The Wheels of Industry.
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This journal, dealing as it does with the "Chariots of War," no less than with the " Wheels of industry," continues of national importance. Its interests embrace impartially the transport wagon and the parcelcar, the military tractor and the steam lorry.
Recent Registrations.
Tarbar and TaM Motor Co., Ltd. (£500), with its office at Harbour Office, Portniahornack, to carry on the business of carriers of passengers and Foods.
W: Goodyear and Sons, Ltd. (2100,000), to acquire the businesses carried on as W. Goodyear and Sons, the Goodyear Motor Wheel Co., and the the Goodyear Co., at Dudley, as manufacturers of motorcycles, carriage and wagon wheels and accessories, files, vices, and sheet metal, etc.
Proposals and Purchases by Local Authorities.
Chatham Town Council is about to purchase an Aveling and Porter steam tractor and two trueks.
The chief constable of Dunfermline is considering complaints as to the alleged overcrowding of the Council's motorbuses.
Perth Town Council has taken delivery of a new motorbus, at a cost of 21400. The vehicle is divided into compartments, one being for smokers.
Sunbury U.D.C. finds it impossible to get anybody to undertake the horsing of fire-engines, hut hopes to acquire a motor engine on the instalment system, or to buy a second-hand chassis.
Hamilton (N.B.) has received and tested its new Dennis motor fireengine, several of which make belong to the Lanark County Council, and are controlled from Hamilton, by the chief constable of the county.
Petrol Taxes.
This issue of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR will be nearly reay for publication, and certainly completely printed, by the time Mr. MeKennairs announcement about petrol taxation isavailableto the .Press. We have been obliged, since war broke out, to go to press 24 hours earlier than under pre-War conditions. We do no 'know to what extent rumours about petrol taxation will be fulfilled, butthe most definite of them are the following: That there will be an all-round new tax, for Imperial purposes, of 3d. per gallon, with no rebate to anybody ; that there will he a new tax of 6d. per gallon, for Imperial purposes, with a rebate of half, following the precedent of the 1909-1910 legislation, to owners of commercial motors. We do know that the same stringency, in respect of issuing not more than normal supplies, has been generally enforced upon bonded stores, in respect of petrol,
B36 as has been exercised on tea and other bonded warehouses. This action is highly significant, but we hope that commercial owners will not have their transport taxed at this time.
Mechanical Aids to Agriculture.
We announced, in our issue of the 2nd inst., that steps had been taken to secure, at the hands of the Highland and Agricultural Society, a demonstration with agrimotors at or near Inverness. The secretary of the H. and A.S. has now informed the committee of northern agriculturists that a demonstration will take place at Stirling, at the King's Park Farm, on the 5th and 6th October, and that it is hoped to be able to repeat the demonstration at Inverness, subject to a measure of financial assistance, and the undertaking of arrangements locally.
Our Fund.
2429 a month is now promised towards the 2750 a month which is at once needed. This includes our estimates of regular contributions from A. S. C., MT., Depots. Unconditional promises of 210 a month for 12 months (or for the duration of the war, if a less period) have so far been made by nine of the principal members of the commercial-motor industry ; this is the individual maximum for 1915-1916. There are numerous promises of £5 a month.
We shall give the lists in full a fortnight hence, and shall publish them, so far as the maximum donations go, regularly in our pages, and also in the eases of comforts. Earliest Delivery Dates.
Our register of delivery dates is now in force. We are, within definite limits, able to inform any intending buyer of a commercial motor—from a parcelcar to a fivetonner—as to the makers or agents from whom the earliest deliveries can be expected. We hold ourselves at the disposal of users in this additional and important direction.
Subsidy Model Makers.
We have been able to inform numerous inquirers, during the past week, that subsidy-model makers have been proportionally released by the War Office, on the same terms and to the same extent as other makers—say, between 25 and 30 per cent, of output. These makers, if there is no commercial demand, can deliver all to the W.D.
Government Contracts.
The following tenders have been accepted, during the past month, by the Government Departments named :—War Office : Motor bodies (term contract)— D. Napier and Son, Ltd. Motor-lorry bodies—E. and W. Hora, Ltd. MotorcarsWolseley Motors, Ltd. Motor lorries and parts — Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway ; Leyland Motors, Ltd. ; Smith, Parfrey and Co., Ltd. ; Tilling-Stevens, Ltd. Motor rollers—Barford and Perkins, Ltd. ; Wallis and Steevens, Ltd. Traction-engine wheels—Aveling and Porter, Ltd. ; Ruston, Proctor and Co., Ltd. Post Office : Motor chassis—D. Napier and Son, Ltd. Erratum.
For " members," in the fourth line from, bottom of the first column of the first page of our issue of last week, there should have been printed "numbers.'
Goodrich Extensions.
-Users of Goodrich tires.: in the north will be interested to know that the B. F. Goodrich Co., Ltd., has opened new premises at 6 and 7, St. Andrew's Buildings, West Gallowgate, Newcastle-on-Tyne. A full stock of the Goodrich specialities will be kept including the wellknown pneumatic solid tires.
A S.C., M.T., Gymkhana.
An interesting and entertaining change from the regular routine of their duties was afforded the members of the M.T. Reserve Depot, A.S.C., Grove Park, S.F.., recently, during the week ending 11th September, when the members of the corps, with the kind permission of Lieut. -Col. F. W. Wright, the Officer Commanding, and also with the active co-operation of Major W. S. Oakley, the officer in charge of testing, competed in a gymkhana. In all, no fewer than 33 heavy vehicles were. entered and there were, in addition, events
which were set aside for the benefit of touring cars and their drivers.
Amongst the. number of interesting events, perhaps those involving figure-of-S and figure-of-eight driving, and also others such as catching a swinging potato and tilting at the ring, proved to he rix.)st entertaining. The first item was a
general appearance" competition. it is notable that at the conclusion of this event and after inspection the ground was cleared of 48 lorries, closely parked together, in the remarkably short space of 2 mins. 38 secs.
At the conclusion of the gymkhana the many prizes were presented by Mrs. F. W. Wright, wife of the Officer Commanding at the Depot.
Lamp-lighting Table.
Light up your lamps at.:-6.25 on Thursday, 6.23 on Friday, 6.21 on Saturday, 6.16 on Monday, 6.14 on Tuesday, and 6.11 on Wednesday. The above times are for London. In Edinburgh light up 44 minutes. later, Newcastle 37 minutes later, Liverpool 38 minute later, Birmingham 43 minutes later, and Bristol 47 minutes later. For Dubha the lighting-up time reckoned in the local mean time for the district is 23 minutes earlier than Greenwich time. Road Rollers Wanted.
The Road Board is in urgent need of additional road rollers, and numerous local authorities are coining to its aid. The Hove Town Council has authorized the loan of a steam roller' with driver and six water-carts. at, a charge of 27s. per day, for the roller anman, and Is. per day for the water-carts. Lewisham Borough Council has agreed to a similar loan, of one roller and driver, at Ths. per day (the Road Board to provide fuel, oil and waste, and to pay the driver's wages), and three small water-carts at is. each per day.
A Year's Work of the Daintier Employees' Fund.
An interesting eight-page pamphlet has been issued by the Daimler Co., Ltd., of Coventry, in which certain particulars are given of the good work that has been carried out, in connection with war relief, by employees of the company, Lou' dependents of their men. The
• publication contains extracts of numerous letters from recipients of cash and other gifts. It is gratifying to find that so many companies, amongst which the Daimler takes high place, are helping their own men, as well as extending generous support to numerous national and othar funds.
Developing the Wirral Peninsula.
A Star motor omnibus, one of two which are owned by Sir W. H. Lever, Bart., to maintain a service between Birkenhead and Thornton Hough, was illustrated by us in our issue of the 29th Juiy. In a recent letter on the subject of this service, Sir W. H. Lever tells us that he finds it an advantage to hasre an extra vehicle, either to augment the service or as a stand-by. The vehicles are found to serve tenants and residents on Sir William Lever's estate to great advantage, but they are, of course at the service of the general public as well. The fares range from id. to 3d. according to distance, and offer a great local attraction.
An Opinion front Mr. Barrow Cadbury.
Mr, Barrow Cadbury wrote as follows from Bournville, Birmingham, on the 28th ult., to Mr. Henry Garner :—
" Dear Mr. Garner,—I have pleasure in giving the most satisfactory report of the three-ton motor lorry. I saw it several times during my recent visit to the centres of work in connection with the Friends War Victims Relief in the Marne districts of France and everyone spoke well of the lorry. It is indispensable and continually at work, carrying the framework for the wooden houses over a large district. So far as I could gather, they have had no trouble at all, and in every way it is most satisfactory." Recruiting Slips for Taxi-drivers.
The chief recruiting staff officer advises us that the Publicity Department of the Central Recruiting Depot, Whitehall, S.W., is in a position to supply free of charge any number of recruiting slips for affixing to motorcars and taxicabs. The authorities are desirous of having these displayed upon most of the vehicular tralhe operating in London, and for this purpose they will send to garages, etc., a man to fix them to the vehicles upon being notified.
Was it Agricultural Work or Commercial Haulage?
Mr. Robert Marsh, of Hawkedon, near Clare, Essex, was summoned at Hedingharn Petty Sessions on the 31st nit., for using a traction engine without a licence. The machine was drawing baled hay and chaff from a railway station to a farm. The defendant contended that the traction engine was an agricultural engine, and was engaged on the haulage of agricultural produce. The police opposed this view, and claimed that a licence should be taken out for the engine, seeing that it was used as a locomotive for commercial purposes. The Bench convicted, and imposed a fine of £2, including costs.
A Converted 16 h.p. Humber.
Messrs. J. A. Terry and Co., wine merchants, of Melrose House, Hamlet Court Road, Westeliff-on: Sea, purchased a 16 h.p. Humber car in March last, and thereafter applied fer our adviee in regard to various points connected with = its working. This firm very kindly made two contributions to our " Campaign Comforts" Fund, in acknowledgment of the services which we rendered to it by our answers and information. We now learn from the proprietor of the business that he is well satisfied with the work which the vehicle is doing, averaging about 50 calls per day, with loads of from 10 cwt. to 12 mi. t., and we have had pleasure in giving him some further advice. A photograph of the van is reproduced herewith.
Public Lorry on Private Work.
The following strongly-worded resolution has been passed. by the Bexley Heath U.D.C.. arisfng from the use of the Council's motor lorry in carting coal to the houses of the chairman of the Electricity Committee and of the tramways manager. The tramways manager accepted entire responsibility, and explained that the matter was due to a misunderstanding between himself and the road foreman. The re solution reads : "That this Council deprecates any official of the Council having any monetary transactions or joint ventures with any 'member of the Council, and will not
n42 permit any official to buy, purchase, or hire, or make use of any property or goods of the Council, or employ or make use of any employee of the Council on his own private affairs except when authorized by statute."
Smith Accessories.
The directors of S. Smith and Sons (Motor Accessories), Ltd., announce that the company's profit for the financial year ended the 31st July last, before charging income tax and directors' remuneration, was £21,591. A dividend of 10 Per cent, per annum has been declared on the ordinary shares.
Dundee's Leyland Fire-engine.
On the occasion of the completion of the Leyland fire-engine constructed to the order of the Dundee fire-brigade authorities, the machine was driven from the works of the Leyland Co. to that city, a distance of over 320 miles, in just under three days. The whole journey was covered without a single involuntary stop being made, and the machine, we arc informed, ran
splendidly. On the way to Dundee, a call was made at.the Edinburgh central fire stadon, and the authorities there were much impressed with the new machine. .
The engine is of the 40-50 h.p. Leyland type, and the machine is fitted with a turbine pump of 350 gallons capacity. The official pump teats took place at the Admiralty Dock, Dundee, the day following the delivery of the machine. We give below the results obtained from these tests, which show the size of jet used and the pressure per sq. in. obtained on the pump :— After this trial the fire-engine successfully negotiated, in the course of a hill-climbing test, a gradient of 1 in 4.The authorities were impressed with the capabilities of the machine, and agreed to accept delivery right away.