl. per gallon to produce the revenue required improvement.
Brown road Brown Bros'. Profits. Brown Bros'. Profits.
The annual report (the 23rd, by the way) of Brown Brothers, Ltd., for the Year ending December 18th, 1919, ehows is profit, after making all necessary allowences, including provision for E.P.D., of 455,486. Brought in from the previous account was £21,586. From the total available the directors propose to pay the 61 per cent, dividend on the preference shares (£7,188); to place 10 per cent, to reserve fund (E4,830) as per the Articles of Association; to place a further £15,170 to reserve, bringing the pind up to 2110,000; to pay a dividend of 71 per cent, on the ordmaryishares (a 21 per cent. interim dividend having already been paid) and a bonus of 21 per cent., absorbing £20,937 10.; and to carry forward £28,947.
Mr. Albert Brown has been appointed chairman of the company in the place of Mr. Walter Chamberlain, retired from that post-.
Seeking Return Loads for Refrigerator Vans.
In a recent issue we mentioned that a Liverpool transport concern were trying to find a solution for the problem of return loads for meter refrigerator vans. This enterprise, the Liverpool Transport Co., Ltd., at the present time, have 20 vehicles, steam and petrol, engaged in. meat delivery services, and in a very short time they will have 32, including several light vehicles of one ton capacity.
It is obvious that meat will not stand the same exposure in summer as in -winter, when carcases can be carried under cloth coverswithout any deterioration. Refrigerator vans are therefore to be brought into commission, bat the difficulty has arisen as to how a return load can he brought back without interfering with
the refrigerating apparatus. We are assured that much thought has been devoted to this question, and up to the present a way out has not been. found. Another aspect of the same problem is the inconvenience likely to be encountered in loading operations.
The idea at the present time seems to. favour running these vans-to towns within close radius (like Warrington) in order to get in a greater number of journeys. The vehicles would return light. This would, of course, leave the railway refrigerators for the further distances.
AL the present time many eif the south-west Lancashire towns are covered by motor meat transports, and twice a week vehicles take loads to Leeds, This trade promises interesting developments.
A Turin Exhibition.
An influential committee has just been formed in Turin with the object of organizing an annual aeronautical, industrial, arid sports exhibition. This years exhibition was to have taken place Item May 29th to June 30th, hut it has now been postponed until October. It is intended, however, to hold the exhibitionin the spring of subsequent years.
The exhibits which are proposed to be dealt with comprise agricultural . and aeronautical machinery and appliances, motor vehicles, electrical accessories, bodywork, etc.
It is proposed to finance the scheme by issuing shares of 100 lire each, all exhibitors to he shareholders on a co-operative basis, receiving a dividend and a percentage on the profits derived from the proceeds of the amounts paid for stands pro rata and in proportion to the amount paid by each individual exhibitor. The organizers desire the co-operation and participation of British concerns, as they do net consider the exhibitions will be a success without the parti4ipation of the principal allied
nations. British concerns desirous of participating or receiving further details should write to H.M. Consul, Turin.
The exact date for the Commercial 'Vehicle Exhibition at Olympia has not been settled. October is the month, however, and probably the show will almost immediately precede the annual motor show.
Personal Pars.
, We publish on this page a photographic reproduction of Sir Reginald Brade, G.u.B., who, after 35 years at the War Office, has joined the board of directors of the Austin Motor Co., Ltd. Sir Reginald went to the War Office an 1884, and for about had of his career was connectedwith the financial department. He-became secretary in 1914, and centinued its that psi-time until his retirement in 1920. The motor industry has undoubtedly ereeeived a notable accession to its ranks.
The Bristol "Sandwich "-scheme is a development of the Automobile section of the Faculty of Engineering at thelkistof University. This arranges for students a five years' training couise, of which half is spent at the' Tiniversity. and half with one of the following concerns : J. I. Thornyeroft and Co. Ltd. (Southampton), Welse_ley Mot5e, Ltd. (Birmingham), or in the constructional shops of the Bristol Traa-nways and Carriage Co., Ltd., or with the Bristol Wagon and Carriage Co., Ltd. The latter two. con°ferns are managed by Mr. Sydney Smith arid Mr. A. H. Johnson respeetively.
The., latter gravitated from the cycle trade in the pioneer days of motoring. He was one of the enthusiasts at the early Agricultural Hall motor exhibitions, and, in partnership with Mr. Appleton, formed the Bristol Motor Co., which was daring enough to organize the filet public motor service ie. the West of England, with a zle h.p. Daimler wagonette. Nearly a dozen years ago he became manager of the motor section of the Bristol Wagon and Carriage Co., which has done much to add meter vehicles to the tranzport systems of Bristol's leading firms.
Prospects in East Africa. col. W. H. Franklin, C.B.E., D.S.O., who has recently -been appointed to the newly-created post of H.M. Trade Commissioner in British East Africa, is desirous of receiving from United Kingdom manufacturers copies of their catalogues dealing with agricultural implements, tractors, ploughs, and portable and small stationary oil and steaneengines for farm purposes. There is a great demand for this class of plant in East Africa, and manufacturers will do *ell to ,grip this chance of extendingtheir Oveilea‘s markets.
Ruston Dividend; At a board meeting held a few' days ago, the directors of Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., decided, after providing,. £41.175 for depreciation on buildings, plant and machinery, to recommend to the shareholders the payment of 'a final dividend of 21 per cent., less income tax, which is equal to 5 per cent, per annum, plaeing £1,000 to the credit of the employees aid account, and carrying forward £37,240. The annual meeting will be held at the Midland Grand Betel, London, on June 28th.
The sizes of pneumatic tyres which will be admitted to the S.M.M. and T. Commercial Vehicle Exhibition in October next will be 6 ins. diameter and upwards. The previous decision was that all tyres of less than 7 ins, diameter should be excluded. Rut even the present delimitation is open to improvement, for the 6 ins. tere is too large for the front wheels of the smaller types of commercial vehicles.
Vulcan Doings.
The firstfruits of mass production methods are shown by the recent announcement of the Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co.' Ltd., reducing the price of their 30 cwt chassis to £675, and when we visited the works a week ago we found that before lunch on the day of our visit the 48th chassis in two and a-half days vies just leaving the gravity track, while the 60th frame, with springs and engine brackets, was being placed on the track as the buzzer went for lunch. We find that this concern are now building their own engines, and one of the latest design was being tested at the time of our visit. The works are now running to the fullest capacity of their power;. indeed, one section is actually drawing its power from a 20 h.p. Vulcan chassis, which has been coaled up to the shafting.
We saw the last of a hundred 30 cwt. -vans which have been supplied to a big fishery corporation in Grimsby, and saw a further evidence of enterprise on the part of this concern in the form of a model de luxe all-weather char-t-bancs, with which, as we stated recently, it is their intention to compete with the local railway by running half-hour services between certain towns in Lancashire.
Tram Transport.
An interesting suggestion is made by the Acting City Engineer of Perth (Australia), in the course of his annual report, in regard to the use of the city tramways for haulage purposes.
He points out that the qnestion of the ever-increasing cast of haulage, not only to the Council bat to the citizens generally, has been occupying his attention, and he suggests that the Government shouldbe approached with regard to the utilization of the electric tramway system for the conveyance of building materials to all parts of the town where the trams penetrate.
He considers that. by this means the present inflated cost of 'building material would be considerably reduced. He mentions that the tramway rail gauge is similar to that of the State system, and it would be quite a simple task to c20
fit up many trolleys, Whch could be commiesioned to carry bricks from the kilns right to the dumping yards placed half-way, and at the ends of the suburban tram routes. Hundreds of thousands of tone could be handled annually in this manner between the hours of 1.2 p.m. and 6 a.m.
He added that the Durham Corporation conveys all its own road meteriabein this manner during the daylight without the slightest, interruption of passenger traffic. ,
Dust Collection by Lorry.
Having obtained delivery of seven new Austin motor lorries, the Marylebona Borough Council is withdrawing horse vehicles and organizing a. complete dustcollecting system by traction. One lorry will be allocated to each of the 16 wards. Now one lorry collects from 5 to 6 tons a day, but in the winter there is more refuse to collect, and so the
Council wishes to speed up the collection so that each lorry can deal with 11 tons per day.
, To encourage expedition the Council p-roposee to pay the men attached to each vehicle 4s. a ton (which is 1s. per man) for each ton collected daily above eight tons.
Ford Factory for China ?
Capt. T. H. McConnell, special factory representative of the Ford Motor Co., of Detroit, hes arrived in Shanghai to arrange for an extended sale of Ford lorries, tractors, and cars. Ha states that the company is contemplating providing a Ford etervice in China similar to that employed in America. He forecasts the establishment of a distributing centre, and in connection with it a plant for the assembling of Ford chassis. The company ig prepared, if the demand be sufficient, tee construct a factory in the Orient similar to that built in England.
In giving brief particulars of the Aero Exhibition last week we were misin formed as to the, correct date. This should have been from July 9th to 20th, and not as published.
Motorbus Costs.
The latest available information as to the cost of running motorbuses is provided by the Wolverhampton Corpora. don, which gives the subjoined practical information for the year ended March 31st last:— Revenue, £15,62; working expenses, £13,435; net balance, £376-; mileage, 206,623; passengers carried, 1,926,255. The average number of buses in use per day was seven, and the percentage or working expenses to total revenue, t.6.01; the tonnage traffic revenue per car mile was 18.12d., and the average total revenue per caw mile 18.143d.
The average total expenses per car mile, including renewals, were 18.143d.
Ford Output.
According to a statement issued by one of the officials. of the Ford. Motor Co., the average daily output of the company is now 3,000 cars. Since
August 1st of lest year 50,909 tractors and 773,790 care have been produced. It is estimated that the total output for the fiscal year ending August, 1920, will be about one million cars. The books of the company show unfulfilled orders for 7,889 tractors and 229,000 ears.,
Durham Roads and Bus Services.
Reporting to the Durham R.P.O. on an application from the United Automobile Service, Ltd., for permission to run additional services in the Thernley, Wheatley Hill, and Kelloe districts, the surveyor said while the running of buses would be a gxeat convenience to the public an enormous amount of damage was done to the roads, and unless better facilities were provided for obtaining read materials some of the roads would soon be beyond repair. Since April 1st the Council had only received about 1-27th of the road metal required, owing to the inability of quarry owners, etc. to secure railway wagons.
The Council deferred consideration of the bus company's application for a month, and resolved at once to call the attention of the Ministry of Transport to the question of the supply of road material.
. Toronto Wants Tenders.
The City of Toronto. Canada, is mking for tenders for 25 motorbuses, to carry 30 passengers each. Tenelerers are requested to quote on their own specifications, and to give all possible information concerning their products. Tenders should be submitted direct to T. L. Charch, Board of Control, City Hall, Toronto, in an envelope marked " Tender for motor omnibuses."
The closing date for receiving tenders is given as July 2nd, His Majesty's Trade Commissioner in Toronto, Mr. F. W. Field, has been responsible for' extending the time for receiving tenders until this date, in order that British manufacturers may stand e chance of securing the market.
New Albion Factory.
At a meeting of the Willesden Council Works Committee the Engineer read a letter from the Albion Motor Car Co.,
Ltd., asking. in vieW`eof the fact that they are building a new factory in Brentford Road, whether the Council would be willing to widen the bridge over the canal feeder in order that lorries could pass by abreast.
The committee decided that if the bridge is to be widened the cost must be borne by the owners of property abutting upon the roadway in question.
Use of Lorries in U.S.A.
According to a etaternent recently issued by--Mr. W. Durant, president of the General Motors Corporation, the United States will be, producing 1,500,000 motor lorries annually within a few years. That American farmers will take a substantial part of this enormous output is revealed in some statistics gathered by the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. About 42,000 of all classes of farmers in the United States were reached by questionnaires sent out by the Goodyear Co. It is believed that the replies received were typical of 2,000,000 out of the nearly 7,000,000 iarmers in the country.
More than 44 per cent, of the farmers questioned stated that they were considering the subject of the purchase of
motor lorries. Applying this percentage to the 2.000,000 farmers which it is estimated the replies repiesented, there are revealed nearly 1,000,000 prospective motor lorry purchasers. Nearly 26 per cent, of the farmers who replied were present lorry users, whilst the remainder were users of horses. The reasons given by the latter for not using motor lorries indicated that 33 per cent, were holding back for financial reasons, and 11 per cent, felt that the highways were not sufficiently developed.
Palladiums Abroad.
Palladium Antocars, Ltd., of Feleham Read, Putney, S.W., are paying special attention to overseas demands for their four-ton chassis, and large contracts and orders have recently been received from Calcutta, Bombay, Spain, Hong Kong, and Shanghai, and shipments are being made every week to countries abroad. Thecompany is steadily increasing its output, and when the new works and extensions are completed. Palladium_ commercial vehicles will be turned out in large numbeis.
The Sandow Chassis.
Messrs. NV. Henderson Gray and Co., .of 8, York Place, Baker Street, W., have appointed the Automobile Supply Co., of Premier Hotese, 48, Dover Street, Piccadilly, W., as the tole concessionnaires for the United Kingdom and Channel Islands of' the Sandow lorry, and all enquiries in respect of sales, agents, etc.., should be sent to this address. Messrs. W. Henderson Gray and Co. will still continue to import the Sandow, as heretofore.
A Pump for Giant Pneumatics.
The Ingersoll-Rand lorry tyre pump for the inflation of giant pneumatic tyres, is based on the design of the I.R. single-acting type•14 air compressor, but the tyre pump has an air-cooled cylinder 4 ins, diameter with a 2 ins. stroke, designed to operate at from 600 to 700 r.p.m. The piston displacement when running at 600 r.p.m. is 340• cubic It. per minute. The primp itself is -suitable for a pressure of 150 llas. per sq. in.
U.S. Oil Industry.
In the U.S. oil industry high records were established in March for both the production and consumption of crude oil, the figures being 36,491,000 and 37,539,000 barrels respectively. Consumption exceeded output by 1,048,000 barrels, and stocks were reduced to 125,291,000 barrels. Imports of oil from Mexico totalled approximately 7,000,000, and Mexican exports to all countries exceeded 10,000,000 barrels. Exports of crude and refined oil were 44,000,000 dollars value.
Domestic petroleum consumption in March exceeded the figure for March, 1919, by 12,000,000 barrels, and if'coneumption continues for the year at the rate of the first quarter of the year, the total for 1920 will approximate 500,000,000 barrels. The daily rate of consumption during March exceeded the daily rate of production by 240,000 barrels. Exports of crude oil in March were almost four times as heavy•as those of March, 1919.
The following tabulation shows the consumption, market output, and imports of .rude oil during the -last five years in number of barrels, that for 1920 being am approximate figure based on the pieduetion for the first quarter of the year
The March petroleum statistics and those for the last five•years, as shown in the table, show very clearly that stimulating oil production is the chief problem before the industry at the present time.
Crude oil consumption of nearly 500,000,000 barrels indicated for this year is very close to-the entire world's output of 514,000,000 barrels in 1918. At this rate of consumption it is perfectly clear that. the U.S. must rely -mainly upon Mexico to make up its deficiency in oil requirements. Mexico is now shipping 120,000,000 barrels of oil yearly.
The Government's_ coastwise subsidy scheme, initiated last Aug-ust, will. be withdrawn after the 30th instant, refunds only being paid totraders upon traffic received on or before that day.
Buses at Hove.
The Hove Watch Committee has considered applications for licences from Tilling, Ltd., for 52 petrol omnibuses as against 54 last year. At present there are 50 petrol omnibuses available for usc in the borough. Included in the above number are four new buses having a seating capacity for 41 passengers, the remainder seating 34 passengers.
The routes will remain the same for the present until altered by arrangement through the traction committee who have this matter in hand in connection with the agreement with Tilling, Ltd., as to the running of buses in the borough. The buses have been inspected and found. in excellent condition, and the committee has therefore granted the licences for a period of one year.,
Trees and Traffic.
The Camberwell Borough Council refuses to deal with overhanging trees in Barry Road, and Mr. H. E. Blain, writing to the Council on 'behalf of the London General Omnibus Co., says:—" tin fortunately the view of' your Council is against the whole of the expert knowledge of all those concerned in London traffic, and I can again only repeat that there is no excessive overhang of our buses, which comply fully with the most up-to-date requirements of the licensing authorities. If, in the face of the fatal accidents, which have occurred, and the continued efforts which have been made to get your Council to deal with the purely local difficulties, any further fatalities occur, your Council should appreciate the serious responsibility which rests upon it."
Long Distance Buses.
The Crosville Motor Co., who ran a number of motor omnibus services in the Wirral district have applied to Wallasey Corporation for permission to extend their connections from Moreton to Wallasey. The necessary permission lies been granted, subject to an agreement being entered into for the protection of the Corporation's interests.
Amongst the regular, what may be called, long-distance motor omnibus services in the district are:—(1) Chester, New Ferry, Heswell, West Kirby, Hoy 022 lake, and Meols; (2) Chester to Wrexham ; (3) Chester, Queensferry, and Connah's Quay; (4) Chester, Tarpor".ey, and Nantwich; (5) Chester, Ellesmere Port, and New Ferry. There are, in addition, services which are purely local. The north and eouth extremities of Liverpool have just been linked up by the Corporation buses taking an outer circle from Aigburth to Seaforth.
An Emergency Bridge.
Essex County surveyor reports that the giving way of an abutment of Widford Bridge, near Chelmsford, necessitated the closing of the main road from East London on to Ipswich and the East Coast against all wheeled traffic. The bridge, built in 1847, and strengthened in 1874, although not of a character that would be erected now, was substantially sound until subjected to the very severe strain of fast heavy motor traffic which succeeded the railway strike, and which lasted during the whole of the winter and the spring months. He has provided an emergency bridge and purchased a girder bridge from Army stores returned from France, and they will cost £1,700, although only a temporary expedient. There must be a substantial new bridge, but he cannot see how a steel girder structure can be ready before next year.
Replacing Ravages of War.
The International Congress of Commerce will meet in Paris on June 23rd, when British, American, Italian, Belgian, and French delegates will be present. The Congress will deal with general economic policy, and seek means of providing the countries which have suffered most in the war' with indispensable material, inblucling oil, coal, and metals.
Motors for Plymouth.
Plymouth Corporation has accepted tenders as follow :— From Straker-Squire, Ltd. Motor vacuum gulley cleanser for 21,350.
From Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., for two tipping wagons with interchangeable bodies, for 23,159.
From Walters and Co., for one Pioneer sweeper and loader for 2485.
Local Proceedings.
A 1 ton motor lorry (the chassis to be a Ford) is required by Hunstanton Teddington U.D.C. is getting a loan of £1,353 for the purpose of purchasing a steam tipping wagon.
Chester Corporation is applying for sanction to borrow £1,874 for the purchase of a, fire-engine.
Glasgow Corporation Parks Committee has agreed to purchase a 2 ton Leyland motor lorry for £1,092.
Caistor Council has obtained sanction to borrow £2,394 for the purchase of a steam tractor and wagons.
Doncaster Watch Committee proposes to purchase a motor ambulance from E. W. Jackson, at a cost of £295.
The Surveyor to the Buckle T.C. recommends the pure-base of a motor roller in preference to a steam roller.
Oswestry T.C. bee arranged terms with motorbus companies for the occupation of part of the Fowls Market for garaging vehicles.
An inquiry lias been held into the application of Hull T.C. for sanction to borrow 214,500 for the purchase of road haulage plant.
Plymouth Corporation Tramwaye Committee has prepared a scheme, to cost 213,650, for the provision of a, motor omnibus garage.
Hammersmith B.C. has been recommended to accept the tender of Barford and Perkins, Ltd., at 2761 for the supply of a motor roller.
Lutterworth U.D.C. is obtaining the opinion of the local parish councils regarding the question of purchasing a motor fire-engine.
The purchase of a 3-4 ton motor wagon, a 1 ton motor wagon, and one 20 h.p. tractor, has been recommended to the York Corporation.
The Hove Watch Committee suggests that, where a motor coach or char-iibanes carries 20 passengers or over, a conductor must be provided in addition, to the driver.
The Ministry of Transport has sanctioned the raising of,a loan by the Plymouth Corporation of 230,090 for the purchase of twenty motor omnibuses, the term of repayment being eight years.
Glasgow Corporation Cleansing Committee recommends the purchase of a 5 ton Foden steam wagon at a cost of 21,395, principally for the purpose of using in connection with a loading and sweeping machine.
Luton-Dunstable Buses.
Hertfordehire County Council proposes to allow Road Motors, Ltd. to run a service of motorbuses from Luton to Dunstable on condition that the -company pays the County Council 2d, per bus mile.
Nine Electrics for Sheffield.
Sheffield Corporation ' Health Corafaittee has accepted the following tenders for electric vehicles and equipment :— Edison Accumulators, Ltd., for six 2 ton wagons at £1,475 each.
General Vehicle Co., Ltd., for three 2 ton wagons at 21,477 each. Edison Accumulators, Ltd., for two sets of accumulators at 2642 10s. each.