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The k;e17.;.10,Y, THE COMMERCIAL 'MOTOR.
I1It55] Sir, I hate been interesind to read Mr. Wyles's remarks on the above sUbjcot.
I quite .agrco ii al. the cimditions lo be fulfilled by the sayecss.hil nnikir on a farm are many and varied_ lla‘ Mg been brought up on a. *pan Iadore entering the engineering: Inisiness, I claim to be able ti speak from a farmer's ).-Kurd of view.
Ti, comply with the farmer's needs, a motor must be light and simple in construction, cheap as to first cost, and universal in use. (ireat radical charges will have to be made before the motor can be yxpeCted to replace the horse upon the farm, as will be Seen by What follows.
If Wit login. Say. on 1st January. manuring: aial ploughing are then in foil op,ration upon the farm. To Eicct l iv., conditions 1.hecii gine. and lite v.-holy transmission gear must form one unit, i.e., they must be carrird unon two wheels and one axle, so that the whole thing can be cdupled up to a nmekcart liv It Pole, something like the fore part or a the latter part of at gun earriage.
Subscouently the motor eau la disconnected from the cart and coupled up to a plough or 'narrow.
pt February and March are next reachod, 'ohm' most of the soil will
be ready for so,s mrig. Then the motor will he required to haul the seed, corn mid guano down to the field with tie. earl. The drill will be attached hchind ihe cart as it trailer. Arrived at the field the muter ii ill require disconnecting from the cart and attaching to the drill.
1:pon wet days the motor will be required to go to town with grain and other prodace, and bring back oil cake, artificial manure, and maize or other feeding stuffs, or to cutchaff and grind corn fm the stock upon the farm.
During April and May thrashing eorn will occupy scvt-i-ral days, and all the manure which has neentnit lilted_ during t wini or months will require to he iifi'ilie. out.
June and July will he occupied in the hay fields, when thy motor will
be reqUired ryap or CIO the hay, also to make hay, i.e.. shake it up and li.rn it over this is done partly by hand and partly by horse nov,. Finally the TITOtOr (!an be coupled to a four-wheel wagon fur carting the hay to the farmstead.
August and Scpteinher are the Iwo busiest months of the year, it lain reaping tie, corn and loading it, and elevatirg it to the stack.; these are all jobs for the motor. In October scarifying will be commenced, and ploughing begin, which latter is an ideal job ror the motor at this time of the year, as the soil is, as a rule, dry and firm, a great show will be made by the motor.
December it ill be chiefly occupied by thrashing operations, cutting chaff, grinding corn for the stock upon the farm, the cartage of grain, coal, etc.
Of course, there are many other jobs upon the farm that the motor can well do. 1.'ut instance, during the drought there is the cartage of water to the fields for the stock, tiek t( 1 v
s will I. occupy several hours pe
N r There a-re, however, several jobs that the motor w ill not du, such as scuffling roots, hoeing corn, drilling clover and the like on account of the damage that world be done by the whc,els it the headlands by turning round.
Engineers will do well seriously to consider each and all of the above requirement's of the farmer. Some of the present-day models arm' not suitable for much of this work.
Yours faithfully, A FARMER.
brilt dulthrd
a "motor 'r oNt-, " was tl,sctjet and :Lustrated iii o Kr i,,sae for 11 th 1-(1!1,-Ct: fyir respoa C.eni 's rr,OlirOloarrt, tor allthc-,■ rax-rouud