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wheel of wealth will be slowed by all digiculties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crosier.
S.M.M. and T. Personnel.
The various sections of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders have now chosen their :chairmen for the ensuing year. Mr. H. G. Burford has been, re-elected chairman of the Agricultural Machinery Section; Mr. Frank Churchill has been re-elected chairman of the Commercial Vehicle (Petrol) Section; Mr. W. Hixson has been, re-elected chairman of the Electric Vehicle Section ; Mi. A. Bonsor has been elected chairman of the Solid Rubber Tyre Section; Mr. G. Hoare has been re-elected chairman of the Steam Vehicle Section; and Mr. Albert Brown has been elected chairman of the new Factors' Section.
Tilling Report.
The report of Thomas Tilling, Ltd., for the year ended December 31st, 1920, shows a profit for the year of £110,214, which, added to the amount brought forward from the previous year, viz., £62,379, makes a total of £172,593. After making provision for the items detailed in the profit and loss account, there remains a balance of £151,815. A dividend on preference shares for the half-year ended December 31st absorbs £8,2,.%, whilst a dividend of 10 per cent. (less tax) is now to be paid on the ordinary shares, which will amount to £30,885, and the income debenture stock holders are entitled to additional interest, at the rate of 1 per cent. for the year, which will amcunt to £3,471, and it is also proposed that a further sum of £50,000 be placed to the special reserve fund for properties, investments, etc., which fund will then stand at £73,467. The whole of these appropriations amount to £92,551, leaving a balance of £59,264 to be carried forward.
The International Splashguard Trial.
The preliminary report of the judges appointed to conduct the Camberwell International Trial of anti-mud-splashing contrivances, which was held on Monday and Tuesday of last week at Sunray Avenue, Herne Hill, has been issued. The judges report that there were sOrne 70 preliminary applications from inventors and others to compete at the trial, that out of these there were 36 actual entrants, of whom 29 attended. The total number of marks which could have been gained by the perfect device was 475, but no competitor obtained as much as 75 per cent. of this total. The devices fixed to eight vehicles gained more than 50 per cent, of the marks, but of these three, which gained second, third, and sixth places; were allsof one make, and the two which gained fifth and eighth places were both entered by the same concern.
The first eight entrants, placed in order of Merit, were as follow ;— Entry No.
8. Gadgets, Ltd., 34 International Exchange, Birmingham.
24. The Gentleman Anti-Splash Guard Co., Ltd. 29, Red Lion Square, London, 1i1V. C.
B18 23. The Gentleman Anti-Splash Guard Co., Ltd., 29, Red Lion Square, London, W.0 31. J. M. Strachan, 14, Leonard Place, High Street, Kensington, London, W.
15. Sherrington Anti-Splash Guard Co., Ltd., 16, Arcade Street, Ipswich.
.25. The Gentleman Anti-Splash Guard Co., Ltd. 29, Red Lion Square, London, *.C.
2. F. Menu (Cie General des PareHoue), 37, Rae Pasquier, Paris. 16. Sherrington Anti-Splash Guard • Co., Ltd., 16, Arcade Street, Ipswich.
The judges were of the unanimous opinion that no device submitted can be considered efficient from all points of view. A further and detailed report will be issued by the judges in due course.
Amongst the judges were Messrs. G. J. Shave, M.I.M.E:; M.Inst.T., of the L.G.O.C. ; J. K. Bruce, Traffic Manager to the L.C.C. ; A. Dryland,
County Engineer and Surveyor of Middlesex ; H. G. Burford, M.I.M.E., M.I.A.E., representing the S.M.M.T. Superintendent Bassom, of the Public Carriage Department., Scotland Yard; Captain H. G. Hoare, representing the Chief Inspector of Mechanical Transport ; Monsieur 'Fournier, representing L'Auto, Paris.
Elsewhere in this issue will be found a full report of the trial with illustrations and criticisms of the most interesting devices shown.
Glasgow Trolleybus Proposal.
With reference to the proposal before the Glasgow Corporation to utilize trackless trolley cars for tramway extensions, the town clerk has submitted to the Tramways Committee a report by the Parliamentary agents regarding the powers of municipal corporations to run trolley vehicles. The agents stated that the corporation had no power to run such vehicles without specific Parliamentary authority, and that if Parliamentary sanction to do so were obtained, it would be coupled with an obligation to contribute towards the expense of maintaining the roads outside the city onwhich the vehicles would run.
The C.M.U.A. Parade.
The fifteenth annual parade of commercial motor vehieles, organized by the Commercial Motor Users Association, with the object of encouraging drivers to take a personal interest I in the driving and the condition of their vehicles, references to which have-already appeared in these columns, Will tale place at Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C., on Saturday, April 2nd, under the patronage of His Majesty the King. The Commercial Motor silver challenge cup will be awarded to the owner whose " team" is in the best condition, having regard to the class of work on which the vehicles are employed, the ages of the machines, and the total distance run. Cash prizes and medals will also be awarded to drivers. Entries have already been received from the following :— Noel Name. Vehicles. Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd. ... 6 Beck and Pollitzer „. 12 British and Argentine Meat Co. 12 British Petroleum Co., Ltd.. ... 6 British Vacuum Cleaner Co. ... 6 Bryant and May, Ltd. ... .... 6 Gardner, Locket and Hinton, Ltd. 6 Gas Light and Coke Co.... ... 24 Higgs and Ltd. ... ... 6 John Knight, Ltd. ... ... 6 Liptons, Ltd. s.. ... 12 Shell-Mex, Ltd. ..: ... 18 Smith, Garrett and Co., Ltd. ... 6 Spratt's Patent, Ltd. ... 6 Sun Flour Mills Co., Ltd. ... 6 J. Travers and .Sons, Ltd. ... 6 Peter Walker and Son, Ltd. ... 6 Westminster City Council ... 18 Full particulars of the arrangements may be obtained from Mr. F. G. Bristow, the general secretary of the Association, at its offices, 50, Pall Mall, London, S.W.1.
British Lorries in Demand in Spain.
In a general report on the industries and commerce of Spain, dated December, 1920, by Capt. U. de B. Charles, Commer cial Secretary to H.M. Ernbassy, Madrid, it is stated that at Cadiz lorriet representing 1,500 tons were imported during 1919, as against 74 tons the year before and 90 tons in 1917; 950 tons of the 1919 imports were sold by France no doubt mainly war surplus. The U.S.A. share sfas230 tons; Switzerland supplied 100 tons, and the United Kingdom 80 tons.
This year British lorries have began to arrivein large numbers, and AD find acceptance at, higher prices than other makes, and Germany is becoming .a keen competitor, numbers of Germ:it/lorries and cars having been imported recently. Italy is strongly represented by the Fiat Co. This year an impulse has been givento the motor trade by the difficulties and delays of railway transport,. but the demand would have been greater still if the roads were not so bad.
The writer adds that motor tractors have been 'imported freely in the south, especially at Malaga and Seville, the latter reporting the arrival of 50 motor tractors from the U.S.A. in the past six months.
Air Route Restored.
When the French air transport companies recently reduced the single fare between Paris and London to six guineas and the return fare to 212, the British machines on the service were withdrawn because it was found impossible to compete with a service which, by enjoying the benefits of a subsidy, could run at
such low rates. The committee appointed by Mr. Churchill to study the problems of civil aviation has now come to a working arrangement with Messrs. Handley Page, Ltd., and Messrs. Instone, by which, from the 260,000 sct, aside in the Air Estimates for the putpose of subsidization, sums will be paid oil the basis of flights, so that no flight shall be made at a loss. The fares will be the same as those charged by the French service, and mails and goods will again be carried by the 'planes. The freight charges for goods will be is. per lb. for the first 100 lb. and-10d. per lb. for parcels exceeding that weight. The first machine of the reinstituted service left Cricklewood Aerodrome on Saturday last, and a daily service will be maintained, one machine per day during the current week and two per day thereafter. The machines to be employed are Handley Pages, Vickers-Vimy and D.H.9's and D.H.19's, all being driven by Rolls-Royce engines.
Lyons Fair.
The annual exhibition at Lyons was opened on March 14th, and, as usual, is creating a great deal of interest. In the agricultural machinery section there is a very comprehensive range of exhibits, and practically every well known make of i
agricultural tractor s represented, most of them being shown by French agents. Amongst the British commercial vehicle exhibitors we noticed ,Alldays and Onions, Ltd. ; H. G. Burford and Co., Ltd. ; Commercial Cars, Ltd. ; Dennis. Bros., Ltd.; and Ruston and flornsby, Ltd.
440-mile Easter Tour for £6 6s.
Probably, the outstanding motor coach tour this Easter season will be one which conunences front Messrs. C. F. Rymer and Co.'s garage at Wallasey, on Good Friday morning at 9 a.m. to London.
A brand new coach will be put on the service (which it is intended to be a daily one after the Whitsun holidays), and passengers will be picked up at Seacombe and Birkenhead Ferries, arriving at Stratford-on-Avon, where hotel au commodation has been pre-arranged on the Friday evening. The following morning the coach starts off for London, via Oxford, where there will be a stop for lunch. London will be reached in time for evening dinner on. Saturday.
Hotel accommodation has been booked by C. F. Rymer, .Ltd., in London, and the party will commence their homeward journey on the Sunday morning, arriving back at Wallasey on Easter Monday night.
The inclusive price for the return journey is 26 fis., except for mid-day meals and afternoon teas.
Driving Mirrors.
We are given to understand that J. and R. Oldfield, Ltd., have recently secured an order from the Government for a considerable number of their driving mirrors which are for use upon heavy vehicles. The company have every reason to be satisfied with the clinching of this order, which was obtained in competition with many other accessory concerns.
Our Next Issue.
The issue of The Commercial Motor, datecL Mardi 29th, will be on sale on Wednesday, March 30th, that is, a day later than usual, owing to the interception of the Faster holidays. Advertisements for this issue should reach the manager not later than Wednesday March 23rd, one day earlier than usual This issue, as stated above, will be devoted to motor coaching matters, and will contain much of interest to all associated with char.a-bancs developments.
In the advertisement of the rad London Rubber Co. in our issue for Mr. C. B. Brooks, director and March 15th, the bench drill which was assistant sales manager General ' advertised was referred to as a Geedells; Motors (Glasgow), Lid. this should have been Goodells,
Personal Pars.
Mr. F. H. Macdonald (of Macdonald and Co., Birkenhead) has been elected president of the Liverpool and District Cheshire and North Wales Motor Ch,arsà-bancs Association, of which, from the time of its inauguration, he has been a keen and enthusiastic member. He is a member of a firm which has been fur many years interested in Coaching, first in horse-drawn vehicles, now in mechanically-propelled.
We reproduce on this page a portrait of Mr. C. B. Brooks, director and assistant sales manager of General Motors (Glasgow), Ltd. Mr. Brooks joined General Motors on its formation into a limited liability concern, and,has since boyhood always been interested in motor cars. He was actually a qualified driver before he was old enough to get his licence, and he is equally at home with a motorcycle or a 30-seater bus, The practical experience which he has had as of much help to his present company.
Taxation Anomalies.
An important article dealing with the problems of taxation in the-cased f commercial vehicles, and written specially for The Commercial Motor by .Lieut.-Col.' A. Hacking, D.S.O., M.Ct general secretary of the Motor Legislation Committee, will appear in our next issue.
C.M.U.A. Lunch.
The annual luncheon of the National Council of the Commercial Motor Users 'Association will be held at the Savoy Hotel, London, on Wednesday, April 6th, the chief guest being the Right Hon. Sir Eric Geddes, G.C.B., G.B.E., M.P., Minister of 'Transport.
In our issue of March 15th, and in an article dealing with New British Taxis, we made reference to the Hammond taxicab. This is one and the same as the Mepward taxicab, and is being handled by Coppen, Allen and Co., of 143-149, Great Portland Street, London, W.1. We would point out that the Whitworth Engineering Co., of 'High Road, North Finchley, is nothing whatever to do witt
this company or the cab in question. .
A general meeting of the Institution of Production Engineers will be held on Saturday, April 2nd, at 6 p.m., at 2-4 Tudor Street, London, E.C.4.
Agricultural Shows.
The following additions should be made to our list of agricultural shows which apwared in the issue for March 8th ar-- May 13th and 14th.—Newark Agricultural Show, Newark. Entries close April 27th. Sec., C. T. Baines, 52, Lombard Street, Newark.
May 20th and 21st,—Wharfedale Agricultural, Society, IXley, Yorks. Entries close May 1st. Sec., -H. S. King, Otley,
Yorks. • May 23rd and 24th.—Glasgow Agricultural Society Summer Show, Glasgow. Sec., P. Goodwill, 3, Blythswood Square, Glasgow (Pro.).
June 7th, 8th, and 9th.—Hereford and Worcester Agricultural Society,Here
ford. Entries close April 24th. Sec., T. H. Edwards, Corn Exchange Offices, Leominster.
Juiya.12th and 131h.—York Agricul tural Show, York. Entries close June 28th. Sec., H. Rusholune, Petergate, York.
Shops on Wheels.
The travelling motor emporium idea is evidently one which is rapidly gaining popularity in the Manchester and earrounding district. Many of these are regularly to be seen taking up their stand at the Saturday night markets in the Lancashire and Cheshire towns, and. at Macclesfield on aa recent Saturday there were no fewer than four such vendors with their travelling shops. One had the side of his wagon let down oxid packed with pickles, another was in the clothing line, another had footwear, and the fourth cheap jewellery and. Cocks and watches. The majority of -.these users were dealers from Manchester, who came down at midday, and returned on the dosing of the market in the evening.
Italian Trade Depression.
The depression which is affecting the motor industry of the various countries of Europe and of America appears to be less acute in Italy than elsewhere, and, as a consequence, will be more rapidly, overcome and will leave less:damage in Its wake. Up to the present only one Italian motor factory has had to close its doors, this being in striking contrast to some other countries, whale several important firms. have been unable to weather the storm.
Naturally, the world-wide slackening in demand for motor vehicles of all deeariptions has been felt by the Italian makers, and, in order to avoid the formation of big stocks, which would be a danger both to themselves and to others, a united agreament has been arrived at by all factories, after consultation with the workers, temporarily to reduce the number of working hours per week. It was felt by both parties that this arrangement would be preferable to a reduction in the number of workers. So far as the Fiat factory is concerned, this arrangementwill entail a reduction of 12 hours per week for all the motor vehicle departments.
To Replace Horse Fire-engine.
Thai rural district of south-west Lancashire centring round Ormskirk, in proximity to which there have been recent outbreaks of incendiary fires, is still served by a fire brigade moved by real horse power. At last, however, this complacent agricultural district has roused itself to the advantage of a mechanically-propelled vehicle, and the eight contributory authorities to the brigade have been in solemn Conclavewith the Orruskirk Council to discuss the change over. Eventually a decision was reached by the Ormskirk Council that a motor fire-engine should be purchased ; that the upkeep should be based on rate, able value of the districts, and that the management should be vested in a committee representative of the contributing authorities. A sub-corrmiittee was appointed to go into the matter.
Benevolent Fund Concert.
The sixth annual concert of the London Centre of the Cycle and Motor Trades Benevolent Fund was held in the Grand Hall, Hotel Cecil, a few days ago, -under the chairmanship of Mr. A. S. Mays-Smith, the president of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders. The hall waa crowded to its utmoet capacity.
Buses in the Potteries.
A new motorbus service is to be started ip the Pottery district—between Hanley and Burslem and Hanley and Siddulph. The matter has been disenssed by the Stoke-on-Trent Watch Committee, and the Chief Constable pointed out that the application of the promoting company was not in order. The position was that before an omnibus service could be started over a particular route, it waa necessary to obtain the permission of the highways authority unless the route had been. used for such a service in the two years before 1916. At that time there was a bus service between Hanley and Burs. lern; but the applicant desired to make a deviation in the route. Hence, before the bus. service could start it would benecessary to get permission from the highways authority. The proposal was to run a 20 minutes' service between 8 a.m. and 9.30 a.m., 1 p.m. and 2.30 p.m., and 5 p.m. and 11 p.m., the fare between the two places to be 2d. The Watch Committee decided to issue licences, and agreed to the running of buses over what was described as " the old route."
Permanent Street Paving.
Reporting to the Camberwell Borough Council, Mr. F. J. Slater, the 'borough engineer, states that fewer vehicles for road cleaning are nowadays required, because of, the substitution of permanent. paving of granite and macadam; the tar spraying of roads; the altered form of traffic in the d isplacemeut of horse-drawn vehicles by motor ; the introduction of increased capacity vans for dust -collection, etc. Ffeasays the council has provided £5,000 for motor vehicles. Of this £1,790, less 5 per cent., is earmarked for the Leyland steam wagon and gulley emptier, leaving about 23,300 available for other motor vehicles.
Buses for Wolverhampton.
Wolverhampton Corporation Tramways Committee has decided to purchase four motor omnibuses (chassis by Tilling. Stevens Motors, Ltd., and bodies by Christopher Dodson, Ltd.), at a cost of £1,692 each. Another bus will be purchased if the Corporation is successful in negotiations for a service to Bridgnorth.
Specialists in Towing.
The illustration which we publish at the foot of this page shows a towing job which was undertaken by the North London Garage, of Corsica Street, Highbury, London N.
The accident which brought about this job occurred in the following manner One steam roller was towing another steam roller, when, on reaching the *road near the bridge crossing the Great Northern Railway line at Crouch End, the men in charge of the two machines decided to take off the towing rope and let the disabled steam roller run down the hill of its own accord, When about hall-way down the hill, which runs into Crouch End Broadway, the driver found that the brakes 'would not act, and, becoming somewhat alarmed at his precarious position, jumped, off, leaving the steam roller to look after itself. After proceeding a few yards, it turned at right angles from a coffee stall, which it had previously hit, mounted the pavement, collided with a fence and hoarding, and buried the front of the engine, minus the roller, in the soft grass bank beyond. From this position it took the North London Garage two hours to get the steam roller back on to the pavement, a crane and tackle on a heavy breakdown lorry which the company keep for this purpose being the means employed. It was towed behind this vehicle to the premises of Mr. T. Adams, contractor, of Hornsey, the owner of the machine.
We might fittingly mention here that the North London Garage make a speciality of jobs of this description, for which purpose they maintain a special fleet of breakdown lorries, arrangements being made to deal with telephone calls, advising of such accidents, right round the clock.
C.M.U.A. -Activity in Scotland.
Througliv the. instrumentality and energy of Councillor E. Graham Guest., B.Sc., J.P., Edinburgh, vice-chairman of the Commercial Motor Users Association, area committees have now been formed for the Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Dundee districts of Scotland. The Edinburgh committee was appointed at a largely attended meeting held at the North British Station Hotel, Edinburgls,
a few days ago, under the chairmanship of Councillor W. L. Sleigh, D.L. of Messrs. Roealeigh, Ltd. A
short address was delivered by Councillor Guest, who enlarged on the value of area committees, supplemented by a divisional committee for the whole of Scotland, particularly in view of the need for representing the _particular requirements of Scotland before the Ministry of Transport. Councillor Guest was unanimously elected chairman, with Mr. J. W. Loudon, solicitor (of J. and A. flastie, solicitors), as secretary, and the following were made members of the committee, with power to add to their number :—Messrs. Councillor Sleigh, W. J. Thomson (managing director of the Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd.), D. Y. Abbey (cement merchant, Annandale Street), C. Bruce Bennet (of John Bennet, Ltd.), and W. Frost (of the Professional. and Civil Service Supply Association). Subsequently, Mr. W. J. Thomson delivered an address on the subject of speed limits, in the course of which he showed that he followed the line of thought generally taken favouring the abolition of speed limits for all light vehicles, whilst for heavy motor vehicles he advocated the speeds which were suggested some weeks ago in The Commercial Motor.
Trams and Traffic.
Reporting on a letter from the Shoreditch Borough Council seeking the council's support to representations made by that authority to the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis in favour of it being made an offence for a vehicle to pass a tramcar on its near side when passengers are entering or alighting, the Bethnal Green Borough Council reports that the matter is one upon which the council and other borough councils have made representations on the lines now suggested by the Shoreditch Borough Council, and on the last oceaaion the council was informed by the Commissioner of Police that the police can only act when a breach of the law is observed, and that passing a tramcar on the near side does not constitute a breach of the law. The Council has referred the matter to the Metrbpolitan Boroughs Standing Joint Committee.
Local Proceedings.'
Ryde Town Council requires tenders for a 5 ton steam wagon.
4485 is to be spent by Loughborough T.C. on a road sweeping machine.
Herwin's Service Depot, Woolwich, is supplying the Erith U.D.C. with a motor ambulance to cost 4430.
Permission to borrow 21,140 for the purchase of a motor road-roller has been granted to the Seaham Harbour H.D.C.
Glasgow Corporation Parks Committee has purchased a 2 ton standard Leyland chassis, model A, motor lorry, at 41,048.
The Health Ministry has sanctioned a loan by the Barnes Urban District Council for the purchase of a motor road sweeper.
The Blackpool Corporation has decided to purchase two motorbuses to maintain a service between Cleveleys and Thornton.
Glasgow Corporation Tramways Dept. wants power to run motorbuses, and has recommended the incorporation of the necessary clause in the next Parliamentary Bill.
The desirability of purchasing motor lorries for transport work in connection with the chemical works is being considered by Glasgow Corporation Gas Committee..
Glasgow :Tramways Committee proposes to petition Pie Ministry of Transport to make an order for the regulation of pedestrian traffic in the direction of keeping to the left.
Forthe supply of a 2 ton chassis, complete with body and hand tipping gear, East Ham T.G. has been recommended to accept the tender of E. W. Piercy, Ltd., at £881.
The special committee appointed by the Bath City Council to investigate the advantages of mechanically-propelled vehicles for haulage work, ete., has now reported in favour of the adoption of such vehicles, and recoremends the purchase from the General Vehicle Co., Ltd., of four 2 ton electric vehicles for house refuse collection and one 2 ton vehicle for general haulage purposes at a total cost of 47,170.