The N.R.T.F. and the General Election
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ON the result of the General Election depends, no doubt, the futuru of the road-transport industry. To meet the threat of nationalization, or worse, the National Road Transport Federation has provided some very useful ammunition.
The propaganda materialcomprises (a) a joint statement of policy of the British Road Federation, and the (b) a supplementary memorandum, the purpose of which is to provide deputations waiting. on candidates with detailed information and statistics for use in those cases where the candidates require substantiating facts; • (c) a leaflet entitled, " The Seven Points of Road Transport Policy "i • .0) a short questionnaire: ('e) a memorandum on certain aspects of nationalization, with suggested questions; (f) a leaflet addressed to road transport workers.
In addition to the foregoing, posters with General Election slip-bills pasted thereon are being clisetibuted through area secretaries, ..ivho will arrange for their effective display.
There are many points of interest contained in the other material, and in our issue for next week we shall publish a precis containing the highlights of the fad-foal matter with which it deals. No one" in the road transport industry can afford to ignore the present call for a unification of effort.
A specific Yorkshire move :In the.' election campaign on behalf of road transport, particularly against the Labour Party's nationalization aims, is the arrangement of a mass meeting to be held in the Scala Cinema, Albion Place, Leeds, at 3 p.m , on Sunday, July I, when the speakers will include several national leaders of 'road transport.
The Leeds meeting will be under the chairmanship of Alderman Charles Holdsworth, of Halifax, chairman of the R.H.A.'s Wert Riding Area. The chief speakers will be Major H. E.
Crawfurd, A.F.C., former president of A.R.O.; Mr. H. T. Duffield, national chairman of the R.H.A.; Colonel Arthur "Jerrett,. national chairman of the T.R:T.A.,. and Councillor Robert Barr, of Leeds, chairman of the P.V.O.A.'s.Yorkshire Area.
Operators' financial support. it being sought on the basis of at least the equivalent of a year's subscription to their respective associations, instead of at the, rate of £1 per vehicle, as origin
ally proposed. .