Gilfords for the Australian Government.
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The Gifford chassis is making considerable headway not only in this country, for the Gilford Motor Co., Ltd., Holloway Road, London, N.7, is Paying attention to certain overseas. markets which oiler chances for its products. An indication of the favourable impression which the chassis is creating in Australia . is shown by the fact that the Australian (3overnment has recently indented for 12 .Gilford C.P.6 low-load-line chassis -through the Australian branch of -the
company, at Sydney. • The Clayton-Still Radiator.
Under the heading of `, A Treatise on ..Heat Transmission," Clayton Dewandre Co., Ltd:, Titanic W.orks,, Lincoln, as just issued a booklet relating • to the Clayton-Still wirewound tube radiator. The subject is dealt with in .'a very thorough manner: and • the technical description is supported by numerous . photographs and diagrams so as to convey in impression of the efficiency of the Still.
radiator. Part of the booklet is given over to a description of manufacturing methods.. The data given are most comprehensive and deserving of close study.
Death of Mr. Wm.. Jellie. • .
We regret to learn of the death of Mr. William Jellie, who was one of the pioneers of bus services in Ulster, and, during the past six or seven years, one of the most prominent figures in Irish road transport. Mr. RUM originally owned the Classic Service, which operated between Belfast and Lisburn. This was taken over by the. Belfast Omnibus Co., Ltd., of Which he became director. Until, his health . was affected, some week's ago, he took a leading Part in the organization of the bus business in Ulster.
A Folder on the Cruiser.
Some of the outstanding features of Ike new B.A.T. Cruiser chassis, which Is built to carry 20 passengers or two tons of goods, are described in a folder which has recently been issued by Harris and Hosea (1929), Ltd. Apart from complete views of the chassis, certain of the more itnportant components are illustrated, brief details of each being clearly set out. Specification details included give some of the outstanding dimensions of ,the . chassis.
The 1W. of T. and London Traffic.
The Minister of Transport recently received 3iepreseutativas of the London County Council and the Underground Group, when certain nrgently needed developments . for the improvement of traffic faCilities in the London area
were discussed. It was agreed that the, interests, concerned should bring before the . Ministry any 'schemes for extension' and development which are now receiving attention at their hands.
Glycerine as a Safeguard Against Frost.
A convincing test of glycerine as a Preventive of damage to engines and radiators by frost was recently Made by Glyeeriiie,Ltd.,Of 'Lever 'Hatise, London.' E.0,4, at the: works of Thomas ' Wall and Sons, Ltd.,' the ice:Croat*, making . concern. • A Ltd.,, eial engine and radiator complete, the water system' containing .a 25 per Cent. solntion of glycerine and water, were placed for 24 hours in a refrigerator, the temperature of which was two' degrees Fehr... or -30 degrees below the freezing point of water. • No trouble
resulted. . • . .
Below 19 degrees Fehr. the 25 per cent. solution will freeze,but it does not form a 'solid ,block, .neither does it expand more thanone per cent. Glycerine does not evaporate from the, solution, which;-Ltherefore, is not weakened when the radiator is reidenished. It is said that the London General Omnibus' Co., Ltd.,. used no less than 20 tons of glycerine during last. winter.
A Birmingham Concern A equired, We underatand that the business, of Fasting WindiC.reens Ltd., -St. Pail's Sqaare, rininghtun, has been purchased complete from ,the receWer.1)3iXok and Co., Lower, Richmond Road, Putney, London,, S.W.15. It is the intention of the latter: concern to continuethe business at . the -present Midland address.