You Can Get It At " W.S." (Liverpool).--The name and
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address of the manufacturers of magnalite pistons is Walker M. Levett Co., Tenth Avenue at 36th Street, New York.
"FT." (Fulham).—S. Smith and Sons (M.A.), Ltd., 179, Great Portland Street, W., can supply you with a satisfactory type of commercial-vehicle horn.
" M. and J." (Wishaw).—In reply to your inquiry, the addresses of the firms named in the article are as follow :— Engines.
Buda.—The Buda Co., Harvey, Chicago Suburb, Illinois.
Rutenber.—The Rutenber Motor Co., Marion, In. diana.
Continental.—Continental Motor Manufacturing Co., Detroit, Muskegon. Wiscousin.—Wisconsin Motor Manufacturing Co., Station A, Dept. 311, Milwaukee.
Steering Gears.
Ross.—Ross Gear and Tool Co., 790, Heath Street, Lafayette, Indiana.
Ren.—Reo Motor Truck Co., Lansing, Michigan.
New Departure Ball Bearings.
A copy of the latest catalogue issued by the New Departure Manufacturing Co., describing this company's construction of ball bearings, is to hand from Brown Bros., Ltd., Great Eastern Street, London, E.G., who are the sole British agents for this speciality. Interesting textual matter is. included with a number of good line and half-tone illustrations. Three types of ball bearings are manufactured by this longestablished American concern, and some of the uses to which they can be put are fully described in this new catalogue.
Tumbler Switches.
We have received from. J. H. Tucker and Co., King's Road, Hay Mills, Birmingham, a sample of a new flattype tumbler switch which this. company has recently placed on the market.
The special claim made for this new switch is that it has a quick " make " as well as the usual quick " break" action. The movement is extremely simple and a positive action is obtained in the initial opening and closing of the switch. The contacts are claimed to be of special design, and afford great flexibility. Micanite only is used for insulating, and the base is constructed of highly vitrified porcelain. This class of switch, which is neat in appearance and is substantially constructed, should be particularly suitable for use in both garage and workshop.
A New Holder for External Chasers.
When cutting coarse pitch threads in steel it is a great advantage, to be able to make the tool cut on one side of the thread only, so as to avoid the danger of digging in and ripping. To enable this to be effectively carried out on the capstan and combination turret lathes manufactured. -by Alfred Herbert, Ltd.,
Coventry, this company has recently designed an inWresting chaser holder.
The body of the tool is bored out to receive the chaser holder, and has a slight lateral adjustment, which is made by means of a knurled-head screw. The holder can be clamped solid in any position during the cut, by means of a square-head screw.
When made for right-hand threads it is used with the lathe spindle running reverse, and the cutting edge is inverted so that the threads can be cut close to the shoulder by feeding into the work and traversing away from the chuck.
OS. Hub Mileometer.
leVe have recently had submitted to us for inspection and criticism a couple of models of the O.S. mileometer suitable for attachment directly into motorvehicle hub caps. These appeared to us to be quite simple in construct/on, and lacking in any complicated or delicate mechanism which is likely very easily to suffer from ill-usage. It can be mounted into any hub cap, no matter what type, and is driven by means of a peg fastened into the end of the axle. Two types are offered, enclosed and unenclosed. It is possible to drive these machines by means of the split pin which is so frequently used to secure the castle nut on the end of the axle.
The 0.5. mileometer does not set the figures back when the car is reversed, but it always records as though the machine were proceeding in a forward direction. It is designed to record up to 9999.9 miles, and then automatically returns to zero.
In view of the necessarily increased attention to economy which is anticipated in all directions, and the assistance which a knowledge of the cost per mile must give to the user when comparing the results achieved either by one chassis as against another, or by motor vehicles against horses, some such accurate means of recording the distance travelled is essential. The instrument we are discussing costs only 2.3s. in the case of the unencIesed type, and 20s. for the other type, the fitting required being a negligible quantity. It may be obtained from the 0.5. Sneedometer Co., 1, King Street, St. James's, London, S.W.