Answers to Queries.
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Our readers will be informed by the Editor on any points connected with the construction or use of commercial motors. Where a direct reply is desired, a stamped and addressed envelope should be enclosed : if a request for privacy is not specially made, any query and answer may be published. Some replies, owing to pressure on our space, are held several .weeks. Numerous requests reach us/or lists of motoreab and commercial-vehicle owners ; these we never supply. Our advertisement
columns are oben to those who desire to make announcements to breners for the Purposes of trade.
Any Tax on Ben.zol ?
[2095] "YORKSHIRE OWNERS write :—" We should be glad to know, while on the subject of benzol, would there be any tax to pay as on petrol? If so, would it be worked in the same manner? As this question has not been asked, we should like to know."
ANswER.-There is at present no tax to pay on benzol, but there is every reason to anticipate that the Chancellor of the Exchequer will rate it equally with petrol, i.e., 1?,d. per gallon net for commercialvehicle purposes, before very long.
Which Final Drive ?
[20961 "MISSOURI" write :--" We would greatly appreciate if you could give us, confidentially, informa tion as to the popularity of the chain-drive trucks as compared with the worm drive. What is the attitude of the English Government in way of subsidizing chain and warm-driven trucks? "
ANSWER.—The English Government prefers a spurgear reduction at the rear end of the propeller shaft, with a final bevel drive to the back axle. It is rumoured that it may shortly admit the worm drive. These points refer to the subsidy-type vehicles, under the War Office scheme. For ordinary commercial purposes, the worm is possibly less popular than the chain, but both are used extensively in the United Kingdom.
The Width of Motor Chars-a-bancs and
Where to Buy "Orders."
[2097] "NB, write We were much interested in your reply to Coast's ' query as to the width of motor ehars-h-hancs—see page 414, of the issue of 9th January. Will you please let us know if we are right in saying that the maximum permissible width for commercial vehicles, as opposed to motor omnibuses, in London, is 7 ft. 6 in. 7 We understand, of course, that if the weight unladen of a motorcar is under three tons, the width restriction is 7 ft. 2 in. We should also be glad if you would tell us where we could get copies of the Heavy Motor Car Order of 1904, and also the Motor Car (Use and Construction) Order of 1904."
ANSWER.—The width of 712 ft., which is laid down in the Heavy Motor Car Order, of 1904, holds good for all commercial goods vehicles in London, which weigh above two tons unladen. These are not affected by the regulations of the Metropolitan Police
with regard to motorbuses. The width clause of the Motor Car Use and Construction Order applies to vehicles which weigh two tons or less unladen—not three tons. The orders to which you refer can be obtained from Messrs. Wyman and Sons, J etter Lane, E. C.' .
Splashguard Makers.
[2098j " A.W. AND Co." write.—" We would be glad if you would send us the names of makers of splashguards which are suspended from the axlecaps of motor lorries."
ANSWER.—We have pleasure in giving the names and addresses of the leading makers. They are all in France, with one exception. Some of the devices are only experimental:.Couvreux, Mello (Oise); Gruyelle, 31, Rue Lafontaine, Lille (Nord); Dreux, 10, Rue Hegesippe Moreau, Paris ; Malraux, 11, Boulevard de Versailles, Suresnes ; Menu, 11 Passage de Elysoe des Beaux Arts, Paris ; Frainier, 238, Bld. St. Martin, Paris ; Demontais, 45, Rue Rodier, Paris ; Bouillet, 31, Rue Poccard, Levallois-Perret (Seine); Neron Bristol,' Arceuil-Cachan (Seine); CIerget and Bain, 60, Rue de Sa.rtoris, La Garenne-Colombes (Seine); Ileywaert, 19, Plaine de Hesse, Antwerp, Belgium ; Garchey, 39, Rue de in Bruyere, Paris ; and Du Hommet, 22, Rue Brochant, Paris.
A Rates Dispute: Overman, or Referee, Wanted.
[2099] "COSTS" • writes :—"I have been charging Is. per mile per ton, as motor-lorry rates. The work is mostly to farmers in country districts (had roads). The running had to be done early and iate, to get over the spring work. My motor had to be refitted with different parts, also a new set of tires, two of which had not been run more than nine months, and not half their mileage. The motor was a two-ton lorry.
May I ask if you could suggest an overman, as I have arranged to let a dispute be settled by arbitration ? The motor is a new industry to me, but I have been a carrier and carting contractor almost 40 years."
ANSWER.—In the first place, there are no "ordinary rates ruling" for motor-traffic services which involve deliveries to farmers, in country districts, over exceptionally-bad roads. Those particular factors in themselves would take the rates out of the category of ordinary rates, in any circumstances,
We are not personally acquainted with gentlemen in who have good knowledge of heavy motor traffic, or with one who might do as an overman, by which we presume you mean a third arbitrator, or a referee ? You certainly should get some gentleman who is experienced in the use of heavy motor vehicles for contracting duties.
From our knowledge of roads in the North of Scotland, we should say that is. a mile for a two-ton lorry was certainly only a bare paying rate, and that money might even be lost at that figure under certain circumstances, such as delays in loading and unloading, or light loading, or low average mileage. One certainly expects to see an average earning of not less than 50s. a day with such a vehicle. With bad roads and conditions, it might, however, not pay you even at an average of £3 per day for 50 miles.
Mr. R. J. Smith, Secretary of the Scottish Automobile Club, 163, West George Street, Glasgow, might be able to help you by recommending some suitable and qualified individual.