News of the Week
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ON April 15 the Road Transport Organization Joint Conference held an all-day sitting with Lord Perry in the chair. This was to consider the replies of constituent organizations concerning the Conference Report. A number of useful suggestions has been received, and the examination of these will be continued at a further meeting on May 5. In the meantime, these points will be studied by a subcommittee to ensure satisfactory progress of the scheme for unified representation.
NEW REPORT SHORTLY ON ROAD-SURFACE EXPERIMENTS I N the post-war planning of London streets, the Minister of War Transport should, suggested Sir William Brass in the House of Commons last week, take powers to prevent local authorities from surfacing their streets with wooden bricks, which formed a treacherous surface in wet weather, in view of the fact that the composition of a non-skidding surface was well known.
As Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of War Transport, Mr. NoelBaker said he was not at present satisfied that it would be wise to adopt the course proposed. He 'recalled that shortly before the war, .a committee was set up by his department, with the help of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, to investigate the question of skidding on streets paved with wooden blocks. In its first report. Which was presented in 1940, it recommended forms 'of surface treatment which had, in practice, proved effective. The committee had ccintinued its experiments on the subject, and a fitrther recommendation on the subject would shortly be made.
NEW SCHEME WILL PUT MANY. HAULIERS OFF THE ROAD THE Government's new haulage scheme, was referred to by Mr. P. T. Noel-Baker, M.P., Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the M.O.W.T., when he gave an address to a meeting of Press representatives in Glasgow, last week. He said it was hoped that they would be able to make .quite certain that everything that could go by rail or canal would be so diverted, 'and that everything that went by road would go with the least wastage of petrol, labour and lorries.
That was likely to put a great many hauliers .off the road. They weretaking over a number of concerns and were aiming at having 450 • units throughout the country. For the rest who were not taken over they would have a certain return on their capital whether the vehicles were uted or not.
Mr: Noel-Baker said that up to date Scotland had done extraordinarily well. 'She controlled milts actually working in Scotland number 36,, and, he thought, they were planning to A14 have 60 altogether in Scotland. Illustrating the co-operation of Scottish hauliers, he mentioned that 23 accepted out of the first 24 who were invited to come in as controlled undertakings.
ASSOCIATION'S COLLECTIVE GOODS-IN-TRANSIT INSURANCE ifEMBERS of the Liverpool Cart aland Motor Owners' Association have been notified of the completion of arrangements whereby' the Association's collective goods-in-transit insurance policy can be extended to cover traffic carried on behalf of th,e Ministry ofWar Transport within a 10 miles radius of Liverpool Town Hall.
DELAYS in the distribution of meat to butchers' shops in the Bootle area are reported to have been partly, caused by the absence of butchers front their shops %%hen carriers have wanted to make deliveries. The management committee of the Bootle Retail Buying Committee has decided to warn offenders that such neglect in the future might be responsible for them being reported to the Ministry of Food,
AN unusual case was heard st Liverpool County Magistrates Court, last week, when three summonses were heard 'against the second man on a motor lorry who drove the vehicle after it had been loaded, because he became tired of waiting for the driver. It was stated that when on the public highway the lorry ran on to a footpath, hit a lamp standard, knocked down an elderly man and struck a wall.
The presiding magistrate said that it was difficult to understand the mentality of a man handling such a loaded vehicle without knowing something about it.
On the summons for driving dangerously defendant was fined £2, as well as £3 15s, in' connection with licence offences.
AN interim dividend of 5 per cent. (less tax) for 1942 on its £497,000 ordinary, shares has been declared by Albion-Motors, Ltd. In 1941 there was a single dividend of 12i per cent. for the year.
CONDUCTORETTES for trolleybuses and trams may now be recruited at the age of 18 for service on vehicles owned by London Transport.
SEEKING EXTENSION OF TROLLEYBUS ORDER" KIEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE Transport I land Electricity Committee is to apply to the Ministry of War Transport for an extension of three years from December 31, 1943, of the Order authorizing the committee to introduce trolleybuses over the High Level and Tyne Bridges into Gateshead. The matter is being considered by Gateshead and Felling Councils which are involved in the decision.
AVELING-BARFORD ROLLING FORWARD 'WELL known as a maker of powerW driven road rollers, etc., AvelingBarford, Ltd., has increased its capital to 4650,000. To do this, it has created _75,000 El cumulative preference and 800,000 5s. ordinary shares, each 'class ranking with the issued capital.
THE first bus which Bradford Corporation is putting into service with a producer-gas generator successfully came through trials, including operation on some of the city's many stiff
gradients, .% last week. A standard bailer producer unit, burning anthracite, is attached to an oil-engined bas. Consumption .of oil fuel and producer gas was approximately on a 50-50 basis, but it is hoped to increase the oil-fuel saving by engine modifications and adjustments. The bus is being put into selvice on the Stunningly route, which includes a gradient about one mile in length. It is planned to adapt up to 10 more of the undertaking's buses for producer gas operation before the end of the year.
LAST Monday Salford Transport Department's new priority travel scheme for war workers and members of the Forces on the all-night bus services in the city came into operation. Apart from Service men in uniform possessing leave passes and war workers holding priority passes, passengers are not allowed to board vehicles at the termini until five minutes before the scheduled time of departure.
The priority passes at+ issued to war workers by the transport department through the men's employers.
A " CENTRE " FOR THE MOTOR TRADE nNE of the oldest-established social, ‘,.../amusement and recreational centres is Murray's Club, 9, Beak Street, London, W.I. It is a rendezvous well known to members of the motor industry, and many will be interested to learn that it has been reopened by three personalities in the trade, Many improvements are being carried out, and charges for meals and refreshments will be kept as reasonable as circumstances permit. C.M.U.A. LONDON DIVISIONAL
AT the Divisional a.g.m. of the London and Home Counties Divisio n, C.M U.A.. unanimous approval was given of the proposals in the Report of the Road Transport Organization Joint Conference, and hope was expressed that they would, in the interests of the road-transport industry, be soon implemented.
Members of the Divisional Committee for the year 1943-44 are as follow :Representatives of A and B licensees: Major L. O. BodIey. Messrs. E. C. Adams, S. E. Bailey, H. H. Crow, MInst.T. Frank F. Fowler, W. J. Mackeb.vo;th, J. S. Nichol!, C.B.E., M.Inst.T., Denis A. Renwick, A. Rickards, E. P. Sayers, C. J. Verrall, A. J. Wells, R. Coulson, M. W. Harris, R. Hickman, J. F. E. Pye, j.P., A.M.Inst.T., A. W. Risdon.
Representing C licensees: Lieut.Col. H. M. Lawrence, Messrs. A. Baker, H. A. ,Beardall, W. Buckley, M.Inst.T., C. Courtney Cramp, A.M.Inst.T., H. C. Crane, M.Inst.T., J. Fairgrieve, MC., S. N. Horne, M.Inst.T., H. Knight, Lewis D. Levy, J. R. Maidens, M.I.A.E., A.M.Inst.T., A. H. Pavis, W. G. Pavitt, C. A. Roberts, M.Inst.T., C. F. Roberts, M.G., Chris Smith, M.Inst.T., R. A. B. Smith, MC., A.M.Inst.C.E., G. A. Vincent.
Representing p.s.K. operators: Messrs. R. Duv,al, A. Green, S. D. Oddy, H. Filcher, A. E. Smith, F. J. Speight, A.M.Inst.T.