News and Comment.
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The authority, circulation and influence of this journal rest upon facts.
We are afraid Liverpool master-carters will not like the summary on pages 320 and 321.
Arguments in favour of direct-traction ploughing by motors which travel over the land will be found on page 319.
Wu understand that Harrod's Stores, Ltd,, has ordered a further four Albion vans through that maker's London depot.
The R.A.S.E. is not giving enough attention to the needs of new motor developments; its shedding is too low for vans, and the opportunities for exhibitors to demonstrate new agricultural and other machines should be comparable with those afforded in the Horse Ring. See page 317.
The first-published, illustrated, standto-stand report upon the commercial motors at the Royal Show will be found on pages 330 to 340. Others are expected to appear the day the Show closes, but that of Tire COMMERCIAL MOTOR E/10110 will then have been already on sale at Liverpool for several clear days.
A Liverpool Loss.
Mr. John Wilson, a leading mastercarter of Liverpool, who was for many years a Member of Council of the Liverpool Self-Propelled Traffic Association, died and was buried the week before last. We regret to hear of his decease, v bleb removes an interesting personality from Liverpool commercial circles.
Manchester Shows.
The directors of the Manchester 1910 Show have been voted the sum of £250 for their services during the financial year now ended. No more spaces will he allotted for the 1911 show, except in conjunction with the S.M.2il.T. and the East Lancashire and Cheshire section of that body. Messrs. Bullock, Davies, nook, Fletcher, Looker, Spurrier, and Webb have been re-elected directors of the Manchester and District Motor Trades Association, Ltd. These gentlemen have borne the brunt of several years of an anxiety which is now removed.
Important Lotis Success.
In our issue of the 6th January last, we gave advance publicity to the intentions of the promoters of an important transport company which will soon get to work in Rio de Janeiro. This business has now been completed,, and the whole of the orders have gone to Sturiney Motors, Ltd., of Coventry. The gross value lies between £65,000 and £70,000, and concerns 110 vehicles in all. In addition to the50 cabs. which we mention on page 329, there will be live express delivery wagons, also upon 20-24 h.p. chassis, but with double-reduction axles and shaft
and bevel-gear transmission, five chars-abailee upon like chassis, and 50 three-ton lorries. The lorries will he specially designed to meet the requirements in Rio, with extra-large radiators, and 48 b.h.p. four-cylinder engines. The cylinders will have a bore of 100 mm., and the piston-stroke chosen is 150 mm. .There will be chain transmission, with 40 in. and 36 in. wheels, Polack tires throughout, and roller bearings to the road wheels. Lotis fool-proof epicyclic gear and interlocked pedal control is specified for the whole fleet.
We feel that we must heartily congratulate Sturmey Motors, Ltd., upon its success in securing the largest single export order that. has yet been given to a British manufacturer—or even to any manufacturer, if we except those of motorcabs. The company has certainly secured the order for the largest "mixed " fleet of commercial vehicles yet known in the world. There was great competition for the contract, and Trench makers, as usual, left. no stone unturned to secure it.
The S.M.M.T. has agreed to renew its patronage for the annual show of the Scottish Association ; there will he two shows next year—one for motorcars and one for commercial vehicles and aeros.
It now appears that the Olympia Show of next year will take place in the month of March, as it is expected that the buildin will be available then. A definite and final anouncement may be expected shortly.
"The Commercial Motor" Cup.
In order to avoid any misunderstanding, we desire to give prominence to the fact that THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR COP, at the recent parade, was specifically awarded, in accordance with the conditions which were published in our issue of the 28th April last, for " the team which presents the smartest appearance on parade, having regard to the class of work upon which the units are employed, the ages of the machines, and the total distance run by them,"
The Central Post Office has accepted the tender of Messrs. McCahey and Co.. Lisburn, for a motor-man service between Lisburn and Downpatrick.
Scottish readers of this journal may care to snake a note that the Scottish International Aviation Meeting, at Lanark, will begin on the 6th August, and will be continued from the 8th to the 13th of that month (inclusive). Full details may be had from Mr. Robert J. Smith, C.A., at 133, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow.
Motor Advertisements.
The Ardath Tobacco Co. has been using a 20 h.p. Dennis vehicle for conveyance in advertisement purposes, in order to render its "State Express" cigarettes more widely known. The car has been used in London for a little more than a month, and has a body, of unique design, in natural mahogany with beautifully-carved representations of tobacco leaves, etc., upon it. The roof is in repousse copper, with white opal signs round it, and surmounted by an effective dome ornamented with headlights. The body is by Cann, Ltd.
Pfleumatic Instructions.
An interesting an instructive leaflet, entitled "Pneumatic applied to spare wheels," has just been issued by the Pneumatic (1910) Co., Ltd., of 86, Victoria Street, S.W. A copy will be sent free to any of our readers who apply to that address in writing. In addition to other useful information, it contains the prices for the filling of various-sized tires ; these vary from V_ 10s. to 24.
All About Ignition.
A special Ignition Number is published to-day (23rd June) by our contemporary, " The Motor Boat. Between marine and commercial motors there are many points in common, and our readers will on that account find much to interest them in the issue in question. Afloat, as with a commercial vehicle, ease of starting and perfect reliability are all im portant, and dual ignition—a modern development bearing directly on both points—is fully treated. Magnetos are often regarded as mysterious by drivers and mechanics they are minutely explained in the journal named.
London Repairs.
Owners who desire to have running repairs efficiently undertaken by an established engineering works should not overlook Smith, Parfrey and Co., Ltd., of
Rannoch Street, Fulham Palace Road, Hammersmith, W. This company is prepared to repair or renew any part of a commercial motor, and its charges are always based on a percentage added to
the actual material and labour costs. Calls for its services have recently led to the enlargement of the capacity for dealing with this class of work expeditiously.
"Shell" Motor Spirit.
We have reason to believe that " Shell " motor spirit is proving increasingly popular with agents all over the country, and we strongly recommend readers of this journal who own or who are interested in garages or other commercial-motor businesses to apply forthwith to the British Petroleum Co., Ltd., 22, Penchurch Street, E.C., for terms.
Grimsby Docks.
Mr. Sam Fay, the general manager of the Great Central Railway Co., has sent an interesting booklet to us in regard to his company's new dock accommodation at Grimsby. We wonder whether Mr. Fay knows anything of the difficulties which are put in the way of motorvehicle owners on his company's dock estate, and which certainly do not tend to attract up-to-date carriers?
More Working Costs.
Interesting and tested tables of costs.. from the new catalogue of Leyland Motors, Ltd., are reproduced on page 323. They are of general interest, and in close accordance with figures already given in this journal, but we know that. a member of the Leyland staff has spent many days over their independent compilation and arrangement. We congratulate him on the results achieved.