Answers to Queries.
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Our readers will be informed by The Editor on any Points connected with the construction or use of commercial motors. Where a direct reply is desired, a stamped and addressed envelope should be enclosed : if a request for privacy is not specially made, any query and answer may be published. Some replies, owing to pressure on our space, are held several weeks.
For Bread Delivery.
[1,778] " BAKERY " writes :—" Please send sample copy of your paper and oblige."
AbsswiFt.—We have had pleasure in sending a copy of this journal to you. We also sent a copy of our issue of the 5th January last, and would refer you to the article on small vans therein.
A Good Legal Book.
[1,779]" SECRETARY " writes :—" Will you kindly in
form sorm us f you can recommend to us a book on the law of self-propelled vehicles, both heavy and light weights, and oblige."
ANSWER.—You will find the book entitled "The Law of Mechanical Traction On Highways," by JoynsonHicks and Montagu Barlow, published by Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons, Ltd., of 1, Amen Corner, London, E.C., price 8s. 6d., a suitable one.
A Reliable Motor Lorry.
[1,780] " COACHRUILDEKS" write :—" We should esteem it a favour if you could send us a few addresses of firms making a reliable motor lorry."
ANSWER.—The Editors of "The Motor" have passed on your request. We have had pleasure in sending to you a copy of this journal, from which you will no doubt be able to select the names of makers of industrial vehicles which you are seeking. We shall be happy to hear from you further, if there is any information you require with regard to any particular type of machine.
Combined Axles for Motorbuses.
[1,781] " BEMPER EADEM " write :—" We understand that the Brighton, Hove and Preston United Omnibus Co., Ltd., has purchased driving-axles complete, with wheels, from Germany, the motors to be fitted in the centre of the wheel castings. Do you happen to know the address of the German firm who are supplying this kind of electrical arrangement ? If so, we should be obliged to you if you could give us this information."
ANSWER.--The back axles in question, for the Brighton buses, complete with motors and wheel castings, are supplied by The Cedes Electric Traction Co., 15, Cockspur Street, London, S.W. They are, we understand, of Austrian-Daimler manufacture.
A Steam-car Purchase.
[1,782] " W.W." writes :—"I have purchased a 20 h.p. steam car, and fitted a light body on it for carrying and light-delivery purposes. Please help me on the following points : How must I proceed to purchase petrol so that I can obtain the reduction in tax1 I have an extra tank and piping: how can I alter the car to use paraffin instead of petrol ? I have never done any carrying before, and do not know at. what rate to offer to carry goods, but I want to find light loads of not snore than 15 cwt. for a 30 or 10 miles trip if possible."
AN.4WER.—You can purchase your petrol in the ordinary way, from a local agent, or from the local depot of one of the big supply companies, but you must take care that the delivery notes which you receive include a statement to the effect that the full tax has been paid on the quantities delivered. At convenient periods--probably monthly, you must then send in a claim, on the regulation form, to the local Excise authorities, who, if the particulars you give of the use to which you have put the spirit that has been consumed are satisfactory, will refund at the rate of 50 per cent. of the tax paid by the original suppliers. In order to adapt your machine to burn paraffin, it would be necessary for you to fit a special form of burner, and we should not advise you to attempt to do this yourself, or to allow anybody who does not specialize in the matter to effect the alteration, Unless. the alteration be completed in a first-class manner, you will be bound to experience disappointment. We would recommend you to apply to : The White Co., Ltd., Carlow Street, Camden Town, N.W. ; David J. Smith, 58, Compton Street, Goswell Road, E.C. ; or The Sheppee Motor Co., Thomas Street, York. Itwill be necessary for you so to arrange your charges and your loads so that you can earn an average of 9d. per mile run at the lowest.
A County-town Taxicab Proposition.
[1,783] "DEVONIAN" writes :—" I am writing to ask your help, as I am thinking of investing some money in taxis to work in conjunction with a local motor firm, so all costs would be trade transactions, for buying taxis, etc. (1) What ought I to pay for a good taxi to give satisfactory work, second-hand (2) What is fair depreciation to allow on a taxi per year I (3) Would it be possible with the short wheelbase of a taxi to fit an interchangeable open body, so as to secure the orders for ordinary hire work 1 (4) What would be the working life of a taxi, at the price you suggest 1" ANSWER.—You might buy a good second-band taxi, of not less than 14 b.h.p., with four-cylinder engine, at i:220 net, with body in fair condition ; if you bought a taxi at that price, and if you arranged to have it properly overhauled and thereafter to maintain it on a reasonable scale, it should be good to work for another five years ; we see no reason why you should not fit an interchangeable body, but the ordinary taxi body is of the collapsible landadilet type, as a, rule ; you could probably run the vehicle, inclusive of all charges, other than that of driver, at 4d. per mile.
Heavy Motorcar or Traction Engine?
[1,784] "STEAM WAGON" writes -" I was recently standing on a small bridge with my steam wagon for the purpose of drawing some water. I had no alternative as I had lost what I had had in my tanks. .1 policeman told me that I had no right to be on the bridge, I have been told that it is no offence under the Heavy Motor Car regulations, although I have not been able to obtain a copy of them to read it up. 1 will be glad if you can tell me where I can obtain a copy."
ANSWER.--If the bridge had no special notice on it, you cannot be summoned, as the driver of a heavy motorcar, for drawing up in the manner you stated, unless you created an obstruction, and are summoned on that ground. The police often confuse traction engines with heavy motorcars, and there is a provision to prevent traction engines being so drawn up, owing to the fact that their weight might cause danger. We refer you to Query No, 1,703, on page 125, in our issue of the 13th October last, which contains the full text of an answer to a similar query. Of course, if any special regulation has been made in regard to the particular bridge about which you write, we cannot advise you without knowing the wording of it, which should be displayed on the bridge. There are no provisions in the Motor Car Acts with reference to the stopping of light locomotives on bridges.