Answers to Queries.
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Where to Buy Washers.
L2856_1 (Cardiff).—We recommend you to apply to Brown Bros., Ltd., Great Eastern Street, London, E.C., or W. H. Willcox and Co., Ltd., 33, Southwark Street, London, S. E.
A Good Non-skid for Heavy Vehicles.
[2857] (Dingwall).—The device which you saw was undoubtedly the Never-Skid. This is handled in England by Messrs. James Bartle and Co., Western Ironworks, Lancaster Road, Notting Hill, W.
Wants a Second-hand Gearbox.
[2858] (Kirkwall).—The only firm we have in mind at present which keeps a stock of these units, and which might therefore be able to help you is the Elephant Motor Mart, 10-18 Elephant. Road, S.E. We think it likely that a small advertisement in our columns under the heading of "Components Wanted" would be of considerable assistance to you.
Cotton from Liverpool.
[2859] (Southern Owner).—If you write to Percy Eccles, Esq.; Cotton Exchange, Liverpool, re carrying cotton in Lancashire, he will probably give you information as to the present position and demand. He is a partner in a leading:firm of cotton brokers, but we are unable to find that he is connected with the projected new haulage company.
Is Export Trade in All Motors and Parts Illegal?
[28603 Suffolk).—It is not illegal to export any parts of any kind of" motor wagons to neutral countries or the Colonies. Makerscwho have no contractual relations for lorries and parts with the War Office are experiencing no trouble; so far as we canefind out. Our article was intended to refer primarily to the troubles which are being experienced by the makers of W.D. petrol vehicles.
Why is He Offered only lad. Per Gallon Rebate on Petrol?
[2861] (Leeds).--The rebate on petrol depends upon the spirit about which. you are applying having paid the old tax of 3d. or the new tax of 6d. Your vouchers from the vendor will make that point dear. Probably it is some old spirit on which only 3d. was paid. When you hold vouchers in respect of spirit on which 6d. per gallon has been paid, you will be entitled under the Finance Act to a rebate of 3.4. per gallon.
His Engine Overheats.
[2862] (Fulharn).—If your crankshaft is out of line, so that the big-end bearing for the rearmost cylinder is not at right angles to the cylinder bore, this will undoubtedly have the effect of causing overheating. The mere fact that the :flywheel wobbles, however, does not prove this to be so, as it may only mean the shaft is bent outside the rearmost main-engine bearing. Before you can definitely conclude that the overheating is entirely due to a bent crankshaft, it will be necessary to take out the crankshaft and test it carefully in a lathe. Without further particulars. we cannot ascribe any reason for the overheating of this one particular bearing.
The Use of 10-12 h.p. Chassis as Eight-seated Cars for Hire.
[2863] (Pushful).—We should have thought it required no discuSsion, as to whether such small chassis as those which you name could possibly work with eight-seater bodies. It is always as well to have a good margin on the high side, especially in passengercarrying work, where owners are pressed by their C.2stotners to travel quickly. Ridiculous examples of
B52 overloading, such as those which you mention in the latter part of your letter, confirm our view that it can only lead to one result—a highly unsatisfactory one. We are interested in your refe.rence to the " muchboomed Ford tractor."
Subsidy Types for New ZeMand.
[2804] (Hawke's Bay).—With regard to the subsidy lorry in question, we are in agreement. with you that
the design of the is quite good, and that on paper it would seem ideal for your purpose, and it is more than likely that it would prove to be so in actual use. Like you, we cannot recall at the moment that there are any of this type actually in use in New Zealand. With regard to the experiences at the Front, we might tell you in strict confidence that the
has not, perhaps, done as well as some, but you must understand that the conditions there are much more trying than any which are likely to occur in civilian life, even in the unopened country to which you are evidently referring in your letter. It is, of course, difficult to judge exactly the sort of ground that you wish the machine to traverse, but, with reasonable care and fair treatment, we do not see any reason why this machine should not give a good account of itself if used in the business specified.
The Acason-Ford Unit.
[28651 (Brewers).—We cannot write in favour of the converted Ford one-tonner from any personal. knowledge, as experience has yet to be gained in this country. You can get particulars from the British American Import Co., Ltd., of 14-15, Cockspur Street, London, S.W. If you will apply to these people for any guarantee they may be prepared to give, or any statement as to likely cost of maintenance, etc., we should be happy to advise you confidentially.