The Wheels of Industry.
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"The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
The, Ford Tractor Situation.
In the House of Commons, on the 12th inst, Sir T. Esmonde asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if he could arrange for the immediate importation into Ireland of a, supply of Ford tractors for agricultural purposes? -Mr. Duke : The Department of Agriculture. are not aware that Ford tractors for agricultural purposes are being imported into the United Kingdom. Any information the bon. member can supply to the Department on the subject will receive attention.
• Higher London Taxi Fares.
• In the House of Cammons on the /6th inst., Maior Newman asked the Home Secretary whether he has recently received a deputation of London motoreab proprietors relative to a proposal to increase the initial hiring fare ; -if so, whether he requested that further facts in connection with the in' dustry should be placed before him ; has this information been forthcoming; and whether, in view of the fact that cabs are daily being withdrawn in consequence of the impossibility of running them at a profit under present conditions, he can make any statement on the subject?
Sir G. Cave : The answer to the first three paragraphs of the question is in the affirmative. I have also discussed the matter with a deputation representing the Union of Licensed 'Vehicle Workers, and I am in communication with both parties with a view to an early decision. I cannot make any further statement on the subject at present.
We deal with this subject editorially. The lsaa-mile basis is long overdue.
Public-service Drivers.
Sir Edward R. Henry, Conaraissioner of Police for the Metropolis. has directed the attention of all public-service drivers in London to the following notice :--" Regulation 42 of the Defence of the Realm Act makes it an offence against the regulations for any person to deem to impede, delay or restrict the production of war material. To wilfully cause or bring about a cessation or curtailment of train and omnibus services used by munition workers would necessarily bring about a breach of the regulations."
London motorbus and tramcar drivers last week declined to associate themselves with the threatened strike of London taxicab drivers. It is, of course, known that there is no intention to employ wonien. as drivers of motorbuses or tramcars in London, for which two classes ,of vehicle condition's and requirenients totally differ from those
that are applicable to niotorcabs. We hope that a firm attitude will be maintained in respect of approval of women drivers by the authorities, so far as taxicabs are concerned. , Thousands of London taxicabs are not at the present time worked, as they should be, to the public advantage, but primarily to the advantage of the drivers. See, also, page 66.
Motorbus Drivers at Brighton.
Thomas Tilling, Ltd., at last week's meeting of the Brighton Tribunal, was able to secure three months exempti.on. with the right to apply again, in respect of all its drivers between the ages of thirtyone and thirty-five, but onlyone month (final) was allowed in respect of two drivers, under thirtyone, each passed for general service. Petrol and Petrol Substitutes.
We deal on page 65with the pre.sent anomaly, under which the Petrol Control Committee, whilst declaring its policy to be based upon the necessity to conserve shipping, is directly penalizing the free use of home-produced fuels. Whilst the importation of petrol substitutes (other than paraffin) under current conditions may not reach 4,000,000 gallons during 1917, the home productiOn of shale spirit alone is known to be in the vicinity of 6,000.000 gallons. Again, some of the higher members of the benzene ,series, derived from coaltar distillation, are also on the-market as motor fuels.
Coke for Steam Wagons.
Mr. W. Whatmough, president of the Manchester District Institution of Gas Engineers, who is manager, of the Heywood Corporation gas works, appears to be giving very considerable personal attention to the matter of coke production for steam-raising purposes. The Heywood GasCommittee on Mr. Whatunough's recommendation, has for some time provided a depot in the centre of the town, from which depotvertical-retort coke, broken to apple size and screened, is ready at all times in bags. Anthracite has in several cases been replaced by this coke, in the esteem and stores of local steam-wagon owners—and, what is more important, under the boilers. Mr. Whatmough states that a motor-transport contractor, whose place of business is some 20 miles from Heywood, finds that 25 per cent. less of this coke is wanted than of ordinary coke.
Companies Struck Off, Notice is given that the names of the undermentioned companies are struck off the Register of Joint Stock Companies, and . are dissolved :—Army and Navy Garage, Ltd. ; Berry's Motor Non-Skid, Ltd. ; Britannia Motor Radiator Co., Ltd. ; Continental Transport Co., Ltd. ; Coventry Cars, Ltd. ; Gratarille Motor Cte,. Ltd. ; Grimsby Motor Transit Co., Ltd.; Hammersmith Welding Engineering and Electrical Co., Ltd. ; Ideal Agricultural Motor Co., Ltd. ; London Chamber of Motor Experts, Ltd. ; Motor Box Office, Ltd. • Motor Transports (Southern Cour:ties), Ltd. ; New Burlington Motor Body Co., Ltd. • New Omnibus Services, Ltd. ; Northampton Haulage and Carrying Co., Ltd. ; Petroleum Traders Syndicate, Ltd. ; Speedy Transit, Ltd. ; ti ttoxeter Motor Char-iiBancs Co.
Proceedings 0 Local Authorities.
The L. G.O.C. has had plans passed for a newsarage at Bromley.
The Croydon T.C. is buying an electric tower wagon from Edison Accumulators, Ltd., for 1921.
The Newmarket U.D.C. is making inquiries as to the desirability of purchasing motor tractors.
The Nelson T.C. has appointed a committee to report upon the advisability of procuring motor wagons.
Plans for a motor lorry shed at the Savile Town Chemical Works have been passed by the Dewsbury T.C.
The Conway R.D.O. is seeking further particulars with regard to the proposed provision of steam wagons for carrying road material.
The Dalton-in-Furness U.D.C. has appointed a sub-committee to report as to the advisability of precuring an up-to-date ambulance vehicle.
The St. John's Ambulance Brigade has arranged to send a motor ambulance to South Shields, in view of the great need of that town for ambulances.
The Works Committee of the Kensington B.C. has decided that the hire of the automatic gullyemptying machine from Leyland Motors, Ltd., expiring on the 31st instant, is to be • extended for another year at a cost of 2225. Hanwell U.D.C. is to invite the L.G-.0.C. to extend its Ealing bus service as far as Hanwell, as corn'plaints are made of the irregularity of the tramways service.
Further to the announcement in our issue dated 1st March, the Bradford Board of Guardians has now purchased a Selden motor lorry from Mr. Eric S. Myers, for 2525.
The contract for the supply of "Redline " spirit to the Tramways Department of the Manchester Corporation has been again secured by the Union Petroleum Products Co., Ltd.
The Arbroath D.C. has instructed the Road Surveyor to obtain information as to steam haulage, as it was thought that a considerable saving could be effected by its adoption.
A 35-40 h.p. fire engine has been ordered by the Portsmouth Corporation from Dennis Bros., Ltd., at a cost of 2872, if the delivery can be made within four months after the permit of the War Office has been obtained.
At a recent conference held by the Markets Committee of the Swansea T.O., for the. purpose of organizing the growth, gathering, transport and disposal of all marketable produce, Messrs. Taylor and Bevan (" Vanguard" and "
Pioneer" Motor Bus Co.'s), were requested to prepare a schedule of prices for transport of produce, a list of receiving depots and a timetable for motor lorries. • The Lewisham Board of Guardians, subject to necessary permission being obtained, is to place an order for the supply of a Icord ambulance with "two-purpose" body, tires, lamps, spare wheel, etc., at an estimated cost of about 2200.
The Leyland U.D.C. has authorized the laying of cables in Golden Hill Lane and the putting up of a temporary line from the Leyland Motors, Ltd., Works to those of the Leyland arid Birmingham Rubber Co., Ltd., subject to an arranged agreement. The Sheffield Corporation has increased some of the bus fares in the city owing to the higher Maintenance cost of the motorbus services. The Corporation also record% the fact that a driver has been fined 22 for using a traction engine with wheels in bad condition.
The Hove T.. C. Works Committee has reported that the tender for hire of horses during the ensuing year was 21000 in excess of the previous year's cost, and that even this was considered a low figure. We would suggest.that the adoption of motor vehicles might be considered.
The 'Richmond-on-Thames T.C. recently appointed a special committee to consider the question of motor sweepers. At the last meeting, their adoption was reported at impracticable. Some dissatisfaction was expressed at this statement, and it was decided to ask fOr a full report from the Committee. Proceedings of Local Authorities.
Further to the announcement in our issue of'the 22nd February, the Bradford Corporation has decided, on the advice of the committee specially appointed, to purchase two steam wagons at a cost of 21600. It has also decided to replace steel tires by rubber tires On the two Yorkshire steam wagons in the Cleansing Department.
The Works Committee of the Poplar B.'C. has agreed that a Lucre motor machine broom should be purchased at a cost of 2606 Its. A Laffiy machine broom had been ordered in March, 1918, but had been commandeered by the French Government. The Lacre machines showed good and economical results in Glasgow' and it had been estimated, prior to ordering the Laffly machine, that a saving would be effected of £522 per annum by its use. In addition to this purchase, the electrical engineer has as a matter of urgency placed an order for a Bessemer petrol wagon at 2745 in addition to the Focien wagon previously purchased.
Lighting of the Anglo-American Fleet.
With reference to the photograph of the Garner lorry for the AngloAmerican Oil Co. which photograph was published on page 53 of our last issue, we are informed by S. Smith and Sons (M.A.), Ltd.. of 179-185, Great Portland Street, W.. that each of the 38 lorries was fitted with one of that eoncern's electric lighting sets. • Recent Registrations.
The Sentinel Co., Ltd. (25000), to carry on an electrical, mechanical and motor business at Newcastleon-Tyne.
Minchin Engineering Co., Ltd. (I000), with its registered office at 39, Penrhyn Road, Kingston-onThames, to carry on a motor business.
J. Hackleion, Ltd. (23000), to take over a stamping and brassfounding business at 21, Seymour Street, Belgrave Road, Birmingham.
Tyre Service Co., Ltd. (2100), with its registered office at 89, Little Albany Street, London, N.W., to deal in rubber goods, tires, etc.
Albion Garage Co., Ltd. (25000), by T. H. Goodwin, 10, Basinghall Street, EM., to take over a business carried on by-A. P. Beal at the Albion Motor Garage, Streatham, S. W.
Appliances, Ltd. (21000), by J. H. Glover, cif 60, Castle Street, Liverpool, to carry on the business of engineering, brassfounding, ironfounding, wire drawers and tubemaking.
John Dawson and Co. (Newcastle-on-Tyne), Ltd. (25000), with its registered office at 2, Coilingwood Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne, to carry on aircraft manufacturing, engineering, founding and like businesses.
Simpson Processes, Ltd. (22000), with its registered offices at 14, Billiter Street, E.G., to acquire certain patents for the treatment of coal, shale and other carbonaceous substances and minerals for the extraction of oils and spirit.
Mullett's Carriage and Motor Body Works, Ltd., of 86, York Street, Bedminster, is to be wound up voluntarily, under a Committee of Inspection, with Mr. Arthur Collins, of 23, Baldwin Street, Bristol, as liquidator. Austins in Scotland.
We learn that Mr. H. Prosser, of 98, Hope Street, Glasgow, has been appointed a sub.-agent for the sale i of Austin chassis n the Glasgow district.
Engines of Clayton Multipedes.
We are asked to point out that the National Gas Engine Co., Ltd., of Ashton-under-Lyne, manufactures and supplies the engines,, as illustrated by us in our issue of the 1st inst., for the Clayton " multipedes." Incidentally, all these engines are tested to 80 per cent. of their full power on gas. They develop 80 h.p. on this fuel.
Vulcan Report.
The directors of the Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co. (1900), Ltd., have now been able to publish their report and accounts for the year ended the 30th September last. The profit is some £2000 better than for 1914-1915, being £43,930. The combined dividend and bonus is 20 per cent., compared with-30 per cent. for 1914-1915, and 10 per cent, for 1913-1915. The carry-forward is 220,597.
-Catalogues, Etc.
Clayton and Co. (Huddersfield), Ltd., have sent us some interesting photographs showing Karrier W. D. chassis undergoing their strenuous hillolimbing tests. We are informed at the same time that there are in course of preparation two interesting folders, one dealing with this test, the other being descriptive of the chain-driven Karriers. All who are interested in commercial motors will be well advised to communicate with this concern, at Karrier Works', Huddersfield, asking that. their names be placed-on the company's books, so that they mayobtain delivery of these and similar publications.
The Haddon Vaporizer.
With reference to the Haddon vaporizer, the most recent patent in connection with which was described on page 42 of our issue of the 8th inst. John Haddon and
Co., of 3, St. inst., House, Salis
bury Square, E.C., draws our attention to the fact that since the completion of the patent only two minor alterations have been carried out with a view to improving the working of this device. The paraffin supply apparatus is mounted at the back of the vaporizer, and not at the front. The fuel feed also enters the float chamber from the bottom, and not from the top, as was the ease at the time the device was patented: Wolseley Aero Engines.
We have received from Wolseley Motors, Ltd., a copy of an.instruction manual dealing with the care and maintenance of WolseleyRenault acre engines. The book is well and clearly illustrated by photographs and drawings. It is essential that it should be in the hands of all those who from time to time have anything to do with these engines, either in the way of use or repair. Copies may he obtained from the company at 5s. each. The full title is "The Wolseley Instruction Manual for Aero Engines."
Cracked Cylineer.F.
The reeent cold snap unfortunately resulted in the engines in charge of a few careless drivers being found next morning with broken cylinders as the result of frost. Fortunately, in these present days of successful welding, this mishap is not so serious as it once was, : The New Welding Co., of 28. Rosebery Avenue, E,C., informs us that it has made numerous successful repairs. The type of engine comprised every category, froth singles to eights, and for vehicles of all kinds, from light cars . to heavy lorries.
The Russia Society.
It is intimated that Mr. James A. Malcolm, the founder of the Russia Society, who has acted since its establishment as honorary secretary, and who has so ably piloted the organization to its present successful stage of development, feels that the time has arrived for him to retire from office. He has, however, consented to join the committee of the United Russia Societies Association, which will have a paid secretary, and of which the temporary offices are to be at 123, Pall Mall, S.W. We are indebted to Sir Bernard Mallet, K.C.B., for this information.
Clydesdale Prices.
R. Martens and Co., Ltd., of 15a,, Wilton Street, Grosvenor Place, London, S.W., informs us that it has been found necessary slightly to increase the prices of Clydesdale Chassis: . We have a list of these new prices before us, and observe that the minimum is in connection with the II-ton chassis on pneumatic tires, the increase here being only £4. The maximum is in connection with the 4i-ton Clydesdale, the price of which has jumped from £825 to 2835.
Cycle and Motor Trades Benevolent Fund.
The General Hon. Secretary and Treasurer of the Cycle and Motor Trades Benevolent Fund, Mr. .A. Wilson, of 154, Clerkenwell-Road, E.C., has sent to us the annual handbook of the Fund, pontaining rules, list of members, etc., revised to the 31st December last. The assets have increased during the year by about £5000; they are now in excess of £28,000. We observe that the names of sonic 500 members and subscribers who are serving, or who have served, with H.M. Forces, are, as last year, marked with an asterisk. Mr. Ernest Brown (Brown Bros., Ltd.) is the President of the Council for the current year, whilst the Trustees of the Fund are Messrs. Albert Eadie, C. Vernon Pugh, j.P., and Edward A. Wilson. The patrons of the Fund include' the principal members of the4motor industry, whilst 'the organization is in part based upon the work of the hon. secretaries of 11 branch centres.
An After-the-peace Four-' tanner.
From an examination of the specifica.tion, and of the
tration which we reproduce on this page, it is evident that buyers of petrol lorries for loads of three and four tons Will have the option of a well-designed vehiele in that made by John Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd.
The company has been well known for .many years amongst heavy-vehicle users because of its tractors and road locomotives; wider still is its recognition amongst agrioulturists and the like, because of its steam-ploughing engines,its ploughing tackle, and, lastly, of equal impottanee, in these latter days.. the small self-contained Fewler-Wyles. motor plough.
The new petrol chassis is constructed • in accordance with the W.D. subsidy specification of 1912, except that it embodies a final drive by worm and wheel. We have no need, therefore, to go into details in this regard. The principal pointg are: Dorman four-cylinder engine., 120 mm. by 140 mm. bore and stroke respectively, with pump circulation. and high-tension magneto; cone clptchfour-Speed gearbox ; and David-Brown rear axle.