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23rd August 1921, Page 25
23rd August 1921
Page 25
Page 25, 23rd August 1921 — IN SEARCH OF TH - E IDEAL COACH.
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Unearthing New Ideas. Drivers' Original Suggestions.

THIS SUMMER has been splendid from the coaching point. of view. The hoods of many coaches have only recently been unstrapped. Fbr that reason the defects of present methods of weather-proofing the "poor man's motorcar" have not been brought into prominence to the extent which would have been the casebad the season been a

rainy one. .

There is no doubt thatthe hood is one of the weakest points in present-day coach design. The coach will never make much headway as an all-season vehicle until some better method of protecting the passengers from the weather is evolved. There is abundant scope for ingenuity in this direction. It is a subject on which many drivers should have useful suggestions to put forward, because the driver suffers as much from the. inefficiency of-present -arrangements as do the passengers. Moreover, it is the driver's job to put up the hood when it is required. Very often that is an arduous task, provocative of much annoyance and delay.

We hope, when we come to publish the winning -letters in our coach competition—in which so much interest has been aroused—that there will be -found seine useful and original suggestions on this import

-ant subject. .

It is the great feature of this competition, which is confined °solely to the drivers of motor coaches, that their letters will be judged solely on the merit of the ideas and suggestions they contain, and not on their literary composition and grammatical correctness. We will put them ship-shape from the latter -point of view. It is the new ideas we want to find.

Simplicity is another feature of the competition. All that a driver has to do is to write a short letter

lying his ideas under this heading: "How I think My Coach Could be Improved," and then to fill in the coepon printed on this page, -and send it, with the letter, to the Editor of The Commercial Mctor, 7-15, Rosebery Avenue, London, E.C. I, marking the envelope "Coach Competition" (this must not be omitted).

Every driver is eligible to compete, and should any competitor, after sending in his letter, have thought of something else which he would like to have included at his first attempt, he can write an additional letter, marking it "Second attempt," which will be considered as a postscript to. his first letter. There are good prizes offered, wtich make it well worth while to compete.

For the letter which, in the opinion of the Editor, contains the best suggestions, aprize of 21-0 will be awarded. The second and third best letters will secure prizes of 25 and 23 respectively, whilst we shall give ten consolation prizes of 21 each for the best letters which do not win large prizes.

The decision of the Editor on all matters relating to the competition will be final, and the winning letters will be published in an early subsequent issue of The 'Commercial Motor after the competition ends. The laiiter also reserves the right to publish any of the letters whiCh do not win prizes, and to pay lor those published. Competitors who do not wish their names to appear ca-n use a nom de plume if they like, but otherwise all successful entrants will get full credit for their suggestions and their enterprise.

The Editor of The Commercial Motor is confident that there must be many drivers who have given a lot of thought to the subject of improvements that could well be made to the coaches which they drive, and this competition affords them an excellent opportunity of bringing such ideas to the notice of •those people who are in a position to put them into practice.

Now is the time many manufacturers are planning out their next year's vehicles, and The Cornmercial Motor -expects to see many and important improvements made. This competition will enable the driver to lend a hand in this " improvement "

cemp ai It is most important, from every point of view, that the British coach should be kept ahead of all competitors. It has been ahead so far, but Continental manufacturers are waking up to the importance of the coach, and are tackling problems with characteristic ingenuity and enterprise. But we must not let the foreigner beat us at our own game. That is why no suggestions that anyone, however humble he may be, can make, should be ignored. It is to this end that our Coach Competition was inaugurated. Many drivers have risen to the occasion and sent in their efforts—very creditable efforts some of them. But there is time for many more to follow their example. So, drivers, think the matter over, and send your letters in. The prizes arc waiting to be won.