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wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Roads and Transport Congress.
Important conferences of municipal officials will take place atthe Agricultural Hall, Londen, during the forthcoming Public Works, Roads and Transport .Congress and Exhibition. Among the papers of interest from a transport point of view which will be read are :-"Transport Work in the Salvage Department. of the City of Birmingham," by Mr. James Jackson, cleansing superintendent, city of 13irmingharri ; " Reconstruction and Recarpeting of Roads," by Mr. W. P. Robinson, county surveyor, Surrey ; "The Latest Types and Use of Mechanical Appliances in Connection with Road Maintenance and Construction," by Mr. NOrman Scorgie, borough engineer and surveyor, Hackney ;"Changes in Road Construction and
• Maintenance," by Mr. H. Collins, engineer and surveyor, Colchester ; "Road Foundations and Carpeting," by Mr. E. , Worrall, Surveyor, Stretford ; "The Evolution of Roads and Trans,port Thereon," by Mr. F. Marsden, city engineer . and surveyor, Bradford.
Fixed Charges for Repairs.
United Automobile Services, Ltd., of Laundry Lane, Lowestoft,have recently i.ntugurated a scheme whiah is very cornniendable and will confer many benefits on users of A.E.C. and Daimler heavy vehicles. This Consists of a fixed-price repairs -list, .which has been compiled after many years' experience of the running '-and maintenance costs of
vehicles Of these makes. • We believe it to be the first attempt to institute a scheme of fixed-price repairs and it should go a long way towards creating greater confidence between users and repairer.
The fixed charge for a general over-haul of the engine of a CR.' or -type Daimler chassis is £47, the cost of the overhaul of a gearbox being £17
if the third speed be replaced and £12 10s. if the second speed be replaced. United Automobile Services, Ltd., are prepared to loan various units while users' chassis are under repair, the charges for these being purely nominal.
Exports Exceed Imports. To the best of :our recollection a the import and export figures of the motor trade, the month of September for the first time. showed an .excess of exports ever imports: The total value of the exports for the month was £434,874, this figure being in respect of 3,862 motorcars, commercial motor vehicles,
chassis and parts. Included in these figures were 96 commercial vehicles; valued at £38,701.
In addition to the above, we exported £111,792 of motorcycles and parts and £44,238 of tractors, including steamroller9. The imports fell to .2334,036.
275,498 Commercial' Motors.
The registration figures in respect of motor vehicles to August 31st, 1923-virtually the first nine months of the year, which, in this matter, dates from December 1st, 1922—have just been pubdished by the Ministry of Transport.
Eliminating the licences that were issued for the first quarter and second quarter of the year (because those have all expired), and only including lioencesfor the third quarter, for a part year (which is four months and over), and for the whole year, we are able to set out the licences current at August 31st as follows :—
Motor vehicles taxed on h.p. ... 383,525 Commercial goods vehicles ... 173,363 Road locomotives ... 2,239 Motor tractors ... ... 1,466 Hackney carriages ... -85,965 Fire-engines and other ex empted vehicles ......12,465 making a total of 275,498 commercial vehicles, or 659;923 vehicles of the denomination mentioned. In addition, there were registered 430,600 motorcycles and invalid vehicles, and 16,034 motor ploughs. The amount received in taxation was 212,501,110.
A Bean One-ton Van.
At a dinner given' last week to introduce the new 14 hp. Bean it was announced that its manufacturers contemplated putting this chassis on the market in a modified form and suitable for use as a one-ton van. The alterations included the incorporation of a low-gear worm-driven back axle. The engine of the 14 h.p. Bean is a . four-cylinder detachable-headed job with side valves, a. five-plate clutch and a four-speed righthand-controlled gearbox. As a fiveseater touring car it sells for £395, so that the van can he expected to sell at an attractive price.
First Show Number of "The Motor."
Published simultaneously with this journal, the First Special Show Number of The Motor is now on sale. It is a particularly interesting issue, containing comprehensive information on 1924 cols and the features of their appointments.
Coachwork Vogue for 1924, The Wily and Wherefore of Chassis Layout, Fourwheel Braking, Choosing a New Car, and the Latest Accessories are among the many fine and well-illustrated articles which go to make up a number of extreme interest to motorists of every class.
Truro Coach Licences.
Truro Watch Committee has granted licences to Mr. C. Moon for a motor char-I-banes to ply for hire between Truro and Falmouth, to supersede a horse van which Mr. Moen has run over the route for many ,years; to Mr. A. Richards for a char-a-bancs to plybetween Truro and Redruth; and to Messrs. W. E. Richards and Sons for a char-a-barret for general use.
Another Sahara Expedition.
Following the successful crossing of the Sahara Desert by Citroen-Kegresse track machines, a new •route has now been proposed, from Celorub-Bechar (to the south of Oran) through VAdrar, Ouallen and Tessalit to Bourem`.: which is a, distance of not more than 1,800 kilometres. It is this route which will be utilized by a mission which is to be sent at the beginning of next month by the Cbmpagnie Generale Trans-Saliarienne.
The purpose of. the mission, which has received the support of the Ministries of War, Colonies, Public Works and Aeronautics, will be to survey the ground in order that an aeroplane service may ultimately be established between Algeria and the Niger. It is estimated that the distance should eventually be covered in two days by air, and in eight days by land, by meansof track-laying vehicles.
The expedition, which is to set out in -November, will be composed of •Lieut.. Georges Estienne, of the technical section A the air service; Lieut. Aubel, of the Army geographical service; and MMe Rene Rstienne, PrucPhommo, BillRabaude and Piete, who took part in
the crossing of the &hare, conducted by MM. Raardt and Audouin-Dubreuil.
The convoy wilPeonsist of four track. laying vehicles, one of which will draw an aeroplane with folding wings,. which is to be used for reconnaissance work. rendered particularly necessary in this case, since 600 kilometres of the route between Ouallen and Tessalit are totally unexplored.
Coaches on a Road Maintained by H.M. the King.
' In a communication addressed by the King's Commissioner at Balmoral to the Road Board of the Aberdeen County Council the question of the wear and tear on roads by motor chars-t-bancs is raised.
It appears that the public road from Lochnagar over the mountain side to Alltnaguishaich in the Balmoral district, which is entirely maintained hy His Majesty, has this year been used be. some motor coaches, and the Commissioner points out that if this form of traffic grows, as it seems likely to do, the whole road will require to be made on a. much stronger bed and some of the bridges will also require to be strengthened.
His Majesty's Commissioner states that the road should be scheduled as unsuitable for and closed to chars-fabanes, for Ilis Majesty is anxious to maintain the road in its present excellent condition, and it is suggested that. the county council should make an average contribution of the costs of their roads towards its upkeep.
An Important Agreement,
It is stated that an agreement has been completed whereby Thomas Tilling, Ltd., and their nominees who represent the remaining shareholders in the Road Transport and General Insurance Co., Ltd.. have disposed of the whole of their .holdings to the General Accident, Fire and Life Assurance Corporation, Ltd. The purchase price is said'to be in excess of twice the paid-up capital of the Road Transport and General Insurance Co , Ltd—i.e., £52,291. The Road Transport Co. will continue as a separate undertaking, and Mr. Richard S. Tilling, J.P., chairman of the company, will join the board of the General Accident, Fire and Life Assurance Corporation, Ltd.
• B.R.T.M.A. Officers.
The following officers have been elected by the members of the Solid Rubber Band Tyre Sectionof the British Rubber Tyre Manufacturers' Association, 11, Ironmonger Lane, London, E.C. 2, to hold office for the year ending September. 30th, 1924 :—Chairman, Mr, F. A. Bonsor (Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd.); vice-chairman, Mr. F. Glew (W. and A. Bates' Ltd.) ; hon. technical. secretary, Mr. W. Bond (Dunlop Rubber (Jo., Ltd.).
Roadside Cafes for Drivers Owing to the tremendous road traffic between the two cities, the main road between Liverpool and Manchester is beeoming dotted. with roadside cafe's, bearing the notice, "Transport workers catered for." This is quite a recent phase of development and it 'shows that refreshment contractors are very much alive to the voluminous traffic, when
they set out specially to cater for one section of road users. In districts where shops are scarce huts have been erected, at all of which light refreshments are available. At intervals during the day a queue of motor lefties can be found at any of these roadside buffets, and. there can be no gainsaying that they have nowbecome permanently established features of modern trade.
Lorry Insurance Rates Down.
The Sun Insurance Office, 60, Charing
Cross, London, draw our attention to the fact that it has been found possible to make substantial reductions in the premiums applicable to the bulk of motor vehicles used for the conveyance of goods. .
The rates for heavy goods vehicles, with the exception of cartage contractors', general carriers' and newspaper vehicles are lower than heretofore, whilst the rates for light goods vehicles are reduced for vehicles outside the London and Glasgow areas. with the exception of vehicles employed by those w\he are also excluded from the benefits in the heavy goods vehicle class.
Buses on Party Roads.
Birmingham Corporation , Tramways Committee suggests seeking the authoety of Parliament to enable -it to continue to run motorbuses on what are known es party roads. At several points the city boundary follows aline in the centre of the roadway. Owing to the growth of the population on the eutskirte, better travelling facilities are required. and the committee has instituted motor omnibus services on various routes, soma of which run along party roads.
By the Birmingham Corporation Act, 1914, the corporation is authorized to run motor omnibuses " within the city,' but on certain routes the committee has perforce to run the vehicles in one direction a few yards outside the boundary of the city.
As some doubt has been expressed as to the power of the corporation to run the motor omnibuses along these party roads, .the committee feels that it is desirable that the matter be cleared up. It therefore proposes to insert a clause in the corporation's new Bill to the effect that, for the purpose of removing doubts, all roads which are partly within the city boundary and partly without shall, for motor omnibus purposes, be deemed to be within the city. .
• Orders for Vukans.
• William Jeffreys and Co., Ltd., of Swansea, inform us that a few days age they placed their 14th recent order with the ulcan Motor and Engineering Co. (1906), Ltd. The company recentlyetools deliveryof -a 30-cwt. standard lorry, 3 2-ton tipping wagonand a 30-cwt. trades man's van of this make, and also hart in the course of. construction at the Vulcan works a' 26-seater bus.
A Coach in Carnival-Guise.
At a recent autumn carnival at Morecambe. a -rather, noveluse was made. of. a Tilling-Stevens motor coach,. .which won first prize. The:chae-ft-banes carried about 400 electrie lights, and by attracting the attention of thepoblio served as a useful form of advertise. ment. We have seen a -photograph of the vehicle (forwarded to us by• Morecambe Motors, Ltd., Harbour Garage, Morecambe), which depicts the vehicle
in its carnival guise. • . . .
The Preston Parade.
Yet another parade of commercial motor vehicles is to be held in Lancashire, and arrangements are now well in 'band for the Preston C.M.U.A. to hold its second annual fixture on Saturday, November 3rd. This will make the third parade to have been held in Lancashire this year. The reason for the late date is stated to be owing to the proposed parade grounde–the new arterial road— being in the hands of the road menders. Mr. Walter Atkinson, secretary of the Preston Area Committee of the C.M.U.A., is organizing the event, Which, if last year's is any criterion, should be-a great success.
Steam Tractor and Roller Costs.
In his annual report the county surveyor -of Herefordshire states that all costs of running for the steam tractors and rollers used by the local authority are kept in order that the amount of fuel and stores used by each machine, the amount of road stone or other material dealt with, and the ton-mileage. travelled may be ascertained. The total average cost of running the steam tractors for the past year has been reduced by 40 per cent, and that of the rollers by 18 per cent., an allowance of 15 per cent, in regard to depreciation of tractors and 10 per cent, in-the case of the rollers (which are admitted to he rather high rates) being made in the figures.
The cost of work done by the tractors has been on an average 8.6d. per tonmile, and the averaga daily cost of the work performed by each of the rollers has been £2 3.s. fid. The rollers have each consolidated an average of 322,000 sq. yds. of new metalling, which works out at 20.6 tons per day. It is stated that the establishment of a highways depot at Hereford has proved economical and has enabled the costs of repair to be greatly reduced.
For Better Roads.
The remarkable -life story of Thomas Telford (1757 to 1834), the famous bridge and road builder, forms the first features of the October issue of " Shepherd's a technical quarterly ,issued in the interests of better roads; and directed more particularly to the road engineer, architect and civil engineer. Other contributions include an illustrated article on the new Manchester-toRoyton arterial road, dealing in a bright and newsy fashion with the use , of asphaltic slag in this connection.
A second instalment of "The Roadmaker's Alphabet " is included. Cornriled by S. J. Pearson, M.Inst.P., working in conjunction with 3. A. Rodwell, A..M.rnst.C.E., and with references to
such standard works as Glossary of Road Terms," by H. P. Boulnois, M:Inst.C.E., this feature is a practical and authoritative work and is proving of value to engineers, surveyors and architect s.
The publishers are William Shepherd and Sons, Ltd., of Rochdale, the magazine being 3d. per copy.
A New Scottish Bridge.
The new bridge situated at the mouth of the River Coe, which completes the new road between Ballachulish and Kinlochleven, was officially tested a few days ago and subsequently opened for traffic. Partof this road was opened close on 12 months ago. The new bridge is a reinforced concrete structure and it is built up of four spans, .each of 45 ft. width.
A Day for Prosecutions.
In his quarterly report, the chief Constable of East Riding states that, as a result of a motor control day organized for the purpose of checking drivers' licences and licence cards, there were 115 prosecutions for various offences under the Motor Car Acts and Orders, chiefly for driving motor vehicles without being in possession of, or failing to produce, driver's' licences. Penalties amounting to £106 were inflicted. During the past three months there has. been an abnormal number Of these prosecutions, and the total penalties have amounted to £754.
Reliability of Modern Motors.
In his inaugural address as president of the Manchester Association of Engineers, Mr. Cecil Bentham pointed to the growth of road traffic as being the most important transport development in recent years. The reliability of the motor vehicle of to-day for, passenger or goods traffic was, he said, amazing, 5,000 miles being frequently. inn by a vehicle without any attention beyond keeping up the supply of petrol, oil and water. He also drew attention to the vast sums of money being spent on the construction of new highways and improvements to existing thoroughfares, and stated that the speed of road traffic has accelerated with the coming of mechanically propelled vehicles and that greater value should be olitairied from existing main roads if this higher speed could be properly utilized.
Argentine Imports.
During the first six months of 1923 the Argentine Republic imported 106 European and 54 American lorries. The Ford assembly plant at Buenos Aires disposed of 1,260 1-ton trucks during this period.
Manchester's Traffic Congestion.
The annual report of the -Manchester Corporation Paving Committee mentions that, in common•with other large cities, both at home and abroad, the traffic congestion problem still remains. The construction of the tramway terminus in the widened portion of Cannon Street has relieved the congestion of traffic along Corporation Street and the Market Street crossing, and it is hoped that the construction of other terminals will further help in this matter.
The endeavour to ease and regulate the pedestrian trafficby -a change of rule—to keep to the left instead of the right—and thus secure greater comfort and safety, has, says the, report, been an obvious failure.
Route of London-Liverpool Motorway.
The promoters of the new northern metorway, which is to link London, Liverpool, Birmingham and Manchester, have been persuaded by the manufacturers and traders of the Potteries and district to divert the route of the road . in order to bring it closer to the -districts in which they reside. The route as originally planned skirted the Potteries by way of Stone, Whitmore and Madeley, but the amended route will run
much closer to the industrial area, being diverted through. Trentham, Newcastleuuder-Lyme and Audley. It is estimated that the sum to be spent on the road in the neighbourhood of the Potteries will be about £250,000.
Level-crossing Inconveniences.
Southend Town Council has decided that, having regard to the increasing danger to pedestrians and vehicular traffic arising from the level crossing at Leigh Station, caused by the closing of the railway gates for considers-bin periods, to bring again to the notice of the London, Midland and Scottish Railway the urgency of the matter and request that steps be taken without further delay effectively to remedy the existing conditions. The Board of Trade and the member of Parliament for the borough have been asked to support the town council in this matter.
Another Petrol Rail Bus Service.
There are several petrol-driven rail motorbuses in use in this country, and a further service using vehicles of this type has just been inaugurated between Harrogate and Knaresborough. 'The vehicle follows in general outline the bnild of the average road vehicle, although it differs from it in so far as It can be operated from each end. Knaresborough is a favourite resort amongst Harrogate visitors, who -will 110 doubt find the service of much value.
Considering Subsidy Lorries.
In connection with a proposal to purchase two motor vehicles, the highways committee of the Westminster City Council reports that it has now considered the fact. that the Government is subsidizing certain types of 30-cwt. lorries to the extent of £40 per annum. The committee points out that, at the moment, there are several makers who have had their models approved by the War Office, and that there are others who are adjusting their designs to meet the efficial requirements. In these circumstances, it appears to the committee that the question of the purchase of additional, matins should be deferred until such time as further particulars of the Government scheme are available. .
Bradford. Seeking New Powers.
in our last issue we,drew attention to the fact that the Bradford authorities: were abotit to seek powers, by way of a Provisional Order, to ran motor omnibuses in the city, in spite of the fart that they already use trolley-buses. The scheme however, has not mathrialized; anclilthe Minister of Health wik not make the necessary Order on the lines suggested.
If the Bradford Corporation now decides to adhere to its original plans it -will be necessary to get a special Bill through 'Parliament. The Provisional Order, however, may be granted to extend the running powers of the Corporation for trolley-buses, and it is stated [tat application is to be made for this permission.
A Remarkable Achievement.
In perusing our recent report of the C.V.U.A. Liverpool Parade, many of our readers will have observed that the awards in many of the classes were *on hy vehicles in the service of Fairrie and Co., Ltd., sugar refiners, Liverpool. As a matter of fact, the .company's vehicles have a most meritorious record in connection -with the four annual parades which have been organized in Liverpool, and the achievements of individual machines are well worth while reeording.
For instance, a 1916 4-ton 'carrier platform wagon has won 10 prizes in the past four years, a 1920 6-ton Dennis tipping wagon has won six prizes in the past three years, 'and a 1921 8-ton Leyland tank wagon has won four prizes in the past two years. Theta three vehicles have won the Thdrnycroft Challenge cup for tliro years running and also the first prize each year in the classes in which they were entered.
.Six of Messrs. Fairrie's steam wagons have won 35 prizes between them in the four Years, including the Sentinel challenge Cup three times, viz., in the years 1920, 1922 and 1923. In all, 55 prizea have been gained by the company's fleet since the parades were first organized.
Graded Horn-Sounds to Assist in Traffic Direction.
Would. it be helpful to motor (Rivers and to police constables on point duty if standard motor horns were made compulsory, so that the sound emitted would indicate the type of vehicle to which it belonged?
This was the purport of a proposal made to the Wigan Watch Committee a few days ago by Councillor .Walter Atherton, who suggested that it would be an excellent idea if they Could get legalized a standardization of three distinct sounds—one confined to motorcycles, one to small motorcars, and a third to heavy motor vehicles. He showed the advantage it would be to policemen on point duty, who would
know from the sound, even if their backs were turned, what class of motor vehicle was approaching. Motorists themselves, he said, would also benefit greatly from the fact that when they were travelling, say, in narrow country lanes theywould know from the sound what kind of vehicle was passing. them, and thhs.have. a better idea as to the amount of room required.
It was decided that the town clerk, the (lief -constable, and the chairman should take the matter in hand and bring it before the appropriate authorities.
Police Improve Services. , The chief constable of Merthyr has reported to the watch committee that since a warning was issued to the bus proprietors in the district as to the alleged irregularity of services, a great improvement had been noted and that no complaints were now being =del.
A Library Van's Value.
The annual report of the Manchester Corporation Libraries Committee states that the motor-vAn service for book exchange has been carried on regularly
throughout the year. Applications for books numbered 8,999, and 5,858 volumes were loaned between the various libraries. In addition, the van has carried over 6,000 bags of new books, periodicals; and supplies to the district libraries,' and has also.beeni-uSed for the collectiore Of donations and the delivery of books from the bookbinders to headquarters. '
. B.A.T. Traffic Receipts.
The traffic receipts on the British Automobile Traction Co.'s group of passenger-carrying vehicles for the four weeks of September are as follow :— Week ending September 9th. £43,580, and for the following three weeks, £39,638, £31,679, and £31,761 respectively. The aggregate for the past 69 week's is 1,115,292, an increase of £8,080 over the corresponding period of
Local Proceedings.
Grantham Watch Committee proposes to purchase a trailer fire-engine.
Lytham and St. Anne's Corporation has purchased four Motor omnibuses.
The police authorities of Hull are asking for tendews for a motor ambulance.
Spalding Urban District Council has decided to purchase a, motor fire-engine.
Gainsborough Urban District Council invites tenders for the supply of a motor fire-engine.
Greenock Corporation is to build a new fire-station, and will later be requiring motor appliances.
Chard Town Council has asked the fire brigade committee to report on the desirability of purchasing a motor fireengine.
Essex County Council proposes to purchase a Foden steam wagon at a cost of £920, and a Ford tipping wagon at a cost of £200.
West Riding County Council Highways Committee reeommends the purchase of eight small motorcars for the divisional surveyors. '
Following a report from the captain of the fire brigade, the Tredegar Urban District Council is to consider the purchase of a new motor fire-engine.
St. Albans Watch Committee has made arrangements for parking facilities in the centre of the town, the idea. being to encourage visitors to stay in St. Albans.
Reporting on the traction problem, the Dover Corporation tramways manager states that motorbuses could be effectively Med at the extreme ends of the tramway system.
Tenders are invited by the Director, Iklunicipalities and Local Commissions Section, Savoy House, Cairo, for the supply of motor fire-engines for certain local commissions.
Before ..purchasing new vehicles, the Southwark Borough Council proposes that its sub-committee shall defer the actual purchase until it has had an opportunity of visiting the motor trade exhibition;' when better terms might he secured.
Lewisham Corporation has placed as order with Shelvoke and Drewry, Ltd., for an S.D. freighter dustcart. ' The machine will bethe company's standard -model, but the body will be increased by 1 ft. in width in order to bring tho capacity up to 5-5i cu. yds.
Linlithgow Town Council has decided to purchase a .fire-engine.
Taunton Town Council has authorized the purchase of a motor fire tender at a cost not exceeding £925.
St. Helen's Corporation has decided to obtain tenders for the supply of a Bowser tank for the tramway depot.
A committee of the Pontardawe (Glara,) Rural District Qouneil is to consider the purchase of a new steam roller and tar-spraying machine.
Birmingham Corporation Electric Committee recommends the pnrchase of two motors for the department at a total cost mot exceeding £920.
Devizes Town Council has decided to purchase a motor fire-engine, capablo of pumping from 300 gallons to 350 gallons a minute.
Major Peel is bringing to the notice of the Flintshire County Council the danger involved by the straying of cattle on highways owing to persons leaving gates open.
A committee of the Wahhamstow Urban District Council has considered the comparative cast of dealing with house refuse by means of steam tractor and horse-drawn vans, and recommends Bo action be taken in the matter.
Colchester Corporation Tramways Committee is considering the question of introducing trolley-buses, and at the last meeting of the town council it was stated that the success of the system in Ipswich had already been noted, and that. it was proposed shortly to send a deputation '\o inspect the working of the system in that city.
New Roads in Surrey.
It is stated that work on the new Kingston and Sutton arterial by-pass roads, which will ultimately provide employment for 2,000 men, will shortly be started. The new roads will be typical modern constructions and, combined, will be over 13 miles long. Their maximum width will be 100 ft., although at the outset it is only proposed to surface a carriageway 30 ft. wide. It is esti mated that the total cost' of the new roads will be £567,000, and, in consideration of a grant from the London County Council, only men drawn from labour exchanges in the L.C.C. areas' with six months' residential qualification will be employed.
A Bantam Pump for Somerset.
The joint urban district council and rural district council of Wellington and Cnimstock, Somerset, have decided to purchase two Tilling-Stevens bantam fire-pumps. A demonstration recently carried out with a machine of this type was of a very satisfactory 'nature and included pumping from a pond with iong and short lines of hose, working from poor:supply, low-pressure hydrants, and also from a hydrant with 'a good supply but at low pressure, the final test with the pump being the taking of water from the pump and pumping it through a long line of hose uphill.
Safety of Underground Fuel Storage. The fireproof qualities of the underground system of petrol storage are effectively demonstrated by a disastrous fire which destroyed the buildings, etc., of the Horn River Co., Ltd., at Rumford recently. Although the intensity of the fire was such RS completely to distort the shape of the Golden Pump installed at the depot, it. is instructive to note that the petrol contained in the underground tank was kept perfectly safe and was unaffected by the terrific heat of the flames. The fireproof qualities of the Anglo-American Oil Co.'s.system of bulk storage are thus proved.
Instruction in Highway Transport. • Mr. Arthur H. Blanchard, Professor of Highway Engineering and Highway Transport at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, has forwarded to us a schedule of the 1923-24 short-period courses in highway engineering and highway transport which will be carried out during the winter period from December to March. It is believed that this is the only university offering such courses towards advanced degrees.
It is interesting to note that the attendance at these courses has steadily increased during the past four years from 29 in 1919-20 to .110 in 192.3-24. The average age of the men in attendance last winter was 27 years, and they were drawn from all spheres.
Citroen's New H.Q.
Citroen Cars, Ltd., inform us that the sale of Citroen vehicles and service in connection with vehicles of this make in the United Kingdom will be conducted from the company's new building at Brook Green, Hammersmith, London, W.6. It is claimed that this service station is the largest of its type in the world. Ample showroom accommodation is provided, whilst the extensive replir department ;s organized and equipped on modern lines.