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Parish's super petrol economizer ar2c1 automatic ball air valve, shortly named " Petropurl,' is an economizer of which, although oaly recently introduced, we . hear favourable reports. It consists in the main, as the extended title and our drawing show, of a ball contained in a large cavity. The cavity is so de.signed that, with the ball in its lowest position, the air passage through the chamber is closed: Engine suction tends to lift the ball and hold it against the upper seat, which is corrugated, the effect, in those circumstances, is therefore to allow a. small quantity of air to pass the ball.
The upper, or delivery, end of the device is led into the induetton pipe, at a point immediately above the carburetter; the lower . end is coupled by means of piping to a jacket on the engine exhaust pipe. It iv ill be gathered. from :this, -therefore, that the effect of the Petropurl is to supply additional warm air when the engine suction is great, at which times the mixture as Supplied from the usual type of carburetter is rich. With light suction the ball will presumably remain on its seat, the 5 trength of the mixture as it leaves the carburetter being thus maintained. In the event of the engine throttle being closed, as for coasting down a hill, sufficient air will probably pass the valve to prevent the formation of too intense a vacuum above the piston, thus alleviating the trouble from excessive carbon deposits, owing to the passage of oil into the combustion head. Its price is 25 shillings. from the City Garage, Ltd., Beverley Road, Hull.
J, Blake and Co.'s Lamps.
Our recent visit to the premises of J. Blake and Co., of Liverpool and Manchester, served to confirm our previously expressed (see page 561 in our issue of 22nd February) conviction that the JAI. lamps and generator were worthy of commendation. Our choice was at that tune decided by a personal examination of the finished goods. Happening, in the course of -the above visit, to enter the special workshop which has been set wide for the manufacture of these accessories, our interest was aroused, and our opinion of the lamps, . ready good, " improved, by an inspection of the methods employed. B56 Each lamp is machined throughout to jigs, and every part is interchangeable ; the screWed carriers for the mirrors, for example, are all passed through a, master die before being taken into store as finished ; even the ventilation holes are drilled to template. Finding a small heap of lamp castings cut cleanly in halves, we asked the reason for this, and were informed that from time to time sample castings are selected and sawn in two as a check upon the accuracy of the foundry. This attention to. detail, coupled with the thoroughness and care devoted by the last-named operation augur service of the best from these lamps.
Foot Pumps for Inflating Tires.
The easier a piece of work is to accomplish, the more likely is it, in these clays of rush and hurry, of being properly executed. For this reason -we are in favour of foot pumps for tire inflation, The life of a tire is directly dependent, we are told, on its being correctly inflated. Since inflation, by the oldfashioned type of hand pump, is a slow, laborious, and 'back-aching operation, the operator is sorely tempted to cry "enough" before the correct pressure has been reached. 'A foot pump like that illustrated on .this, page is an undoubted improvement. By its ease of manipulation, it tends to encourage thorough inflation. Smith and Sons (Ilf.A.),,Ltd., of 179-185, Great Portland Street, W., the maker, has devoted considerable attention to it, and its design and construction are worthy of note.. It is dorn pact when folded, and when in use is stable, not inclined to overturn readily. The weight is small, aluminium being used in its construction where feasible, and its price, 39s. 6d., reasonable Neat Oilcan Holder.
The black sheep of the toolbox is invariably the oilcan. In the first place one that is leakless has yet to be invented, and, even so, it seems impossible to find a convenient method of holding. it .upright. There are those who claim that ordinary bolts will not hold an oilcan in place. The best position, particularly in cold weather, is near the engine, and of late it has become the custom, especially on American chassis, to supply a suitable bracket, attached to the dashboard and within the bonnet, upon which this accessory can be kept.
Failing such brovision, we strongly recommend the purchase of a fitting such as that marketed by S: Smith and Sons (MIA.), Ltd., 179=185, Great Portland Street, W., and Illustrated on this page It is in the form of a platform, upturned at one edge, the upturned portion being pierced with two holes for bolts or sdrews, by the aid of which it may be attached to the dashboard. A spring-actuated lip serves to hold the oilcan in place, and the fitting is undoubtedly cheap at 2s. 6d. A suitable oilcan can be purchased simultaneously, if desired, for eighteen pence.