Immersion Heater Solves A Simple, Straightforward System Engine-warming Problem Which Has Proved Efficient
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IN our issue dated April 13, we , z. 'referred to the problem of effecting-easy starting by keeping engines warm overnight, •and we invited readers' • comments as to the beat means 'for so • doing. How the difficulty has been satisfactorily solved by the Lighting and Cleansing Department of Edinburgh Corporation has been explained to us by its engineer, and manager, Mr. N. G. Wilson, B.Sc.
The principle adopted is that of the immersion heater, the equipment employed consisting of a' heater plug, two time switches, transformer and contactor,gear, wiring to three-pin socket in the garage, and a three-pin socket fitted to the dashboard of the vehicle.
Dealing, first of all, with the immersion heater, this is a G.E.C. product, the catalogue number of which is H.0.380, and its consumption' rate is 1,000 watts. In order to accommodate it in the restricted apace available in the cylinder water-gasket, the G.E.C. .concern carried out suitable modifications, the arrangement being that the unit is screwed into a nut, the mounting being welded to The water-jacket inspection plate.
Normally,' current is switched on for' a period of three hours before an engine is due to be started. up, but-provision is made for all-night heating .such as would be called for during a spell of
'cold weather. ' • , When all-night heating is employed, it is at a lower rate, the reduction being effected by reducing the element voltage.
The time of switching is controlled by two Versner plain-dial synchronous instruments; the respective voltages -during the different, heating rates mentioned being' 56 and 115, obtained 'through a G.E.C. auto-trahafornier. From 'the 'heater, a-Catile'i'S taken to a -three-pin socket which is fixed to the -dashboard of the vehicle; a detachaVA dust cover, inrUse when the , heater is not in operation, being pro
vided: '
. We understand:that• this ,equipment is used in a fleet of over 1,041 vehicles,
and that it results in the cooling water being kept at .a sufficiently high temperatureto ensure a free engine. , The cost of the heater plug and element is £3 1s.: .
The fOregoing method is at once practicable, andhas the desirable merit of being self-contained. Once installed, there is no longer any fear of engines or' radiators suffering damage from frOst, and there is no delay in getting vehicles away on time; irrespective of, the tern perature conditions'. obtaining.