NEWS of the WEEK
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THE secretary of the Metropolitan 1 Area of Associated Road Operators, Mr. S. H. Jardine, referring to the Government request that all those who are in any way connected with the provision or distribution of commodities needed for the prosecution of the war should work all the hours possible, points out that this will mean overtime for drivers. In this connection operators should note that all the conditions of R.H.4, relating to wages and payment for overtime, still apply.
He suggests that, in such cases, customers should be asked to pay higher rates for work done on Saturday after noons and Sundays. Alternatively, the customer should be asked to pay, at cost, all extra charges the operator has had to meet, in respect of wages to drivers or garage hands, because they have had to work during the week-end.
In case of difficulty, either in this matter, or in respect of petrol supplies for vital work on Saturdays and Sundays, he asks operators to communicate with him, when he will endeavour to help.
Putting Vehicles Out of Action
AT present, all drivers are asked to put their vehicles out of action in some effective manner while they ale unattended, so : as to prevent their immediate unauthorized use by the enemy or enemy agents. Under regulations recently issued by the Minister for Home Security, the Minister may, by Order, enforce this action. The Minister may also, by Order, arrange to regulate, for safety reasons, the supply and storage of fuel or lubricants.
Should Makers or Distributors Supply Spares?
THE Motor Agents Association has been asked by its Bradford Section to suggest to -manufacturers that all spare parts should be supplied to repairers by the distributors of the vehicles concerned, and not direct by the makers. Already, it is'pointed out, this principle has been adopted by four manufacturing concerns. The idea of its adoption generally has the support both of distributors and retailers in the Bradford Section of the M.A.A.
Advantages to the manufacturer are stated to be :—Simplification of bookkeeping and consequent saving of clerical labour by the grouping of spares business in fewer accounts ; much less risk of bad debts; reduction in carriage and postage costs by the fact that distributors would carry complete stocks of spares; elimination of much correspondence.
It is suggested that the repairer's time would be saved because he could always get the necessary spares on the spot, and he would have an advantage in being able to make certain that he was getting the right part.
Another point in favour of the proposal is that the distributor is more likely to know the repairer's financial
position, and, therefore, in a number of cases he could allow credit, thus obviating delays from the use of pro forma invoices, or cash-on-delivery.
Steam Vehicle Taxation
IT is believed by the Commercial 1Motor Users Association, 50, Pall Mall, London, S.W.1, that many steam vehicles now laid up would be brought back into use if the vehicle duty were reduced, and in order, that -further repreeentation may be made to the Government on the matter, information is required by the General Seers.tary as to any such vehicles available and where they may he found.
FrWO interesting additions to the 1 producer-gas fuel supply have recently appeared in the form of Rexco, manufactured by the Coal Research Syndicate. Ltd., of Mansfield, Nottingham, and Oco, produced by the Ocean Coal Co., of Cardiff. These two fuels have been certified by the British Coal Utilisation Research Association. as conforming with the specification of the Producer Gas Fuels, Committee of the Coal and Carbonization Industries. In addition to chemical tests, both fuels have been proved by extensive road trials.
The fuel produced by the Ocean Coal Co. is, at present, available in only small quantities from a pilot plant, lnit production on a commercial. scale will be gradual4y developed.
Avoiding Beet Losses in Transit I T is pointed out by the National
Farmers Union that considerable quantities of beet are sometimes lost during transport, both on the roads and in railway sidings, due to overloading.
This not only constitutes a danger to traffic but results in considerable wastage, and • efforthShould be made to avoid 'it. The remedy adopted by some _growers is to net their beet, and farmers who do their own haulage might well consider ordering nets immediately, otherwise they may not obtain delivery in time.
Timber Rates Revised
'T IMBER cartage rates at Liverpool 1 have been under review and a new schedule of rates is now in operation. Liverpool Cart and Motor Owners Association has notified*members that it is contrary to the rules of the Association to charge for the cartage or haulage of timber on a day-work ' basis or on any other than by the ton or cubic measurement weight.
Success of Air-raid Shelter Transport
AREPORT from Mr. Frank Lucas, honorary secretary, Northern sub-area of the Metropolitan Area of A.R.O., concerning the delivery of Anderson Shelters in his area, shows how effective and successful was the. Association's plan for that work.' There were 10,000 shelters delivered in the Luton district and an amount of l £2,980 has been distributed amongst ' local members. In all these deliveries, ; only four minor complaints were received. Mr. Lucas also says that goodwill with the railway company , created in this way, has led to other I work being made available to some of I the members.
Another interesting development in this Sub-area has been the formation , of a small sub-committee, comprising Messrs. P. R. Williams, C, R. Thompson, F. J. Cobb, and A. J. Deamer to supervise, or assist in any way they , possibly can, to look after the business of any member called to the Colours. GETTING DOWN TO THE RATES PROBLEM IN SCOTLAND
CONVENED by the Scottish Commercial Motor Users Association, a largely attended meeting of A and B licence-holders, at Edinburgh, last week, discussed the question of haulage rates in Edinburgh and district, and an executive committee was appointed to investigate the position. A further meeting of operators will be held on July 8, when a scale of rates to be drawn up by the committee will be submitted.
After the meeting it was stated that, for years past, the question of haulage rates in the city had been very difficult. There had been a large amount of under-cutting, and this, with the present shortage of petrol, had acted unfairly on established businesses. The Scottish C.M.U.A. intended to have that unfair method of trading stopped by representations to either the licensing authorities or the Petroleum Board.
Committees of the Association have already fixed haulage rates in Glasgow and Falkirk, and the Association proposes to undertake similar action throughout Scotia:O.
Speed of Gas-propelled Vehicles TI II.: House of Commons has approved without division the Motor Vehicles (Gas Propelled Vehicles) (Variations of Speed Limit) Regulations, 1940, a copy of which was presented to the IIouse on May 13. Under these regulations, goods and passenger vehicles, at present with a legal limit of 30 m.p.h., may continue to travel at this speed when drawing a trailer carrying gas plant or cylinders.
Henley's Tetegraph Works Report
THE report of W. T. Henley's Telegraph Works Co., Ltd., for 1939 shows a balance on trading account of £415,204. Deducting depreciation, directors' and auditors' fees, there is a balance of £343,853, which, when added to the £411,894 brought forward, gives a total of £755,747. After deducting 2100,000 transferred to the reserve account, interim ordinary dividend of 6 per cent., dividend on prefer
ence stock, etc., the available balance is £579,331. A final dividend of 10 per cent. (less tax) is to be paid, as well as a cash bonus of 5 per cent. (less tax). These will require £195,000 and will leave £384,331 to be carried forward.
New Type Westinghouse Metal Rectifier
ANEW type of metal rectifier for converting alternating to direct current has been produced by the Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co., Ltd., Pew Hill House, Chippenham, Wilts, under the name of" Westalite."
This rectifier, which is the result of six years' research, is of the seleniumcompound type, intended primarily for power rectification. It is not designed to replace the copper/copper-oxide rectifiers for all purposes, but will be utilized for a number of applications.
The company also advises us that it has arranged for its representative,
Mr. E. R. Rogers, to be available at•the offices of its Scottish agent, J. E.
Robson and Co., 11, Bothwell Street, Glasgow, C.2, for any assistance that may be required in connection. with these rectifiers
" Aircraft Identification " 4th Edition
SINCE the intensification of the war in the air, the need for accuracy in aircraft identification has become still
more urgent. Even with plenty of practice, the task remains one of immense difficulty, Only by absolute familiarity with the general and detailed points which go to make up the characteristic outlines of different aeroplanes can success be gained.
The 4th edition of " Aircraft Identification," a complete revision of previous editions and amplified by much new matter, is an attempt to provide material for' a fundamental study of the subject of aircraft recognition and to give some general information on the types concerned. In this book will be found the means to become acquainted with the general appearance of the vital types in a variety of attitudes.
The book is priced at 2s. and is obtainable from any bookseller. DEFENCES ON ROADS: KEEP IDENTITY CARDS HANDY
DEFENCES on roads and various other positions througifout Scotland are to be occupied, from time to time, by the military authorities. The dates of such operations are not to be made public, and the Scottish Command has stated that when road defences are occupied by troops traffic will be stopped and identity cards of those using the roads may be examined. A member of the Forces, acting in the course of his duty may detain and hand over to the police for inquiry any person who is unable to give satisfactory proof of his identity.
A soldier on duty is, similarly, authorized to detain any person who cannot explain satisfactorily why he or she is in a particular area. A member of the Local Defence Volunteers is a soldier liable to military law, and while on duty has the same power, both to examine and detain, as any other soldier.
Rates Schedule Drawn Up by Halifax Association NAEMBERS of the Halifax Transport 1VIOwners' Association are recommended to adopt a schedule of haulage rates which aim at meeting increases in costs-and leaving the operator with a reasonable margin of profit. The rates schedule covers local work, and other work in which the out-andhome journeys are completed within a day. The rates are by the hour, with an additional mileage charge for any running in excess of 50 miles in the day. The basic scale of hourly rates, graduated according to the carrying, capacity of the vehicles, is as follow, plus an additional Iff per cent, to cove: increases in costs since the scale was first drawn up:—Lorries of 10-cwt. capacity, 5s. per hour; 1-ton capacity, 5s. 6d.; 30-cwt. capacity, Ss.; 2-tons capacity, 6s. 6d.; 3-tons capacity, 7s. 6d.; 4-tons capacity, 8s. 6d.; 5-tons capacity, 9s. 6d.; 6-tons capacity, 10s. 6d. The additional charges for running in excess of 50 miles per day are:—Lorries up to 2-tons carrying capacity, 10d, per mile per vehicle; over 2-tons, ls. per mile.
Liable to Fines of £3,000
WHEN John M'Cill Paterson, iceWY cream merchant, 27, University Terrace, Pittenweem, was charged, at Cupar Sheriff Court, with a number of road offences, it was stated he was liable to fines totalling £3,000, in addition to serving a sentence of 10 years in prison. Accused was charged with having used motor vehicles to carry passengers for hire or reward without a road service licence and without there being in force a thirdparty insurance policy in respect of this work. He was further charged with having (I) used a van without a road licence, and (2) fraudulently used a car licence in pretence that it was in respect of the van, Accused was fined £2 on the first charge and £1 in respect of the second. On the other two charges he was fined I0s. and 20s. respectively.
'THE Federation of Yorkshire Road 1 Transport Employers is taking steps in support of criticisms concerning a film entitled " Transport on Trial," which, it is suggested, is unfair to road
haulage. The film, which discusses the question of unification of transport. by State control or otherwise, has been made by Denning Films, Ltd., with Mr. Ivan Scott as commentator, and is one of a series entitled " Points of View." As those responsible for the film are stated to have consulted both the British Road 'Federation and the railway companies for the purpose of its production, the Yorkshire Federation has taken the matter up with the B.R.F.
'Points of criticism concerning the film are put forward in a letter sent to the Federation, after the critic had seen the film in his district. At the outset of the film, says this letter, it was stated that the roads were heavily overcrowded by goods traffic, and it was suggested that this traffic was wastefully handled by the large number of private concerns operating. After patting the railways on the back, continues the critic, the film then suggested an urgent need for the unification of all rail and road traffic, and eventually left the audience with two alternatives—the first that all transport should be unified under Government cor trol (i.e., nationalization), the second that the same thing should take place under the control of the railways. The claims of the road haulier were ignored, he complains.
Each Gas Vehicle Saves 2,000 Gallons Annually IN a news paragraph published in our 1 issue for _June 8, under the title, " More Encouragement for Producer Gas? " we referred to an answer given by the Secretary for Mines, concerning the saving of petrol per year effected by the use of producer-gas vehicles.
Some readers have, apparently, taken the figure of 2,000 gallons per year as the total, although it was added that the figure was based on an annual average mileage of 20,000 and a consumption rate of 10 m.p.g. Therefore, obviously, the saving applied to each vehicle so equipped.
Personal Pars
MR. GEOFFREY BURTON, the new Director-General of Tanks and Trans-port in the Ministry of Supply, is a man of great experience in industry and an authority on the problems concerning coal, iron and steel. He also possesses great administrative capacity. One of his tasks in 1934, as managing director of the B.S.A. concern, was to carry out an entire reorganization of this great group, with products ranging over armaments, motor vehicles, steel, machine tools, motorcycles, etc. He performed this satisfactorily in less than four years. In addition to this position, which he retains, he is chairman of the Daimler Co., Ltd., William jessop and Sons, Ltd., and B.S.A. Tools, Ltd., and a director of the Round Oak Steel Works, Ltd. His war record included commissioned service in the Royal Engineers from 1914.
Despite these varied and outstanding successes, his age is only 47 years.
M. FRANK PICK, until lately vicechairman of London Transport, has been commissioned by the Minister of Transport to visit certain ports in the United Kingdom, with the object of preparing a report on the organization set up to secure the speedy discharge
and clearance of goods. This is to ensure that any exceptional demands likely to be made on the ports will be met. These visits began on June 17. At each of the principal commercial ports there is a Port Emergency Cornmittee, which acts collectively, as the representative of the Minister, to secure efficient operation.
T AST year, we referred to a particu
larly interesting process for the repair of parts in aluminium, Elektron and iron, which is not truly welding, brazing or soldering, but is referred to by the inventor. Mr. F. I. Lenssens, as a metal-penetrating process or homogeneous brazing, for which special alloys are employed.
The process has been utilized for a considerable time in a comparatively small way, but it is now being developed by Lenssens Process, Grey's Garage, 291-5, Willesden Lane, Willesden Green, London, N.W.2, and special facilities are being afforded there to enable extensive work to be tackled. BIRMINGHAM TO STAGE ELECTRIC-VEHICLE EXHIBITION
AN exhibition of battery electric vehicles, organized by the Electric Vehicle Association, will he held at.the Colmore Depot, John Bright Street, Birmingham, on June 26 and 27, and will be officially opened by Alderman Sir Percival Bower, J.P., chairman of the electricity committee of Birmingham Corporation.
At the time of going to press, the :ist of exhibitors was not complete, but it is understood that among those who will be showing are : Associated Electric Vehicle Manufacturers, Ltd. ; Cleco Electric Industries, Ltd.; Midland Vehicles, Ltd.; Metropolitan. VickersElectrical Co., Ltd.; Partridge, Wilson and Co., Ltd.; T. H. Lewis, • Ltd.
The battery manufacturers will be represented by: D.P. Battery Co., Ltd.; Chloride Electrical Storage Co., Ltd.; Tudor Accumulator Co., Ltd.; Young Accumulator Co., Ltd.; Britannia Batteries, Ltd.
Commissioner's Tribute to Hauliers' Loyalty
WARRINGTON, Northwich, Wigan W and St. Helens are united in the Warrington Sub-District of the NorthWestern Area Road-transport Defence Emergency. Organization, and, after a hot-pot supper recently', elected a subcommittee, with a view to efficient service being planned:
In an address on " Long-distance Transport," Mr. E. B. aVard argued that such transport should have a definite status. Mr. H. G. Mallaby, Deputy Regional Transport Commissioner, said Ministry officials had endeavoured to interpret regulations as flexibly as possible, especially in respect id long-distance work, with every consideration for keeping an essential industry alive and for the well-being of a large number of hard-working and loyal citizens.
Mr. G. F; Ricketts spoke on present, day. rail facilities, and Mr. J. Fallows, of the L.M.S. Railway, in reply, said the railways had not yet reached saturation point.
Considerations in Retreading or Resoling Tyres
THE Society of Automotive -Engineers, U.S.A.,, last year, held a meeting of fleet operators, at which the economics of retreading tyres were discussed. In a paper sponsored by experts from the Firestone and Goodyear companies, certain conclusions were given as to when retreading or resoling is profitable.
It is essential to remove tyres before the last mile has been run, and thus ensure a higher percentage being renewable. Only those sound, with no ply separation, bad cuts or fatigued casings. should be selected. They should be applied to vehicles with some thought as to the severity of the run and wheel position. Those employed on twin wheels must be properly mated to ensure equal load distribution, and a repaired tyre should not be expected to do a job that a new tyre will not.
A representative of the U.S. Rubber Company gave additional suggestions. lie said that possibly the method most detrimental to the casing is the full retread, because all the original undertread and shock plies are removed, and more of the tyre area is confined in the mould.
The top cap (tread soling) is the method less detrimental, in that heat is applied only to the tread area.
Weather-screen for Square-type Head-lamp Masks AWEATHER-SCREEN suitable for Hartley head-lamp masks is a new product of Remax, Ltd., Alfred Place,
London, W.C.1. It is a lightly but strongly constructed device, designed to fit neatly and securely into the front of the mask where it is, to some extent, itself protected, whilst serving its purpose of preventing dust, flies; etc., from reaching the diffuser screen. The price is Is. 6d., and the weather-screen is quite easy to fit, neither tools nor the removal of the mask being necessary—although the instructions for fitting issued with each screen might be clearer.
ANOTHER WEEK'S PAY INSTEAD OF HOLIDAYS• AN arrangement has been made by Liverpool transport employers that where, owing to circumstances arising from the national emergency, it is impossible to arrange for carters and motormen to take their annual holidays, they should receive an additional week's pay in lieu thereof.
Surface Treatment for Light-alloy Castings
IN its series of technical folders, "Aluminium Technique," dealing mainly with the various aspects of the working of aluminium, Aluminium Union, Limited, The Adelphi, Strand, London, W.C.2, has issued, for May, a comprehensive summary regarding the surface treatment of aluminium castings, dealing particularly with practice in the mechanical finishing of lightalloy surfaces, the production of anodic coatings, electro-deposits, painted or lacquered finishes and applied special coatings.