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Rotten Rhymes. Rover Regrets. Munition Music.
By "The Extractor."
The A.B.C. Winners Get their £ s. d.
It is noteworthy, on glancing over the rhyming efforts published last week on this page, that only two actual tire firms came in for mention, also that practically every competitor .started off with the same maker's name, finishing up in like fashion. It may be contended, considering all I have had to say aboat rhyming,. that the winning effort contains a very bad example nearly half way down; the writer links up " nuts " with "trucks." The " nuts" would term that rhyme "..rotten," I suppose, but those responsible for the judging considered many of the other lines so good that they forgave the sender that lapse.
1 think we will try another competition on similar lines next year about this time.
Meanwhile, let me say that cheques for 22 2. and 21 ls, respectively have been despatched to winners of the first and second prizes respectively—also a framed black and white original drawing to the extra prize winner.
A Farewell to a Favourite Steed..
A deep sigh of regret escaped me as I bade goodbye early this month to the "Rover" Twelve, which for just on three years has served me very faithfully for many of my business journeys. Friends of mine who have occupied the passenger seat and who have heard nothing but enthusiasm from me about the " Rover " cannot understand why I have had the heart to part with it. Well! We try, at Temple Press, to carry out a rule not to keep ears More than one year so that extended trials may be given to as many makes as possible. This rule is like all others, it is liable to be broken. The war was responsible in• the present instance, but there again last spring I treated the beloved "Rover" to a, new coat 'and a, new hood, thinking it would thus find a better home and incidentally bring more grist to my mill. Its new guise only strengthened the chain that bound, us, but anyhow she has changed masters, and now serves a district manager of one of the foremost insurance companies.
"Price Includes Lamps, Horns, Etc."
The proposition is urged upon me that vehicle' makers, ,concessionnaires and the like will find it to ' their interest to equip vehicles with the necessary Jumps and horn. It is certain that a lorry or a van is not complete unless ready for the road, and manufacturers buying in large quantities can provide better equipment and secure additional profit.
; Musical Aid by Munition Workers.
A programme has reached me from the secretary of the Dennis Dramatic Club, which is composed of employees of the firm of Dennis Bros. (1913), Ltd. I gather that the munition workers of this firm, after putting in between 60 and 70 hours per week, devote a certain amount of their time to practice and singing, and place their services at the disposal of various charitable institutions in the district of Guildford. The programme I have before me is an excellent example. I note that they have a full string orchestra, arid in addition to the ordinary single turns they play sketches. The works mess-room is ecoaverted into a miniature theatre, and programmes are carried out once a month by members of the club for the entertainment of their fellow-workers.
• I also understand that every encouragement is given by the directors to assist the members in their efforts. Commercial Cars, Ltd., held a very snceessfui concert at the Winter Assembly Hall, Luton, on Saturday last. The proceeds will provide comforts for wounded soldiers who are being looked after at the Wardowne Fospital, which has been used for military service since the outbreak of war. Amongst the well-known artistes were Miss May Windsor and her piano, Mr. Fred Wildon, the original phonofiddleoddity, and Mr. Will Edwards, the wellknown comedian ; these three will be remembered as having contributed in a marked degree to the success of the Campaign Comforts Fund concert which was organized in conjunction with the Luton works. Local talent included Miss E. Hatherway, mezzo-soprano, and Miss Hilda Squires, dancer. The band of the 2/1st Northants. Yeomanry was kindly lent by Colonel Cottes. All parts of the proceedings were greatly appreciated by a most enthusiastic audience. The management of this most successful affair fell on the shoulders of Mr. G. R. Pauling of Commercial Cars, Ltd., and the concert itself was under the patronage of Mr. H. C. B. T_Tnderdown, chairman and managing director of the company.
Olin Podrida.
Mr. H. Sutherland Pilch, a well-known and wellliked personality in the motor trade, has now joined the staff of Gaston, Williams and Wigmore, Ltd., Kingsway, London, W.C. so now this makes four P's, Pierce-Arrow, Packard, Peerless and Pilch. One of our people caught sight of that genial giant, Mr. Arthur Liversidge, the other day with his arm in a sling. We were sorry to hear of his accident in the snow, and extend our best wishes for a speedy recovery. He seemed to be progressing satisfactorily.
• Mr. Ernest E. Gleich tells me his interests are now bound up in the Republic Rubber Co., Ltd., 54, Great Marlborough Street, London, W. He has not entirely severed himself from the Prowodnik Tyre Co., which handled the " Columb " Tire, but as this is of ;Russian make, supplies have since the war been
impossible. Later some details are promised concerning the present representation.
Magnificent show rooms and warehouses have been secured by Whiting (1915), Ltd., at Gaythorn, Manchester, to be used as a distributing depot for the 'North. The premises are now being rapidly pre;pared for occupation. I was conducted over them last week by the local representative, Mr. Harry Bing, who is justly proud of the new depot. The WhitingFederal, Whiting-Denby and other models of this enterprising company will be stored here. The premises formerly housed Frances Motors, Ltd.