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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all dieiculties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of thz•roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crosier.
• Inst. of T. Dinner.
The annual dinner of the Institute of Transport, which was originally fixed for April 21st last, and was postponed in consequence of transport difficulties then pending, which culminated in the national strike, will now take place at the Hotel Cecil, London, on Thursday, November 18th.
The annual congress of the Institute which had been arranged to be held in Birmingham in May, and which was then postponed, has now been abandoned.
We understand that the next examinations to he conducted by the Institute will be held in the last week of April next, the centres tentatively decided upon being London, Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds and Manchester, whilst arrangements will be made for holding examine-tiorts in South Africa, India, Australia, New Zealand and South America, and also in other centres overseas from which a satisfactory number of candidates may be forthcoming.
Free Technical and Driving Tuition.
The Home Secretary, Sir William Joynson-Hicks, Bt., recently inaugurated a new scheme of free technical and driving tuition which has just been inktituted by Stewart and Ardern, Ltd., at Morris House, 103, New Bond Street, W. At the rear of the premises a technical and driving instruction de
partment has been fitted up. A sectional chassis has been erected which is electrically driven, so that all the moving parts can be seen in motion, and a competent instructor explains every detail in, simple language.
In addition to the school courses which comprise " A," a short course of six lessons and "B," a more comprehensive course of 12 lessons, a special fleet of Morris tuition cars is available. The ears are fitted with dual controls, enabling really safe driving tuition to be given under the control of a skilled instructor to .all purchasers of Morris cars. In inaugurating the scheme, Sir William commended the idea, and it was stated by Mr. Gordon Stewart that it was intended to extend the service of free instruction to drivers to purchasers of Morris vans.
Bus Chassis Wanted for Hong-Kong. We are in receipt of a letter from the secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, Hong-Kong, informing us that the Kowloon Motor Bus Co., Ltd., of Nathan Road and Soy Street, Mongkok, HongKong, are requiring 12 British-made chassis within the next two years for bus service under the new Government conditions.
They wish all British commercial vehicle manufacturers to communicate with them and to send literature and quotations covering the chassis that would be suitable for bus service.
The conditions laid down are : chassis to weigh approximately 2 tons, wheelbase of not less than 15 ft., and the body to accommodate 30 passengers. The Government of Hong-Kong, through the Superintendent of Police, has laid down a set of regulations covering the con
struction and operation of buses. A copy of this has been sent to us, and on examination we find that the regulations are practically identical, even the phraseology, with the conditions laid down by Scotland Yard for buses operating in London, so it is quite evident that Scotland Yard regulations have been taken as a model. The only variations that we are able to detect are (1) that tire-extinguishing appliances will be tested periodically by the police and (2) that a suitable driving mirror must be fitted to each vehicle.
British Trolley-bus Chassis for Denmark.
What is stated to be the first trolleybus service in Denmark is shortly to be started in Copenhagen. The order for the chassis of the vehicles has, it is reported, been placed in England, whilst the bodies are to be built in Denmark.
Vacancy :12 Scotland. •
We know of a vacancy, for a representative located in Scotland for a wellknown concern of commercial vehicle makers with a big range of products.
We shall be glad to put applicants in touch with the concern, letters being addressed to M.G., care of the Editor of The Commercial Motor.
Express Buses in Berlin.
The Berlin General Omnibus Co. have recently put in service a number of express motorbuses between Unter den Linden, Berlin, Grunewald and Hundekehle. The route extends for a distance of about seven miles, and there are only 12 stops, the through journey being completed in 30 minutes. Single-deck 30-seater buses are employed on the new route, the through fare being Is., 'with a charge of 6d. for intermediate stages. Ransomes' Report.
The report of the directors of Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., for the year ended March 31st last shows a profit of £87,969 after making provision for depreciation, bad debts and deducting interest on debenture stock and deposits. To this sum there has to be added an amount of 156,630 brought in from the previous year, whilst a deduction of £11,000 has to be made for dividend paid on the preference shares to December 31st, 1925. After these adjustments have been made, there is a balance of £133,600 for disposal.
In the report the directors say that, in view of the losses which will be incurred in the current year as a result of the coal and general strikes, they deem it prudent to create a special reserve of £25,000 towards meeting these losses. They also propose carrying £25,000 to the reserve account, bringing this up to £125,000, -whilst they recommend that a sum of £25,000 should be applied to the payment of a dividend of 5 per cent, per annum on the ordinary shares. After these deductions have been made a sum of £58,600 remains to be carried forward.
Coach Restrictions and Tradesmen's Losses.
It was alleged at a meeting of the Kendal Tradesmen's Association that shopkeepers are losing £100 per week during the season on account of the refusal of the watch committee of the corporation to allow chars-it-basics to draw up outside' cafes, licensed premises and shops on their way to the Lakes, in order to allow passengers to obtain refreshments. It was decided that a deputation should wait on the watch committee and ask it to reconsider its decision and that chars-d-bancs and other motor vehicles should be allowed to stay for ten minutes.
Licensing Reform.
At a meeting of the magistrates' committee of the Glasgow Corporation a letter was submitted by the chief constable with regard to the advisability of having the law amended so as to provide that all vehicles plying within the city for public hire shall be licensed and be under proper supervision and control, and suggesting that no person under 21 years of age be licensed as a driver of a stage carriage, or under 18 years of age as a conductor of such carriage.
The committee, after consideration, agreed that the matter be remitted for consideration and report to the special sub-committee on congestion of. street traffic, etc.
Lincoln Bus Working. •
During the past municipal year the buses operated by the Lincoln City Council have continued to prove their value. The year which has closed marks the end of the period of the repayment of the cost of the original fleet of 11. buses and, as a result, the accounts for the current year will be relieved of a charge of £4,523. When this fact is considered the net loss of £351 incurred during the past year can be considered quite negligible. The Burford Receivership.
A receiver having been appointed by the bank to safeguard its interest in respect of a debenture of 115,000 upon the undertaking of H. G. Burford and Co., Ltd., a meeting of creditors was held last week, when it was stated that the company was started in 1915 with a cash capital of £2,000 and works were established in 1921 with money obtained on loan. The directors had placed a large order • with a concern which went into liquidation and no deliveries took place, the company then being left with a stock of parts. With the help of certain creditors, the business was carried on with a view to a realization, but no profits were earned.
The assets of the company consist of the works, valued at £12,500, and a stock which may increase the Sum finally realized to between that figure and £15,000. Besides the bank's claim for £15,000, there are certain preferential claims, and it is not anticipated that there will be anything for the unsecured creditors, whose total claims amount to something like £80,000.
Voluntary liquidation has been agreed upon with Mr. Lough as liquidator, to be assisted by an advisory committee, Dundee Tests Buses.
A few days ago a number of different makes and types of motorbus were tested by the tramways committee of Dundee with the object of obtaining an idea of the most suitable class of vehicle for use on hilly routes in the city. The various makes which participated in the tests were the Albion, Guy, Halley, Karrier, Leyland and Thornycroft, and some of them were of the one-mancontrolled pattern. Each vehicle was asked to demonstrate its climbing capabilities and braking power. At the time of closing for press the authorities had not yet arrived at a definite decision on the type they favour.
No French Gas-producer Trials This Year,
Our French correspondent informs us that there are to be no gas-producer trials in France this year. A trial for vehicles driven by any class of fuel, other than petrol, may possibly be held in the late autumn, but of thiS there is, at the moment, some doubt. The military gas-producer trials will be held, we are told, on May 8th, 1927, and will really constitute qualification trials for French manufacturers wishing to obtain the War Department subsidy.
Buses to Link with a New Railway.
When the new tube railway to Morden, Surrey, which forms an extension of the City and South London Railway to Clapham Common, is opened—probably in August next—it is the intention of the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., to open up six special bus routes in order to link the districts beyond Morden with the tube station.
As the district largely consists of better-class property occupied by people who, in many cases, possess their own cars, the type of bus which would be employed on the services would differ materially from the type used in the centre of London, and they will actually he finished differently, being painted a dainty grey with wine-coloured mouldings. The buses are single-deckers and are mounted on pneumatic tyres; the seating is to be considerably improved, and therefore will be much more comfortable than that on the ordinary bus.
A First-class Opportunity.
We know of a commercial-vehicle manufacturer of high standing who is looking for a representative to approach municipal authorities and officials, principally regarding buses. Good remuneration will be paid to a man who knows the needs of municipalities and, at the same time, a good deal about motors. Applicants should write in confidence to "Municipality," care of this office.
Sheffield Parade Postponed.
The fourth annual parade of the Sheffield and Rotherham area of the Commercial Motor -Users Association, which had been arranged to be held on Saturday last, has been postponed.
Mr. Goodey's Achievement.
We wish to extend our congratulations to Mr. S. W. Goodey, the publicity manager for the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., who has passed the intermediate stage of the examination in the principles and practice of advertising conducted by the Incorporated Society of Advertisement Consultants.
The World's Biggest Bus.
It was a happy idea that prompted the Dodge Brothers and Graham Brothers, dealers in Buenos Aires, to constrnet the Gargantuan example of s: bus, which is shown clearly in the accompanying illustrations, for display during the Automobile Show held in the city, for it not only attracted considerable attention, but served to accommodate a wide range of Graham Brothers' commercial vehicles and Dodge Brothers' cars during the exhibition.
It is not surprising that, as a result of the novelty of the exhibit, an almost constant stream of visitors passed through the interior. We need hardly say that the vehicle was built solely for publicity purposes, but some idea of its size can be obtained from the figures shown, alongside the bus in the picture. The height of the body was 26 ft. and the width 27 ft. 6 ins., its length being 72 ft.; the overall height was 37 ft., and the overall length 100 ft. 1 in. The wheels were 9 ft. 10 ins. in diameter, the headlamps 4 ft. 1 in. across, and the height of the radiator 8 ft. 5 ins, The spaciousness of the interior is suggested• by the fact that 124 Dodge Brothers' touring cars and eight Dodge Brothers' chassis, boxed for shipment, with room above them where a few hundred spare tyres could be accommodated.
A Solid-tyre Re-groover.
We have received from Harvey-Frost • and Co. (1924), Ltd., 148-150, Great Portland Street, London, W.1, details of the Black and Decker (Fleming) solid-tyre re-groover, by the aid isf which lorry tyres with worn treads can be quickly restored as effective non-skids. The grooving knife receives 3,000 impulses per minute and cuts at a high rate of speed, the depth of the groove being in. or in., according to the type of knife fitted. Curves, circles and sharp right-angle turns can be made, and the knife enters or leaves the tread at any point.
The power for the device is supplied by a .1-in. Black and Decker heavy-duty electric drill, which can also be used for a variety of purposes in conjunction with a number of other Fleming attachments.
• Emergency Exits : Bradford's Requirements,
The licensing committee of the Bradford Corporation has decided that it be a requirement in regard to motor omnibuses that seats fixed to or against the doors of the emergency exits from such vehicles shall be so constructed as to 1322
fold automatically out of the way when not in use. It is also insisted that the levers or other fittings for opening the doors of emergency exits from such k,chieles shall be so fixed as to be readily reached and operated by any person standing on the ground level.
Bus Powers for Sunderland.
The Sunderland Corporation, which for many years has been a staunch advocate of tramcars, is now falling into line with the majority of north-country municipalities in meeting the needs of the travelling public by more modern modes of conveyance. It has been decided to make application for powers to operate motorbuses and trolley-buses, and provision for their operation will be made in a Parliamentary Bill which is to be framed shortly. It is too early to make any definite statement as to the extent to which these types of vehicle will be utilized by the 'Wearside municipality, as the new system will be largely governed by the decisions given in respect of borough boundary. extensions which are being sought. It is thought likely that either buses or trolley-buses will be employed to provide speedy transport to and from the new housing estate at Hmnbledon.
Glasgow Bus Results.
The tramways committee of the Glasgow Corporation recently met and considered the revenue of the department for the year ended May 31st last. The revenue decreased to the extent of £89,534, a considerable portion of which is said to be due to loss incurred by the general strike, although bus opposition has undoubtedly affected the takings on the tramway system. In the past year the bus mileage totalled 406,436 as against 227,190 for the previous year, whilst the revenue amounted to £15,467, as against 17,530, or on a per mile basis 9.134d. against 7.956d. The number of tickets sold on the buses in the past year was almost double that of the previous annual period.
Brisk Demand for Karriers.
Karrier Motors, Ltd., Karrier Works, Huddersfield, are finding that overseas trade is particularly brisk at the moment, and amongst numerous orders which they have lately received is a number in the nature of repeats for 4-ton and 6-ton chassis from Melbourne and Sydney, Australia, whilst 30-ewt., 2-ton and 3-ton chassis are now in hand
for Tasmania. A further rigid sixwheeler is also to be delivered to Bombay.
So far as orders from users in this country are concerned, the company are building a number of 2-tonners for the L.M. and S. Railway Co., whilst Schweppes, Ltd., arc increasing their Karrier fleet by the addition of 5-ton lorries. Orders for boxvans to carry 2-Con and 6-ton loads have been received from Messrs. 3'. Bellamy and Sons, of Castleford.
A Garner Municipal Delivery.
The illustrations which appear on this page show a vehicle which has recently been delivered by Henry Garner, Ltd., Moseley Motor Works, Birmingham, to the baths department of the Birmingham Corporation. The chassis is the makers' latest model 2-24-tonner with a wheelbase of 12 ft., and is fitted with Dunlop pneumatic cord tyres of 32-in. by 6-in, dimensions, twins being used at the rear.
The bodywork was specially designed in collaboration with the superintending engineer of the baths department, Mr. Richard noggins, for the purpose of transporting laundered goods between the central laundry and the various public baths in the city. So that loading and unloading can be easily conducted, the body sides are made in two hinged sections, whilst the upper portions of the sides are enclosed by roller shutters which, when raised, run up into the fixed roof. Considerable care has been given to the reinforcing of the body in view of the side-loading facilities that are provided.
Motors in Hungary.
On May 1st the following motor vehicles existed in Hungary :-9,159 passenger cars (of which 4,697 were privately owned), 1,525 lorries, 588 cars for hire, 420 cars for other purposes and 1,929 motorcycles. About two-thirds of the vehicles were used in Budapest
itself. Of the number of motor lorries•24.7 per cent, were of American manu
facture, 21.9 per cent. of • Getman origin, and 18.7 per cent. of Hungarian make.
Canada's Record Production.
According to facts and figures circulated by the office of the High Commissioner for Canada, a record production was attained in the automobile industry in Canada in 1925. In that year the 11 automobile factories in the Dominion produced 124,458 passenger ears, 22,144 commercial vehicles and 15,368 chassis, the total of these figures showing an increase of 22 per cent. over the figure for 1924 and 10 per cent above that for 1923, which was the previous year of highest production.
The capital employed in the industry amounted to $74,678,451, a figure which shows an increase of nearly 23 per cent. over the previous high point of the industry which was marked in 1924. During the past year two companies ceased operation and one new company started production. With the exception of one company making commercial vehicles only, the output of each concern exceeded that of 1924.
The number of commercial vehicles exported from Canada during the year was 16,146, and Australia was the best market for vehicles of this type.
Cardiff Bus Questions.
At its recent meeting the Cardiff Watch Committee considered ti letter from Mr. J. T. Richards (solicitor to the South Wales and Mon. Bus Proprietors' Association), Cardiff, on behalf of two of his clients, requesting the committee to guarantee them licences in the event of their completing negotiations to buy out the services run by private enterprise between Cardiff and Llanishen and Cardiff and Rhubina. So soon as practicable, after completing the purchase, the applicants proposed to substitute new buses for those now in use. What was asked for was an assurance that the licences would be transferred to the intending purchasers.
The committee decided it could not pledge itself, but that the application should be considered on its merits when the question arose in the ordinary way.
Reporting on the annual inspection of hackney carriages, the chief constable of Cardiff said that he was now insisting on all buses being fitted with lifeguards. The committee endorsed this action and decided to embody such a provision in its hackney-carriage bylaws.
Novel Method of Saving Fuel in Storage.
One of the most important developments in the oil-refining industry during recent years is indicated by the use of large gas-bags to collect petrol vapours emitted from, storage tanks. A number of these balloons have been constructed by the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. for the Standard Oil Co., and they are of 18,000 cubic ft. capacity.
Each balloon will protect two storage tanks or more from the loss of vaporized petrol, and it is said that their use makes possible a monthly saving of more than 1300 on a standard sized tank. The purpose of the balloon is to catch the vapours expelled from the vent pipes of the fuel tanks during that part of the day when the temperature is rising, and to accommodate them until the temperature begins to fall, when the vapours are drawn back to the tanks.
Experiments which have been conducted during average summer weather with tanks having balloon equipment attached have shown that it was possible to• save approximately 6,900 gallons of petrol a month on a storage tank 120 ft. by 40 ft., having a capacity of about 3,200,000 gallons: The "breather bags," whch resemble dirigible airships in shape, are housed in buildings adjacent to the tanks.
Wolverhampton Trams to Go.
The Wolverhampton Town Council on Monday of last week confirmed the scheme for converting the existing tramway routes into trolley-bus and petrol. bus routes, and it Wits decided to obtain tenders for the vehicles, equipment and work of conversion.
Pre-war Fares for Newport.
At a meeting of the Newport (Mon.) Watch Committee the chief constable reported that inquiries had been made of all cab proprietors in the borough with respect to a suggestion that the cab fares should be restored to those prevailing pre-war, and that a majority was in favour of the arrangement. The sub-committee recommended that the town clerk be instructed to prepare bylaws revoking the present fares chargeable by cab proprietors and providing that the fares chargeable shall be at the rate of is. a mile and otherwise as the fares were pre-war ; also to prepare a draft by-law for reduced fares for the use of smaller motorcars.
Bus Profits in Brussels.
The Societ4 Bruxelloise &Auto Trans ports, which runs the motorbuses in Brussels, and which has a capital of 7i million francs, reports a net profit of 2,484,822 francs for the last financial year, as compared with 2,051,374 francs n. i 1924.
Municipal Vehicles in Spain.
It is reported from Madrid that the municipal authorities of that city are floating a loan for the purpose, among other things of increasing to a large extent the fleet of street cleansing and watering vehicles and appliances, Canary Isles Import Duties.
Prom Teneriffe comes the news that it is proposed to increase the duty on commercial vehicles imported into the Canary Isles from 10 pesetas per 1,000 kiloge. to 1 per cent. ad valorem.
A Spauish Fuel Law.
Under a law which has lately come into operation in Spain, an addition of 4 per cent, of home-produced alcohol must he made to all benzole and petrol imported into the country.
Another Bus Amalgamation.
It is announced that the Harrogate Car Co., Ltd„ who maintain an extensive network of bus routes between Leeds, Harrogate, Otley, Ilkley and Bradford, have obtained a controlling interest in the Premier Transport Co., Ltd., of Keighley,' together with their allied undertakings. The Keighley company have a fleet of 17 units, and maintabs services services around KeighleY, Shipley, Bingley, Silsden, Laycock, Bandon and Oakworth, The Harrogate Car Co., Ltd., have a fleet of about 100 buses.
Thornycroft Buses for S.A.R.
The picture of a Thornycroft vehicle which is shown on this page depicts one of a number of motorbuses of this make that is being supplied to the South African Railways by the Johannesburg agents for John I. Thornyeroft and Co. Ltd. The chassis of the vehicle' is one of the makers' type Al models, and upor its arrival in johannesburg last auramei it was fitted with a lorry body and com. peted in the Transvaal Automobile Chit
Trials and, as reported in our columns at the time, was awarded the Stanton Trophy.
The chassis has recently been equipped with the body which is illustrated, and this enables passengers and goods to be transported. It has been put into service on an up-country route terminating at Dwaalboorn a scattered outpost some hundred miles from the nearest railway station.
A Useful Fitting for Coaches.
Coach owners and those who are concerned with the equipment of coach bodies will be interested in a little ashtray which Beckett, Laycock and Watkinson, Ltd„ Acton Lane, London, N.W.10, have lust placed on the market. The Beclawat device is of novel design, being constructed of an outer domeshaped plate, which readily rotates upon
the inner back plate -when it is desired
• to empty the contents. The outer back plate, which forms a unit with the dome, is arranged with a slight convex ; this ensures that the bowl is rigid and rattleproof in use. Two match strikers are integral with the front plate.
The device is of neat and solid construction, and is fitted to the woodwork by four screws. It can be obtained in several finishes, and in nickel-plate or brass sells at 7s. 6d. The use of such a device should prevent untidiness in coach interiors and avoid the danger through lighted cigarette-ends being thrown on to the floor. Local Proceedings.
The parks committee of the Bexhill Corporation recommends the purchase of another motor mower.
The tramways committee of the Aberdeen Corporation is inviting quotations . for the supply of 18 motorbuses. Dorchester Corporation has accepted the tender of Messrs. P. E. Crabb and Co. for the supply of a second-hand motor ambulance.
Stretford Urban District Council has accepted the tender of H. and J. Quick, Ltd., at 1264, for the supply of a Fordson tractor.
Newport (Mon.) Corporation has obtained ednsent from the Ministry of Transport for the running of a motorbus service in the parish of Nash.
The hospitals committee of the Barnsley Corporation recommends the acceptance of the tender of Reynolds (Barnsley), Ltd., at £360, for the supply of a motor ambulance.
Oldham Corporation has obtained the consent of the Ministry of Transport to establish motorbus services in• the districts of Whadderton, Royton, Pailsworth, Springhead and Mossley.
Leeds Watch Committee has raised no objection to the proposal of• Messrs. Burks Brothers to dispose of their motor-omnibus service between Leeds and Swillington to Messrs. Newton and Ward.
The health committee of the St. Paneras Borough Council • recommends the acceptance of the tender of Tomlinson (Marylebone), Ltd., to supply two 12cwt. .disinfecting motor vans at £216 each. .
Workington Town Council has been recommended by its fire and stable committee to purchase a second fire-engine df a light type, and is applying to the Ministry of Health for sanetion to borrow £480 towards its cost.
The electric works committee of the Lowestoft Town Council has recommended the purchase of two light motorbuses which can be used for conveying passengers along the sea wall, and has suggested the purchase of the vehicles from a local company tki. £461 each.
Truro Corporation is considering tne improvement of the equipment of the fire brigade.
Newport (Mon.) Corporation has decided to purchase three more Karrier motor omnibuses.
Lancashire Fire Brigades' Demonstration.
The 51st annual demonstration of the Lancashire Fire Brigades' Friendly Society was recently held at Radcliffe. There was an excellent attendance of fire-engines and tenders. The day was spent in demonstrations and processions, whilst the annual business meeting, which took place in the Coliseum Theatre, Radcliffe, was followed by an official luncheon.
The vehicles in procession passed through the streets of the town and attracted the attention of thousands of spectators. The machines travelled to the Tower Grounds, where several competitions were held, these including van ous forms of drill and a firemen's dressing race.
At the end of the competitions Leiland Motors,Ltd., demonstrated their light type_ of 300-400-gallon fire-engine, and also a portable pump and motorcycle combination ; the latter was illustrated in our Special Municipal Issue of last week.
Some of the Leyland machines which took part in the demonstration are illustrated on this page. One of them consisted of a Leyland lorry on which the private fire brigade maintained by Messrs. Baxendkde and Co., of Man
chester, was accommodated. •
Ferodo's Trade Booklet.
Ferodo, Ltd., Sovereign Mills, Chapelen-le-Frith, have just issued to the trade a booklet entitled "Sell Safer Braking," in which the company set forth the various ways in which they can help their clients to sell their products. It is an unusual form of publicity, and should prove of much assistance to the garage
proprietor and factor. Copies of the booklet can be obtained from the company at the address we have given.
The Penarth Branch of the British Red Cross Association is collecting funds for a new motor ambulance.
Trailers in Paris.
In view of the increasing traffic in Paris, the police authorities in that city are-considering whether the time has not come when the length of motor vehicles and trailers should be further restricted. At present the regulations permit a total length of vehicle and trailer of 42i ft., but it is suggested that this should be reduced to 291 ft. It is also recommended that the use of twowheel trailers secured to the hauling vehicle by a bar should not be permitted, on the ground that they only imperfectly follow the track of the prime-mover.
Six-wheeled Omnibuses for Salford.
With reference to the article dealing with the six-wheeled omnibuses ordered for Salford, which appeared in the issue. of The Commercial Molar for June 15th, we are now informed that the one-manoperated Guy vehicle on order is to be a 32-seater and not a 20-seater as stated,
so that three of the vehicles, viz., two Karriers and one Gity, will be 32-seaters, and the two remaining Karriers will be 20-seaters.
By an error which crept in at the last monient,the -Protectoinator which will be fitted to the engines of these vehicles was referred to as an oil-filtering device,. It 'is, of course, an air-filtering apparatus. It is highly probable that oil. filtering devices will also_be included in the equipment.
• New Goodyear Price List.
The Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., Chelsea Wharf, Lots Road, London, S.W., have just issued a revised retail price list for their all-weather-tread heavy-duty cushion (solid) and pneumatic cushion tyres, the prices mentioned therein having conn into force on June 1st.
Henley's Dividends.
The directors of W. T. Henley's Telegraph Works Co., Ltd., 11, Holborn Viaduct, London, E.C.1,,have arranged to pay a final dividend 'on the ordinary shares of the company of 3s. per share, less income tax, making, with the interim dividend already paid, 4s. per share for the year.