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News contribution' ■11C incited: payment will N mo,14, 1,n publicatirm.
Owing to the earlier hour of our going to press this week, and to the fact that we are therefore not in possession of last week's traffic returns, our usual table is not published.
The London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., was successful, on the 14th inst., in obtaining the approval of Scotland Yard for its own design and build of motorbus chassis; we congratulate its engineering department.
The Building Committee of the London County Council has passed plans submitted by Messrs. S. Walker and Son, on behalf of Mr. J. J. Griffiths and the Great Eastern (London) Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., for the erection of buildings on the south side of Lea Bridge Road, Hackney.
Weybridge Comes Round.
About three years ago, the Wt.t,)bridge U.D.C. declined to encourage a local motorbus service. Now, in the absence of any convenient means of public conveyance, everybody has turned round the other way. A local committee has been formed, to assist in the establishment of a service to and from the station, and this committee includes the following gentlemen: Dr. H. Willson, J.P., Messrs. W. R. Ilayles, W. R. Edwards, G. R. Dunton, P. T. Scully, J. O. Gosling, C. Day, A. Menne, F. J. H. Halls, Potter, Townley, Beach, and R. Cook (hon. secretary).
Cardiff Services.
It may interest readers to know that the Cardiff Tramways Co., Ltd., which is a branch of the Provincial Tramways Co., Ltd., and has its offices at Andrews Road, LIandaff Road, near Cardiff, now has six 40 h.p. double
deck Dennis vehicles, one 35 h.p. Dennis single-deck bus (convertible to a char-a-banes), and three 40 h.p. A.B.C. single-deck buses. The muchdiscussed Llandaff service is being
Live-axle Records.
The 35 h.p. Leyland "Central" motorbus shown on this page went into service at the end of 1906, and has, up to the time of writing, run 91,000 miles without the renewal of any of the gears in the live back axle, while the remainder of the fleet of 17 buses is also "knocking up" big totals in a similar manner. This form of drive undoubtedly includes, among its many advantages, that of din-
ability; in fact, the maker suggests that it will run for four years without repairs, covering, say, 120,000 miles.
Petrol Conveyance.
Country, and other motorbus companies may be interested in the evidence of Mr. J. D. Wardrop, engineer to the British Petroleum Co., Ltd., who appeared, on behalf of both the British and Asiatic Petroleum Co.s, at the last sitting of the Rome Office Committee on Petroleum. Be stated, as regards conveyance, that, in his opinion, harbour authorities have already ample powers. Road tank wagons should be made to a specification issued by a central authority, but, in the case of wagons for the conveyance of spirit in smaller packages, no such specification is necessary. The present two-gallon cans and steel barrels are satisfactory, and no safety device is necessary or desirable, as the number of accidents does not warrant any such change. In the case of steel barrels, the action of fire would be most likely to open the barrel at the weld, without explosion. He was strongly of opinion that a central authority should be formed with powers of granting large licences for storage of spirit, and of inspection under the Petroleum Acts. At present he has noticed a tendency on the part of sonic authorities to refuse licences to store large quantities, in order to transfer responsibility, if possible, to the Rome Office. This shirking of responsibility naturally encourages protests by those who are ignorant of precautions and conditions in such a store.
Members of the Clay Crdss Urban District Council are desirous to obthin an extension of the DerbyAlfreton motorbus service, so that it may go through Clay Cross to Chesterfield.
At Cambridge.
The Ortona Motor Bus Co., whose services are much appreciated round Cambridge, has opened a new service to Trumptington„ SheHord, Stapleford, and Saws-ton.
"Hallford-Stevens" System.
Improvements in the " HallfordStevens petrol-electric system were recounted lake, week. We recently subjected one of these vehicles to a stiff 60-mile run, on give-and-take country roads, some of which had soft and yielding surfaces, with the result that we were greatly impressed by its smooth running, easy control and high average speed. The vehicle is able to travel with the motors in parallel. which is the normal grouping. up a gradient fully as steep as 1. in 20. and
it is only when a hill of considerableinclination is encountered, that. thereis occasion to drive in series.
A Yorkshire Opening.
The Mirfield District Council recently sent a deputation to Keighley, to inspect the Keighley Corporation's. motorbuses. An application is now being made to the Local Government Board in regard to the borrowing of money. We hope the Clerk to the Council, Mr. E. B. Wilson, will obtain the latest reports from Eastbourne.