Summer School in Transport Administration
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T'HE-instituteof Traffic Administration announces that it is planning to hold at Birmingham . University,. from September 5-to 12, 1945, a summer school in transport and traffic . administration. This is belleVed to he the first of its kind to be held in this
country. • . _ .
The programme .is specially designed to she .-ot practical help to returning -Services personnel and others who, for war reasons, have for some years past been doing unaccustomed work and • have been out of touch with the details . --commercial .and, legal in particular----' needed to be known for a successful return to their old spheres.
• 'the lectures will aim to • describe what has been happening during the -15£ five years in all branthe's-of trans-. port, and to deal with import and
export routipe.• • Time will be allowed for discussion, both after each lecture and at special
diScLII:Ssi011 groups, .and it is hoped there will also. be exbibitiOna. of suitable documentary lms, Residential facilities will be provided at University. House, a hostel in the :University grounds.or, if tiais accorri. modation be fully taken, at hotels in Binning-ham. '
So that the experiment. maybe .of maximum value to those for %lel-loth it is deSigned, a certain _nriniber of places will be held for Services people or displaced -civilians, although they be not members of the Institute. Transport employers May like to inquire f.. these places in the interests of members of their staffs due for demobilization during the next two months. '
A . foolscap, stamped addressed, envelope sent to the Secretary of the Institute, at Caxton Street; Westminster, London, S.W.1, will bring inquirers the necessary application form and full programme for the school