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Scottish Show Exhibitors.
The list of names of manufacturers of, and agents for, commercial vehicles who will be exhibiting at the Scottish Motor Show to be held in the new Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, from November 4th to 12th, contains the following: Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd. ; Alexander Motors ; Beardmore Motors, Ltd. ; Malcolm Breehin and Co., Ltd. ; Bryson Motors, Ltd.; D. Carlow and Sons, Ltd. ; Peter Crerar ; J. Croall and Sons; R. Y. Dickson; Dodge Bros., Ltd. ; A. and D. Fraser ; General Motors, Ltd.; Glasgow and Paris Motor Cu., Ltd. ; Guy Motors, Ltd. ; Halley Motors, Ltd. ; Leyland Motors, Ltd. ; Macharg, Rennie and Lindsay ; Mackay and Jardine, Ltd.; Ritehies, Ltd. ; Rosgeigh, Ltd.; Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd. ; John I. Thorny.. croft and Co., Ltd.; Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co. (1006), Ltd. ; Western Motor Co., Ltd.; Westfield Autoear Co., Ltd.
New Regulations for Unhired Taxicabs,
The Minister of Transport has just Issued new regulations in respe7t. of anhired ens.
The regulations provide that, except reason of accident or other unavoidable cause, no driver of an unhired cab shall loiter for the purpose of picking up a passenger, and the cab shall not be stopped other than on a cab rank in
ing clauses affecting the use and manufacture of motor vehicles received the attention of the committee, and amendmints have been obtained and objectionable clauses deleted in respect of a number of proposals, some of whieh were of a novel and far-reaching character.
So far as public Bills are eon turned, the committee was associated with the introduction or reintroduction into Parliament of the Roadside Petrol Pumps Bill, the Highways Administration Bill and the Gates on Highways Bill.
About 100 private Bills and Provisional Orders were prepared during the session, and of these about 50 received attention in respect of a large number of proposals affecting the interests represented by the committee. In many Ideas for Reducing Accidents.
With a view to inducing motorists to contribute ideas for reducing accidents The Motor this week offers 115 for what is adjudged to be the best idea, /10 for the next best and , ten further awards of 15 each. It is thought that some idea may be evolved that will be as simple and as effective as the white line, and it is considered undesirable that any system of warning should be complicated and expensive, or that it should involve the use of intricate mechanical details. The simple idea is the most likely to prove acceptable. The conditions are set forth in The Motor this week, and ideas should be addressed to The Editor, The Motor, 5-15, Rosebery Avenue, London, E.C.1.
Nottingham's Parade
The seventh annual parade of commercial vehicles organized by the Fast Midlands Division of the Commercial Motor Users' Association will he held on the Victoria Embankment, Nottingham, OD Saturday, September 17th.
Free Parking for Motor Coaches.
Ambleside Urban District Council has entered into arrangements with the Lancashire and Westmorland Motor Services, Ltd., for the use of its parking ground for the free parking of motor
coaches visiting Ambleside. It was Stated at a council meeting that for the streets specified in the two schedules
issued with the regulations. These schedules embody two lists of streets in the Central London area, the first indicating those in which the regulations apply from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m., and the other indicating those in which they apply from 8 a.m. to midnight.
Work of the Motor Legislation Committee.
The Motor Legislation Committee has just issued a summary of the work which was undertaken during the last Parliamentary session. A large number of private and public Bills contain
B20 instances satisfactory adjustments were made concerning local and minor points, such as traffic regulation and control, road widths, obstructions on carriageways, etc.
Negotiations with Government Departments concerning proposed Orders, regulations and points of administration constituted another function of the committee, and subjects dealt with under this heading during the past 12 months include the new Heavy Motor Car Order, heavy motor traffic on bridges, London traffic regulations, parking places, licensing statistics, petroleum storage and transport, etc. want of parking space several large perties had proceeded ou their way when they had intended staying in Ambleside for meals.
Hull Buys another Dyson Trailer.
In one of our recent issues we referred to the fact that the Hull Corporation had placed an order for a 5-ton Dyson trailer, and that if the unit proved satisfactory in use a repeat order would be given. We now learn from R. A. Dyson and Co., Ltd., 76-S0, Grafton Street, Liverpool, that it has just received from the Hull authorities an order for anothek 0-ton trailer.