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Liverpool C.M.U.A. Loses Mr. R. B. Stockdale from Committee i T

22nd June 1940, Page 25
22nd June 1940
Page 25
Page 25, 22nd June 1940 — Liverpool C.M.U.A. Loses Mr. R. B. Stockdale from Committee i T
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is now disclosed that Mr. R. B. Stockdale has resigned from the Liverpool Committee of the C.M.U.A.; because of his disagreement over proposals to set up a joint committee of the C.M.U.A. and the A.R.O. in Liverpool. He has been asked to reconsider his decision, but declines to change his view.

According to a statement issued by Mr. C. Dudley Whitnall, secretary of the Liverpool and North Wales Division, the local committee of the C.M.IT.A. is fully alive to the advisability of national unity and co-ordination within the road-transport industry. Towards that end, it has been .directing its energies for the creation of a liaison committee to include representatives of all the principal road-transport associations in Liverpool and district and for the

purpose of considering matters ef general interest and importance to the industry. It is expected that such a committee will be set up shortly.

Interviewed, Mr. Stockdale explained that when the C.M.12.A. informed the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce that it was prepared to co-operate in any steps to set up a joint committee, as in Hull and West Midlands, he construed this as 'an indication that the C.M.U.A. was prepared to make a constructive effort to that end.

" Delegates attended two meetings at the Chamher of Commerce and then reported to the committee. The discussion that followed disclosed that the committee was definitely opposed to the formation of a joint committee, of the kind mentioned, at this time. I was astounded at this apparent reversion of the previous decision of the' committee, especially in view of its earlier offer to participate in negotiations.

" My representations were unsuccessful and a resolution was passed turning down the whole proposal and suggesting, in substitution, the formation of a liaison committee to include all local road-transport interests. The Road Transport Section of the Chamber of Commerce is, in effect, a liaison committee open to all local transport interests and I can see little, if any, advantage in the formation of another and competitive committee.

"The stand taken by the committee is in direct opposition to the policy which I have consistently followed over a number of years.

" My action is prompted entirely by differences in matters of local administration,"