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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever foiltis arising. as a carriage is by the rougAsesi of the roads over whieb_ii reas."—John Beattie Crozier.
Straker-Squire Developments.
A circular has been issued to the shareholders of Straker-Squire, Ltd., telling them cl the new arrangements made for dealing with the sales of Straker-Squire products, including the acquisition of premises at 175-179, Oxford Street, London, W.1, which will be equipped as showrooms, garage and a service department.
The directors state that the company are working upon important municipal orders, and they have the greatest confidence in the success of the commercial-vehicle section of the company's enterprise.
The new directors. are : Major-General T. H. Hardy, C.B., Major. D. G. Northam, Messrs. James W. Beeby, R. 0: Joynscin-Hicks, and W. Hopkins Worktian, the last-named being responsible for the showroom and sales department.
The Ministry of Transport and the White Traffic Line.
The Ministry of Transport has just issued a statement which refers at some length to the efforts which have been made by the Minister to encourage the general adoption of white lines on highways in order to secure the safety of road users and others at bends and corners. It would appear that .much realains to be done in determining the marking methods best adapted to various types of road surface, for obviously the treat meat of the granite setts and asphalt of btisy towns and the flint roads of rural counties must be dealt with in a different manner. This problem would appear-to open up wide scope for research work.
So far as Greater London is concerned, it is probable that a conference on the subject-will be held; and several local authorities have already appointed delegates. It is expected that a meeting, over which the Minister of Transport, Col. Wilfrid Ashley, will preside, will be convened shortly after the return from .America of Sir Henry Maybury, the Director-General. of Roads. Tyre Prices in France.
It is rather interesting to compare the tyre prices now current in France with those prevailing in this country. The retail prices we tabulate are obtained from Ditneenche-Auto, dated September 6th. They refer to the principal. makes:—
line. Ins. Frs. Frs.
30 by 3* 320 tube 47 31 by 4 320 „ 47
32 by 3* 334 „ 51
:33 by 4 334 51 mm. ram,
710 by 90 .,. 286 46
765 by 105 397 77. 65
815 by 105 424 68
815 by 120 507 „ 91 835 by 135 736 100
The rate of exchange is approximately 103 frs. to the £, so that .it is easy to calculate the actual retail price in
English currency. It should also be noted that' the cost of rubber in France is, if anything, more than in Britain.
Representation Wanted.
With reference to the paragraph which appearel in a recent issue, on page 118, dealing with the desire of a manufacturer of one of the best-known commercial-vehicle chassis constructed• on the Continent to get into touch with a well-established company who would advantageously handle sales of the chassis and vehicles in Great Britain, we are now at liberty •to state (which we did not feel entitled to do when we wrote the paragraph) that the name of the concern is Fabrique d'Automobiles Berna S.A., of Olten, Switzerland.
The letters so far received by -us connection with this paragraph have been sent to Messrs. Boma, and any other concerns who desire to get into touch with them may now write direct.
An A.E.C. Lorry on Tramway Work.
Most of the prominent municipal authorities who run a service of tramways make considerable use of motor vehicles for the maintenance of the overhead wiring and the tramway tracks of".thcir systems. A vehicle which is typical of. those engaged in such service in Many parts of the country is the special -A.E.C. lorry illustrated on this page.
The basis of this vehicle is the .makers' 3-4-ton chassis, and it is fitted with a body having low drop sides. At the " forward end on the near side, i•nnnediately behind the driver's cab, is a twosection extending tower, 'which enables faulty tColley heads to be attended to and trolley booms to be straightened. The equipment of the vehicle also includes lifting and swivelling jacks, oxyacetylene gas cylinders, first-aid appliances and a complete outfit of tools, the last-named being carried in lockers on the near side of the body interior.
Hung beneath the frame at a point behind the rear axle of the vehicle is a device intended for placing under a tramcar should an axle be 'broken, and this enables the disabled oar to be towed or pushed to the nearest depot.
A New 1-ton Chevrolet.
Several important alterations have been made in the new Chevrolet 1-ton chassis which is known as the Utility Express model. It has a heavier frame, a longer wheelbase, and is equipped with semi-elliptic springs all round, whilst the semi-floating rear axle is of an entirely new design and so constructed that it is not necessary to unload the chassis when it is required to overhaul the rear axle, it being possible to withdraw the complete differential as a unit. An extra large cover plate facilitates the operation and allows for easy adjustment and inspection. The axle housing is of the banjo type, formed as a one-piece pressing.
As in the previous model, the service brake is externally contracting and acts on the same drums as the internal-expanding shees of the emergency brake.
From the radiator back to the universal joint, the units are the same as those employed on the private car chassis.
The actual wheelbase is 10 ft. 4 ins., being an increase of 4 ins., whilst the frame is of 6 ins, depth instead of 5 ins.
A Saurer Appointment.
We are advised that Mr. Eric W. Goslett, whose name will be well known to many of our readers in connection with the sale of Berna commercial vehicles in the United Kingdom, with the manufacturers of which he had been associated for more than 20 years, has now joined the outside sales staff of the Satires Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd. 21, Augustus Street, London,
A Leyland Tanker in Canada.
The tank wagon which is illustrated on this page constitutes a recent delivery from the Canadian Branch of Leyland Motors, Ltd., and was built to the order of the Shell Co., of Canada, Ltd. The chassis is the makers' Model A.1, and, as will be seen, it is fitted with a Canadian all-weather-type cab for the driver.
The body is of interesting construction. It consists of a welded-steel tank with a capacity of 500 gallons. The side boxes are used for carrying lubricating oil and paraffin, and at the ex
treme end of the body a can cabiuet is arranged. The side boxes and cabinet are all built of steel.
The vehicle is finished in the standard Shell colours—that is to say, the cab and body are painted yellow and the undercarriage red. '
A pleasing finish is given to the. wagon by a polished aluminium bonnet and nickel-plated hub-caps. The chassis is mounted on giant pneumatic tyres, the dimensions of those on the front wheels being 36 ins. by 6 ins., and of those at the rear 36 ins. by 8 ins.
The vehicle is being used on service in Toronto, and the body was built by Messrs. Smith Bros., of that city.
Macintosh Tyres to the Fore.
We are informed that at the recent parade held in Manchester by the area committeecSathe Commercial Motor U sers Associa 'on, 60 per cent. of the vehicles which participated were fitted with Macintosh tyres.
Mr. H. Kerr Thomas, managing director of the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., is the new president of the In of Automobile Engineers.
Making David Brown Gears.
Our Works" is the title of a wellproduced little booklet which has just been issued by David Brown and Sons (Hudd.), Ltd., Bark Works, Hudders field. Intended as the forerunner of sectional treatises dealing with the s arious types ,of gear produced by the company, this booklet will undoubtedly be of interest to many of our readers who are concerned in any way with the application of high-efficiency gearing. The reading matter gives a very good idea of the care and thoroughness with which the company's products are made, and the illustrations afford an excellent indication of the extent of the modern plant which is installed, not the least interesting being the views of a very complete research department.
What a User Thinks of the Guy.
Some time ago Guy Motors, Ltd., delivered One of their 20-cwt. lorries to Messrs. W. C. Spalding and Co., licensed horse-slaughterers, ' of Gloucester, and in a recent letter to the manufacturers the users comment on the excellent results which the vehicle is givins' under service conditions. They state that they have obtained ail average of 19 miles to the gallon of fuel consumed, which they deem quite good considering that the lorry is very often engaged in carrying full loads over bad by-roads
and fields in hilly country. Messrs. Spalding speak in glowing terms of the power of the lorry, which, when loaded, has tackled some of the worst hills in third gear. From records which have been kept the company state that the oil consumption of. the engine is v6ry small, and they have obtained 261 miles on one quart used.
We publish an illustration of the vehicle, a special feature of which is the permanently -fixed winding gear, this being arranged at the forward end of the body in order to facilitate the loading of slaughtered animals. ' A metal roller, is fixed at the tailboard end of the body.
Apart from being used for carrying slaughtered animals, the vehicle is also used for transporting animal and poultry foods produced by Messrs. Spalding.
Coaching to Brooklands.
We are informed that G.B. (Motor Tours), Ltd., 72, Great Portland Street, London, W.1, have again arranged with the aunior Car Club for a motor coach service to the Brooklands racecourse on the occasion of the 200-Mile Race, which takes place on Saturday, September 26th. Two services will be operated, and vehicles will leave the company's headquarters at U a.m. and 12.15 p.m. respectively, the return fare for the journey being Is. 6d.
Complete coaches can be privately reserved for parties coming from the provinces, and the company are prepared to quote special rates in this connection.
It will be recalled that this enterprising company originated the plan of operating motor coach services between Loudon and Brooklands a few years ago.
Loughborough Buys a Trailer Fire Pump.
Loughborough municipal authorities have manifested enterprise in effecting additions to their fire-fighting appliances, the latest of these being a Merryweather trailer pump, which is designed for use in connection with the existing Leyland and Dennis engines in dealing mainly with outbreaks in country districts. Difficulty has been experienced in rural places through the heavy motor pumps sticking fast on soft land, and this will be obviated by the use of the trailer pump, which is a small and compact machine mounted on a pair of rubber-tyred wheels.
The new trailer pump, which can be used, in case of necessity, for town work, has a pumping capacity at high pressure of 150 gallons a minute, and when it is worked in conjunction with the Leyland machine 350 gallons per minute can be ejected.
Albion Lorries for Australia.
Tramway companies, both at home and abroad, are making use of increasing numbers of motor vehicles for maintenance work, and one of the pictures on this page shows the first of three ,'0-cwt. Albion lorries to be delivered to the Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board for duties of this nature in connection with the local tramways system.
3322 It is interesting to note that the body, which is of considerable length, extends beyond the driver's cab at the sides, thus enabling long baulks of timber, etc., to be carried without undue overhang. The chassis is shod with pneumatic
tyres, twins being used on the rear wheels, and a spare is accommodated in a bracket at the rear.
• The Goodyear Cushion Tyre.
We have received from the Goodyear Tyre and Ratter Co.'. (Great Britain), Ltd., Chelsea Wharf, Lots-Road, London, S.W.10, pamphlets regarding their new all-weather tread, 30 in. by 3i in. demountable cushien tyre.
This tyre is specially designed for use on delivery vans, and will replace an ordinary 30 in. by 31 in, tyre and demountable rim -without any wheel alteration whatever. It is suitable for all four wheels of Ford delivery vans and for the front wheels only of the ton truck.
The tyre has a hollow centre, which allows a good degree of cushioning. The price is £6 per tyre.
An Electric Vehicle Census.
An interesting census of the uses to which electric industrial vehicles are put in New York and Chicago has recently been carried out by the Transport Committee of the American National Electric Light Association. The census reveals the fact that bakers are the principal users of such vehicles, being responsible for 20.3 per cent, of the total, departmental stores following with 15.9 per cent.
The balance is divided as follows:— Public-service transport, 14 per cent. ; municipal vehicles, 8 per cent. ; packers, provision dealers, etc., 8.1 per cent. ; the " beverage " industry, 7.6 per cent. ; icecream and eoafectionery trades, 4.7 per cent. laundries, 4 per cent. ; warehousing firms, 2 per cent.; the dairy industry, 1.7 per cent. ; coal and ice merchants, 1.3 per cent. ; and miscellaneous, 8.6 per cent.
A French Chain-track Company.
The Societe de l'Exploitation d'AutoChenilles Kegresse-Hinstin is the name of a new company which has lately been formed in Paris, with headquarters at 3, Rue Treilhard, and a capital of seven million francs, to exploit the Kegresse-Hinstin chain-track system for motor vehicles.
. An Attractive Comtner Car Delivery.
One of the most recent vehicles' to leave the works of Commercial Cars, Ltd., Luton, is that which is shown in . accompanying illustration, and which consists of an example of the manufacturers' 2G-type chassis fitted with a sided body havihg a fixed tilt top,
The vehicle forms a useful travelling advertisement, for its users, the Davis Gas Stove Co., Ltd., for the tilt is painted white and carries gilt lettering, whilst the woodwork is of a pleasing shade of dark green. The chassis is mounted upon Dunlop giant pneumatic tyres, twins being used on the rear wheels, and a spare is carried in a special bracket at the rear, from which it can readily be withdrawn. For Carrying Prisoners or Furniture.
At first sight it may be a little difficult to reconcile the imposing van body comprising part of the vehicle illustrated on this page with the chassis on which it is fitted, for the latter is the 15-ft.-wheelbase passenger model made by Dennis Bros., Ltd. The vehicle is, however, an up-to-date version of the "Black Maria," and is shortly to be delivered to the Lanarkshire. Constabulary. It has been designed to fulfil two uses, for, since it will not find full-time employment in the conveyance of prisoners, it has been arranged so that, when occasion arises, it can be used for furniture carrying.
The interior of the body is 14 ft. long, and it is provided with three seats, one it each side, running the entire length of the body. The other, in the centre, is cut short of the door to facilitate entry and eXit, which is by way of a central door fitted with a barred window. Ventilation of the interior is
controlled from the cab, a hinged wooden flap in' front admitting air direct to the body, whilst slits in the .sides and rear ensure adequate circulation. The . driver's cab is well protected, drop windows being fitted in. ,the side doors and a' hinged windscreen in the front. .
The seats can be easily removed when the vehicle is to be used for furniture carrying, whilst the doors will open to the full width of the vehicle when four catches have been released, thus enabling loading and unloading to be carried out With the . Minimum' 'trouble:
The vehicle is . mainly finished in a dark shade of blue, the cab, roof and luggage rail being in white.
Delco-Remy Service Agents.
Delco-Remy and Hyatt, Ltd., inform us .4hat they, have recently appointed the D.R.H. Midland Service Co., 180, Park Road, Hockley, Birmingham, as their official service agents for the counties of -Stafford and Warwick, and • that part of the County of Worcester, inside a line drawn from Tenbury to Newnham, Great Whitley to Worcester, and thence east to the border of Warwickshire,
The company will hold full stocks of replacement parts required for DelcoReilly starting, lighting and ignitian appliances, Hyatt roller bearings, N.D. ball bearings and A.C. speedometers. They are also in a position to undertake repair work.
A Salesman Required.
One of the most prominent British commercial-vehicle manufacturerstoquires a salesman for the London.oflice of the company. Applicants, who mast be between 23 and 35 years of age, must have had some experience in selling engineering prOducts. Letters addressed to "N.," c.o. the Editor, will be forwarded to the proper quarter.
Royal Enfield Commercial Combinations for 1926.
In the main, the commercial models of the Royal Enfield motorcycle remain unaltered for 1026, although the machines are now equipped with S-in. dia meter internal-expanding brakes front and rear, both being foot operated, whilst the saddle suspensions have been improved.
Both box and truck bodies are available .for use with the machine, each capable of carrying up to 4 cwt., the dimensions of the former being Length 4 ft. 6 ins., depth 1 ft. 9 ins., width 1 it.
ins., giving a capacity of approximately 13 cubic ft.
The motorcycle has a 976 c.c. Royal Enfield twin-cylinder engine with mechanical pump lubrication, a threespeed Sturtney-Archer gearbox' cushdrive rear hub, and is shod with 700 mm. by 80 mm. Dunlop cord tyres. The makers are the Enfield Cycle Co., Ltd., Be dditch.
Good Service from Guys.
Messrs. Chivers, of Histon, the well-known manufacturers of table preserves, have, after a long experience with Guy vehicles, expressed their appreciation of the service given by these British-built vehicles by placing a repeat order with the manufacturers for a 3-tonner and also for three 30-ewt. vehicles.
The Scottish Shale Oil In.
dustry. • Sir Burton Chadwick, M.P., Parliamentary Secretary of the Board of Trade, recently received a deputation consisting of Mr. Walter Nellies (general secretary), Mr. O'Hagan, Mr. McKelvie, and Mr. Foster, representing the-National Union of Shale Miners and -Oil Workers, with regard to the position which has arisen in the Scottish shale oil industry as the result of a notification by Scottish Oils, Ltd., that it will be necessary to close down certain oil works and mines and to reduce the Wages of the workpeople at the remaining works and mines.
• Sir Burton Chadwick, who was accompanied by Mr. J. A. N. Barlow, C.B.E2 (Ministry of 'Labour), Mr. J. Lamb, C.D. .(Scettish Office); Mr. R. S.
Metklejohn, (Treasuey), Mr. J. J. Wills and Mr. L. J. Jeffery (Petroleum DePartnient, "Board of Trade), and Mr. . J. G. Henderson, 0.B.E., M.C. (private secretary), stated . that for some time past there had been.communications between. the Government and Scottish Oils, Ltd., but that the Government had not se-en its way to granting any special financial assistance to the Scottish shale oil industry.
A Jowett Instruction Book.
A most interesting instruction book on the Jowett chassis, which should certainly be in the possession of all commercial users of this well-known little chassis, bas recently been issued by jowett Cars, Ltd., Idle, Bradford, at the price of is. 6d.
It is almost a complete compendium, commencing with the method of ordering spares, then going on to driving hints, oiling and adjustment, overhauling, care of the coachwork and of tyres and tubes. It also includes a chapter on the electrical system and other matters of general interest.
Vacuum Oil Staff Dinner.
The directors of the Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., gave a dinner to their staff at the Hotel Victoria, London, a few days ago, when well over 300 guests, including representatives of the company throughout the world, attended. The occasion was marked by presentations to Mr. E. W. Lycett (the present chairman of the company), Mr. H. Paterson and Mr W. J. Woodward, each of whom had a record of 40 years' association with the marketing of Gargoyle products. Mr. Wilson Cross was in the chair, and speeches were made by Messrs. T. G. Crocket, H. Holliday, A. L. McColl and E. W. Lyoett, all directors of the company.
An Effective Jack at a Moderate Price: One of the simplest and most reliable of the many jacks on the marker is the Quicklift, marketed by Brown Bros., Ltd. Great Eastern Street, London,
EC., It is made in five sizes ranging from 15-cwt. to 60-cwt. load lift, and it will jack up any load in a few seconds. It is adaptable to any make of van or lorry.
The jack is of the direct lift type with a ratchet pawl which retains the load in any desired position. Movement of a small lever controls the pawls for lifting or lowering, so that the load can be dropped gradually.
Local Proceedings.
Birkenhead Corporation is considering the provision of a motor ambulance.
Carmarthen Town Council is to consider providing a vehicle park on the fair-ground.
Douglas (I.O.M.) Corporation is considerinothe purchase of a light motor vehicle for the water department.
Aberystwyth Town Council has resolved to buy a new motor fire-engine at an estimated cost of il,300-i1,400.
PortSmouth Corporation has purchased a motorvan from the Lennox Motor Co., for the collection of offal, at a cost of .£132.
The electricity committee of the Barnsley Corporation recommends the purchase of a Morris-Cowley motorvan at a cost of 1190.
The Yorkshire (Woollen District) Electric Tramways, Ltd., are to establish a motorbus service between Dewsbury and Barnsley.
East Suffolk County Council has asked the county surveyor to prepare rules and conditions to be observed in connection with the erection of petrol pumps.
The cleansing committee of the Glasgow Corporation has accepted the offer of the Wade Motor Car Co., Ltd., to supply five motor sweeping machines at £575 each.
The health committee of the Glasgow Corporation is asking a sub-committee to report as to the purchase of motor ambulances for conveying patients from ' the city hospitals.
Bradford Corporation is further considering the establishment of a central motor garage, having now had a report on that which is installed at Halifax, and which has been visited by a deputation from the corporation.
The tramways committee of the Bradford Corporation has accepted the tender of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., at £188, for the supply of five wheels, complete with pneumatic tyres, for experimental use on a trolley vehicle.
Weymouth Corporation has been informed by the National Omnibus and Transport Co., Ltd-, that, having been approached by Messrs. P. J. Jeanes and Co., they are taking over their services operating between Weymouth and Chickerell, and propose extending them as far as Abbotsbury. Woking Urban District Council has obtained sanction to borrow £1,750 for the purchase of a turbine motor fireengine and escape.
Woking Urban District Council has granted the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., licences in respect of six newtype single-deck motorbuses.
The works and finance committee of the Thirsk Rural District Council has recommended the local authority to purchase a motor fire-engine and trailer at a cost of £1,540.
Oxford Watch Committee has de-, cided to forbid the use of Queen's Lane and New College Lane by motorbuses and motor coaches, both thoroughfares being considered unsuitable for such vehicles.
Swedish Imports.
Returns just to hand show that 281 commercial vehicles, valued at approximately £23,000, were imported into Sweden during July last, as compared with 194 (f16,170) in the corresponding month of a year ago. It will be seen from the figures giving 'aggregate values that the vehicles are mainly of a light, cheap type.
Generating Set on a Two-wheeled Trailer.
An interesting two-wheeled trailer
adapted to carry an electrical generating set has just been completed by the Aster Engineering Co. (1913), Ltd., to the order of the British Insulated and Helsby Cable Co., Ltd. The trailer is to be towed at speeds up to 25 m.p.h. behind a lorry. It runs on Dunlop pneumatic tyres and steel-spoke wheels (a spare is carried), and will T■ge used to generate current for testing !cable installations.
The frame is built up of channel sec tions, and is mounted on semi-elliptic springs ; it carries a 12 h.p. four-cylinder Aster petrol engine, which drives a dynamo through the medium of a flexible coupling. The radiator and fan are mounted at the rear end of the trailer, and the switch gear at the forward end. The dynamo delivers 6 k.w. at 220 volts when the engine is running at 1,500 r.p.m. The trailer is fitted with three adjustable legs, which support it when stationary.
Mobile generating units of this type have many obvious applications, and we understand that several orders from other concerns have been received by the Aster Co. since the set under review was constructed.
September 22, 1925. American Tractor Exports.
The total number of wheeled tractors exported from the United States in the first half of 1925 was 18,576 (value $10,253,476). During the corresponding period last year 12,556 machines (value $6,581,531) of this type were exported. The number of machines exported increased 48 per cent., and their total value 56 per cent. The leading markets for wheeled tractors were :Italy, which imported 3,342 machines; Australia, 2,365; Argentina, 2,084; Canada, 1,702; France, 1,301; and Russia, 1,180.
Institute of Metals Programme.
The Institute of Metals has just issued its programme, which begins in October, for the year 1925-1926. Six lectures on metallurgical subjects are to he given \ during the winter months before each of the Institute's local sections, which have their headquarters at Birmingham, Glasgow, London, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Sheffield and Swansea respectively. The programme also includes particulars of the meetings of the parent body in London, and a copy can be obtained from the secretary at 36-38, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1.
Sunderland Displaces its Last Horsed Fire-engine.
The Sunderland Corporation has displayed particular enterprise in the utilization of motor vehicles for a variety of municipal services, and for long the fire-brigade has boasted a fine range of mechanically propelled appliances. Horse-drawn engines, however, have still been employed to a decreasing extent, having been replaced from time to time by motors. Now the last of these machines is to be dispensed with, and in its place the corporation is purchasing a Leyland motor fire-engine at an outlay of £1,509.
New " Northern " Services.
Since opening their new garage at Consett, which is capable of -accommodating 18 buses, the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., have lost no time in putting into effect their proposals to open up new services in North-west Durham. One of the most important additions to date is the inauguration of a direct new route connecting up Consett with Newcastle and thereby providing a convenient link with Tyneside.