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"Tke wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at wkatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crosier.
The Mersey runnel Bill.
The case for the Birkenhead and Liverpool Corporations was making apparently good progress when we went to press. After the opening speech by Mr. MacMillan, K.C., evidence was given by Sir Archibald Salvidge on behalf of Liverpool and Alderman Russell on behalf of Birkenhead. Mr. Arthur Collins, formerly borough treasurer of Birmingham, testified to the financial soundness of the proposition as a whole. These witnesses were followed by technical evidence "from, amongst others, Mr. Basil Mott, C.B., M.Inst.C.E., and Mr. John A. Brodie, M.Inst.C.E., city engineer of Liverpool. The principal traffic evidence was presented by Mr. E. S. Shrapnell-Smith, C.B.E„ and Major-General S. S. Long, C.B.
Owing to the indisposition of Sir Lynden Macassey, Mr. Moncrieff, K.O., led for the principal opponents, the Mersey Railway Co., the chief arguments submitted being that their undertaking must be prejudiced and that the roadway tunnel was not of national importance, in their view. Furthermore, it was submitted that the ventilation of the tunnel would present difficulties. It is understood that the Ministry of Health has reported in favour of the project, to which the Ministry of Transport has indicated a minimum grant of 12,500,000 in the event of the desired powers being granted by Parliament.
If, as is hoped by the promoters, the committee of the Lords, over which Earl Wernyss is presiding, reports in favour of the Bill this week, it is probable that a committee of the House of Commons will take it in hand next week. In the most favourable circumstances the tunnel cannot be opened for traffic until 3931.
Exhibitors for the Royal Show.
This year's Show organized by the Royal Agricultural Society of England, which opens at Chester on July 7th, will, as in past years, provide much of interest to the majority of our readers.
Many prominent concerns in the industry will be displaying a wide range of their products, and amongst those who will exhibit mechanically, propelled vehicles or appliances are the following : W. Allchin, Ltd., Auto-Mower Engineering Co., Ltd., Aveling and Porter, Ltd., Barford and Perkins, Ltd., 131ackstonn and Co., Ltd., Chas. Burrell and Sons, Ltd., Clayton and Shuttlesvorth, Ltd., Dennis nros„ Ltd., Eagle Engineering Co., Ltd., Fairbanks, Morse and Co., Ltd„ Fodens, Ltd., W. Foster and Co„ Ltd., John Fowler and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., Richard Garrett and Sons, Ltd., W. Goodyear and Sons, Ltd., Thos. Green and Son, Ltd., James and Frederick Howard, Ltd., International Harvester Co., of Great Britain, Ltd., J.P. Super Lawnmowers, Ltd., It. A. Lister and Co., Ltd., J. and H. McLaren, Ltd., Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd., Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd., Martin's Cultivator Co., Ltd., Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., W. N. Nie.holson and Sons, Ltd., Petters, Ltd., Charles H. Pugh, Ltd., Ransomes, Sims and jefferies, Ltd.. Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., Sentinel Wag
gon Works, Ltd., John Shaw and Sons, Wolverhampton, Ltd., H. C. Slingsby, W. Tasker and Sons, Ltd., John Wallace and Sons, Ltd., Wallis and Steevens, Ltd., and Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon CO.
Our next issue will contain advance particulars of the exhibits of special interest to our readers.
Vulcan Debentures.
The Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co. (1900), Ltd., Southport, advise us that they registered at Somerst House, London, on June 3rd, satisfaction of de bentures to a value of £100,000. This follows the registering of satisfaction of £250,000 in debentures on August 2nd last year.
Ransornes' Report.
The report of the directors of Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd. (with whom are associated Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd.), for the year ended March 31st last, shows, after making provision for depreciation and other -items, a profit of £60,625, to which must be added a sum of £64,506 brought in from-the previous year. Of this total of £125,131 a dividend on the preference shares to December 31st, 1923, has absorbed £27,500, leaving a balance of £97,631, which is reduced to £86,631 by the payment of a dividend on the preference shares to December 31st, 1924. From this balance £80,000 is being carried to the reserve account, bringing this up to £100,000, and leaving £56,631 to be carried forward.
The report makes it clear that there has been a substantial improvement in the company's trading during the year, both at home and abroad.
A Sunderland Ring Road.
Commenced almost three years ago, the new Sunderland ring road, which will cost approximately £120,000, is now nearly ready for ust. The scheme, which has been carried out by 'thecorporation, provides a new roadway Gf about two miles in length and 60 ft. wide, the object of which is to facilitate direct through traffic in the first place and, secondly, to provide an easy means of communication between the west end of Sunderland and Durham, Stockton, and other neighbourhoods lying to the south.
The road has been so constructed as to make it suitable for bearing a large volume of heavy traffic, and when the highway is opened for general use it should prove of extreme value to all motor vehicle users.
A " C.M." Vacancy.
The scope of The Commercial Motor continues to expand, and there is, in consequence, an opening on the business staff for a gentleman of about 30 Years of age. Applicants, who should have a fair knowledge of the commercial motor industry and possess some experience in, or aptitude for, the solicitation of advertisement orders, are asked to write to the Manager, Temple Press, Ltd., 7-15, Rosebery Avenue, London, E.C.1.
The Real Remedy.
The use of mirrors at dangerous traffic junctions was under discussion at the last meeting of the Liverpool and District Road Improvement Association. It was alleged that the experimental use of mirrors, either with plain surfaces or in the form of prisms, was not a success, and that in some cases they were confusing and misleading. It was remarked that the real remedy could only be found in the abolition of dangerous corners.
Paignton and Coach Limitation.
At a meeting of the licensing committee of the Paignton Council a letter was received from the Torquay and District Motor Coach Owners Association expressing the opinion that the number of licensed chars-à-banes in the district is now sufficient for public requirements. and inquiring if the council proposed to take steps to prevent the granting of more licences. The committee decided that the time for such restriction has not yet arrived.
Ribble Co.'s Report.
The sixth annual meeting of the Ribble Motor Services, Ltd„ was held in Preston a few days ago, when the report of the directors was presented. In reviewing the year's work, the chairman, Mr. Leo M. Myers, said that the total receipts from all sources amounted to £131,597, a figure which represented an increase of £44,700 on the receipts for the previous year, although it must be remembered that during the period under review the company's.rolling stock increased fsom 63 to 97 vehicles.
The net profit during the year amounted to £13,074, an increase of 14,355 on the previous year, this figure being arrived at after making full provision for depreciation and other items. A sum of approximately £25,000 Was spent on the purchase of petrol and oil during the past year, whilst wages absorbed £55,000 and the cost of insurance totalled between 14,000 and £5,000, the main item in this being the security of the company's passengers, generally referred to as third-party insurance. A dividend of 10 per cent, is being paid and a sum of £3,000 carried to the reserve account, which will then stand at £6,261.
At the end of the financial year covered by the report the company's fleet of vehicles stood at 97 buses, but it gas since been further increased to 117 vehicles. At the present time the vehicles are operating over a daily route mileage of 321, and during the past year the fleet of buses ran 2,600,000 miles and carried 6,500,000 passengers.
Milk Transport Overseas.
The Leyland vehicle which is illustrated on this page, and is to be seen hauling a four-wheeled trailer, has recently been delivered by the Canadian branch of Leyland Motors, Ltd., to the Fraser Valley Milk Producers' Association. This association, we are told, is a very influential one and is a co-operative organization_formed by farmers who distribute milk in Vancouver and district on an extremely comprehensive scale.
The chassis is the standard Leyland R.A.F. model, and the body which it carries has been specially designed to enable milk bottles in cases to be carried. It will be 6een that there is a wide opening in the sides of the body of the vehicle and the trailer, which facilitates loading and unloading operations. These openings are protected by spring chains.
This vehicle is one of a fleet of 15 which is used by the association on similar work.
R.A.S.E. and Coach Owners' Co-operation.
Special facilities for motor coach proprietors are being provided by the committee of the Royal Agricultural Society of England for its show which opens at Chester on july 7th. The committee's intention is to co-operate with the various local motor coach-committees, with a view to mutual advantages being secured from the increased traffic. Free garaging for motor coaches, free tickets of admission, attractive posters for garages and windscreen bills are amongst the proposals of the committee.
The North-Western Divisional Secretary of the Commercial Motor Users Association has been approached on the matter.
Testing Public-service Vehicles.
The Carlisle Corporation is making determined efforts to regulate and control the rapidly growing volume of local motorbus traffic, so as to ensure adequate and efficient services for the general public and to safeguard other classes of vehicular traffic. To this end it has recently put into operation special by-laws to (a) prevent overcrowding ;
(b) regulate all services running to and from the city ; (c) secure strict adherence t authorized routes and timetables; (d) secure efficient braking of all public-service vehicles.
As a means towards the complete enforcement of these regulations, the authority is appointing a full-time engineer to inspect all vehicles engaged on public-service duties, and has vested him with authority to enforce the correction of any defects discovered during his periodical tests.
Rotax Service Agents.
Rotax (Motor Accessories), Ltd., advise us that they have just appointed Messrs. Nibbs and Scott, of 24, Great Southsea Street, Southsea, as their service-agents for Portsmouth and district. This company are in a position to give service in connection with Rotax lighting and starting equipment, including overhauling and repair work, and can supply replacement parts and undertake renewals. Sheffield's Third Parade.
The third annual parade organized by the North Eastern Division (Sheffield and Rotherham Area) of the Commercial Motor Users Association will be held on the fair ground, Donk Street, Sheffield, on Saturday, June 27th.
There are in all 17 classes in which motor vehicles will compete, some being specifically for petrol lorries and others for steam wagons. An additional trophy is being offered for competition this year, making three in all, and the number of medals to be awarded has been increased to 22; the amount to be awarded in cash prizes has also been increased to ISO. Mr. W. Wakelam, the area hon. secretary, informs us that after the event the drivers and assistants who have taken part are to be entertained to a supper and smoking concert, at which function the trophies, medals and other awards will be presented.
Selling Brockway Chassis.
Major A. G. Hills informs us that he has resigned his position as London sales manager for Automobiles M. Berliet, and that he has joined the staff of Messrs. Salmons and Sons, 6-9, Upper St. Martin's Lane, London, W.C.2, from which address he will handle the Brockway commercial chassis. The Brockway range of commercial chassis was described in our issue dated October 7th, 1924.
A Provision Merchant's Albion.
The Albion van, of which a picture appears on this page, constitutes the eighth van of this make which A. Davy and Sons, Ltd., provision merchants, of Sheffield, have purchased since the war.
• The particular vehicle shown has as its basis the makers' long-wheelbase 25cwt. chassis. The body is constructed with canvas sides and top, the covering being stretched over three-ply, and is, of course, much lighter than an ordinary box-van of like dimensions. A particularly smart appearance is given to the vehicle by the wide domed steel wings. The type of mileage recorder which is fitted as standard on all Albion vehicles is just visible below the door on the near side leading to the driver's seat.
A Council's Action Sustained.
The Ministry of Transport has announced its decision in the case of the appeal of the South Wales Commercial Motors, Ltd., Cardiff, against the decision of the Barry Urban District Council in refusing sanction for a circular service through its area linking-up the company's present Pcnarth and South Olamorgan services with Cardiff. The inquiry was held by the Ministry in April, with the result that the action of the Barry Council is sustained.
Dominion's New Directors.
We are informed that Mr. John S. Coutant has recently been appointed managing director of the Dominion Rubber Co., Ltd. Mr. Content has had a long experience in the service of the company, having occupied responsible Positions In New. York, Rio de Janeiro, Madrid and other important centres.
Mr. M. L. Douglas, hitherto sales manager of the company, b.as also been appointed a director. He has been associated with the company for a number of years, five of which have been spent at the Landoll branch.
Lanchester's Ambulance Service In"-the annual report of the work performed by the two ambulances in the service of the Lanchester Joint Hospital Board, it is shown that during the past 12 months the total operating costs for the two cars amounted to £545 9s. id., and 1,177 cases were removed. at an average cost of 9s. 3d. per patient. In the previous year the total operating costs amounted to 1543, the number of patents removed being 746, and the -average cost per journey 14s. 6d. During the course of a month the vehicles averaged about 500 miles each, and consumed a gallon of petrol for between every 11 and 12 miles' run.
A Treatise on Two Important Subjects W. B. Dick and Co., Ltd., 26, Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.1, arc circulating an attractive little brochure which deals with safety-first driving and scientific lubrication. The idea of the booklet is to instil into the minds of drivers the definite urgency of placing safety-first precepts in the forefront, In the first part of the booklet many useful hints are given in relation to this vital factor. The second part of the booklet deals with the all-important subject of lubrication in a lucid manner, and concludes with a lubricant schedule which indicates the grade of Ilo oil which should be used on specific types of ear, lorry and tractor in the summer and in the winter.
Portuguese East Africa Needs Tractors. ,
The increasing interest in cotton cultivation in Portuguese East Africa has brought out the great advantages that accrue by the use of tractors for this work, in many cases the heavy steam vehicle is being ousted by the petroldriven tractor. The tendency towards the use of tractors has been rendered all the more imperative by the fact that Suitable oxen for ploughing purposes are not available in sufficient numbers. It has also been found that it is easy to train the natives to operate these machines.
If the cotton crop comes up to expectations it is anticipated that at least 022
100 tractors will be purchased this year. Some progress in tractor development is also due to the fact that the Government took measures to subsidize 2ooperative power farming about two years ago.
British Vehicles for China.
According to an American report from China the trade in commercial motor vehicles in that country was very quiet during the first quarter of the present year, the only important order placed being one in Harbin for 20 • lorries, which was secured by an English company,
Batteries on Wembley's Railodocks.
The D.P. Battery Co., Ltd., Bakewell, Derbyshire, inform us that there are over 120 Railodock cars again in use at the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley this year, and that they are all fitted with D.P. Kathanode batteries. This make of battery was used on these vehicles during last year's exhibition and performed very satisfactorily under arduous conditions of working.
All those interested in this form of
electric traction are given an opportunity of inspecting the company's charging depot at the Railodock service garage at Wembley.
Stretford Grants Licences.
Stretford Watch Committee has provisionally renewed motorbus licences for the Manchester Corporation and the North Western Road Car Co., Ltd., subject to the endorsement on the licences of a maximum speed of 10-12 miles per hour and to the adoption of pneumatic tyres for the vehicles_ In the case of the company a request has heen made that a smaller type of bus should be put into service.
Birmingham Street Accidents.
Statistics which have just been issued by the Birmingham Watch Committee show that the number of casualties incidental to street traffic coming to the knowledge of the police during the three months ended March 31st last was 1.281, in which persons or property were injured, and 494 in which persons were killed or injured, the corresponding totals for the same period of last year being 1,020 and 324 respectively.
Barrow's New Buses.
The tramways committee of the Barrow ToWn Council recently decided to purchase four Guy one-man-operated saloon buses, after having inspected several makes which had been sent to Barrow for demonstration purpose. The various makes submitted were subjected to an exceptionally severe test from Thwaite Flat up a steep and tortuous hill leading to the Askam Road. All the buses performed creditably, but the committee looked favourably upon the Guy vehicle owing to its low load line and accessibility.
The buses will shortly be put into commission, when an increased service will be run over the coast road between Roose Terminus and Goadsbarrow, arrangements having already been made for the necessary licences. At a later date it is hoped to run a service along the full extent of the new coast road to Ulveraton.
The vehicles will be representative of modern practice and will incorporate upto-date features in the design of the chassis and bodied. Each of the bodies wilt be fitted with the Guy patent emergency door, which, as many of our readers will know, can be operated from three different positions—i.e., from the driver's seat, from inside the vehicle and also from outside the vehicle at the rear. The vehicles will be fitted with pneumatic tyr.ea.
The 250,000th Ford on Tour.
The 250,000th Ford car produced in the British works of the Ford Motor Co. (England), Ltd., completed its tour of GreatBritain on the 0th of this month after a most successful journey of more than 4,100 miles.. The schedule laid aown was a most exacting one, and was rigidly adhered to throughout. We are told that the car tan without an involuntary stop, and tyre trouble was entirely absent.
On completion of its tour the vehicle returned to Manchester and was placed in the showrooms of Frances Motors, Ltd., Deansgate, where it attracted considerable attention.
The vehicle commenced a tour of Northern Ireland a few days ago, and will call on all authorized Ford dealers in that territory.
Trent Co.'s. Deal.
It is announced that the Trent Motor Traction Co., Ltd., who maintain a comprehensive network of bus services from Nottingham and other important centres, have just taken over the goodwill and vehicles of the motor omnibus service which was run between Nottingham and Ilkeston, and was known as "Clarke' Bus Service." The company and Messrs. Clarkes were previously engaged in competition on the same route, and a revised time-table and improved service will follow the absorption.
The Trent Co. have recently inaugurated a daily service to Lowdham, which is an extension of the route from Nottingham to Burton Joyce.
New Edition of the "Motor Repair Manual."
A new edition of the Temple Press handbook, the " Motor Repair Manual," fully revised, re-illustrated and enlarged, has just been introduced. It is an indispensable handbook for the owner-driver, as it instructs him how to effect important eeononiies in maintenance charges and save considerable time by carrying out any simple repair, adjustment or overhaul to his tar. There are new sections on the lathe and its uses, and descriptions and illustrations of tools and how to use them, whilst various mechanical processes and workshop practices are dealt with and, details are given of how to construct a serviceable motor house cheaply. The fitting, up of a repair shop and the provision of its tool outfit receive attention, and many new practical hints are included.
Motors in Denmark.
According to a report on Denmark which has just. been issued by the Department of Overseas Trade, it is estimated that there were 64,500 motor vehicles in Denmark on July 1st last, as compared with 36,500 in 1921. The increase was most noticeable in the ,country districts, where 50 per cent. more vehicles are now in UN, although a considerably greater number is also in use in the towns. The increase in rural districts is entirely due to the growing use of motor vehicles by farmers, and may be considered in conjunction with the reduction in the number of horses in use.
Cleansing Superintendents' Con. ierence Closes.
At the concluding session of the annual conference of the Institute of Cleansing Superintendents held from June Sth-12t1i, at Swansea, the opening days' proceedings of which were dealt with in our last issue, Mr. W. Greig, cleansing superintendent of Glasgow, read a paper on "Street Cleansing at Glasgow, with Costs."
Mr. Greig attributed the success of modern cleansing to the increased utilization of the mechanical vehicle, especially in conjunction with the better roads and surfaces of to-day as compared with the roads of 20 years ago. He said that probably the effectiveness of street cleansing was due to modern paving methods more than to any other single cause. The street mechanical sweeper had come to stay.
An interesting discussion ensued in which Mr. Bainbridge (Oldham) referred to mud-splashing as resulting from street watering. In this connection he thought the council of the In
stitute should offer a prize (the amount to be contributed to by every municipality in Great Britain) for the best invention for preventing mud-splashing. Other members commended the proposal.
Mr. Greig, summing up the discussion, thought that there was considerable scope for the development of the type of mechanical vehicle used for picking up mud. With regard to mudsplashing he said that proper street washing was at present the best solution of the problem.
A Traffic Control Experiment.
The Cardigan County Council has placed on point duty for traffic direction four unemployed ex-servicemen in Aberystwyth and two in Cardigan Town. The men are uniformed. The experiment is to be extended if the suitability of civilians for such duties be proved.
Touting Taboo.
"A lovely night for a drive."
" grand day for a trip to Morecambe."
These invitations to passers-by resulted in Blackpool coach owners being fined 20s. at the local police court a few days ago for touting.
"Touting does not necessarily mean calling out in a loud voice," said the magistrate's clerk. "It is an offence to speak to persons passing by, because that is touting."
Transporting Printing Ink.
The smart and attractive 20-25-cwt. Bean van, which is illustrated on this page, has recently been supplied to Blackwell and Co., Ltd., the well-known printing ink makers, of London. The body is particularly roomy, and an in teresting feature is the use of a shelf fixed 2 ft. above the floor line upon which 10 cwt. of printers' ink can be carried in 100 kegs. To enable such a load to be carried at this point, the side panels are made specially strong and, in fact, the wirole body is built on very sturdy lines. The paintwork is carried Out in Parsons Cobaltine blue.
Lawn Mowers in the Making.
Members of the Ipswich Engineering Society recently paid a visit to the local works of Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., where they were afforded an opportunity of gaining some idea of the magnitude of the lawn-mower business of this company, who have specialized on the production of this class of equipment for a number of years.
Mr. Frank Ayton, one of the directors of the company, met the president of the association and the members, who were subsequently shown round the works accompaniedby guides, where motor-driven mowers with power units ranging fpom 21 h.p. to II h.p. were seen in the course of various stages of construction.
Local Proceedings,
Stretford Urban District Council has purchased a motor mower at a cost cf £59.
Lewisham Guardians propose to build a garage at a cost of 12,500 for housing its motor ambulances.
Portland Urban District Council has asked for a speed limit of eight miles an hour through Fortuneswell.
East and West Moseley Urban District Council is purchasing an ambulance at an estimated cost of £276.
Stretford Urban District Council has decided to charge 5s. instead of 2s. 6d. for petroleum storage licences.
The Bredbury and Romiley (Stockport) Urban District Council is considering the purchase of a 30-cwt. vehicle.
Barnes Urban District Council has authorized the purchase of a box van for the electricity department at a cost of about 1200.
Plymouth Corporation is inviting tenders for the supply of 10 omnibus chassis and a like number of single-deck, one-man-control-type bus bodies.
The tramways committee of the Glas.gow Corporation has decided that as solid tyres on motorbuses wear Out they shall be replaced with pneumatics.
Chesterfield Corporation has asked the tramways manager to negotiate with the Sheffield Corporation for a through motorbus service between the centres of Sheffield and Chesterfield.
Tynemouth Watch Committee has authorized the chief constable to require all motor omnibus proprietors who ply within the borough to submit definite time-tables and particulars of their routes.
In connection with the consideration iaf transport facilities to Town Hill, the tramways committee of the Swansea Corporation has asked for a detailed report as to the cost of a railway on the never-stop principle.
Burton-on-Trent Corporation, which has had experience with both passenger and goods-carrying Guy vehicles, has recently ordered a further three 23-seater buses of this make. The corporation has already purchased 10 Guy machines.
East Ham Corporation has called for tenders for a motor mower for use in the parks.
The Aberystwyth Town Council is to obtain designs and quotations for a new motor ambulance.
Blyth Corporation has authorized the purchase of four I-ton motor lorries at a total cost of 1900.
The health committee of the East Ham Corporation has decided to obtain, a new chassis for the ambulance.
• The health committee of the St. Pancras Borough Council recommends converting two horsed disinfecting vans for , motor traction
• The tramway committee of the Warrington Corporation is inviting quotations for two double-deck motor omnibuses with covered tops.
Swansea Corporation has accepted tenders for 4-tan tipping lorries for a period of three months, at a rate not exceeding £2 7s. 6d. per day.
The health committee of the Bermondsey Council recommends the purchase of a motorvan from Doyleys, Ltd., at a cost of _1203, for use on health propaganda by the display of films and lantern slides.
Chesterfield Watch Committee has decided to inform all hackney carriage proprietors that hackney carriages which are not submitted to the annual inspection will only be inspected on payment
of a fee of to cover the cost of such special examination.
Electric Vehicles in Germany.
Last year witnessed a steady increase in the popularity of electric commercial vehicles in Germany, the number in use advancing from 1,644 in 1023 to 1,852 at the end of 1924.
Engineers' Club Dinner.
The animal dinner of the Engineers' Club will be held on Friday, October 23rd, at the Savoy Hotel, London, when the Right Hon. Winston S. Churchill, M.P., Chancellor of the Exchequer, will be the guest of the club.
Glasgow Bus Observations. At a meeting of the tramways committee of'the Glasgow Corporation the manager submitted a report on the motorte7s services and on the running of the various types of omnibus in use, and he was instructed to send copies to each of the companies mentioned therein for their observations.
• " Hints on Lining Bearings."
"Hints on Lining Bearings" is the title of a little booklet which has just been issued by the Hoyt Metal Co., of Great Britain, Ltd., Deodar Road, Putney, London, S.W.15, and all engineers interested in white-metalling can obtain a copy of it on application to the above address. This booklet summarizes the experience gained through more than half a century's activity in making and handling anti-friction metals, and the practical information which it contains should prove of value to all engineers. It deals in a practical way with the making-ready of bearings for lining, down to the final operation of fitting, and treats the subject in a most concise manner.
Liverpool's Sixth Parade.
At its last meeting the Liverpool Area Committee of the Commercial Motor Users Association considered the question of holding another parade cf commercial motor vehicles and fixed the date for this event, i.e., Saturday, September 26th. Liverpool was the first centre in Lancashire to inaugurate these parades and this year's parade will be the sixth of its kind to be held in the city. It is expected that the competitions will be arranged on similar lines to last year.
Inst. E.E. Visit Austin Works.
A party of nearly 400 members of the Institute of Electrical Engineers, including members of their families, recently paid a visit to the works of the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., Longbridge, for which purpose they used a number of coaches as shown in the illustration on this page. Amongst the party were the president, Mr. W. B. Woodhouse, and Mrs. Woodhouse, and the secretary and organizer, Mr. H. Hooper, who were welcomed by Sir Herbert Austin, K.B.E., managing director, with whom were the works director, Mr. C. H. Engelbach, and a number of departmental heads. Following the reception, groups of 14 or 15 were formed, each under the direction of a competent guide, and a tour of the factory was undertaken. During its progress keen interest was displayed in the various branches of works' activity, and the guides were closely questioned concerning many of the processes of construction. The tour lasted . for nearly two hours, and each visitor was presented with a souvenir booklet as a memento of the occasion.