Profits from Haulage by Road Motors.
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We now publish live letters, from motor contractors, which communications were unavoidably omitted from our special section of last week. The block earned by Mr. M'Farlane is printed On page 133, but the two photographs mentioned by Mr. Alderson are net reproduced, Other promises of advices from readers have not yet been fulfilled ; if of sunicient interest, we shall make use of any individual reports later on. Our offer to reply on any specific questions has, we are pleased to State, brought in several very interesting letters, but the writers ask for privacy.
A Bright Report.
MrC. Le M. Gosselin, Director of 11. Vincy and Co., Ltd., Mechanical Transpce t Engineers, of Strand Road, Preston, writes :The wagon illustrated by you has been on the road now 15 months. We have citify particulars of its work for the last five months, which is representative of the whole period. Ibiring the months from May to September, 1908 (inclusivel, the wagon has carried 775 tons: run 3,725 miles, aed earned 3.1315—at a cost of £108. This cost includes all expenses incidental to the work, hut not depreciation.
" The load represented is one of 8 tons
ewe, made tip by 5 tons 5 cwt. on the wagon, and 3 tons on the trailer, which the wagon takes daily a distance of 23 miles out, returning with empties, burning for the whole day about 5 cwt of coke at '7d., whilst on one day she takes 8 tons of cloth a distance of 35 miles, returning with 8 looms weighing 6 tons, on 10 cwt. of coke. We consider this a very good performance, considering that the wagon is to-day practically in as good condition as when she left the makers. Great credit is due not only to the builders, but also to my driver (J. Ridgeleyt„ for the fine work she is doing, and the excellent condition she is in after such hard work,
" We may add that, on one occasion, by accident, this wagon brought 9 tons 15 cwt, on her body, from Manchester to Preston, without any visible harm, but we have no intention of repeating the test.
Generally, we are running three Leyland wagons at present, and our experience of them is that they are very economical steamers, with plenty of engine power ; indeed, given a fair load, we cart go anywhere with them, and, if properly handled they are quite reliable for regular transport work. The engine gear, in all eases, has shown practically no wear, after 12-15 months use.
"Typical work'. We consider a typical fair days work is to run a total distance of 40 mites, with :74 tons each way, and earn from -.C.3 to 0 10s. a day for 5 days a week, running about 20 days a month, and we can guarantee to do this work and keep it up with our present wagons."
On "All Kinds" of Work.
Messrs. Roxburgh and Forrest, Quarrymasters and Contractors, of Hillend, Ratho Station, NB., write : -" We may say we are prepared to do all kinds of hauling work for our customers. At present, we are hauling yvood in Northumb.erland, and hauling stones in Midlothian. Our tractors have been built by Messrs. Aveling and Porter, of Rochester. We regret that we have not any photographs with the load behind the tractor."
In Exchange for 27s.
Messrs. Coupe Bros., Carting and Removing Contractors, of Sheffield, further write We should consider a fair day's work for the 27s. to be about 35 miles (including time for loading and unloading), and at this price we do supply a man besides the driver. We bought the tractor from Messrs. Aveling and Porter, about three years ago, and it is employed on both macadam and paved streets– about equal distances. We had a good deal of trouble with slipping at first, owing to the wheels being shod with steel shoes ; but, since we have had iron ones put on, we have not had much trouble." At Gareloch.
Mr. M. P. Miliarlane, manager of the Gareloch Motor Service Company, Limited, of 1, West Clyde Street, Helensburgh, N.B., writes :—" We send per same past a block of our Albion cars which you may find useful. We run a motor service, from lielensburgh to the head of the Gareloch, and to Clyncler, and we also do a large amount of private hiring to Aberfoyle, Calla-rider, The 'frossaehs, Stirling, and the highlands generally. We enclose copies of our timetables and hiring lists. We are, we believe, one of, it not the only, motor service which runs all the year through."
Liverpool– Manchester.
Mr. J. Alderson, Steam Motor Haulage Contractor, of 332, 334 and 336, Stanley Road, Bootle, Liverpool, writes :—" have two steam motor wagons in connection with ray business ; they were built by Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Company, Limited, of Leeds, to carry six tons, and each is used with a trailer carrying two tons, not only for removing furniture, hut for various other work, such as taking frozen meat from Liverpool to Man. chester, the carting of thither, hardware, and general work. As a rule, the motors are engaged the week through, making three journeys to Manchester and district, and bringing general goods back to Liverpool. "Taking into consideration wages, repairs, fuel, etc., I consider cost of transport by steam motor is about 30 per cent_ cheaper than by horse-drawn vans, and I have very much pleasure in enclosing herewith photos of the motors, one loading beef at the White Star liner S.S_
Baltic,' at Canada Dock, Liverpool, and the other, with furniture van, waiting for trailer, outside my premises, preparing to start for Blackpool.
"We are carrying regelarly, every week, for Bryant and May, Limited, within a radius of 50 miles from Liverpool."