The Annual General Meeting a the Motor Trades Benevolent Fund. An Interesting Presentation.
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The annual general meeting of the Cycle and Motor Trades Benevolent Fund was held at the Connaught Rooms, London, on Wednesday of last week, Mr. Harry Smith being in the chair. Mr. A. J. Wilson, the hon, see, and treasurer, in submitting his report, revealed that the total assets are now over 223,000.
Mn H. W. Dover, of Northampton, was unani mously elected president of the 1916 council. It is remarkable to note that fewer grants have been made from the Benevolent Fund during the past twelve months than in the previous year. Only 141 cases were relieved, as against 167 in 1914.
-Miss Ethel Sayer, who has been Mr. A. J. Wilson's right-hand " man " for a number of years, he having brim, as is generally known, afflicted with deafness since he was ten years of age, was presented with an illuminated address, accompanied by a. Queen Anne silver tea service and silver fruit service, at the instance of over 80 subscribers to theiBencvolent Fund. Miss Sayer has acted as hon. assistant secretary and treasurer to the Fund for ten years, and her aid has been particularly valuable J11 the. many cases of distress in which the wives or widows
of subscribers have been concerned. • Mr. R. D. F. Paul, on behalf of the organizers of the memorial to the late Mr. Fred. Webster, handed the treasurer a cheque for 2100.
Lorry Left on .Highway.Summonses for Obstruction Dismissed.
At the Guildhall (South .Court.) on Friday, before Alderman Sir Horace Brooks Marshall, Geo. A. Creasey, motor driver, appeared to a summons for causing an unnecessary obstruction on London Bridge, and his employer, Mr. W. T. Burrows, builder, of Maidstone, was summoned for "aiding and abetting" in the committal of the said offence.
Both defendants pleaded not guilty.
The evidence of Police-constable Jeremiah Pratt was to the effect that on the afternoon of 23th November Creasy was in charge of a motor lorry of 8 tons 10 cwt. in weight, going over London Bridge, when it broke down. The vehicle in all remained on the bridge '23 hours, causing a great obstruction.
By Mr. White (defending) : Witness knew the police had power to remove it, but he did not think he could get a vehicle to take it away. Mr. White : What have we done that we ought not to have done, or left undone that we ought to have done ?
Sir Horace : Twenty-three hours, Mr. White Mn Burrows went into the box and told how he received news at Maidstone at 5.30 on the afternoon in question that his lorry had broken down, when he at once jumped into his private car with some tools and motored to London. He found that the back axle would not move, and the vehicle could not be got away on its own power.
Mr. White : What did you do?
Mr. Burrows : First went to Hay's Wharf : they could not help us out of our trouble. I then went to Pickford's, in the Boro', and saw the night manager : he could do nothing. Coming away from there I met a steam tractor the driver said he was on Governmenttwork and dare not stop. I met a second ti-actor: the driver of that said he had got a leaky boiler, and he had, for it was trickling into the road. Last of all I went to McNamara's, and they promised conditionally to remove it next morning at 7 o'clock, but they were not able to do so. I left London for Maidstone at 11 o'clock.
Sir Horace 'What inducement did you offer all these people? I am a user of motors. and it seems strange to me that you should have all tins trouble ? Defendant : I went prepared with.the stuff that is all powerful in this world—(laughter)—but it was a very heavy lorry and needed a powerful vehicle to move it. •
Mr. White : And you dithil "aid and abet" in-causing an unnecessary obstruction? Defendant : I don't think so.
Mr. C. F. Monckton (clerk): And I don't think the magistrate will hold you did.
Both summonses were dismissed.