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WE must confess to being almost overwhelmed by the many congratulations received and the V V extent of the appreciation expressed. Even now, we cannot include all, but would offer our sincere thanks for them and for other felicitations given personally
MR. WILLIAM FODEN, Managing Director, Fodens, Ltd.
WE have great pleasure in paying testimony to " The Vif Commercial Motor " on its completion of 40 years' strenuous and unstinted service in the interests of the heavy vehicle, and wish the management and the paper continued success,
The bold and determined policy which regularly appears in your editorial is always couched in terms which give mcouragement to the manufacturer and user alike, and ilways seems to be accepted as the undisputed authority on -oad transport generally. Coupled with this, we would ike to congratulate "The Commercial Motor " on the personal contact it maintains with all its subscribers. it is very reassuring for any management to be able to. ldim :he closest . relationship with the Editor, down to the Nlorthern Business Manager, which, again, has much to do ,vith the success and wonderful achievement of this great lapel% To all your stall we-offer heartiest congratulations froin :he management of Fodens, Ltd,
%IR. B. HOMFRAY DAVIES, Managing Director, Metropulitan-Cammell-Weymann Motor Bodies, Ltd. •
I WOULD like to convey nrty. sincere • congratulations upon L the attainment of 40 years' journalistic service on the ?art of "The Commercial Motor,'
Due to reasons beyond my control, I cannot claim to lave been a reader of the paper for the whole of the. 40 Jears, as in 1905, for instance, I was more concerned with mastering the intricacies of the " three Rs." For over 15 years, however, I have been a regular reader of " The :ommercial Motor," and have always been impressed by Es quality of fearlessness, pungent criticism where neceswry, and the tremendous assistance the paper has rendered :o the commercial-vehicle side of the motor industry.
I wish it continued success in the difficult days that lie thead and I send my best wishes to all members of its :fficient staff.
. General Sales Manager, A. E. Morrison and Sons., Ltd. kAAY we -say " Very many 'haPpy returns of your 40th Vibirthday," and at the same time record our appreciation
if the support which v have consistently given to the :lectric vehicle as a medium for Short-haul transport.
In the very early days; following the acquisition of the lerrison-Electricar businesses by Crompton Parkinson, -td..
we decided to produce and publish, comparative 'inning costs data which would not only bring home to the hurt-haul commercial user the economic advantages of the dectric vehicle, but would be on such a conservative basis is to defy challenge by even the most sceptical-.
To this end we undertook a very considerable amount of esearch among the smaller users of the" one-van " type,
n order that we should not unduly weight the scales in aVour of the electric by quoting the operating costs of the dg-fleet users withY all their advantages of skilled organize., ion and maintenance.
To make doubly sure that the figures to be presented to he public were conservative, and not likely in the least legree to mislead prospective purchasers, we invited the aid if S.T.R. whose authoritative writings on operating costs seed no testimonial from us: He was most interested and ielpfni, and if our recollection be correct, was kind enough
o say: " You know your own business best, but in my udgrnent you have done the electric vehicle less than ustice." •
We 'look forward to a continuance of the encouragement o the electric vehicle industry which Vciu have given on very suitable occasion, and, in conclusion, wish you coninued success in another " 40 Years On."
MR. SYDNEY S. GUY, Managing Director, Guy Motors, Ltd.
1 .1-LAVE read with very much interest the article com:. mennorating your. journal's 40th birthday. It calls to mind very many pleasurable associations during the 31 years that we have been in business. I have always found your journal most up to date in its outlook and helpful in its suggestions; these latter are given without fear or favour.
Long may your good work continue_ .
Managing Director, J. Brockhouse and Co., Ltd. j‘ifAY I add a word of congratulation on the 40th birthday 11(1 of " The Commercial Motor "?
The journal has continually served the industry by presenting the views of both the manufacturing and operating sides, and has well merited the great support which it undoubtedly has.
The service which " The Commercial Motor " can render in the postwar period will he even greater than before in spreading the gospel of cheap and efficient road transport as an essential basis for a Frosperous industry,
MR. W„ G. PALLETT, Managing Director, The Laycock Engineering Co., Ltd. HEARTIgST congratulationS -to ".The Commercial ,Motor." on achieving its 40th •birthday. I -see no reason why it should not go, on to its. 400th ! .
The acid test of advertising with us has always been the ability of advertisements to pull orders, and it may interest you to know that, after stoutly resisting the efforts of Mr. Viggers be caught us in a weak moment one day: we committed ourselves. To our pleasurable astonishment, an order for a high-pressure washing plant came from an inquiry which originated from our first advertisement in " The Commercial Motor." After that we were sunk !
I am sure that this must have been the experience of many of your advertisers, and I can only feel that the firm foundations which you hi,ve laid in " The Commercial Motor," and the goodwill which has been built up upon them, will make the life of the journal a very long and happy one.
MR. ALEX. FRASER, Vice-chairman, Girling, Ltd. .
IWOULD like to congratulate you on an admirable survey .of 40 years' valuable service to the •commercial-vehicle business of this country.
My personal feelings towards your paper can be summed up in the statement that it is one of the very few journals Of which there never has been the least doubt •regarding the renewal of our subscription and, generally speaking, it receives more detailed attention from my colleagues and myself than other publications. It is very good value for money.
MR. A. la BURDON, Director, Lockheed Hydraulic Brake Co., Ltd.
WE were most interested to learn of the 40th birthday of " The Commercial Motor." We wish you very many happy returns.
For the past 25 years we have consistently admired the fearless way in which you have expressed your views, even when prominent people in the motor industry have strongly disagreed with your sentiments. We thoroughly agree with you that the industry, with its many ramifications and conflicting interests, needs anything but a " yes " journal.
Two :types of article amongst your many features have interested us particularly, namely, the " Tables of Operating Costs for All Types of Vehicle," and the unbiased and accutabap test reports on commercial vehicles, which are published periodically.
We an fully appreciate the difficulties which a journal. such as yours, has had to contend with during the .war
period, and the ready way in which you have adapted your editorial pages to cover such items of national interest as Defence Regulations, licensing problems and Government Haulage Schemes, is much to be commended. .Let us all sincerely hope that this 41st year of. yOur journal's life will see a return to peaceful conditions, and that you will once again be able to bend your untiring energies to the furtherance of the prosperity of the
commercial-motor-vehicle industry.
Director, Cartimore Six Wheelers, Ltd.
(IN the anniversary of the 40th birthday of " The Conn mercial Motor," I feel that I should like to express my appreciation of the immense service this journal has rendered to the trade.
As you know, we have been consistent .advertisers in 'The Commercial Motor" for the past 32 years, and we really think that this policy is in no small degree responsible for the tens of thousands of Carrimores which are now on the road.
On the editorial Side we have always found your technical staff capable of dealing with new products, mechanical patents, etc., in a lucid and comprehensive manner, which we know to be greatly appreciated by your readers_ • Long may you continue to act as the champion of the heavy-vehicte industry.
MR. HUGH GARDNER, Director, L. Gardner and Sons, Ltd.
I HAVE been very interested to read your article " 40 I Years' Service to Road Transport." This brief record of the history and present activities of " The Commercial Motor" is something of which you .should be justly proud. From experience I feel that the journal's activities and publications are very useful to the transport industry, May I tender my congratulations and best wishes for the future of your valuable journal.
MR. WILLIAM E. DUCK, Chairman, Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd. I OFFER my heartiest congratulations on the 40th birth day of "The Commercial Motor." The 90 years of service which the journal has rendered to road transport are filled with achievementS of which it may justly be proud. i would like to express, too, to the Editor and his • colleagues my personal congratulations on the particularly clear-sighted understanding they have always shown on the problems and developments of the tyre industry. 'kindest regards and best wishes.
MR. GEORGE N. wasoN, •
Chairman, British Road Federation, Ltd.
As " The Commercial Motor" is celebrating its 40th birthday, I am writing to wish it many,more successful years of service to the road transport industry.
. Indeed, it 'seems to me that "The Commercial Motor's " value covers the Nation's entire transport system, for I have noticed howcareful you are to give full and fait consideration to all .the different sorts of transport which . this country possesses. • In the near future there is going to be great need for intelligent and determined advocacy of up-to-date methods in achieving, our. essential requirentents. I wish continued success to the part which I am sure "The Commercial Motor " will play.
Chairman, National Conference of Road Transport
• ' Clearing Houses and Managing Director, Transmotors, Ltd.
ON behalf of the Conference may I be permitted to /congratulate you on the 40th birthday of your very much -.appreciated: publication which has, throughout the years, performed a very .usefill and essential service to the
• motor haulage. industry.
In your 40 years of life yotnhave survived two great wats, which, in itself, is no mean feat. •
All our members realize the value 'to. our industry of your publication and we wish you 'continued success. If you proteed. on the sarne lines, steadily advaneing year by ,year, your 50th_ birthday wilt be hailed with even ' greater acelamation than• your 40th3
MR. C. A. COMPTON, General Manager, The Maudslay Motor Co., Ltd.
CONGRATULATIONS on the 40th birthday of "The Commercial Motor." Your staff team has certainly done a good job of work for inanufacturers and operators alike. Each successive year has proved progressive development, and when freedom from control becomes our blessing in the near future, may you con tinae to expand and develop as the leading trade journal.
mit c. W. BRETT,
Managing Director, Barimar, Ltd.
CONGRATULATIONS to "The Commercial Motor" on ...celebrating a notable anniversary in the history ol British trade and technical journals. To have -established such a reputation is no mean achievement, and I trust that the past 49 years of the journal will he only the forerunner of a very long and even more distinguished career.
MR. D. C. H. WELLS, Managing Director, Carmo (1929), Ltd.
1 WOULD like to congratulate you alt on the very interest ing description of a most valuable contribution to OW industry, contained in the little life history of ‘"Fht Commercial Motor."
I would like to be allowed to take this opportunity 01 saying how much we have all been indebted to Mr. C. P Hartrey for the attention and 'assistance he has a1way5 given to us.
MAJOR P. J. CHAPPLE, Director and General Manager, The Bristo Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd.
I AM very interested to note that your journal is celebratirq
its 40th birthday. I have a very distinct recollection o. the first issues, and during the whole of the period tin journal has maintained a high standard, and tertainl) identified itself with -the industry.
I wish you many happy returns of the celebration, MR. H. LOCKLEY BRODIE, Sales Manager, Sunbeam Commercial Vehicles, Ltd
CONGRATULATIONS !—Not only, on your 40th auni versary, but on your achievement in producing ove '2,000 issues, each of which has adequately covered thi news and problems of every section of the industry.
During all these years; and under your successive Editors your 'journal has preserved an independent outlook in tln
• best traditions of the Press.
Yon, at least, have given the industry a "Square Deal.' May your future he as bright as your past---and , you achievement as great.
MR. T. E. THOMAS, General Manager, London Passenger Transport Boar'
THE anniversary of a journal is worthy of celebration °nil when there is something to commemorate, That some thing may take -the form of usefulness or entertainment perhaps both, As " The Commercial Motor " has attaine both these requirements it deserves commendation for pas achievements, and a good wish -that it may be no let deserving when its jubilee arrives. I send congratulation on the 40th birthday of the journal and hope that a success ful future lies ahead.
MR. H. W. CRADDOCK, Advertising Manager, Champion Sparking Plug Co., Ltd.
-rHE directors of oar company request me to convey thei hearty congratulations on your valued journal attainin, its 40th birthday. The vigorous policy which has bee pursued by the Editor over the past 15 years is reflected i: the prestige which " The Commercial Motor " enjoys in th world of transport.
Successful trade journalism to-day 'demands constructiv leadership in the interests of the industry it claims to repre sent. Four decades of commercial-motor history have con firmed' the position which " The Commercial Motor " hold in the estimation of users and manufacturers alike, The establishment, during the uncertain years of war, c such an ambitious scheme as The Institute of Road Transport Engineers, for 'ei.arnpIe, is the eiridence of your journarsinitiative infostering the best interests of Britain's great industrial asset—commercial Motor transport!
With kind regards and our best Wishes for your continued prosperity.
LIEUT.-COLONEL D. C. McLAGAN, D.S.O., Secretary, S.M.M.T.
T DO not know that I have any„ special point 1 but your journal is always carefully read appreciated in the commeicial-vehicle world. for its future. to mention, and greatly Best wishes
Managiug Director, F. Perkins, Ltd.
pLEASE accept our congratulations to your Managing Director, and to the Editor and his staff, on such a record of encouragement and assistance to road transport,
MR. WILLIAM S. SHELLEY, Saks Manager, Lodge Plugs, Ltd.
WAS very :glad to read the article .commemorating the
40th birthday of " The Commercial Motor," and I offer the Editor and all responsible for the production of this journal very hearty congratulations on the great service they have rendered to the cause of motor road transport.