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Valuable Advice on Every Phase of Ford Transport, Which will Appeal to the Owner, Driver and Repairer. .
TN THIS series of hints concern
ing the Ford light chassis and ton truck, we endeavour to deal with the subject from every viewpoint, so that the advice will appeal to the owner, driver, maintenance engineer or mechanic.
We shall welcome for inclusion among the hints those which have proved of value to individual users, and will make suitable remuneration for any which are published.
343.—A Timer Alteration.
One of our readers who runs a 14seaters Ford coach found that his timer case and roller lasted only a month or so, as he was running constantly for 12 hours a day. To lessen the expenditure caused by this he now employs the ordinary Ford commutator shell in conjunction with a Runbaken holder, into which is inserted a brass bush instead of the copper gauze one which is usually employed in the Itunbaken device, He has DOW run this converted timer for a long time, and he states that it is fit for another four or five months at least. All that he does is to replace the brass brush occasionally.
344.—Carrying Odd Tools.
A useful compartment or box for tools and small spares can be made in the door 'of the standard truck or van by securing across the bottom of the inside of tae door a sheet of tin or plywood Cut to fit the wood frame. Such a compartment should, of course, not he used for heavy articles, as they would assist in Causing extra wear of the door hinges and result in increased vibration, but for small tools and parts the pocket thus formed is very handy.
Incidentally, another box which proves very useful can easily be made underneath the body of the ton truck by boarding across the long body runners between the two crose-members at the rear and fitting a door at each end. This box will just hold a front tyre and rim if the tyre be deflated.
It is surprising how many useful nooks can be made in this manner.
345.—A Cause of Irregular Firing.
Misfiring and explosions in the inlet and exhaust pipes occurred in a certain vehicle. All the usual causes for such behaviour were looked into, but :a far as could be ascertained everything was correct.
The positive wire of an accumulator was then connected to the magneto wire and the negative to the engine. It was
then found that No4 sparking plug was sparking continuously, and the trouble was eventually traced to a hole which has been burnt in one of the ebonite
bushes of the timer. Several other scrapped timers were examined, and it was found that these had been rejected for the same reason, A sound bush was taken from one of them and used in the timer in question with successful results.
346.—How to Braze a Crankcase.
The most important factor in brazing a crankcase is to obtain a sound joint, hence too much care cannot, be taken in preparing the parts for the operation.
Whilst it is possible to boil or burn out the oil or dirt in a cracked crankcase, this is a poor method, and the result will be anything but a good job; in fact, the necessity for cleanliness cannot be exaggerated, slackness in this respect being responsible for many failures.
Cleaning is best done by filing or scraping the surfaces to be brazed, and, regardless of the source of heat, the fire or flame must be so adjusted that no soot is deposited on the surfaces of the work. Only one tool is requiredfor the brazing, this being a spatula, which can easily be made from a i-in.-diameter steel rod, flattened at one end. The spatula is used for placing the powdered brazing metal on the work and for handling the flux.
The metal donsists of a mixture of zinc and copper filings in the proportion of two of zinc and one of copper. The flux to be used is pure calcined borax. This is borax powder heated until practically all the water has been driven oE Another brazing metal for this work is scrap brazing-brass sheet of good quality cut up very small. It is strong and tough and will stand hammering when brazed. The heat should be continued only long enough to cause the brazing metal to flow into position, for prolonged heating tends to oxidize and weaken the metal. Excessive use of the flux, especially towards the end of the brazing operations, frequently results in a very hard surface.
After the operation, allow the work to cool slowly, and, when cool, file or grind away the surplus metal if required; but, if appearance be not a matter of importance, it is just as well to leave the surplus on the surface.
347.—Preventing Oil Leaks from the Transmission Case.
On numerous occasions we have published ideas regarding the prevention of leakage from the transmission case, particularly at the corners. Here is another which appears to have points of merit.Obtain about 1 ft. of insulation tape and fold this into four. Lay it partly on the bridge felt and partly on the crankcase packing, so that it passes across the corner. Thrceigh the tape being sticky it will ,hold the packing in . place while the transmission case cover is put into position.
348.—An Aid to Adjustment of the Steering Gear.
Alignment of the front wheels, adjustment of the connections in the steering gear and repait5 of the latter can be accomplished more easily bysmaking use of a special retaining block by which one of the wheels of the steering assembly can be fixed while the work is in progress.
This block device is Made up from four pieces of wood, as shown in the accompanying sketches. It is in the form of a trough with rests to prevent the wheel rolling, and side guides to
avoid its turning on the steering pivot.
With this block holding the wheel the contact made with the garage floor is sufficient to provide a solid support.
The fixed" wheel should then be brought into line with one side of the vehicle and all work undertaken on the opposite wheel, a trestle being employed under the axle.