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Motor Industry to Protect the ex.Serviceman F OLLOWING the Government's " go

22nd June 1945, Page 18
22nd June 1945
Page 18
Page 18, 22nd June 1945 — Motor Industry to Protect the ex.Serviceman F OLLOWING the Government's " go
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

ahead " signal to ear mannfactureri. to begin peace production, the leaders of the motor trade have noW pledged themselves to do everything; in their power to help those ex-Servicemen who Wish to return to. the indus.try;. or. to join it as a new venture after their war Service,

At a meeting in London last week ofthe Motor Trade Association, Sir Miles Thomas, vice-chairman of the Nuffield Organization, outlined a six-point plan for the rehabilitation of ex-Servicemen' This plan, which is now being considered in detail by all iections of the industry, both manufacturing . and retail, includes the . following six points; — "(1) To prevent the mushroom growth of tin-shed garage and service Stations, and to guide ex-Service

men who have money to invest and are considering the purchase of 3

mo torca r 'business. .

(21 To produce lot=achures information and advice to those aboirt to enter the induStry.

. (3). To set up interview boards

within the industry.. • (4) To provide speakers to visit Service centres and explain to men still in the Fortes the prospects•that lie before them in the motor industry.

(5) To inaugurate instructional courses and provide other Means whereby men can spend from three to six months with one of the leading concern in any branc.h of the industry as learners.

(6) To compile a central register of exceptional candidates, open tc ail in the industry,