News and Comment.
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This journal is the only recognized authority ; it is exclusively read by the heads of many wealthy commercial houses. It has by far the largest and best circulation.
Fire-brigade matters tend to become of increasing interest—see page 55.
H.M. the King has granted his patronage to the C.M.U.A. Parade —see page 47.
The Uselessness of Patents" now gives rise .to "The Law and the Inventor "—see pages 60-62.
There is a vacancy on our Business Staff for an assistant to our Midland manager. Candidates should communicate with that gentleman—to 39, New Street, Birmingham.
Advertisement Consultants.
The Incorporated Society of Advertisement Consultants is organizing a conference of advertising men, to be held in London about May, with the object of bringing the advertising men of the great Provincial centres in contact with their London colleagues. A banquet will probably form part of the scheme. Those interested should communicate with Mr. George V. Briscoe, Hon Sec., Inept. Society of Advertisement Consultants, 38, Bedford Street, Strand, W.C.
Canadian Certainties.
It is usual to write about " prospects" in Canada, but we prefer to use the word " certainties.Following the remarkable advances in land values, which are an unerring indication of early industrial developments, it is perfectly clear that the Canadian market is one of vital interest to British motor manufacturers. In this connection, we should like to refer back to our leading article of the 9th ult., in which we criticised certain matters in connection with the conduct of last year's trials of agricultural motors at Winnipeg. It is gratifying to find that our views have been given verbatim prominence by the Toronto World" and other Canadian newspapers, from which facts we infer that the British makers will not have the same causes for complaint this year. in order, therefore, to enforce our long-maintained view that proper steps must be taken to cater for Canadian requirements both within sight and potential, which propaganda on our part dates back to a long illustrated article which was published in our issue of the 29th March, 1906, we this week publish the first of several articles, from the pen of an experienced Canadian traveller and business man, for which we have been fortunate to make arrangements—pages 50-53. The facilities which a particular department of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is now prepared to offer, in respect of the local distribution of catalogues, etc., must not be regarded as representing more than a single link in the chain of circumstances which this country's industry must turn to account if it is to "make good" in the vast agricultural regions of the Canadian West. An Insurance Meeting.
We offer one comment only upon the proceedings at the annual general meeting of the Motor Union Insurance Co., Ltd., a report upon which is quoted on page 58. Can a general manager act in the way there disclosed, presumably during the currency of an agreement for services, without incurring grave risk of being cast in heavy damages An Exhibition Ship.
The current issue of " The Motor," dated the 21st inst., contains a forcefully-written article on the subject of " An Overseas British Exhibition." It is addressed to the valuable suggestion, for the development of the motor industry, that an exhibition ship should be chartered, by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, to visit ports in the Colonies, the Dependency of India, and the Dominions and the Protectorates which constitute the British Empire ; thereafter, or conjointly, ports in the South-American Continent, Japan, China, and elsewhere. It is admitted that the proposal for an exhibition ship is not a novelty : we recall a like proposal, by Mr. C. Arthur Pearson, some eight or nine years ago. Confined to motor and allied exhibits, in order to allow a world tour of the kind to be successfully carried through in comprehensive fashion, we are unable to see how failure could attend the venture, and we hope it will be considered seriously without delay. Needless to say, those in charge of the exhibits will require to be responsible individuals of real ability, and likely to make a good impression overseas, where. " remittanceman " characteristics are abhorred.
Mr. E. de Rodakowski, having acquired an interest in the United Motor Industries, Ltd., has been appointed chairman of that company's board.
Messrs. Batger and Co., manufacturers of the well-known " Jersey " caramels, have ordered two more Albion vans. These vehicles will be similar to the Albions which are already in use by this firm.
Yorkshire Mails.
The Bridge Garage, Ltd., of Briggate, Leeds, of which undertaking Mr. W. Duffield is managing director, has secured a further motor-mail contract, and this time for the service between Harrogate and Leeds.
Lacre Models.
One of the latest-completed Letchworth-built Lacres is an 18 h.p. country-house car, and this vehicle is illustrated herewith.
The front part contains accommodation for passengers, whilst the back part is well arranged, internally, for the conveyance of luggage, plate, etc. The Lacre Co. is well satisfied with the flow of orders which are coming into the London offices just now, and particularly with a repeat order from Harrods, Ltd., for nine of its latest-type, Letchworth built Lacres, divided thus as to size : four In carry 20-cwt. loads ; two to carry 25-cwt. loads ; and three to earry 40-cwt. loads. This order from Harrods Stores is in addition In one for three 25-cwt. vehicles which was taken a few weeks ago.
The steady demand for Letchworth-built Lacres is by no means confined to Great Britain, and, during the week ended the 11th inst., two 18 h.p. chassis, five 30 lip. chassis, and two 38 h.p. chassis were ordered for the Colonies and abroad—a range which covers both oassenger and freight machines. Dennis Variety.
The output from the two Dennis factories at Guildford comprises a great variety of machines with reasonable diversity of model. Our fire-engine columns repeatedly bear testimony to activity in that department. There are, in addition, the private-ear, taxicab, Public-service-vehicle, agriculturalmotor and standard conamercia.motor branches. Delivery of an excellent two-ton van has just beeli taken by Messrs. E. and B. Colc brook, butchers and ice merchants, of Guildford, and this van will be sent as far afield as London. MacNatnara and Co., Ltd., has ordered further three-ton vehicles, during the past few days, bringing its fleet of Dennis vans delivered or on order up to no fewer than 38. An 18 h.p. motor hearse has been ordered by Messrs. Dottridge Bros., of East Road, City Road, E.C., whilst a three-ton Colonialtype vehicle, with 35 h.p. engine, purchased through Messrs. Rennie and Prosser, of Glasgow, for shipment to Burmah, has to be noted ; we illustrate this machine, which has Toward wheels. The latest London purchase is by the International Motor Mart, of 72, Seymour Street, W., being one of the 30-cwt. Dennis models. Again, following an original order, which was given to the Dennis house shortly after the lecture before the Bristol Chamber of Commerce, by the Editor of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR, in September, 1907, by Samuel Shields, Ltd., of Filton Laundry, the same purchaser has added another 18 h.p., 30-cwt. van, which we also illustrate, to his roadmotor plant. Mr. J. S. Napier.
We learn that Mr. J. S. Napier, M. I. Mech. E. , M.I. A. E., has entered into partnership with Mr. Craig, of Coventry, and that the firm will conduct its professional work from Earlsdon House, Coventry. Mr. Napier has had extensive and responsible motor experience, with the Arfol-Johnston and Humber compames for example, and he is well qualified to advise and to assist in matters of design, production and application in service. We feel that he will rapidly secure the enjoyment of an expert connection and practice which his knowledge and experience merit. A young man and a hard worker, with his engineering qualifications added, there are very few who are equally fit to undertake the class of duties with which he has now identified himself.
An Official Belsize Purchase.
The good work and quiet running which are characteristic of the 14-10 ii.p. Belsize business chassis are being appreciated in ambulance higher circles. We illustrate one of the new Belsize ambulances, which are being supplied to the Metropolitan Asylums Board. From an examination of this car, it is apparent that a lot of brains has been put into the construction and finish, and this highlyreputable make of chassis, in con
junction with the big pneumatics and Chalmers body, makes an ideal invalid conveyance.
New Registrations.
Baguley Cars, Ltd., with an authorized capital of £30,000 in i;1 shares, by C. Doubble, 14, Serjeant's Inn, E.C., to take over the Ryknield motor works, Burton-onTrent, and to carry on the business of motor and cycle manufacturers, etc. May Street Motor Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of 21,000 in gs shares, and with its office at 83, May Street, Belfast, to manufacture, sell, hire and deal in motorcars, etc. First directors: T. Mc.G. Greer and J. L. Williams. Registered in Dublin.