News and Comment.
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This journal is extensively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses.
Battery Vehicles.
We may deal, in next week's issue, with certain evidences of excitement in the electrical Press, for which we are responsible. These arose from our article, entitled "Boosting the Battery Vehicle," in the issue of this journal for the 26th Two Well-known Parcelcars.
What was obviously an error crept into the descriptions which appeared beneath reproductions of photographs of an Auto-Carrier and a Girling pareelcar, respectively, hi our article on Brighten users last week. The confusion which resulted in the description of these two characteristic machines as an " Auto-Gieling " and a " Carrier " respectively, although regrettable, is not without its amusing side.
C.M.U.A. Examinations.
Owners of vehicles whose drivel's are entered for the C.M.U.A. Parade of Whit-Monday next, and whose employees have also been entered this year for the " Championship Examinations," will do well to note that the exami nation for petrol-vehicle drivers will be on the 9th prox., from 6 to 9 p.m., and that for steam-vehicle drivers on the 16th prox., between the same hours, both at the Royal Automobile Club.
Expert Legal Defence.
Pages 176 and 177 of this issue contain information concerning the free legal defence and unlimited legal defence for which the C.M.U.A. is responsible. We heartily commend participation in this concerted programme of cooperative self-protection to owners who wish to safeguard themselves against undue expense in the event of their receiving summonses for technical or other breaches of the Motor Car Acts.
Thornycroft Valve Setting.
John I. Thornycroft and Co. Ltd., asks us to state that it prefers to recommend the adjustineet as between valve stems and valve tappets on its standard engines as one giving a clearance, when the engine is hot, of ten thousandths of an inch. In our article describing the care of the Thornyeroft chassis, which appeared in a recent issue, we placed this at one thousandth. Perhaps those of oar readers who are users of Thornycroft machines will take note of the maker's preference for the slightly-larger clearance.
First-Aid Outfits.
We wish to direct the attention of readers to the recent decision of the C.M.U.A. to secure for its members a satisfactory first-aid outfit, and one of suitable contents and dimensions for use on commercial motors. A committee of the Association recently completed its report on this matter, after taking the advice of members of the medical profession and of outfit manufacturers. The result is seen in the excellent " C.M.U.A. First-Aid Outfit," comprising a stout, black, japanned, tin ease, with separate bottle departments, measuring 10 ins. by 5 ins. bss 4 ins. overall. The contents are : absorbent wool (1 oz.) ; bandage, esmaren ; bandages, roller (6 assorted); boric lint, (2 ozs.) ; carrou oil ozs.); camelhair brush ; enamelled-steel kidney tray ; eye bath ; eye shade ; friar's balsam (2 ozs.); finger stalls (2) ; sal volatile (4 ozs.) ; scissors ; sponge ; smelling tialts ; splinter forceps ; safety pins (3 doz.); plaster (1 in. I.R.).
The issue price is 15s., post free, and instructions will receive attention in the same order that they reach the Secretary of the Associas tion, Mr. F. 0. Bristow, at 83, Pall Mall, S.W. The British Petroleum Co., Ltd., has just placed an order for six two-ton and six 2A-ton MimesDaimler vehicles ; it already has two 2I-ton machines of that make.
Leeds-Sheffield Mails.
The tender of Thos. Tilling, Ltd., Of Peckham, SE., for the conveyance of mails by inotorvan between Leeds and Sheffield, has been accepted.
Recent Registrations.
The Rapid Motor Tramport Co., Ltd. (X5000), by Messrs. John Oswald and Sons, of Edinburgh. Business, carrying and hiring.
Stockwell Motorvan and Car Co., Ltd. (E5000), with its registered office at '28, Victoria Street, Westminster, S. W. Business, manufacturers and dealers.
Colwyn Bay Haulage Co., Ltd. (22000). First directors : E. Boase (Rhos-on-Sea), J. 0. Davies, E. J. Holmes, J. D. H. Osborn, J. M. Porter, and S. Wood (all of COIWYTI Bay). Business, as title.
S. S. Nevill, Ltd. (750)), with its registered office at 79a, Parkhurst Road, Holloway, N. First dimetors : S. S. Nevill (chairman) and A. A_ Taylor. Business, motorhaulage contractors and dealers.
G. W. Leech and Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of 22000 in 21 shares, and with its office at the Railway Wharf, Redditcli, to acquire the business of general hauliers and carriers, etc., now carried on by G. W. Leech, at Redditch, Worcestershire. First directors : 0. W. Leech, W. H. Silk, W. A. 0. Silk and R. D. Thornton. Alldays in Ireland.
We learn that Mr. Claude Odium, of Portarlington, has recently taken delivery of a 90 lt.p. chain-driven lorry, for the conveyance of flour and other millers goods, from the
Allrlay, and Onions Pneumatic Engineering Co., Ltd.
Tire Treatment.
Owners of commercial motors will be interested to peruse the contents of a booklet that is issued by the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., Manor Mills, Birmingham, or 'from any of its depots, eoncerning solid-rubber tires. Interesting particulars aro given, as to suitable loads and sections, the care and use of tires, the importance of wheel alignment, and methods of checking it.
Road-Borne Spirit. Further advices are to ham( concerning the placing of orders for motor vehicles to carry motor spirit No fewer than 12 Commercars, of the two-ton and three-ton types, are on order for the purpose, by the British Petroleum Co., Ltd., to carry Shell spirit, whilst the same company has ordered six :30 Thornyerofts for like work.
Connolly Tires.
New m epresentatives, to look after the interests of Connolly tires, have been appointed by J. W. and T. Connolly, Ltd.. whore chief offices are at 57-67. Wharfdale Road, King's Cross., follow : for Lancashire, Cheshire and North Wales, Mr. W. 31. Barrett ; for South Yorkshire, Derbyshire and Staffordshire, Mr. M. G. Clapperton. These new appointment are made to relieve the pressure upon the earlier Connolly organization.
Thornycroft Successes.
The Public Health Department of the W estminster City Council is about to take delivery of a new Tliornycroft vehicle with interchangeable bodies. This is of the company's 20-24 b.h.p. type, with worm drive. In this case, the petrol tank, of l4 gallons capacity, is on the dashboard. The vehicle will be used for the conveyance of infected linen, and the body is lined throughout with aluminium ; the interchangeable bodies are fitted with a special roller device, to facilitate handling intact.
A further order from the War Office has been given for 12 subsidytype Thornycroft three-tonners, bringing the W.O. fleet of Thornycroft vehicles of this model to 20.
A Thal in South Africa.
We have received-a report of certain motor-lorry trials, which were held at the Rosebank Show, in South Africa, last February. They concerned a 30-cwt. Dennis, a threeton Mass, a four-ton Rimier, and a five-ton Leyland. Whilst we have no desire to write disrespectfully of or in any manner that reflects upon those who were responsible for or conducted the tests, we feel that, by reason of the above-mentioned diversity of load rapacity, and for other reasons, the records cannot be regarded AS of serious import. They were undoubtedly of satisfactory local effect, in popularizing the claims of commercial motors generally, and as such deserve every commendation. All the vehicles appear to have done well, and particularly so the Dennis.
Thos. Tilling, Ltd.
Mr. Richard S. Tilling presided at the 17th annual general meeting of Thos. Tilling, Ltd., on the 16th inst., at the Cannon Street Hotel, London. He briefly traced the growth of the company's business, since the small beginnings of 70 years ago. There had been various degrees of municipal competition, and the general impression abroad, that the omnibus trade was out to compete with the tramways, was erroneous. Omnibus proprietms were simply out to earn their own living, and to carry on their own business. The omnibus proprietor of to-day was in many cases the survival of the old coach propr;etor of years gone by. They had themselves merely set to work to try to evolve something that was suitable to modern requirements, and they had met every expense out of revenue in doing it. In paying a dividend of five per cent, on the ordinary shares, they were well satisfied that their position was a sound one, and that their investments were extremely satisfa.etory, -particularly in the business of W. A. Stevens, Ltd. They wer now developing a business in heavy haulage, and had bought a number of steam lorries for it.
Twelve-Months Test of Ferodo.
We have received from the Herbert Freod Co., Lid., Chapelen-le-Frith, a copy of a report of tests of this company's brake and clutch lining material, Ferodo,' which were carried out by the National Physical Laboratory. The tests were instituted by the company at its own cost, and the following extract from the report, which is naturally a lengthy one, offers useful evidence. of the high efficiency of this production. It is stated that the 1) results were obtained when the fabric had worn to a black, polished surface. Three kinds of material underwent tests, via., Ferodo bonded asbestos, another fabric of the eame class except that it was die-pressed, and
Ferodo fibre.. The highest coefficient of friction obtained from the bonded asbestos was .32, and this was attained at the high speed of 290n ft. per minute ; the surfacecontact pressure was 144 lb. per .sq. in.
The highest coefficient of the diepressed medium was also .32 at a speed, however, of 600 ft.. per minute, the surface-pressure in this instance being 37 lb. per sq. in. Ferodo fibre had particularly high valises, .73 being obtained at a speed of 600 ft. per minute, with a pressure vf 16 lb. per sq. in. At a velocity of '2900 ft. per minute, the remarkable result of .64 was re(-circled as the coefficient of friction, the pressaire on the eontaet surfaces being 39 lb. per sq. in.
It was found that, although the fabric had such high coefficients and could be run with considerable pressure between the surfaces in contact, yet, at the same time, the wear was very slow. Furthermore, the value of the coefficient when the material was lubricated proved very satisfactory, and the amount of work absorbed was high under such circumstances.
Hire.-Purchase Law.
A book entitled " The Hire-Purchase System—a Practical Manual for Lawyers and Hire Traders," by Mr, William H. Russell, solicitor, of Cheltenham, has now run into its fifth edition, and we find it a most useful book of reference, equally in respect of first principles as of case law. It constitutes a successful en deavour to provide lawyers and hire-traders with a manual which states the law clearly and also deals in a practical manner with points which are continually arising in thu course of hire-trade operations_ The book appears to us to have fulfilled its object in a satisfactory manner. Anybody who is engaged in selling motors of any kind on the deferred-payment sys. tern cannot do better than to obtain a copy for reference, as every phase of hire-purchase law is carefully and completely treated in its wellarranged and concise pages. There 3S, too, a copious index, of no fewer than 21 pages ; this greatly facilitates rapid access to any particular point. The book is published by Stevens and Sons, Ltd., 119, Chancery Lane, E.C., at is. 64.
The L.G.O.C. Sixth Annual Dinner.
The sixth annual dinner of the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., took place, on Saturday evening last, at the Hotel, Cecil. There were well over 500 present. Mr. C. J. CaterScott occupied occupied the chair, and he was supported, amongst others, by Messrs. Jelin O'Connor, M.P., W. 3oyneonHicks, M.P., and W. E. Mandeliek. Amongst those who were unable to be present were Sir Edgar Speyer and Mr. A. IT. Stanley, on Ea:vomit of ill health, Lieut-Col. C. F. Colville, and Mr. E. S. Shrapeell-Smith.
As usual on occaeions of this kind, the committee, of which Mr. 11. E. Blinn was chairman and Mr. E. S. Welton honorary secretary, had arranged for an admirable dinner with a capital concert to follow.
After the proposal of the usual loyal toast. by tile chairman, Ma. JOHN O'Cotelson, M.P., in proposing the toast of " The Tamdon General Omnibus Co.. Ltd.," in a facetious speech stated that he considered the company's operations had destroyed the romance of London life. From his favourite daily paper he had learned that the last horse bus was coon t cross Waterloo Bridge, and that marked a wonderful era in London's transport. lie thought one of the most remark ahle achievements had been the carrying by the L.G.O.C. of million passengers during the course of a recent four days. Alter a reference to Mr. A. H. Stanley as the Napoleon of managera, turd to his regrettable absence, Inc said he thenght that the L.C.i.O.C. had demonstrated a great publie want, and that they were prepared and able to meet it, and that now the public could net do without their assistmee.
Mr. C. J. CATER-SCOTT replied to the toast, and said he thought that nothing 3Ir. O'Connor had said in praise id the company was undeeerved, At the present time this concern
was unrivalled threughout the world. Perhaps some figliECIA dealing with the traffic during the past year euuld give some
indication of the vastness of this concern. .11i 1013 the com pany's buses carried 676,000,000 passengers, wii:C11 was rather less than half the population of the world. The full sig Mficance of these figures would he realized e hen it was ex rlained that in one year the L.G.O.C. had carried the population of London 100 times over, and that for that eervice the passengers had paid the company 3i millions sterling in fates. Of the last-mentioned sum, nearly one half, or about 131,500,000, had been distributed as wages diming the year. The staff at present numbered 113,000, or, including that of the Associated Equipments Cu., 20,000 perenne, "I am proud of our drivers and condoiciers." continued 311. Scott, "and I am proud of the extraordinary skill with which the drivers navigate their machines thromeh the busy etreete, and of the constant civility which is ehown to the general public by the conductors." (Apple use). In every corner of Greater London, a part of the " All Bed " route of the L.G.O.C. service was now to be foam', The buses covered 5C0 miles of track, and there were 3000 machines with nearly 10,000 drivers and conductors operating them. During the course of the year these buses covered something like 105,000,000 miles, "and," continued Mr. Cater-Scott. "
according to my friend Mr. Mandelick, who thinks he • knows everything, the distance from the earth to the sun is 95,000,000 miles. [It is actually 92,000,000 miles—ED.] In Al r. Stanley; their manager, they had a very prince of organizers, and, in addition, he was a man of striking personal charm. To the engineering skill of Sir. W. J. Idea they were indebted for the omnibus which now ran so consistently, The great iiecret of Sir. Idea's success in perfecting the standard motorbus employed by the company was that he never spared himself and was very careful of the smallest
3fre. H.. E. BLAIN, proposing the toast of " The Visitors," made the best speech of the evening. He complained that up to the Tuesday previously this partieular toilet had been in the hands of the secretary of the company, but that there had been a lunch of the secretaries of the various tube coin.. paniee with that gentleman, and that the "tubes" had appeared so annoyed at the L.C.O.C.'s carrying best part ot London's inhabitetots during the holiday, that they decided that this particular honour could riot be allowed to rest in his hands. H. 31r. Blain, amusingly complained that the speech had been left to him, although he was almost one of the junior members. ef the stall in respect of service. What had narticularly stock him, in spite of his considerable experience of other forms of haulage, was the marvellous efficiency factor of the LiC-0.C. has fleet.
31n. JorasoN-ITicos, M.P., replying for " the Visitors," said that he was by no means a junior member of the staff. He
had been associated with the company for 23 years. With reference to his friend Me. J. O'Connor's claim that the company had destroyed the romance of London streets, he thought there was more romance in the company then ever. When the L.G.O.C. stock was at 240 he bought it and it went down to 17, and he did 'lot then sell it and it went back again. He thought that was romance enough even to satisfy Mr. O'Connor. He considered that the L.G.O.C. had effected a revolution in the habits of Londoners., and had aleo solved the housing and the transportation questions. Some years ago he and Mr. Blain had come to grips over tramcars—horrible
things. The future of London's transport lay undoubtedly with the railless form of traffic.
Ma. R. S. TILLINU proposed the health of the chairman, in the absence of Lient.-C-ol. C. F. Colville, and Mn. P. WILLING Times proposed the health of the Dinner Committee, which consisted of Messrs. G. Schmidt (hon. treasnrer), .T. E. Aeliby, CI. P. Barrett, S. Crane, F. W. Eeton. W. 3. Iden, R. S. F. LandsdoNvne, W. E. Mtuidelick, 3. C. Mitchell, A. E. Muserove. 3. O'Neill, F. Pick. W. F. Rainforth, 0. .T. Shave, S. Smith, and II. Talbot.