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Win a drink with CM'S Christmas Crossword

23rd December 1993
Page 31
Page 31, 23rd December 1993 — Win a drink with CM'S Christmas Crossword
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ow then. Enough of that lounging about, letting your brains turn to brandy butter while you get lured into watching yet another second-rate "Christmas Special". Judgement impaired by a ruinously large tumbler of Malibu 'n Scotch, you've started to mutter things like, "Des O'Connor's quite good really, isn't he?" or, "1 wonder if there are any tickets left for Paul Daniels in panto?"

You know it makes nonsense. Instead, sharpen up your quill and dip your wick into CMs splendidly difficult Christmas crossword. The boffins who split the atom have turned away in horror from this one. But you, dear trucking folk, have a fighting chance. What's more, the first six correct entries opened by the Hawk will receive a £20 Whitbread leisure vouchure, which can be squandered at 2,500 restaurants, liquor stores and other places of debauchery up and down the kingdom. Answers to the usual CM address by Friday 14 January 1994.