Call for tanker safety
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LAST WEEK'S West German autobahn accident, in which 19 RAF bandsmen died after their coach collided with a fuel tanker, has led to new road safety calls.
The coach was burnt-out after running into the back of a tanker carrying 36,000 litres of aviation fuel.
Transporting such flammable or potentially explosive loads has been banned in the Nether
lands when roads are icy. The only exceptions are urgent cases such as supplies of fuel to hospitals.
Dutch frontier police have been given authority to stop foreign tankers carrying dangerous loads entering the country if road conditions are bad..
The European Parliament is now putting pressure on the EEC to step up research into road accidents involving dangerous substances and to reduce the concentration of such traffic on certain roads.
MEPs are planning to use the latest disaster on the autobahn to back their campaign for more urgent action.