Our Campaign Comforts Fund.
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The Fund is Rapidly Approaching the £10,000 Mark. A Brass Band has been Ordered and Purchased.
The Official Fund for the Mechanical Transport Columns and Units ol the Army Service Corps.
Patroness: H.R.H. Princess Arthur of Connaught.
Ladies Committee: Mrs. S. S. Long, Mrs. Shrapnell.-Smith, Mrs. R. K. Bagnall.-Wild, Mrs. H. E. Blain, Mrs, W. E. Donohue, Mrs. H. N. Foster.
£10 Monthly: Associated Equipment ; Car and General; Commercars ; Crossley ; Crown and Shell Spirits; Daimler ; Dennis ; Dunlop ; Foden ; Gaston, Williams and Wigmore ; Hallford ; Hoyt Metal ; Thos. B. Jeffery; Leyland ; Locomobile ; Packard ; Pierce-Arrow ; Thornycroft ; Wolseley.
.£5 Monthly: Alley and MacLellan; Ferodo ; Halley ; Lucas ; Macintosh ; Maudslay; Hans Renold; St. Helens Cable and Rubber ; Scottish Commercial Cars ; Shrewsbury-Challiner ; Spencer Moulton ; Wood-Milne ;
Wolf (Solex).
Lump Sums: Peerless Co., £120; President, Peerless Co., £120; Treasurer, Peerless Co., £100; Staff, Peerless Co., £85; Albion, £75; Belsize, £50; Heath Harrison, Esq., £50; Karrier, £50; J. Keele, Ltd., £50; Napier, £50. A.S.C. Central (Corps) Fund.--£600 (three grants) ; and Wolf (Solex), Napier car value £220 minimum.
A Few Letters of Appreciation Extracted from Hundreds Which Reach Us.
"The comforts which you from tune to time send. along are jolly fine, and all our men more than appreciate the good work carried on by you."—nth Aus traliari Amm. Sub. Park.
" Once again many thanks on behalf of this company for your kind and generous gifts. .The men are, assure you, sincerely appreciative to you for your kindness.' —0.0., A.S.C., M.T. Co. 565.
"The gifts are excellent and of great value to me as well as the men, and they are all heartily appreciated, especially now when most of the things are not at all easy to procure locally."—O:C. Cav. Sup. Col.
" The leaflets explaining the working of your Overseas Purchases Department have been ,placed prominent positions in the Barracks and Works, and I hope that so useful a scheme will be taken full ad
vantage of."-0.0.
"I beg to acknowledge the receipt of one case of assorted gifts. They have been equally distributed, and coming at a time when we are experiencing weather colder than it has so far been this winter, they have been specially welcomed by the men."0.0. 30th Brigade R.G.A.
Wanting Some Playing Cards.
"Last summer you sent us very generous parcels from the 'C.M.' Campaign Comforts Fund. I notice you sometimes send playing cards. There are ten of us, and we should greatly appreciate a couple of packs of cards, being rather out of the Way and isolated. The addre'ss is :--" A Case for the Eastern Theatre of War.
"The case could not have arrived at a more opportune moment. We received it on Xmas Day, and it certainly contributed to the happiness of the men on that occasion, who through force of circumstances were compelled to spend the time away from the Old Country. Please accept the sincere thanks of all the men and myself. We Lust that 1016 will be a prosperous and happy year for all of you."—O.C.
Warm and Comfortable Clothing.
"I want to thank you for the splendid efforts you have made for the Mechanical Transport men out here by means of your Fund. We have received a lot more warm and comfortable clothing than we should have done if it had not been for your people and for the subscribers generally. I am sure you have the sincere thanks of every M.T. man in this country."—From a lance-corpl. in a M.T. Co.
Tennis Balls "An Inspiration."
The tennis balls you sent us last summer were an inspiration. We had tremendous sport playing 'pot rice ' evening after evening in the Once-Arcadian orchard where we are billeted. The balls, which I still have, awaiting the sunny day, seemed to have
a special penchant for the trenches which partly surround our billet, but that did not spoil our games at all. I find the hinged-lid, well-made case in which the Comforts arrived a most desirable kit-box.L.-Cpl., A.S.C., "The Great Work You are Doing."
"It is with great pleasure that I have to acknowledge yet another box of comforts from your exceedingly useful Fund. You can scarcely realize the great work you are doing, owing to the fact that you are never, presumably, in need of the personal comforts which you supply. It is only when this stage of need is reached that appreciation reaches its highest limit. All the men of this column are full of gratitude to the great efforts of your Fund on their behalf, and I can assure you that I heartily and sincerely endorse their sentiments. Compliments of the Season to all."