Do the Railways Waste Petrol?
Page 14

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WHILE speaking a few days ago with a railway official, he, possibly not knowing our connection with road transport, expressed his grave disapproval and concern at the way in which petrol was, according to him; being wasted by the unnecessary use which is so often made of railway' owned passenger road transport, not only by men in the higher grades, but even by employees in comparativelyminor positions. Most of these possess railway passes, but many consider that it is either infra dig. or slower to travel by train.
In sorne cases, large staffs have been evacuated from London to more rural surroundings which were at one time regarded as being safer. For certain areas special railway buses are provided, the journeys occupying, in some' instances, lip to two hours or so in each direction, involving a considerable consumption of fuel. At other points, buses meet the employees as they arrive by train at certain stations, but some of the " higher-ups " will not travel in this way, although there is usually plenty of room in the vehicles, but, instead, must have private cars.
Accorcling'to our informant, if this sort of thing took place in private concerns it would soon be stopped. It may be that the higher authorities in the railways are unaware of the alleged extent of these practices, and we suggest that they should carry out investigations or at least issue strong warnings, with a view to reducing the consumption of liquid fuel and tyres where this is shown to be excessive. ,