Brake bleeder
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Providing a constant pressure in the braking system rather than depending on pumping of the brake pedal, the Port-A-Pack Ltd. brake servicing unit allows one man to perform a complete bleeding operation on a hydraulic braking system or hydraulic accelerator controls on rear engine vehicles in less than 10min. Hydraulic fluid is held in the equipment under pressure but does not come into contact with air at any time.
The unit has an inner and outer container, the two being connected at the bottom for the transmission of air pressure. The hydraulic fluid in the inner container is sealed from the air under pressure in the outer container by a piston that slides up and down in the inner container.
To use the equipment, the inner container is first charged with hydraulic fluid, the piston being pushed down to the bottom of its stroke. A small hand pump in the outer container is then operated to produce an air pressure of 30/35 psi in the system, an upward force being applied to the piston to pressurize the fluid. A gauge on the outer container shows the pressure in the system. If preferred it can be pressurized by 3ir line.
At the outlet from the inner :ontainer is a manually operated ialve and the reinforced pvc -lose leading to an adaptor. This its on to the master cylinder of he vehicle to be serviced in )lace of the normal filler cap. connecting up the Port-A-Pack 'nit to the master cylinder and )pening the valve on the ontainer immediately preswrizes the braking system. )Ilowing the bleeding operation o be accomplished quickly and iasily.
A series of adaptors is wadable to fit different sizes of nester cylinder,and a bayonet :onnector with self-sealing valve it the end of the hose allows the daptors to be changed in a few econds without spillage. The port-A-Pack is mounted on a rolley that incorporates a hand iller pump and a plastics :ontainer to receive the fluid lied from the hydraulic system. he hand filler pump allows lydraulic fluid to be pumped lirect from the drum into the ervicing unit, thus avoiding ontamination by air or dirt luring the filling process. Made by: Port-A-Pack Ltd, London Road, Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex.