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Tankers with Towers Defrost Aircraft

23rd January 1959
Page 67
Page 67, 23rd January 1959 — Tankers with Towers Defrost Aircraft
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Tv"0 Bedford 7-ton chassis, with 250gal. tanks, have been added to th,1 fleet operated by British European Airways at London Airport. They are used in defrosting aircraft before take-off.

Each chassis is equipped with a Simon's 40-ft. hydraulically actuated tower and spraying equipment. The defrosting compound is preheated to 70' C. and trans-. ferred to the tanks of the Sedfords. Each vehicle tank is lagged and the fluid is delivered through flexible piping to 6-ft, lances manipulated by operatives in the tower cages.

It is possible to cover all the exteried surfaces of a Viscountin 30 minute:. thus halving the time taken by earlio; methods, The equipment was evolved by the maintenance-branch planning office of B,E,A.