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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport 'at whatever points arising, as a carriage is the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie crozier.
The Taxation Inquiry.
The first meeting of the Departmental Committee on the Taxation and Regulation of Road Vehicles, to consider the suggested alternative for the taxation 'of mechanically propelled road vehicles by means of a combined petrol arid vehicle tax, which has been submitted on behalf of the whole of the motoring organizations (with the exception of the Commercial Motor Users Association), will be held in' the council chamber of the Middlesex Guildhall, Westminster, London; S.W. en. Friday .next st 10.30 a.m., when the evidence Of Witnesses nominated by the. automobile bodies will be taken. The secretary of the committee is Mr. J. S. Pool Godsell, A.,,, and communications should be addressed to him at 7, Whitehall Gardens, London, S.W. 1.
Insurance Certificates for Passenger Vehicles.
The Preston area of the Commercial Motor Users Associatioa, which extends from Preston to Barrow-in-Furness, has decided to issue certificates to its members to be placed on those vehicles owned by them, with the object of creating a feeling of confidence' amongst the public who use the vehicles. The certifteates take the form of a document notifying that the vehicle is fully in stared against passenger risks, and thus intimates to travellers that they are protected.
Linking Up Bournemouth with Swanage.
A Bill to incorporate a company, to be known as the Bournemouth-Swanage Motor Road and Ferry Co., for the construction of a motor road linking up Bournemouth with Swanage, has been deposited for introduction into Parliament in the next session. The company are seeking statutory powers to construct a road, which will commence at South Haven Point and will terminate at a point where it joins the public road leading from Studiand to Swanage; it is to be just under three miles long.
The capital of the company will be 260,000, with power to borrow a further 230,000 on debenture stock. The company will derive revenue from such reasonable talk, as they may think fit to charge, and from tolls from' a proposed ferry between Sandbanks and &nth Haven Point.
Imports and Exports.
The number of commercial vehicles imported during the month of December was 166, valued at 226,197, showing an increase over the figures for the month of December, 1921.
The total figures for the year are now available, showing that 973 vehicles of a value of 2199,958 were imported as compared with 2,260 of a value of 2511,364 imported in the year 1921, and 9,277 vehicles valued at 23.148,146 imported in the year 1920. The value of the tractors imported during the year was 237,261 as against 2459,962 for the year 1021, and 2698,659 for 1920.
1318 The export of commercial vehicles for December showed an increase, 71 having left this country as compared with 26 in December, 1921. •During the whole of the year 596 commercial vehicles have been sent abroad, their value being 2473,330. This figura compares • with 765 vehicles valued at 2686,425 in the _year 1921, and 1,015 vehicles valued at 2941,074 in the year 1920. Trdctors exported during the past three years represent a value shown by the following figures:— 1920 21,050,237 1921 „. 2834.954 1922 ... ... 2434,866
A Concrete Arterial Road.
The widest arterial road yet constructed in reinforced concrete, and laid by the Manchester Corporation between Heston Lane and Rochdale Road, was recently subjected to of mechanically prope road has been laid 55 ft. wide by 13 ft. forced by interlocked work. teets by a number lled. vehicles. The in alternate bays, long, and is reindouble-layer frame
Midland Owners and Motor Taxation.
Members of the motor haulage section of the Nottingham Chamber of Commerce have recently taken a prominent part in formulating views regarding incidences of taxation, a repoit being presented at the last meeting of that organization condemning the proposal emanating from several quarters in favour of shifting the burden of taxation from the private car to the commercial vehicle. It is pointed oat, in support of the objection, that it has always been recognized that the reads were primarily intended for. the carriage ef goods and merchandise. The goods-carrying branch of the road transport industry has, however, recognized that it should pay its share towards the upkeep of the roads. The Nottingham committee noted with gratification, in its report, the fact that the Commercial Motor Users Assoeiation was net a party to the memorandum presented by the bulk of the motor organizations, and a resolution was passed supporting the C.M.IT.A. in the efforts it was making for the retention of the present vehicle tax. Embodied in the resolution was a clause to the effect that commercialvehicle owners should be enabled to pay the tax in instalments at the fiat rate.
Petrol Imports.
The amount of petroleum spirit imported during the month of December was 23,626,279 gallons, an increase of nearly six million gallons on that of December, 1921, and three-and-a-half million gallons more than the imports of the month of November last. Taking the total for the year, there were imported 311,190,222 gallons valued at 220,605,173. Those figures show an increase of no fewer than. sixty million gallons, but the whole of the increased imports of 1922 is three million less in value than the smaller imported quantity of 1921.
Birm;ngham-Wolverhamptan Road.
The construction of the new highway between Birmingham and Wolverhampton was advanced a step when a conference of the local authorities concerned was held, at the Ministry of Transport a few days ago. At a previous conference in Birmingham representatives of the local authorities had agreed to bring the schenie before their councils and to propose that they should contribute a eer. tam n proportion of the 2450,000, the estimated cost of the road, of which half is to be borne by the Ministry. The Ministry called the recent meeting to report acceptance of the scheme by the authorities and to proceed with the preliminaries in connection with the work.
Hull Corporation Buys a Bus Service.
The six motorbuses hitherto run by Mr. McAlester, of Hassle, have been
• purchased by the Hull Corporation. The system previously maintained , by these vehicles will be improved by bringing into service other buses which the corporation now has on order. This move follows the recent refusal of the Ministry of Transport to sanction the ex.tension of the transwa.y system to Hassle on the ground that the town was already well provided with passenger transport services. The price paid by the corporation for the service was 28,000. , New Brussels Bus Service.
We hear front Brussels that powers are being sought from the competent authorities by a company who already run a bus service with single-deck vehicles between the two principal railway stations in Brussels, to exploit new line of buses in that city. There appears to be every likelihood of the concession being granted, and those British concerns who are interested in the project can obtain the name and address of the company from the Department of Overseas Trade, 35, Old Queen Street, London, S.W. 1 It is with regretthat we have to record the death of Mr. George Crosland Taylor, the chairman of the Crosville Motor Bus Co., who died at Chester on
January 12th at the age of 65. Ilia second son, Mr: Claud Crosland Taylor, is managingdirector of the Crosville Motor Bus Co.
A.E.C. Dinner.
The Staff of the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., recently held ther annual dinner at the Café Monier), Picea. dilly Circus, London. Mr. H. Kera Thomas, the resident director of the company, presided ever the assembly, which numbered as guests among its ranks Mr. George Watson, Mr. Percy Wheeler, Major-General Sir Frederick W. Sykes, G.B.E., K.C.B., C.M.G., M.P., Mr. C. W. Reeve. and Mr.
Harold Smith. This year lady members of the staff were present, and the excellent musical programme was contributed entirely by A.E.C. artistes. The whole evening was voted a complete success.
Tolls in Yorkshire.
A rather unique scale of tolls for motar vehicles standing in the town has been adopted by the Richmond (Yorks) own Council, on the recommendation of its finance committee. These tolls are based • on the system of one rate for ratepayers of the town and a higher one for non-ratepayers. The new charges are as follow :—Tractor, motorvan, or motorcar : ratepayers, is.; non-ratepayets, 2s. Ed. ' • motorcycles Ed. and Is. ; motor shops, 2e. Ed. for both classes.
Manchester Cab Fares.
New by-laws relating to hackney carriages are being adopted by the Manchester County Council, and the new charges, for taxicabs will be fixed at Is. 3d. for a journey not exceeding-one mile ; exceeding one mile, 3d. for each one-fifth ; waiting time to be charged at the rate of 4s. per hour ; in cases where more than two passengers are carried the extra passenger will be charged 3d. 13er journey.
Derbyshire's Improved Roads.
In no part of the Midlands have greater improvements been effected of late in regard to main roads and tributary avenues of traffic than in Derbyshire, with its expansive territory covering an., area in which the use of mechanically propelled vehicles, largely for commercial purposes, has largely developed during recent years. Critic ism to increased burdens entailed thereby upon the county authorities has been inevitably forthcoming, but the policy, as indicated at the last, meeting of the administrative council at Derby, continues to be one of progression, it being intimated by the chairman of the finatce committee that the total amount received, or to be received, from the Road Board in respect of improvements -and. .maintenance for the current financial year was £188,636. It was pointed out that a comparison of the cost per mile with that in neighbouring counties would be misleading, as reco»struction as well as maintenance has been undertaken.
A Welsh Bus Inquiry.
Mr. E. Evans, of the Ministry
of Transport, has conducted an inquiry at Merthyr Tydfil into the refusal of the corporation to renew the licences of Mr. E. Snow. bus proprietor, for services between Merthyr and Troedyrhiw and Aberfair.
The Ford Motor Co. (England), Ltd., have laid themselves out for a production of 909 cars, vans, and trucks daily at Trafford Ptrk, Manchester.
Unhealthy Competition.
The keennesa of bus service competition was alleged at a meeting of the idandilo Rural District Council to be responsible for the bad state of the road n-_-nd the cause of heavy repairs bills that have to be ;net by the courted. It. was stated that the rival companies were running buses far in excess of the public and 'utility demand in order to effect a monopoly of the routes emanating from Llandilo.
The council resolved to notify the rival concerns, the G.W.R. Co. and Messrs. Jones, Llannon, that they must arrange a mutual service of buses sufficient only to meet the passenger and parcels service demand. Failing an amicable agreement, the council will take action as may be necessary.
1923 Saurer Prices.
The Saucer Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd., 21, Augustus Street, Albany Street, London, N.W.1, announce reductions in the prices of Saucer chassis which, for the various types of chassis, are now as follow : 5-54-tonner, £1,000; 4-44-tonner, £950; 3-3-tonner, £850; 2-2-tonner, £800. These prices are for chassis with tyres, delivered in London.
Services Over County Roads.
In connection with the sanction by the Ministry of Transport of a Rotherham Corporation bus service to Doncaster, the West Riding County Council has been informed that such permission has been given, without prejudice to the question of road adaptation charges. rho county ' council claims that road widenings will necessitate an expenditure of £3,225.
Electrics Saving Money.
Paisley's Chief Sanitary Inspector reports that the council has now had a complete year's experience of two 2-ton Edison electric vehicles, which have given excellent results. The vehicles collect refuse 2s. Id. per ton cheaper than by horse haulage, and the actual saving for the year exceeds £500.
For Preventing Draughts.
A device which has for its aim the increasing of passengers' comfort is the Elf Auto-Draught Preventilator, which successfully overcomes the draughts in motor coaches, motorbuses and taxicabs.
The Elf 'consists of two longitudinal ventilatora, which are fitted transversely on the-hood or top of the car at its front end. The ventilator consists primarily of an outer frame, within which is positioned a cowl, which lifts as the vehicle travels forward. This col, which is extremely neat in appearance, is sucked open by negative pressure from the outside, the suction being elongated, as it were, withdrawing the air stream from inside. There is also a downwardly projecting thin wooden deflector plate, the intention of which is to reduce back draught. •
Aluminium is mainly employed in the construction of the Preventilator, which is consequently light in weight, and is automatic and silent in action. An inside handle is provided for putting the device temporarily out of action.
Theageneral construction of the'Preventilator can clearly be seen from the illustration herewith, which shows an end view of the device with the end plate removed. The complete device weighs approximately 3* lb., and, in the case of a motor coach, it in no way in, terferes with the folding of the hood.
The device was recently entered for an official demonstration under the open competition rules of the Royal Auto Club by Thomas Whittingham and Wilkin. Ltd., 39-40, Neal Street, Long Acre, London, W.C.2. It emerged most. successfully from the trials and gave ample indication of its ability to prevent draughts.
More S-types for London.
It is stated that 300 new S-type buses are to he put on the London streets during the next three months by the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd. The new buses will displace a similar number of B-type vehicles, of which roughly about 1,000 still remain on the streets. The new buses are, of course, being built by the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd. In connection with the London bus services, we might mention that the L.G.O. Co. have recently issued their guide in a new form. Instead of a map, as heretofore, which was becoming very congested with the eitension and growth of the services, the guide is now issued in booklet form and contains information relating to routes, details of fares, intervals,. journey times, and route taken.
Scottish Users and Taxation.
At the annual meeting of the Dundee District Area of the Scottish Commercial Motor Users Association, held a few days ago, Mr. John W.Loudon, the
general secretary of the Scottish organization, explained the attitude of his association towards motor taxation and allied matters. He stated that the S.C.M.U.A. were not opposed to a petrol tax so long as commercial vehicle users were not asked to pay more than they are doing at the present time. • What was most urgently needed, continued Mr. Loudon, was an immediate reduction in motor taxation, and administration 'changes, so that monthly and quarterly licences could be obtained at proportionate rates. He emphasized the need for one-day licences for the vehicles run by motor coach proprietors. The general meeting of the S.C.M.U.A. will be held in Glasgow on January 29th, when a full discussion will take place on taxation.
A New Road in Southend.
After protracted negotiations, the highways committee of the Southend Corporation has agreed upon terms with lindowners regarding the construction of a new road in the north of the
borough. The road will be built on boulevard lines, with a shrubbery in the centre, and will be 100 ft. wide.
Tramcars or Trolley-buses?
The problems which have arisen with regard to the substitution of the existing tramway service over the Foggy Purse route at West Hartlepool, by trackless trolley-buses, are still as rife as ever. It will be remembered, as we announced in a recent issue, that the Ministry of Health had raised an unexpected 'barrier by refusing to give the necessary provisional order for the work of substitution to be proceeded with. The question was further considered at a fleeting of the local corporation held recently, when it was stated that the council, by using its own labour, could complete the transference at a figure below the estimated £9,600 which was quoted when the scheme was first mooted. The vehicles, however, had been ordered at a time when prices were high and would probably not be required, in view of subsequent happenings, for at least six months. The tenders were accepted in October.
Councillor Turnbull pointed out that powers for running trackless trams would now have to be obtained by a Bill, and-this might be ooposerl by the ratepayers and certain sections of the council.
As against the £9,600 required for the substitution of one form of transport. by another, the cost to relay the track and render it suitable for modern passengertravelling requirements was given as £40,000.
A Burford Removal.
H. G. Burford and Co., Ltd., inform us that, owing to the rebuilding of 16, Regent Street, they are removing .their head offices for a few months °to 16, Waterloo Place, London. S.W.1, which is within 100 yards of the old premises. The accounts -department of the company is being permanently transferred to their London works at South Row, North Kensington, W.10.
"The Motor" Scottish Show Number. •
Our associated journal, The Motor, published to-day, will be found' to contain a profusely illustrated report, dealing thoroughly with the exhibits at the Scottish Motor Exhibition' and giving details of practical interest to motorists of every class
Drivers, Beware !
The r.hief constable of Carmarthen expressed the opinion at a recent meeting of the town council, where the alleged excessive speed of heavy motor lorries travelling through the town was raised, that few magistrates would convict any person who slightly exceeded a 12 m.p.h. speed. At present it was not a question of speed but safety of the public, having regard to condition and use of road.
Some 20 convictions, it is interesting
to note, have, nevertheless, been recorded in Glamotganshire since January 1st—the offence being exceeding the speed of 12 m.p.h.--against heavy motor vehicle drivers. Drivers would do well te note that short, measured distances are under observation on the main county reads and stop-watch tests made by the
• police, Activity is greatest in the Cardiff, Caerphilly and Perth (Rhondda) . districts.
A Large Stock of Ball Bearings.
A most comprehensive stock of ball bearings is held by Messrs. Andrew Page and Son, 68, Albion Street, Leeds, who, in an endeavour to stock a most complete range, have given special attention to the question of uncommon and obsolete sizes of bearings. Their stock, therefore, is in many . senses unique, and it comprises ball. journal bearings, ball bearings (including magneto type), and single and double ball thrust bearings—light, medium and heavy types being available in each case, together with a variety of patterns. The company are also in a position to supply all sizes of steel balls. Chrome alloy steel is used in the manufacture of these balls and races, which are of good quality.
Mirrors for Heavy Vehicles.
Desmo, Ltd., Desmo House, 264-265, Broad Street, Birmingham, claim to be oneof the largest producers of observation mirrors, and for the coming seasonthey have several models which are suitable for use on all types of motor vehicles. • Model No. 26 is specially designed for commercial vehicles and is snitable for attaching to the windscreen support; or, in another type, it can be used as -a dashboard fitting. This mirror has a 51-in. diameter glass and s capable of universal adjustment. It can be fitted with a flat or convex glass as required, or with an optically ground concave mirror at a small extra charge above the usual retail price of 18s.' Mirrors are supplied in four standard finishes, and they range in price from 8s. 6d. retail upwards, according to the quality of manuracture.
A Main Road Traffic Diversion.
. Between Cannock and Stafford, on the roam road passing the village of Huntington, new sewers are being laid at a great depth, leaving very little of the road for traffic. Automobile Association road patrols are stationed at Stafford sad Cannock, where members arc diverted to an alternative route, via Penkridge. The A.A. has prepared a s.pecial ralp indicating the site of the sewerage operations, the work on which wilt continue for several weeks.
A Berna Change.
We are informed by the Fabrique d'Automobiles Berna S.A. that, in order to comply with the Companies Acts a company entitled Swiss Berea, Ltd., has been formed. Mr. Hert, who has up to the present time been manager for the original company in London, is leaving for Switzerland in order to take up a ccrrresponding position at headquarters. Mr. H. Cooney has been appointed manager to Swiss Berna, Ltd., and he will be responsible for the operations of this company in the United Kingdom. The formation of Swiss Berna, Ltd., does not entail any change in the continuity of the business.
. Local Proceedings.
East 'Ham Corporation is considering the question of public motor ambulances. Stretford Urban District Council has purchased a second-hand Ford saloon for 90 for the electricity department.
The Einchley Urban District Council has appointed a committee to consider the provision of a motor ambulance. .
Norham and Islamishire Rural Council is to consider the desirability ' of pro• viding the district with an ambulance.
Shoreham Urban District Council has asked a sub-committee to consider the question of providing better means of tire protection The fire brigade committee of Bovey Tracey has been requested to consider the question of obtaining a small motor fire-engine, Committees of the Twickenham Urban District Council are to consider the desirability of 'replacing horse haulage by mechanical traction.
The Essex County Council has decided to purchase a motor chassis on which the manual can be mounted, at an estimated cost of £209. .
Tottenham Urban District Council has asked a committee to report as to the comparative cost of hiring nod purchasing a motorcar for the engineer.
Stafford Town Council has decided to purchase from Leyland Motors, Ltd., a btandard first-aid set and auxiliary pump a cost of £117.
The West Ham Town Council has been informed that the Ministry of Transport will make a grant of £233 towards the purchase of two additional motor lorries.
The Wilmslow Urban District Council is making inquiries concerning the purchase of a fire-engine, while tenders are being obtained for the supply of a light road roller.
Wimbledon Corporation asked the borough engineer to report on the tenders received for the supply of a 2-ten lorry and a 4-5-ton tipping trailer for use with a Foden wagon.
Tenders are invited by the Dundee Fire Brigade for the supply of a combined motor pump and fire escape. Sealed offers must he lodged with the town clerk, City Chambers, Dundee, not later than January 26th.
Vexatious Restrictions.
The Monmouthshire County Council has decided to ask the Ministry of Transport to intervene in the matter of restrictions placed by the Newport Corporation on motorbus services. The Rev. W. Williams, Langstone, said that the objections taken to certain of the bee services by the Newport Council were vexatious and might result in the loss of the services to the public, who found them a great convenience. Mr. Heath, Chepstow, protested against unreasonable action against bus servic..es and seconded the motion for referring the matter to the Ministry.
No Police Amrmiances.
In a letter to the East, Ham Corporation the Commissioner of Police states that the whole subject of ambulance service /sr the Metropolitan Pollee District is now under the consideration of the Home Office, hut be has no reason to anticipate that it will be decided to be desirable for the police to take over any additional responsibilities in this direction.
Swindon Bus Licences.
Swindon Watch Committee recommends renewing 14 bus licences issued to the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., but refuses to recommend the following applications for licences
worth Motor Hiring Co,,Ltd., for a bus; Norton Motor Service, for a bus between Lechdale and Swindon ; ith. R. Bushell, for a-bus between Wroughton and Swindon; and Mr. A. L. Belcher, for a bus between Liddington and Swindon.
A Corporation Threat.
At a meeting of the Halifax Corporation Tramways Committee Mr. F. Bateson, haulage contractor, Triangle, and Mr. F. W. Teal, solicitor, appeased with respect to the running of motorbuses between Sowerby Bridge and Rishworth The committee informed Mr. Bateson that unless he agrees to ran the service between Rishworth and the tram terminus at Triangle only and to obtain the consent of the Soyland and Sowerby Urban District Councils to run such a bus service, the committee would have seriously to consider the question of withdrawing the tram service on the Triangle section and of running a service of in.eterbuses under the. corporation's statutory powers. •
A New Rotherham Service.
The Ministry of Transport has permitted the Rotherham Corporation to ran a motor/Ms service between Dalton and Silverwood subject to some arrangement being made with the owners of the vehicles providing the existing service.
Replacing Obsolete Fire-fighting Plant.
Owing to the delay experienced in getting its present manual fire-engine to the scene of local outbreaks, the Aepatria District Council is convening a conference with representatives from neighbouring district and parish councils, with a view to ascertaining whether they would be prepared to participate in the cost of a new motor fire-engine.
The existing machine is considered obsolete and useless, and the clerk to the council has been instructed to ascertain the cost of a suitable new vehicle.