Quick Testing
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ALTHOUGH wheel balancing is not widely practised by operators of heavy vehicles in this
country, it is commonly done in Australia where it is considered that improved tyre life results. A piece of equipment produced there for the purpose and now available in Britain is the Replex electronic balancer sold by Repco, Ltd., 59 St. James's Street, London, W.1, A component known as a' vibration pick-up is placed under a suspension member -such' as a wishbone, and the wheel is spun by an electric. motor. The pick-up is connected to a wheeled cabinet from which a beam of light is projected on to the wheel when it is at maximum unbalance. This position may be determined when the wheel is stopped by reference to a mark which is initially made on the tyre wall.
A meter on the cabinet indicates the amount of unbalance so that the appropriate weight can be applied to the 'rim. The process is stated to be simple and quick, whilst it is claimed that the pick-up can detect vibrations as small as 0.001 in. Repco supply, weights of different sizes.
Three Batteries
=THREE 6-volt batteries are newly obtainable from Smiths.. Motor Accessories, Ltd., 50 Oxgate Lane, London, N.W.2. The smallest has 17 plates and a capacity at the 10-hr. rate of 10't annn.-hr. A 19-plate unit has a capacity of 121 amp.-hr. and a 21-plate 135 amp.-hr. The retail prices are £9 15s. 6d., £10 14s. and £.11 3s. 6d, respectively.
NiTEANS for hard-facing components by al induction heating have been devised by Deloro Stellite, Ltd., Highlands Road. Shirley, Solihull, in collaboration with Radio Heaters, Ltd. Stellite powder is applied, and the component is heated so that a bond is obtained. Advantages are said to include freedom from slag inclusions, blowholes and shrinkage porosity, together with sparing use of hard-facing alloys,
Thicker Hardboard
LIARDBOARD is now being made in panels +-in. thick by the Bowater Organization, and is obtainable through the usual channels. The greater struc tural strength that results widens the possible application of this material. Less timber is required for studding and supports, and the material is avail able in standard and oil-tempered grades.
The standard sizes are 8 ft. by 5 ft., 6 ft. by 4 ft. and 9 ft. by 4 ft.. whilst different lengths 2 ft. and 2 ft. 6 in. wide arc also available. The
hoard weighs about 1 lb, 6+ oz. per sq. ft., and the retail cost is upwards of 8.41. per sq. ft. for the standard grade and 11d. for the oil-tempered.
Surforrn Plane
THE Craftsman is a plane incorporating a Surform blade which has been introduced by Simnrionds Aerocessories, Ltd., Treforest, Glam, especially for professional users. It has a cast-iron body with an accurately machined surface for use on a shooting board and costs .f.1 7s. 6d. complete with blade, which is replaceable at 3s. 6d, Half-round and fine-cut blades will fit the plane, as well as the standard type with 500 teeth which is suitable for a range of materials.
Sandwich Door
A GARAGE door, of the up-and-over .1"-% type, has been produced by Westland Engineers, Ltd., Yeovil, Somerset, with a 2-in, layer of Polyzote expanded polystyrene sandwiched between plywood.
The sandwiched material was produced by the Expanded Rubber Co., Ltd., Mitcham Road, Croydon, Surrey, who also make laminates with Onazote as the core. They would appear to be suitable also for bodybuilding.
Pins and Bearings
THE latest British Standards concern split cotter pins and the dimensions of ball and parallel-roller bearings. That concerning pins aligns with American and Continental standards inasmuch as the nominal length is defined as the distance from the underside of the eye to the extreme end of the short leg. Sizes of mild steel cotter pins' in diameters of from A-1 in. are now based on the standard, and users are advised to bear this in mind when ordering new supplies.
The bearing standard relates to features which control. the interchangeability of units, but not internal dimensions or detailed design. The pin standard costs 4s. and the other 12s. 6d. 'from the British Standards Institution, 2 Park Street, London, W.1; postage is extra to non-subscribers,