NUITY in attitude, approach and staff is essential if the
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rt and Road Research Laboratory is to provide wellxi information and advice on a wide range of transport es in a way which properly reflects its breadth of interest e perience says TRRL director Alex Silverleaf in his xl ction to the annual report for 1977, published this week. r ilverleaf says that although the White Paper on transport :.•y. did not include a section devoted to research, it did :at welcome and encouraging references to research results m de it clear that further research will be required to assist :ie etopment of policy.
ie "importance is stressed of exploring the social needs which .ne transport requirements. The emphasis on a selective -o ch to the trunk roads programme, with priority on it nce for industrial traffic and relief for towns and villages 1 eavy vehicles, has immediate consequences for highway n ering research, says the report.