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Details Extracted from the Gazettes Published by Area Traffic Commissioners During the Week THE following are toe times and places announced by Area Traffic Commissioners for their forthcoming public sittings. In each case the number of the latest Gazette of Notices and Proceedings to be received is Mentioned in brackets.
Northern Scotland (Gazette No. 13):
Couraty Buildings, Perth, June 251h-271b, 10 a.m.
County Buildings, Union Street, Aberdeen, June 30th, 10 am.
Southern Scotland (Gazette No. 14):
1, Grosvenor Crescent, Edinburgh, June 23rd, 10.30 a.m.
City Chain bers, George 'Square, Glasgow, June 26th, 10.30 a.m. City Chambers, John Street, Glasgow, June 29th-30th, 11 a.m.
Northern (Gazette No. 0):
Town Hall, Carlisle, June 23rd and following days, 10.30 a.m. June 25th (public inquiry under Part V. of Road Traffic Act re Carlisle County Borough services outside the city).
Moot Hall, Newcastle-on-Tyne, June 29th, 10.30 a.m.
Borough Rail, Stockton-on-Tees, June 30th, 10.30 a.m. (public inquiry under Part V of Road Traffic Act re Stockton-on-Tees Borough services outside tho borough). Municipal Buildings, Middlesbrough, July 1st, 10.30 a.m. (public inquiry under Part V of Road Traffic Act re Middlesbrough County Borough services i.utside the ooroughl.
Borough Hall, Stockton-on-Tees, July 6th7th, 10.30 a.m.
Town Hall, Stockton-on-Tees, July 8th, 10.30 a.m.
Municipal Buildings, Middlesbrough, July 9th-lOth, 10.30 a.m.
Yorkshire (Gazette No. 10):
Town Hall, Wakefield, June 23rd-26th, 10 am.
Mansion House, Doncaster, June 30th-July 1st, 10 am..
Scarborough, Job, 7th-8th, Leeds. July 9th40th.
Hull, July 14th-17th. Bradford, July 21st-24th. . Harrogate. July 28th-31st. York. August 111.h.14th.
Nerth•Weetern (Gazette No. 10):' Town Hall, Banger, June
10.30 are.
Town Hall, Manchester, July, date to be announced.
West Midland (Gazette No. 12):
Council House. Birmingham, June 25th and following days, 10.30 a.m.
East Midland (Gazette 14e. 14):
Guildhall, Northampton, June 22nd and iollowing days, 11.30 a.m.
Callahan, Nottingham, June 29th, 2 p.m., and following days 10.30 am.
Cleethorpes. July 6th; Lincoln, July 13th. Ayleshnry, July 20th; Derby, July 27th. Nottingham, October 6th; Bedford, October 12th; Peterborough, October 19th; Skeg
ness, October 26th; Retiowl, November 3rd; Leicester. November 9th; Northamp
22nd-26th. ton, November 16th; Cleethorpes, November 23rd; Nottingham, December 8th; Lincoln, December 14th.
Eastern (Gazette No. 13):
Town flail. Colchester, June 23rd and fol. Inning days, 11 a.m. Municipal Buildings, Southend, June 30th and following days, 11 am.
South Males (Gazette No. 10);
County Police Court, Newport, June 23rd26th, 10.45 a.m.
Colutica Patce Court, Neath, July 6th-7th,
County Court Buildings, Bridgend, July Stla 9th, 10.30 a.m.
Western (Gazette No. 13):
Guildhall, Exeter, June 24th-25th, 10.30 a.m.
Guildhall. Barnstaple, July 1st and following days, 10.30 ave. Town Hall, Torquay. July 6th, 10.30 am, Southern (Gazette No. 13): Guildhall, High Wycombe, June .22nd and following days, 10 am.
South-Eastern (Gazette No. 14):
Town Hall, Tunbridge Wells, June 24th and following slays, 11 am.
Middlesex Guildhall, London, S.W.1, June 29th, and following days, 11 a.m. Metropolitan (Gazette No. 14):
Gaywood House, Wood Street, Westminster, S.W.1, June 22nd-26, June 29th-July 3rd, 10 a.m.
As regards the latest gazettes received, the Northern Scotland Gazette (No. 13) lists for the .Tune 30th hearing a large number of backing applications from W. Alexander and Sons, Ltd., Falkirk, as well as many -miscellaneous applications for stage-carriage mid excursion licences, A few decisions are. announced, 14 stage-carriage licences being granted.
The Southern Scotland Gazette (No. 14) indicates that the meeting at Glasgow, commencing. June 29th, will be occupied mainly by applications from A. and R. Graham, Ltd., and D. Lawson, Ltd., both of Kirkintilloch, and by NV; Alexander and Sons, Ltd„ of Camelon. All are for stage-carriage services.
This gazette announces several stagecarriage licences granted to the Scottish General Transport Co., Ltd., and other companies, also a few refusals and withdrawals, including a withdrawal by Thomas Cook and Son, Ltd., of an application for an express service between Chester and London.
The Northern Area Gazette (No. 6) states that, amongst others, the stagecarriage applications of Venture Bus Services, Ltd., and Reed Brothers, Ltd., will be heard on June 29th, also the application of the Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., for the service between Consett and Newcastle. The Stockton-on-Tees sitting (July 8th) will be mainly occupied by, Stockton Corporation applications, also stage-carriage applications by United Automobile Services, Ltd., to which several local authorities are objecting. This company's applications will also occupy a considerable time at Middlesbrough (July. 9th-10th). A large number of licences granted, including many to United Automobile Services, Ltd., Newcastle Corporation, Barrow Corporation, Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., etc., is included.
According to the Yorkshire Area Gazette No. 10, at the June 30th sitting the stage-carriage applications by Doncaster Corporation will be heard. On July 1st applications by the Yorkshire Traction Co., Ltd., the West Yorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd., and Yorkshire (Woollen District) Electric Tramways, Ltd., will be heard. Almost all of these applications are faced by objections from the railway companies. No licences are announced as having been granted.
From their Gazette No 10, it appears the North-Western Commissioners have not yet decided upon the date for their first July sitting in Manchester. Applications selected for hearing at that sitting comprise mainly those of large companies and municipalities in respect of stage-carriage licences.
Gazette No. 14 of the East Midlands Commissioners, announces, for the Nottingham sitting (June 29th), various licence and backing applications, a strongly opposed one being that of International Express Services, Ltd., Huntingdon, in respect of an express service between Nottingham and Liverpool. Only short-period licence grants are notified in this gazette, and the withdrawal by Auto Pilots, Ltd., of its application for backing of an expresscarriage licence for the Dover-Birmingham route is announced.
Gazette No. 13 of the Eastern Traffic Area enumerates, for hearing on June 30th, several applications by Westcliffon-Sea Motor Services, Ltd., to some of which objection is made by Southend Corporation. A service between Southend and Rayleigh is, additionally, objected to by the L.N.E.R. Co. and others. Services between Southend and Colchester, operated by the Eastern National Omnibus Co., Ltd., and Rayleigh Motor Services, Ltd., are objected to by Colchester Corporation and others.
This issue announces a number of licences granted to the Norwich Electric Tramways Co., United Automobile Services, Ltd., and others.
According to the Western Area Gazette (No. 13), the July 1st sitting will be occupied by stage-carriage applications from the Southern National ' Omnibus Co., Ltd., as well as others, the Torquay sitting, on July 6th, being concerned mainly with stage-carriage applications from the Devon General Omnibus and Touring Co., Ltd. There is a large number of objections to this company's express-carriage application for the Torquay-Bournemouth route. Several decisions are announced.
Gazette No. 13 of the Southern Area enumerates large numbers of applications for the High Wycombe sitting, some interesting ones being in respect of express-carriage licences for the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., objected to by the L.M.S. Railway Co. The Southern Railway is objecting to applications of United Automobile Services, Ltd., for excursions and tours in this area. -A large number of decisions is announced.
The South Eastern Area Gazette (No. 14) announces a number of excursionsand-tours applications for the sitting commencing June 29th, including several by Thomas Cook and Son, Ltd., and the London Co-operative Society, Ltd., to which the Southern Railway is objecting. Decisions regarding a few licences and backings are given.
The Metropolitan Traffic Commissioner, in Gazette No. 14, lists for hearing on June 30th applications by A. Timpson and Sons, Ltd., in respect of several express-carriage services, to which the railway companies and others are objecting. The Southern Railway is objecting to sevbral applications made by the East Surrey Traction Co., Ltd., for excursions. Some licence decisions are included in this issue.