Financial News of the Industry
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T. C. Ginn, Ltd.-Pr vale company. Reg, August 9. Cap. £20-000 in
it shares, to acquire the business of general carriers and furniture removers carried on by the Midland Bar.k Executor and Trustee Co., Ltd., and James R. Wills, at Bedlord. Directors: F. V. Ginn. 31, Castle Lang. Bedford; Reginald G. Rose. 12, The Crescent. Bedford; Albert R. L Smith, 34. Gladstone Street. Bedford; and James R. Wills, 65, Winifred Road, Bedford. Secretary: J. R Wills. Reg. office: 135-7. Tavistock Suet'. Bedford.
Bailey and Turner (Haulage). Ltd--Private company. Reg. August 7. Cap. £10.000 in £1 shares. To armoire that part of the business of haulage contractors carried on by Bailey and Turner (Automobile Engineers). Lod., at St. George's Garage. Worcester. and elsewhere. Directors: Victor H. Bailey and Edith S. Bailey. both of 402, Ombersley Road. Benue. Worcester; and Vernon W. Turner and Mary Turner, both of 306, Bath Road, Worcester, Solicitors; Hulme rind Parry, Worcester Reg. office: St. George's Garage. Worcester.
Stuart and Laing (Rothlenorman), Ltd.-Private company. Reg. In Edinburgh August 3. Car. £6.500 in 3.000 5 per cent, cumulative preference and 3,000 ordinary shares of El, and 2.000 " B " shares of 5s. To carry on the business of a garage, car and taxicab proprietor. Subscribers: Douglas F. Stuart, Granite House, Rothienorman, Aberdeenshire: and Robert G. Laing. 3, Smithy Road, Rothienorman. Aberdeenshire. Reg. office: The Corner Garage, Rothienorman, W. GUMMI (Transport). Ltd.-Priyate company. Reg. August 9. Cap. £5.000 in £1 shares. To carry on the business of a haulage contractor. Directors: G. Groom and E, M, Green, both of 25. Langley Road, Small Heath, Birmingham. Solicitors; Bailey. Cox and Co., 55, Temple Row,
Birmingham, 2. Reg. office: 102. Ravenhurst Street. Camp Hill, Birmingham.
Clernead Mason, Ltd.-Private company. Reg. In Dublin August 2. Cap. £5,600 in £1 shares. To carry on the business of a dealer in ears. motorcycles and lorries_ Directors: Clement Mason, M.I.M.T.. 30, Marctuna Gardens. Biackrock, Co. Dublin; and Edward Byrne, LS. Herbert Street, Dublin.
Acorn 111ititelfS, LoL-Private company. Reg. August 3. Cap. £4.000 In £1 shares. To carry on the business of a haulier and storage proprietor, Directors: Harry C. Davies. 58, Rosemount Road, Acton, London, W,3; and Stanley H. Jerram, 31, Berrymead Gardens, Acton, London, W.3. Solicitors; Grciu and Co., 199, High Street, Acton, London. W.3. Reg office: 31. Berrymead Gardens, Acton, London. W.3.
Hntscocks (Old Colwyn). Ltd.-Private company. Reg. August 12. Cam
£4,000 in £1 shares. To acquire the business of a coach and taxicab proprietor heretofore carried on by Samuel Hancock at 31. Coed Cods Ruud, Old Colwyn. Directors: Samuel Hancock and Alice Hancock, both of 11, Kensington Avenue, Old Colwyn. Reg. office: Coed Coch Road, Old Colwyn, Denbighshire.
W. Treble and Sons. Ltd.-Private company. Res. August 6. Cagy £4,000 in it shares. To carry on the business of taxicab and hackneycarriage proprietor. Directors: W. Treble, S. Barfitt Street, Queen's Pate East, London, W.10, and W, H. Treble, 49, Palermo Road. Harlesden, London. N.W.10. Solicitors: Scatliffs and F. W. Luck and Son. 2. The Mall. Ealing. London, W5. Reg, office: Eudora Garage, 26, Macroom Road, Maida Vale. London, W.9.
W. J. H. Vanstoise and Sons. Ltd.-Private company. Rea. August 6. Cap. £3.000 in £1 shares. To acquire the 'business formerly carried on by the late Watford I. H. Vanstone at (.1, Ilsham Road, Wellswood, Torquay,
and to carry on the business of taxi arid garage proprietor. Directors: Vanstone and W. V. Armstrong, both of 61, 1.1sham Road, Wellswood. Torquay; Richard G. Vanstope, 2. Cavern Villas, Wellswood. Torquay. and Harry E. Vanstone, "Firs Dene. ' Ellesmere Road, Torquay Solicitors: Kitsons Easterbrook and Co., Torquay. Rex. office: 61, Ilsharn Road. Wellswood. Torquay.
Smiths' (Actual, Ltd.-Private company. Reg. August 12. Cap. £3,0110 in £1 shares. To acquire the business of haulage contractors carried on at 52. Hanbury Road, Acton. London. W.3. as "St. Smith and Son." Directors: Henry Smith and Chas. J. Smith, both of 52, Hanbury Road. Acton. London, W.3; and Harry W. Smith, 77. Park Road, North Acton, London, W.3. Reg. office: 52, Hanbury Road, Acton, London, W3 Samertou Hauliers. Ltd.-Private company. Reg. August 7. Cap. £2,000 in £1 shares. To acquire the business of a haulier carried on by
Violet L Lazenby at Somerton, Somerset. Directors: Mrs. Violet t. Lazenby, Broad Street, Somerton, Somerset; Albert W. Merriott and Mrs. Doris B. Merriott, bath of Shermards Close, Co:Inger% Dunden, Somerset. Solicitor: W. R.. Armstrong, 17, King Street, Bridgwater. Reg. office: Shepprods Close, ComPten Dunden, Somerset.
Driver Huish, Ltd.-Private company. Reg. August 7. Can. £2.060 in £1 shares. To acquire the business of a haulage contractor formerly carried on by tim late Oliver Huish at 42. tvlaindes Parade. Newport Monmouthshire. Directors: A. M. Ifuish and Trevor Bevan, both of 42. Maindes Parade. Newport, Monmouthshire; arid Oliver J. Huisla, 189. Cromwell Road, Newport, Monmouthshire. Solicitor: Arthur G. Batchelor. Newport, Monmouthshire. Rea. office: 42. Maindes Parade, Newport, Monmouthshire. Treyone Garage, Ltd.-Private company. 'Reg. August 12. Cap. £1.000 in it shares. To curry on the business of garage, taxicab and bus pro
prietor. Subscribers; E. Howson, 28, Holland Park Avenue, Newbury Park, Ilford; and S. D. Green, 4, Bowron Avenue. Wembley. Secretary: Desmond C. King.. Reg. office: If ursley, Trevone, near Padstotg, Cornwall, I. Renton and Sons, Ltd.-Private company. Reg. August 12. Cap
£500 in £1 shares. To carry on the business of haulage contractor. Directors: Charles Thompson and Mrs. Annie Thompson, both of Greycroft, Christon Bank, Alnwick, Northumberland. Secretary: Mrs. Annie
Thompson. Solicitors: Molineux, McKeag and Cooper, Newcastle-onTyne. Reg. office: Greycroft, Chriszon Bank. Alowiek, Northumberland. F. Denman and Son, Ltd.-Private company. -Reg. August 7. Cap. £500 in LI shares, To carry on the business of transport contractor and cab and car proprietor. Directors: Ernest Denman, 98, Suoninghill Avenue, Hove, 4, and Ernest G. Denman. 29. Hiannark Avenue, Hove, 4. Reg office: 61, Blotching:ton Road, Hove, 3.
Super Cars (Engineers). Ltd.-Private company. Reg. August 7. Carl. £100 in it shares. To carry on the business of manufacturer of and dealer in automobiles. Directors: Ernest F. Mathews, 911. Abbey Road, London.; and Gordon I. Pickett, 21. Daleham Mews, London, N.W.3. Reg. office: 21, Dalchara Mews, London, N.W.3.
CHANGES OF NAME Keen Rms. tHaulagri. Ltd., 29-31, Euston Road, London, NW I Name changed to Derwent Motors. Ltd., on May 14. 1946. Harold F. Molars,. Ltd., haulage contractor, 189, Hoe Street, Walthamstow, London. E.17. Name changed to Bulk Storage, Ltd., on May 15, 1946. A. G. Transport. Ltd., 125. Harlequin Avenue, Brentford. Name changed to A.G. Transport and Garage, Ltd., on May 14, 1946.
PI A N interesting proposal was put for ward by Mr. Alan P. Good, chairman of Associated British Engineering. Ltd., at its recent a.g.m. He said that the capital reserve account had increased by some £17,000 to £360,800, which was equivalent to over 43s. per unit of ordirtary stock, and the directors proposed to distribute some of the surplus assets which this represents. The shareholders syould, therefore, be asked to pass a resolution that one fully paid ordinary 5s. stock unit in the Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., should be distributed in respect of each £1 ordinary stock unit in the parent company.
If approved, this distribution would require 168,000 Brush units and entail a reduction of £46,200 in the capital reserve, as the Brush stock stands in the company's books at 5s. 6d. per unit, although the present market price is much in excess of that figure, SALES REPRESENTATIVE REQUIRED FOR SCOTLAND
AN outside representative to look after the interests throughout Scotland of an important maker of commercial vehicles is required within the next month or so. He must possess a thorough knowledge of commercialvehicle practice, first-class sales ability, and be able to educate distributors and dealers in procedure. He will be expected to live in Edinburgh or Glasgow. Applications from Scots will be favourably considered. Letters should be addressed Scottish Representative," care of the Editor.
(-IN a recent visit to Newcastle-onIs-/Tyne and Tyneside, Mr. A. Barnes, Minister of Transport, announced that it was hoped to start work next year on the construction of the Tyne tunnel from Jarrow to Howdon and a new Tyne bridge at Scotswood. The schemes are estimated to cost £5,750,000.
Mr. Barnes also said that he envisaged a new London-Newcastle road (A.1). Preliminary steps had, he said, already been taken towards the construction of motor roads in the Midlands and South Wales. Slower traffic would use other routes over or underneath the motor roads.
AFTER paying £42,837 in taxation, Newton Bros. (Derby), Ltd., made a net profit of £14759 in the year ended March 31. The profit of the previous year was £13,645. Dividends amount to 171 per cent., with a special bonus of
7i per cent. Heavy cancellations of Government contracts have caused difficulties to the company, but the adverse effects will be reflected more in the results for the current year.
ANET profit of £66,964 was made by Transport Services, Ltd., and its associated group of companies, in the year ended March 31 last. After providing for a preference dividend for the half-year ended December 31 last, an appropriation to the preference shares The directors recommend the payment of a final dividend on the ordinary shares of 6 per cent. (less tax) and a bonus of 5 per cent. (less tax), making a total distribution on the ordinary shares of 15 per cent. for the year ended March 31 last. To the remaining balance of £22,018 is added £43,359 brought forward from the previous year, leaving £65,377 to be carried forward.
Our Manchester offices are now located at 1, Brazennose Street, Manchester, 2. The telephone number remains Blackfriars 5038. NEW CAB FOR PAX
ANEW cab is being fitted by Dennis Bros., Ltd., to the standard Pax forward-control chassis. It incorporates a door of improved design, which, in comparison with its predecessor, is considerably wider and is set both lower and farther forward relatively to the front wheels. By this means, the driver and his mate are given an ease of access which compares favourably with that of any of the larger makes of.saloon car.
Opening the door discloses, in the interior of the cab, a step about 2 ft. from the ground. The full width of the door is 2 ft. 10-i ins., the cut-away portion accommodating the mudguard, thereby reducing the width at the bottom of the door to I ft. 4 ins.
Although the door is set so far forward (the foremost edge butts on to the front pillar of the cab), the generous width of the drop window affords an ample range of vision for reversing.
The cab itself, which is 6 ft. 8 ins. wide and measures 4 ft. Sins, from front to rear, incorporates the smooth lines and pleasing aspect of the previous model.
THE summer school of the Town Planning Institute is to be held at Durham University from September 1 to 8, and 400 members and visitors are expected. The latter will be coming from many countries. On six consecutive days six different subjects will be discussed. In addition, the members will divide into about 20 groups in the evenings to study many subjects in detail under expert leaders. Thus there will be as many as 100 meetings and classes during the period. The school will be opened on September 1 by Mr. Lewis Silkin, M.P., Minister of Town and Country Planning.
THE autumn meeting of the Institute of Metals, 4, Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.1, will be held in London on September 10 and 11. Technical discussion will take place at the Institute of Civil Engineers, Great George Street, London, S.W.1, on the first day from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m., and on the second
day from 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. At 1.15 p.m. on the second day there will be a luncheon at the Connaught Rooms. Members are required to send their application forms to the secretary not later than September 1.