News of the Week
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THE formation of a national group of long-distance hauliers in conjunction with the National Conference of Road Transport Clearing Houses, was suggested at a Leeds meeting on Monday last, held. under the auspices of the north-eastern area of the ConIerence. The object of the meeting was to encourage* hauliers. to apply for membership of the hauliers' section.
Mr Harold Firth, of Huddersfield, said that the majority of groups in the hauliers' grouping movement was for medium-distance and short-distance traffic. He thought that a powerful instrument for the protection of the mutual interest of clearing house; and smaller hauliers could be fashioned by forging a national group of longdistance hauliers, in conjunction with the Conference. Such a weapon should go a long way towards counteracting. any moves to impose on operators postwar restrictions beyond those in force before the war.
Speaking of the aims which prompted the formation of the hauliers' section, Mr. Firth said it was desired to strengthen the position of both smaller hauliers and clearing houses, so .as to counteract monopolistic tendencies of
certain v es t ed interests. The M.O.W.T. haulage scheme had placed controlled undertakings •in a very advantageous position and, this .might be prejudicial to small and independent operators after the war. Another danger to be guarded against was nationalization.
Remarking that most of the Clearinghouse Conference members are members of the clearing house functional • group of R.H.A., Mr Firth said it was to be hoped that a better understanding between clearing houses and hauliers generally could be achieved through R.H•A N.R.T.F. APPEAL AGAINST MERSEY TUNNEL TOLLS
ALETTER from the National Road Transport Federation has been sent to the Mersey Tunnel Joint Committee, explaining, first, the constitution of the Federation, and then going on to say that the Federation has given careful consideration to the proposals now before the Joint Committee, that the tolls on users of the Mersey Tunnel shouldbe abolished and that a substantial part of the forfeited revenue ie met as a national charge.
Road operators have for some time believed that the Mersey Tunnel should be regarded as an inherent part of the national highway system and that, as such, it should nat be subject to tolls which constitute a material burden on commercial users and. in turn, upon trade and industry. The Federation accordingly welcomes, and fully supports, the steps now being taken by the Committee for the abolition of the tolls and the acceptance of liability by the Government for the annual loan charges.
Further, the Federation is of the opinion that the cost of maintenance should not fall entirely upon the two local authorities of Liverpool and Birkenhead, on the grounds that the Tunnel does, in fact, constitute en important part of the highway system. The Federation accordingly fully supports the firrther proposal that the Government should make an 'annual grant towards the cost of such maintenance.
• The letter was signed on behalf of the three constituent Associations.
IT is announced by Specialloid, Ltd., North Finchley, Landon, N.12, that it has taken over new premises for the establishment of a central London office and warehouse at 140-142, Great Portland Street, W.I. This depot will cover sales and service in the Home Counties -and London.
A. W. Roebuck, Ltd., has been appointed main COncessionnaire for Specialloid pistons for the London area and continues to operate from 194, Great Portland Street, W.1. VAUXHALL MOTORS MAKES HIGHER NET PROFIT
THE report of Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., for 1944 shows a trading profit, after meeting all charges, E.P.T., and income tax, of £913,318., compared with £961.080 a year earlier. After deducting provision for depreciation (£387,402), employees' incentive fund (£102,126), etc., the net profit comes out at £452,464, against £384,743 in
1943. A dividend on the preference stock takes ..4.',S,000, and a dividend at the rate of 20 pee cent., less tax, on the ordinary stock absorbs £150,000, leaving £2,697,628 to be carried forward, compared with £2,424,164 brought M.
AT a recent meeting of Leicester Subarea of Haulers' Mutual Federation the following resolution was passed.— " That any further Ministry control in the road-transport industry is undesirable, as witness the chaos resulting from the Ministry's interference in the distribution of coal in this area. The number of officials necessitated by this control has succeeded only in making a difficult situation infinitely worse."
AT 1-1 p.m. on April 15, at 12, Hobart Place, London, S.W.1, Mr. J G. Frostick will read a paper entitled " Methods of Cleaning Metals " before the Graduates' Section of the LIVE.
cess of foimulation behind the scenes, which is calculated prejudicially to affect C-licence holders was expressed at last week's _meeting of Plymouth Chamber of Commerce. Mr. S. Thomas said that the Chamber would be well advised to ask the Association. ct British Chambers of Commerce to contact the Minister of War Transport, with a view to ensuring the restoration of full privileges to C-licence holders at the earliest moment, and ,to ask that no. legislation should be introduced which was considered detrimental to their interests.
. Mr, H. j. Twigg, general secretary of the Plymouth Co-operative Society, pointed out that pre-war figures showed that the number of C licences was eight times the combined number of A and B licences, so that holders of the latter ,could not pcssibly undertake all the work which was being performed by C licensees.
AN interesting Series of reviews cover,ing commercial conditions in 26 countries is being .prepared by the Department of Overseas Trade in collaboration with its overseas officers. They will deal with the conditions in
various countries before the war, with particular reference to trade with the United Kingdom, war-time changes in their economy and external trade, and the opportunities offered for U.K. goods. The first five of the series concern the U.S.A., Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, arid Peru.
They can be obtained, at 6d. per copy, through any bookseller, or from ani. Stationery Office, York House,
London; and its provincial branches.
THE liaison committee set up in the Western Area, in accordance with the Perry Report, by, the R.II.A., T.R.T.A., and P V.O.A., has held its first Meeting in Bristol. The following had been previously nominated to represent their respective Associations: Messrs. A. F. Wills, F. E. Russett, Councillor F. Strickland (R.H.A.); Messrs.. J. H. Ramsden, T. A. Gane, H. W. Price (T.R.T,A.); Messrs, G. J. Jones, W. Felthatn, J. N. Baker (P.V.O.A.). At its recent meeting the committee elected Mr. A. F. Wills as chairman; he is also chairman of the Western Area R.H.A.
4. It has been decided to meet at least once in every three months to deal with matters of common interest to the three Associations. "FRANK LUCAS" MEMORIAL*
ATa National Council meeting, of Hauliers Mutual Federation, held last week, it was, decided to inaugurate a fund to be known as " The Frank Lucas Memorial Fund " in recognition of the outstanding services rendered to road transport, and in particular to II.M.F., by the late Mr. Frank Lucas. Donations should be made out to Hauliers Mutual Federation (H.M.F.) Lucas Memorial Fund " and sent to the secretary, Hauliers Mutual Federation, Ltd., 183, Tower . Bridge Road, London, S.E.I.
• ELECTS OFFICERS A T the recent annual general meet,of the London. branch I the
Industrial Transport Association the following officers were elected for the year 1945-46:—Chairman, 'Mr. B. A. Clifford (transport manager, Brown Bros., Ltd.); vice-chairmen, Mr C. N. Liclguard, Mr 1-1, Crawshaw; hon. treasurer, Mr. F. Corke; hon secretary, Mr. A, W. Ferguson; assistant hoe. sec., Mr. H. E Wright.
.London representatives of the
National Council cornpriSe:—Messrs. B, A. Clifford, E. W. Russell, H. Crawshaw, C. N. Lidguard, E Watts, T. W. Read, A. W Ferguson, A. F Brock, H. F. -Tompkins, F. Corke, C. K.. Dixon, H. I-L Webb.
OBITUARY MR. P. C CARRIE, who carried on business as a haulage contractor under the name of Messrs. Carrie and Sons, of Dundee, has died. He was well known in the trade in that area.
The death occurred on Tuesday. March 20, at Leamington Spa, at the age of 87 years, of MR. A. J. WILSON, founder of the Cycle andy Motor Trades Benevolent Fund, of which he was honorary secretary for many years.
We regret to announce the death, at the age of 61 years, of COLONEL H. I. ROBINSON, chairman of Maidstone and District Motoi Services, Ltd., London Coastal Coaches; Ltd., and other undertakings in the passenger-transport industry. It was in 1911 that Colonel Robinson, together with the late Mr. W. F. French, formed Maidstone and District Motor Services, Ltd., and he became a director of that undertaking on the incorporation of the company; in 1925, on the death of Mr. French, he was appointed chairman. In 1928 he became a director of London Coastal Coaches, Ltd., and a year later chairman of the company. During his chairmanship, the Victoria Coach Station was conceivsd and erected, and, 111 1912, was opened. Ile was representative for several of his companies on the Public Transport Association, British Omnibus Companies Public Relations Committee, and the Conference of Omnibus Companies MAKING TROLLEYBUSES MORE MANCEUVRABLE
WE have been asked by Mr. H. W Heyman. chief engineer of the battery electric vehicle department of the Brush Engineering Co Ltd. to add a point which he omitted from his article, ." Electric Vehicles Powered by Highfrequency Current, ' published in our issue dated March 9. It concerns the last paragraph. He suggests fitting a somewhat larger battery than that already provided for trolleybuses to *manceuvre in depots, so that they could carry through a city centre to some outlying district where the overhead lines could again be picked up and _the battery recharged.
IT appears that the Kendall-Beaumont 6 bp. car to be produced by Grantham Productions, Ltd., may also appear as a light van, whilst the engine may power a small agricultural tractor.
The power unit is a three-cylindered radial-type, air-cooled, and mounted at the rear of the vehicle, driving through a three-speed gearbox and spiral bevels, thence by cardan shafts to the rear wheels.
In the car, chassis and body are combined, and this would probably apply to the van. Independent suspension is provided for all wheels, and the brakes are of Girling make. It is claimed that the vehicle will be marketed at about £100.
AN -R.H.A. sub-area for Barnsley and district was formed at a meeting of local members last week, when a previous decision in favour of inclusion in the R.H.A. centring on Leeds, as -against that centring on Sheffield, was reaffirmed. Only one of the operators present voted against the adoption of this course. The officers and committee of the old A.R.O. sub-area were appointed to continue in those capacities under the new regime.
Mr. Roberts, sub-area chairman, presided, and the meeting was addressed by Mr. J. T. Rodwell, of Wombwell, Mr. Harry Clark, secretary of the West Riding (Leeds) Area, and Mr. J. E. Rogers, secretary of the Yorkshire Area of the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association.
Paying tribute to Mr. Rodweli's services to the road-transport industry, both locally and nationally, Mr. Clark referred particularly to his work as chairman of the YorkshireRegional Committee of the Road and Rail Central Conference.
THE a.g.m. of the London Centre of the Institute of Public Cleansing will be held in the City Hall, Westmin
ster, on April 20, at 2.30 p.m. At 3' p.m. a discussion.ivill be given on a paper by the Sanitary Engineer of the City of Schenectady, New York. This will be open to nen-corporate members and 'visitors., COPIES OF THIS JOURNAL FOR SERVICEMEN
UNDER the scheme by which some of our readers pass their copies to members of the 'Forces, many of 'the latter thus benefit, and are greatly appreciative, but the demand now exceeds the supply. We shall be glad, therefore, if others who do not wish to retain their copies will help in this way. We shall be pleased to furnish names and addresses.
AWAGES increase of 6s. per week for drivers employed by C-licence operators who are members of the Bradford Commercial Vehicle Owners' Federation became operative on March 19, by agreement between the Federation and the United Road Transport Workers' Association. The agreement, which chiefly applies to transport employees in the wool textile industry and the coal trade, and to drivers of tradesmen's .vans, also provides for a 5s. •6d. .per week increase for yardmen, dropmen, fillers and carriers-off,
The revised scale of weekly wages for drivers is:—
Traateeielles delivery vans Mot, exceeding 5esvt,: carrying 'Capacity]: Drivers 21 years of ago and Over, £.3 163, 6d. Drivers under 21: 0rst year in the trade, £2 12s. 6d.' second year,
£ 2 17s 6d.; thereafter, £3 5s. 65.
Drivers of other motor vehicles: Up to and including 2 tons etveryine capacity, .£4 2a. 644 over 2 tons up to and including 5 tons, £4. 7s. 64.; over 5. tons up to and including 12 tons gross laden weight, Z4 10s. The revised scale of weekly wages for_ yardmen, dropmen, fillers and carriers-off is: Under 19 "years of age, £2 11e., on attaining 19,' £2 16s.;
O 11 s.ttaining. 20, £3 3s. fid.; 21 years of age and thereafter, £3 1fis.
DEADERS are asked to make two. / IL corrections in the article "How the Taxation Concessions Affect You," published on page 100 of our isstie dated March 9. In line 15, column 2, " not " should he changed to " on or." In the last line but one the figure should read 2 per cent.